![]() Chapter 27 TalithA Chapter by Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, Charlotte JensenChapter 27 Talith I freeze when we walk to the top of the last hill, only needing to go down and we'd be at the village. The girls stop and turn to me. "What's wrong Tailith?" Rachel questions. "I can't even survive school or being with two lonely twins. How will I ever even have a chance at a whole town?" I ask. "English?" Aanya suggests. "My head will explode from all the information," I explain. "Come on Tailith. Please," Rachel and Aanya beg. "The fact that Aanya called me Tailith, I give in," I say and march down the hill. The girls laugh and I smile slyly, knowing they won't laugh for long. The village is small, about a couple of buildings but never as big as ours on Earth. Each, house I should say, is one story tall and quite small, all next to each other and in the other's yard. A path leads through into the town and I suddenly get a bad feeling. What if I can't protect the girls? Or something happens? Oh I hate not knowing. "Can we at least do something?" Rachel pipes up and I smile. "Go invisible," I urge as we move toward the forest a little. "Really?" she cries. "Really?" Aanya asks and looks at the town worriedly. "I'll know where she is and I know she's dying to use her powers," I assure her. Aanya nods and I walk between the two. "Go into the forest and keep walking away when you hide begin a tree. Turn invisible then come straight back to us," I instruct. She nods and races into the forest. I listen intently and I hear her footsteps come back to us. "This is amazing," she says and walks next to me. "Be quiet. Your incredibly loud," I whisper. "What do you mean?" Aanya asks, curious to the peek. "I mean her footsteps. Unless you walk and stop in time with one of us you'll be like a fish out of water. Don't make a sound," I order. "Talith, where did you learn all of this stuff?" Aanya asks. I almost freeze on my tracks but keep walking. "I live in the forest and I'm the one bullied at school so I've learned how to cover tracks and dodge those things," I say. She slowly nods and I hear Rachel breathe in deeply. "So what's your family like Tailith?" she mutters voice soft to show she's picking up what I've taught her. "This hill is too big," I mutter and shake my head, “my parents are never home and I'm an only child. My parents work at a hard and skillful job and that's why I either have to stay up incredibly late or have surprise visits in the middle of the day like on Saturday to see them," I tell them. I let them think when Aanya pipes up again. "Saturday?" she explores. "Yeah. My fifteenth birthday," I venture. "Ha! Tailith's the youngest," Rachel exclaims. I elbow her and she shoves me. "Wait your birthday? That's when I saw all those things," she begins. "And when I thought I was going crazy," Rachel continues. "And when I thought I'd be telling the future to random people. What does this mean?" I ask. "We're connected to your birthday Talith. I don't know how but we all got our powers on your birthday," Aanya clarifies. "Interesting theory," Rachel's voice announces. I look at Aanya and see how her mind's working. She likes simple, yet things that counteract. "Smart," I comment and she smiles. "Alright Talith break the ice. Tell us about your friends," Rachel says and I feel her nudge me. "Like what?" I say cautiously. "How many," she explains. "Including you two?" I ask. "No," Aanya replies. "Then none," I answer. They both freeze and I keep walking. "Wait Tailith," Rachel calls and races forward to meet me. "What do you mean?" Aanya travels. "I have none. Zero, the big N, O. Zip zero not a trace," I say. "Wow," Rachel breathes. I laugh when I stop and freeze. "Get back," I hiss and press them against the wall. They're covered by my arm and I slowly peer around the corner. I reach my mind out and it only stings for a second as I gather a piece of information. "Sodo?" I guess. "You mean him who's horrible and kidnapped us?" Aanya builds. "And it sounds like soda?" Rachel adds. I allow a smile to slip and I look back at him. He's alone but it takes all my will power to not race over there and pin him to the ground. "New plan. Stay out of sight," I say and free the two. Aanya looks at me intently with her crystal blue eyes and I look at where Rachel stands invisible still. I'm actually surprised she's still able to control it for this long. Though she's well rested and excited, that makes up for inexperience. "Wait but we need information," Rachel says. "It's either being carful or going back to the forest, or worst," I tell her. She goes silent then sighs. "Okay," she says and I lead the girls around the town, outside of the main path. We watch all the people walk by and I see skepticism. They're all jumpy and I can tell how rumors will spread easily in this town. And get caught too when someone's just walking past. It's only a matter of time... I quickly grab Aanya and Rachel's arms and toss them into the small way next to me. I'm about to go run with them when someone grabs the back of shirt. "I never liked travelers," a voice hisses threateningly. I'm flung back, allowing one word to escape. "Run!" I yell to the two. The voice of my capture is harsh and horrible. Melting like acid in my ear as I try the break free. It sounded like a man, tall and strong draped in a tan brown cloak. I glance back and see he looks exactly how I imagined him. "My name is Talith Stern and I am here protecting my friends from any form of danger. I beg you please sir and spare us," I say and keep trying to pull from his grip. "Talith Stern?" he questions. "Stern?" I hear Aanya repeat. "I've never heard that name," he mumbles and frees me. I spin around and stop, facing him. I back away, keeping the girls behind me and away from the man. Suddenly, seeing what I was doing, his expression softens a little and he changes into a whole new man. My power activates and I groan from pain. De Spareow is his name, once was a traveler himself but is home to this town. He's single and alone but always goes and talks with the other people. He's only mean when he needs to be and loves children who aren't trouble makers. And he knows something... I snap back to reality and he offers a hand. "I have something for a headache," he says and I hesitate. "Do you promise no harm will come to any of my friends?" I question, carful to not reveal how many there may be. "Yes I promise. Come on," he urges and walks into the door he had burst through. I then turn and quickly help Aanya up then offer a hand to where Rachel must be. She turns visible and stands up after taking my offer. "Who'd do that?" Rachel whispers. "I've made the most bizarre promises to myself," I tell her. And walk to the door. "What's his name?" Aanya asks me. "De Spareow," I answer, pronouncing it sparrow for that's how he prefers it. I carefully climb into the house and wait for the other two to come in. "Brave girls, following into a place where you have no knowledge of the dweller," the man says. "We have reasons," Aanya chooses wisely. I nod in approval and look around the small house. It's all wood, dead and breaking apart but a very sturdy foundation. The walls are all just bare wood, creating a warm and welcomed feeling. Wooden chairs sit here and there with a small table and a dresser against the wall. It then breaks into another room, showing a table with five chairs around it. A few lamps hang on the wall to create a warm and enchanting glow throughout the space. Just inside where the table sits, two halls lead away and turning into a deeper part of the house. The man walks into the second room and brings over a small thing of cups, all having steam float freely from the top. "Call me Sparrow. Long history and renaming," he mutters and sets down the four cups of tea on the wooden table. The girls slowly sit down in two seats across from Sparrow. I lean against the wall, my arms crossed as I watch the mysterious man. I know we can trust him. But do I trust me... "What are your names?" Sparrow asks and Rachel smiles. "Well Tailith's horrible at introductions so allow me to say I'm Rachel and this is Aanya," she smiles and Sparrow laughs. "Fun," he comments and looks over at Aanya. "We've been wandering around and we would like to now a few things, if you please," she speaks softly and the man nods. "If Talith has a seat," he commands. I don't hesitate and sit in the seat next to him. The girl's eyes widen and I look up at Sparrow, waiting for Aanya to fire questions and him to answer. I'll know if their true or not. "Do you know about a place called Earth?" Aanya asks carefully. "Is that the name of the new town over on the opposite side? Strange name," Sparrow answers and my head blooms with pain. He truly has no idea. "Yeah it is," Aanya subsides and Rachel jumps in. "Do you know anything about like magic and powers?" she asks. "Only fairies have magic, along with some elves. And powers, now that's a very rare thing. The only people who have powers are the Keepers of Letherland," Sparrow answers. Suddenly I groan as the pain grows so much, information pilling down on top of me and I bury my head. Keepers of Letherland. There's three of them, each with a different power. They all rule the land, helping everyone when they need it and defending Letherland from any evil or dark forces. Stopping everything they know who will harm someone, though they can't stop what is rightful in Letherland. Like the dark fairies and some dragons or wizards. But something's horribly wrong... "Are you okay?" a voice asks and Sparrow lays a hand on my shoulder. I jump at the touch and quickly nod. "I'm fine," I lie and wince as my head throbs painfully. It wants to announce something. And I'm truly to make it but that's what makes it hurt, it wants to come but it also doesn't. "Wait here," he says and stands up. "Talith are you okay?" Rachel jumps and the two walk over. "I'm perfectly fine I promise. I really am," I say, trying to calm them down. "You sure?" Aanya pries. I nod and they slowly sit back down when Sparrow walks back into the room. "Drink this," he offers and pours a powder into the forth cup that I hadn't even looked at. He pushes it toward me and I immediately know it's a plant medicine with a common tea. I glance at the man then slowly take a drink. It tastes like chocolate, but that wasn't the treat. "It's gone," I whisper and look up at him. I reach out almost hesitant with my mind and feel a small thing of information swarm toward me. I freeze when my head stays sane and silent, not a single pain. "It'll be able to last a while," he says and smiles. "Thank you," I say and he nods. "You’re welcome. Now, I believe it was Aanya's turn?" he says and turns to her. "Do you have any powers?" she asks curiously. He laughs and she offers a hesitant smile. "I wish. But no I do not," he says. "So what is Letherland?" Rachel says. "Young children wanting to know actual truths, Interesting. Well it's a place where all mythical creatures and humans like myself can live in peace and with no worries about war or anything. We're all happy here but there has been a few wizards who come into town asking if we've seen anything unnatural. But we haven't, till I saw you," Sparrow answers. "Sparrow, if you don't mind. I've been interested in your name. How'd you get it?" I ask suddenly, my curiosity getting the best of me. "My mom loved birds and she always said I was her little finch. But I never liked the nickname and I always marveled at how quick and swift and clever sparrows are. So I thought about it and soon I began calling myself Sparrow. The love for birds carries on," he answers and smiles at me. "Thank you. I hope we're not a bother," I say and sit up. "Oh no. I enjoy company and I don't have people over enough. Are you guys hungry?" he asks. "Yes!" Rachel exclaims and he stands up, laughing to himself. "Come on," he urges and I watch the three all walk out. I then follow after them, being last. We walk down the hall to the left, turning to the right when we see a small wooden door. Sparrow pushes it open and we enter a small room with chairs and tables and a double door on the opposite side. A counter sits a little to our right and the space represents a small inn. No one but us is inside and I know it'll stay like that all day. He then leads us to the counter and we sit in high chairs, waiting patiently. "I have bread, meat, and water for all of you," he says and sets a plate before Rachel, then Aanya, and finally me. I wait when I see the girls begin to eat. "Sparrow? Do you know anything about where the Keepers may be?" I ask, leaning over the counter. "I've only heard of stories, no one but they know where they live. But try rarely are there. Mostly out and making sure everything's okay," he answers and I nod. "Are the stories good?" I say, looking for a good story. He laughs and nods.
Over the mountain there's a lake where in summer it turns to gold, Up high in the caves lies a hidden tunnel to one place above all, To see and look and feel the world around, Where only the ones who pass the trials can travel through, And see the great reaches if those around, Only few may entire and the others never be found. The place is away from everything and everyone, But in one second they can be right beside a tree or town without even knowing. To travel to there you see the trees turn to ruin, Only to be renewed by a special touch, And the ground. to sink so quick and fast, But always be caught with a steady hand. The road is used to test ones skills, To see the truth and help all those around, To see if one is worthy, And who'll only see it for one day.
The girls sit silently when he says the words, their minds silent. He smiles and passes another glass of water to Aanya. My mind works through our path and shake my head. We'll never know where we need to go. "Are you all tried?" Sparrow asks and the girls nod in sync. "We can head out," Aanya suggest and he shakes his head. "You can sleep here for as long as you need," he offers and motions for us to follow. I help to two as they run their eyes and laugh when they try to protest. Soon they're walking after Sparrow as he walks back into the original room and into the opposite hall. A huge room with a giant bed complete with warm blankets and a soft landing greets us. "Enjoy your sleep. I'll be either in the inn or in the front room if you need me," Sparrow says and smiles at us. "Thank you," we sing and he walks out. The girls hop into the bed and cover themselves with the blankets. I nod when they seem comfortable and sit at the foot of the bed on the ground, leaning against the wooden board. "Tailith. Why you down there?" Rachel questions. "You all sleep. I'm watching," I answer and she goes silent. "Wake us if you’re tired and need to fall asleep," Aanya says and lays back down. Rachel then lies down too and soon they're fast asleep. Safe or not safe I'm going to stay with them. Nothing's going to happen to them while I'm around. They're staying safe with me. I'm never leaving them alone. I'll protect them with my life.
© 2014 Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, Charlotte Jensen |
Added on April 5, 2014 Last Updated on April 9, 2014 AuthorSelena Cane, Anne Hudson, Charlotte JensenGilbert, AZAboutEight months ago, Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, and Charlotte Jensen became partners in crime. All three of us have started many books but have never successfully finished one. Then once upon a time in ou.. more..Writing