Infinite MomentA Poem by LiaIvyI held her in my armsI held her in my arms bundled in a faded towel discolored and tatty from countless washes and years enveloping sopping children and soggy dogs in its warm embrace.
I held her in my arms gasping for breath frail chest heaving in and out in great shuddering wheezes each breath rattling reverberating ringing through her trembling body air gurgling and hissing in and out of her spluttering lungs.
I held her in my arms body sagging head lolling feebly too desperately weak to hold herself up.
I held her in my arms bloodless lips silently gaping ashen grey as though the life had already left.
I held her in my arms eyes wide with horror dazed and unseeing clouded by fear.
I held her in my arms careening towards the end at a dizzying speed stumbling wildly out of control too sudden too soon.
I held her in my arms heart thrashing against its confines panicked and convulsing as its last beat loomed nearer emerging from the shadows towering over us waiting to wrench her from me.
I held her in my arms suspended in time frozen in the infinite moment spanning an eternity and an instant between being and nonbeing between life and death.
I held her in my arms fading out of existence leaving me alone with nothing but memories of what once was but no longer is.
I held her in my arms one second there and the next gone.
I tried to hold her in my arms but she was no longer there. © 2016 LiaIvyAuthor's Note
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