![]() Chapter 1A Chapter by ~*lisa*~
Kira Finney awoke suddenly at two twenty-three in the morning not knowing exactly why she was awaken so abruptly in her eight hundred twenty-seven square feet Japanese inspired apartment. She slept nude so she grabbed her silk robe off of her Zaisu, a unique traditional Japanese chair, which sat just beside her bedside table. With her heart pounding she glanced over to the alarm keypad on the wall, a green light stared back at her signifying all was well, but right then it seemed to be giving off an eerie radiating glow. As she approached her shoji screen door she stopped to listen to see if she could hear any activity outside it. When nothing was heard she slowly slid the door along its track, and attempted to be as quiet as a mouse. She eased her head past the door frame just enough to be able to peer around the corner. She first looked down the hall towards where she thought the sound originated from. Nothing, then she turned her head to look down the other direction toward her home office still nothing.
She placed one foot out into the hallway with the precision of a ballet dancer. The wooden floor felt cool beneath her feet. Each step brought her closer to the end of the hallway and out into the spacious living room area. She noticed that she could see almost too well, when all the lights had been turned off before she headed off to bed. “You’re being silly,” she thought to herself as she remembered the night light air freshener, modeled after a sensu fan, she had just plugged in to the outlet in the living room earlier that week. She eased her head around the bend for a second time glancing in the large living space. The reason she didn’t keep looking was that she noticed that the kitchen light was streaming out from under her kitchen door. Not quite sure what to do next she stood and listened again to see if a noise would give her more insight to what was on the other side. After standing there for five minutes she inched her way across the room and placed a single ear to the door. Still hearing nothing she got down on the floor and peered underneath it. Gazing under the door no pair of shoes to be seen just her sparkling clean kitchen floor staring back at her. Frustrated now, finding her self feeling very silly about how childish she had been acting. Kira quickly stood up and pushed the swinging door open and rushed in her kitchen to surprise any intruders.
No one was waiting for her in the kitchen. With a sigh of relief she looked around and immediately saw nothing out of order in her tidy food preparation area. Feeling like a fool she decided maybe she should have a glass of water and go back to bed. She went to the cabinet where she kept her everyday drinking glasses and pulled one down. She opened the freezer and retrieved several ice cubes and placed them in her glass. As she started toward the sink to turn on her Pur® water filter she saw what looked like the tip of a bird’s wing. She took another step closer and stared in horror at the sight she saw.
Driving along State Highway 290 heading west away from Houston he wondered if she had received his gift yet. That tiny bird’s wing he had laid out so perfectly for her in the sink. His only regret was that he couldn’t watch her come upon it. He had to get back to his own house where wife was soon to be getting back from work, and if he was not there it would arouse suspicions. Would Kira know that he had left it for her? She probably didn’t even remember him from her four brief years at the University of Texas in Austin, but he surely remembered her. Especially the curve of her neck and the way her hair fell over her shoulders. He just served her coffee, but surely he had to have made some sort of impact on her life. He had terribly missed seeing her everyday at the university coffee shop since she went away.
It had been at least six months since she returned to her home in Houston. To start at Jones, Grace, & Consultants, Inc. the only law firm that was willing to give her what she wanted when she graduated with her three point nine grade point average. The only time he had to visit her was in the late evening into the early morning. His wife, Sheila, worked the graveyard hours at a machine shop from 11pm to 3am. He had to get home before her, and the only way he could accomplish this was to plan every detail methodically. He even installed a vibration device under the mattress of Kira’s bed to gently wake her up when he wanted her to find his present. He imagined the look on her face, and derived much pleasure from it. He thought of how her face would have twisted in shock and horror at the sight of his gift. He could not wait for his masterpiece to all fall together. ‘It would not be long now,’ he thought to himself. ‘Not long at all,’ he spoke aloud.
She couldn’t believe this was happening to her again. She had thought she left this horrible mess back in Austin. It had been some time since she returned to Houston, and nothing had happened to make her think it might have followed her here. She went to her purse and took out her cellular phone. She slowly scrolled through her friends and family pausing a moment to think about each and everyone of them. She was headed to the S’s. It took her a few moments to reach them. She wasn’t sure why she didn’t just type in the S, and go straight to the person she wanted to call. Kira only knew that she did this every time, and that she found a sense of connectedness in this action.
Sam Aston was currently reading a novel when a sudden sickening feeling came over him. He had this feeling every time she needed him. He went straight to the phone and dialed Kira’s number.
Shocked by the phone ringing when she was only about two or three names away from Sam’s she dropped the phone on the floor, it made a soft skidding sound. She cursed her jumpiness, and hurriedly picked up the phone and pressed the talk button. “It happened again,” Sam said as soon as he heard her breathing on the other line. “Yes,” she replied. “Can you tell what type of bird it was this time?” he asked. “It appears to be a pigeon, but I can’t be sure,” she said. “I am on my way; it will take me a few hours to get there. Will you be alright till I arrive?” he asked. “Yes I should be fine. But, will you stay on the phone with me?” she nervously replied. “Of Course,” he stated.
Sam grabbed the few things he needed, and rushed out the door. They may have been on the phone, but he knew, from years of knowing her, that she preferred silence. This gave him time to think about how much he had missed her. It was only by pure chance that they met. He was in a piano bar one evening, and this lovely woman with auburn hair took the stool next to him. She ordered a glass of whiskey on the rocks and sipped it slowly. Sam thought to himself, I can’t even drink whiskey without a mixer there must be something terribly wrong to make such a beautiful woman feel the need to drink something so strong. He tried to start a conversation with her, but she resisted. After a while, and a few drinks later, she finally started opening up to him. She told him about the weird series of events that kept happening to her. He took to her immediately. He told himself that this girl needed his help, and he would not let his feelings get involved till he had significantly helped her to rectify the situation she had found herself in. With her being in such fragile state he didn’t feel right to let such a thing happen, even though he was sure he felt an underlying chemistry. He wanted her to want him not because of her need for a protector, but because she genuinely felt a real and true attraction to him.
His nose twitched a little, and he could have sworn he smelled lavender. He knew this was just his memory of the night that they had met. After only a few hours of talking with her at the bar he pinpointed the source of the delightful smell. It came from her soft, silky hair. He heard clinking, and immediately knew she was pouring herself a drink he asked, “What’s your poison?” “Whiskey as always,” she replied. “I’m going to get in the bath, and try to relax,” she stated. “Alright, just know that I’m here for you,” he replied. “You always are Sam, you always are,” she repeated.
© 2008 ~*lisa*~Reviews
2 Reviews Added on February 6, 2008 Last Updated on February 6, 2008 |