Who She Wants To BeA Poem by undercoverwriterI wrote this a few years ago and just revisited it. Please leave critical comments! I'm looking to improve this as much as possible.Filled with beauty, But only available to a joyful eye. The blind eye sees darkness. It sees the bad, and the ugly, and the world- For exactly what it is. Those who pray believe better is coming, Those with faith know better is coming, But those with insecurity and confusion sit, And wait, and hope for the better to come. She sees the darkness, And she sees the ugly. She is flawed, in every way possible- And she knows this. And she prays the world cannot see this so obviously. But she has seen the beauty, She has felt the sun warm the cold, And she has heard the laughter of the world. She knows there is joy, and she knows love has surrounded
her, So she waits for the return of this bliss. Simply, She is caught between who she is now, And who she wants to be. © 2015 undercoverwriter |
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