Opposite in nature we were, I defaulted against natural order by falling for an element I could never coexist with in harmony. From separate worlds we were, so close yet so far apart.
I, the water in the kettle and you were the warm glow of fire beneath my beautiful entrapment. Greatly comforted by the warm grace of your fiery embrace yet, destined for an unpleasant departing were we for as you grew glorious in your lust, the heat which comforted my liquid soul was the very force which led me astray from you, for rapidly I became nothing but a transgressed vapor which has left your touch unwillingly. By law of opposites we attracted yet the desired outcome was grossly averted for you, the fire, did not require me however, I needed you in order to remain warm. Never allowing me close enough to see your soul for fear that I may extinguish your fragile burning ember although you knew for certain that your flame was treasured more dearly by me that my solvent soul, I vowed, I would sacrifice myself before hurting you. Distrustfully you made certain that happening could never occur and used my kettle against me by burning so scorchingly bright with lust, I evaporated.
Now a vapor, I recall you as a memory of, not hurt but of a time, the only time I ever truly experienced love, I fear I may never again know that kind of soul devoting, gut fluttering, heart exploding, brain-dead kind of love, ever again..