Chapter 26.

Chapter 26.

A Chapter by lilfeather

The 26th chapter!

Conner woke up with a scream caught in his throat. He held it in and sat up panting, blinking desperately in the pitch black room to figure out where he was. When he realized, it settled him slightly, but not enough to make his heart stop racing.

He wondered if he'd made any noise. That would be two nights in a row of waking people up in the middle of the night. That couldn't be good.

His clothes felt sticky and he realized he was covered in sweat. It must have been quite a dream. He was having trouble remembering it though. It was just bits and pieces. And certain pieces made him stop wanting to think about it.

He shivered. He didn't know whether it was because of his open window or something else.

He wasn't going to sleep well tonight.

"Jason. I need to talk to you."
Jason turned from putting bread in the toaster to look at Judy. "Morning, Ma." He glanced past her. "I saw Conner's sleeping on the couch. I didn't know whether to leave him there."

"I saw. He's fine."

"He went to bed upstairs last night though," Jason replied. "At least when I told him too. I don't know from after I went to bed what he did." He studied her. "What do you need to talk to me about?"

"It's about him."

Jason frowned. "What'd I do to him?"

"Nothing." She shook her head. "It's not anything like that."

"Oh." Jason gave her a look. "What'd he do?"

She chuckled. "Nothing, Jason. Neither of you have done anything as far as I know. And hopefully that's the case."

"Well, then what?" Jason asked. He eyed the toaster. He'd forgotten to press down the toast. He reached for the lever and did that now. "I think he likes me better. He wanted to come with me yesterday."

"You don't have to worry, Jason. He'll like you," she agreed. "Just give him time."

"I guess." Jason wasn't so easily convinced. "How was he last night?"

"Fine," Judy answered. "I just talked his ear off, like I do to all you boys. Don't know if he minded. He's pretty quiet."

"Yeah, no kiddin'." Jason paused. "So if this isn't about me, and this isn't about him doing something� Then� What exactly is this?" He frowned. "Is this a serious conversation or just one of your typical conversations?"

"Typical?" she echoed. She shook her head. "I don't know what you mean by that, but I'm afraid it's a serious conversation, Jason."

"Okay." He waited.

"And I'm telling you, because right now you're the one that I'm trusting with Conner. Because I think you are, and if not already, will be, very important to Conner�"

Jason rolled his eyes. "Ma, I've known him like two days and I'm no better than a lousy baby-sitter right now."

"Not the point, Jason�" she persisted.

"So what is it?"

She sighed. "Anthony called me."

Jason's mind tried to figure it out. Then his eyes widened a little. "Ma, are they taking him away from you? Already? What happened?"

"No, no. It's nothing like that, Jason�" Judy replied.

"Then why don't you just tell me?" he persisted. "Instead of just laying out all these random parts."

"I�m trying to, Jason." His toast popped up, and she turned her head to look at it. Jason automatically moved to grab his plate from the counter and grab the toast.

"Keep talking, Ma," he answered. "I can listen at the same time."

Judy watched him move to grab butter and a knife before going to sit at the table. She began to talk quietly, explaining to Jason why Anthony had called her last night and what news he brought up.

Jason listened for a moment and then had to interrupt. "Okay, okay. Who is Kevin?"

"You remember what I told you about Conner's family?" Judy replied. She sat beside him at the table and glanced at the doorway as though she expected Conner to wake up and walk in any moment.

"Yeah," Jason agreed, smearing butter generously all over his toast.

"The man who took him after his mother's death. His mother's boyfriend. That's Kevin."

Jason nearly dropped the knife in his hand. He stared at Judy with narrowed eyes. "So wait� The f*****g pervert. The one who did all that stuff to him? That guy knows where he is?"

Judy paused and then nodded slowly. "Possibly, Jason. Possibly. And Anthony was saying not to worry, but it's hard not to. I mean�"

"How does that just happen?" Jason replied. "I mean, there's laws. And even the occupation has laws. I mean�"

"I know, Jason. I was just as shocked as you were."

Jason pushed his chair back and asked stiffly, "Where's this Anthony guy's number?"

Judy looked at him. "Jason�"

"I'm serious. I want to talk to him. Where's his number?"

"Jason. No. Sit down."

Jason shook his head. "No, Ma. If Conner got to somehow call him at four o'clock in the morning, then I damn well have the right to call him right now."
Judy looked at him calmly and pointed at his seat. "We're not done talking, Jason. Sit down, and let's talk about this."

Jason worked his jaw and then dropped back down into his seat. He hated arguing with Judy. "Fine, okay. So what are we supposed to do about it?"

"Let me just tell you what Anthony said to me�" Judy continued. "Jason, I realize you're frustrated."

"Frustrated?" Jason ran his hands through his hair. "Ma, it's just that yesterday that kid disappeared for hours, and I thought nothing of it other than he's just wandering around. He could have been gone. And last night I come home, I won't even tell you what hour, and he's just f*****g sitting out on the front step, like nothing."

Judy sighed. "I know, Jason. Trust me, I know."

"And he doesn't listen. I bet he'll disappear today."

Judy shook her head. "No, Jason. He won't."

"Why do you say that?"

"Won't you be with him?"

Jason felt lost. "I can't. I can't have every second� Ma, you agreed with me yesterday that it's impossible for me to be with him every second of the day�"

"I know, Jason. Still, I don't expect that. He'll learn where he needs to be."

"What did Anthony say?"

"Well�" Judy hesitated. "He of course said there's no immediate threat. That we just should be aware of our surroundings and everything�"

"Does Conner know?"

With a deep breath, Judy answered. "No. He doesn't."

Jason shrugged. "Probably better."

"Yeah, I�m not sure, honestly." She paused. "I don't know what to do. I want him to feel safe here. I don't really want to tell him that he could be found. Because in my mind, he won't be."

"Isn't there anything�" Jason objected. "I mean, how is that guy just walking around after everything he did?"

"It's more difficult than that," Judy answered. "Not only is he on probation, but there's a restraining order against him. And thanks to Megan's Law�"

"I know all that crap, Ma. I want to know what they can really do."

"Right now�?" she answered slowly. "Right now it's all hearsay, honey. I'm sorry. But I just needed to tell you. Because I know that you'll be with Conner, and�"

"Thanks, Mom. As if today couldn't top yesterday�" Jason muttered.

"Sweetheart�" Judy looked at him firmly. "This will be fine. As long as we're all on the same page, you understand?"

"I've learned that the house could be burning down and you'd still tell me it would be fine, Ma�"

She smiled at him and was about to reply, but Jason interrupted,

"It's fine," he said. "I'm sorry. It's just nonstop since I've been home. You guys definitely saved up all the drama for me." He paused. "Speaking of which. Talk to Ian today."

She nodded. "I will."

"You got to go to work?"

"In a little bit. I have to run upstairs, make a couple phone calls, and I'll be on my way." She pushed back her chair and stood. "I'll wake up Conner on my way upstairs. Check on him in just a bit, okay?"


She moved towards him and leaned down to kiss him on the forehead. "Thank you, Jason. I love you."

"Love you too�" he mumbled as she left the kitchen.

It took him a couple minutes to collect himself and digest the information he'd just gotten. It was hard to believe and pretty unnerving. Out there was the person that Judy had described to him, who had done these horrific things to a little boy, and who now knew where this boy was? And was potentially looking for him?

It didn't make sense.

How did someone let that happen?

He resisted the urge to find Anthony's number again. Ma was right to stop him. His impatience and irrationality right now would not get them anywhere. It was hard to even tell if it was Anthony's fault. And he after all had been the one to warn then.

Jason finished his toast, wondering if every breakfast would be ruined now that Conner was here. Yesterday with the story of his past and now this� It seemed never ending.

He brushed some crumbs off his lap and got up to put the plate in the sink.

He sighed and figured he should check on Conner. Was this going to be another day chock full of figuring this kid out? He was already exhausted by it. He didn't know how Ma stayed calm.

He had just convinced himself that his goal for the day would be to stay calm all day when he walked into the next room to view Conner on the couch and nearly exploded.

"What the f**k do you think you're doing?" he demanded. He'd intended to start their day off by asking him why he was sleeping on the couch but that was all soon forgotten.

Conner looked startled at the outburst, and his eyes just kind of widened as Jason's voice filled the room. He looked down at his hands.

Where he was holding a gun.

Jason's gun.

"I�" he started. He panicked when Jason started towards him, because this seemed like a huge deal, and raised the gun, haphazardly aiming it. Maybe it would make Jason stay away.

Jason didn't seem very phased by the motion but stopped a few feet from him, looking incredibly angry. "Conner. This is the maddest I've been in a while. Give it to me."

That did not give Conner any incentive to put down the gun or even say anything. He wasn't at all sure what to do now. What had started out as sheer curiosity was now turning into a huge situation.

"You left it�" Conner began to object.

Jason swallowed as he realized he had indeed left it out on the end table last night. Ma would kill him if she knew. "That's not the point."

Conner studied Jason and then decided to be risky. "Give me my knife," he said.

"Are you f*****g kidding me?" Jason persisted. "Are you really saying that to me right now?"

Conner shut his mouth. Maybe he shouldn't be saying anything right now.

Jason raised his eyebrows. "I mean it, Conner. Don't try to push me right now. It's too early, I'm too stressed out, and you are touching something I am very protective of. Do you understand me?"

Conner just stared at him.

Exasperatedly,Jason moved forward and yanked the gun out of Conner's hand. The safety was on and he took the chance that Conner had no clue how to take the safety off. Stuffing the gun into his pocket, he glared. Try to calm down, Bobby, he reminded himself. "Okay, listen to me," he started edgily, sitting down next to him on the couch.

Conner swallowed, and jumped up, cursing himself a second later because as usual that didn't work. He found himself roughly jerked down into Jason's lap, a tight arm around his waist.

"Don't even,"Jason began, turning the kid so he could look him in the eye. Conner's eyes were on his hands. "Playing with a f*****g gun and pointing it?"

"I didn't," Conner objected softly.

"Oh, you didn't? Let me refresh my memory�. No, I'm sorry. You did."

"I'm sorry�" Conner squirmed and tried to pull out of Jason's grip. In a way he wished he would just spank him or do whatever it was he intended so he could get up and forget it. This talking seemed like it might turn into a big conversation, he did not feel like being held for that long. "Just do it and let me go," Conner insisted.

"Do what?" Jason answered.

"Whatever you want to do to me and let me go�" Conner responded in an imploring tone. "I'm sorry."

"I'm not going to do anything to you," Jason retorted. To be honest he wanted to beat the tar out of the kid, and he was in the perfect position to. But he knew too well to do that. "Other than tell you to never, ever touch the gun again."

"It was there," Conner mumbled. "I didn't know."

"What made you think picking up a gun and pointing it at me was a good idea?" Jason retorted. "Doesn't take a brain surgeon."

"Are you mad?" Conner asked timidly.

"Yes, I'm mad." Jason looked at him. The kid was still staring down. "Did I not just tell you I'm mad? It's not every day I get a gun pointed at me in my family room."

"Is it loaded?" Conner's voice was soft.

"Yes, it's f*****g loaded," Jason retorted.

"Okay�" Conner answered in almost a whisper.

"Okay?" Jason answered. "Okay? That's all you can say?"

Conner started to sniffle. "I don�t know what to say�" His voice broke. "I said I was sorry�"

Jason started to feel bad, because he was obviously the one making him cry. He thought about what Judy had just told him again, and then about Conner being gone yesterday and outside last night, and realized he had to make sure he didn't direct his anger the wrong way. It was a lot of combined anger right now.

"Ma doesn't even like me having a gun�" Jason said gently as he loosened his hold and reached up to wipe a couple stray tears off of Conner's cheek. "Imagine how mad she'd be, at both of us, for this. That's all I'm mad about."

Conner was quiet. He tried to push Jason's arm off of him.

"And it can be dangerous too," Jason continued. "Just tell me you won't do it again."

"Okay..." Conner said shakily as more tears dripped down his cheeks.

Jason felt bad. He figured he'd made his point. "Hey, I know what� Or at least this was cool to me the first time I touched a gun� I'll take you somewhere to shoot it, how's that? Then no more curiosity."

"You said not to touch it�" Conner pointed out with a sniffle. "I'm not tricked."

"No, I'm not tricking you. Don't touch it unless I let you. Since it's mine. But it can be cool to shoot one, and I'll take you to do it somewhere if you want sometime."

Conner nodded quietly.

Jason tried to wipe off the kid's face again. Ma would kill him now. Knowing he left the gun out. Made the kid cry. Told the kid he could shoot the gun sometime. He'd be dead if Ma knew.

Jason let Conner off of him because he kept pulling and finally asked his original question. "Why'd you sleep down here?"

Conner was quiet. They were done with the gun thing now? Or was he still mad? He wasn't sure. He went to sit on the other end of the couch.

"Conner." Jason looked at him. He caught his eye. "Why'd you sleep down here?"

"Weird dream," Conner admitted.

"About what?"
Conner shrugged. "I dunno."

The thought of Conner sleeping next to his gun kind of bothered Jason. But he didn't say anything. Instead he got up and said, "I'm making scrambled eggs. Want some?"


"Well, I�m making some for you anyway," Jason muttered. Conner always said no.

Today would be another stressful day. He could tell.

© 2008 lilfeather

Author's Note

Oh, Jason is such a good brother^^

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Added on July 15, 2008



Things About Me Almost all of my writing is based off of people in my school. My real name is Lily. Im just a kid, teenager, whatever you want to call me. I am one of the biggest Eminem fans EVER. I l.. more..
