Chapter 3 Talith
A Chapter by Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, Charlotte Jensen
Chapter 1 Talith
I walk through the forest with my eyes on the ground, the sun on the
boundary of finally coming up.
Mom and dad where still
working. As usual.
I kick a rock as I run
through all of the things I always think about.
What would it be like if
I was an older or younger brother, what if mom and dad didn't have to work, why
did I talk to myself.
"Still doing
it," I say and a smile makes its way to my face. I spot my favorite spot
when I look over and see that the sun finally conquer the night to now come up.
I quickly run as silently as I can back to the house and get ready for school.
I find an apple and a
piece of toast and quickly eat them as I finish a problem from math and the
reading for English.
A notebook gets tossed
into my backpack along with a few pencils and a note from my mom saying to have
a good day. I zip it shut and toss it over my shoulder as I walk outside and to
the bus stop.
I pick my favorite tree
and climb it, my blue jeans and black cotton shirt gripping my limbs as the
wind starts blowing. My black converse shoes help me stay on the branches but
the not falling and tumbling down to the hard ground bellow was all me.
morning," I mutter to myself as I sit on the highest branch I could reach.
My back was against the trunk, me facing the horizon just as the sun peeked
over the ground.
The sun's rays covers
the whole place; the dirt road that lead to school, the trees that covered my
side of the road, the flat meadow that was on the other side of the road, the
house further into the forest away from the road.
Mainly everything was
based around the road.
I see a spark flash in
the distance and I wait for the bus to come closer. A couple of birds sing as
the breeze blows from west toward me making the tree sway a little. I see the
bus glisten from a short distance and quickly climb down, landing on the ground
with a soft thud. I then race over to the bus as it stops, a wonderful
screeching noise greeting me as I reach the doors.
"Hey Cal," I
call to the bus driver as I hop into the bus. She smiles sweetly and my jet
black hair gets blown suddenly by the wind as the bus jerks forward. I sit in
the front seat and sigh loudly.
Like every other day.
Every other kid on the
bus sat next to someone else. Either knowing them all the way from middle
school or being best friends.
I sigh again and stare
out the window as the scene races by. I see if any clouds where near the forest
indicating a fire, vultures to indicate the circle of life. Anything that was
sign of trouble.
"Hey Talith. What
are you up to over there!" I hear a kid from the back yell. I roll my eyes
at their shout and keep watching the window.
"Maybe he's
asleep," a girl says.
I recognize it as the
girl Isabell and chuckle.
"Now Isabell, if I
was asleep I would've been offended by that," I say. There's silence and I
smile, not quite finished yet.
"And Tarence, I'm
thinking of somehow making your day the worst ever," I say. Silence
follows still and I smile the widest smile ever.
That took care of them
teasing me on the bus, but I still was a freak to them. Really I was just an
observer and lived alone.
My parents were always
at work and I didn't have any siblings.
If I had one friend, at
least one I would risk my whole life for them. It seems bazaar but that's
exactly what I'll do.
Anyone who would fight
by my side I would die for. I would die for them...
"Hurry up,"
Cal calls to the kids just now climbing onto the bus. I jerk to reality and
shake my head.
No one will ever do that
but I'd still do it. Maybe it'll happen, just maybe.
"Talk all you want
but you'll never get it," a boy hisses as he walks by.
I ignore him and focus
on the most exciting thing to come: my fifteenth birthday.
If it was April 30, that
made my birthday... three days from now.
I was always jumpy when my birthday came around every year. Hopefully mom and
dad can be there all day.
If they did, it be a
dream come true for they never could stay on my birthday no matter how hard
they try.
But I didn't mind, I
knew they had to work to feed me and have the house and also send me to school.
Though they can't ever be around I'm very happy I at least have them.
They're all I have.
Hang on to those you
love and do everything to protect them.
The bus finally pulls up
to the school and I quickly hop off, my backpack hanging off one shoulder.
The grey building looms
over me with the words BOISE HIGH SCHOOL printed on the top, blocking the sun
still climbing across the sky. I shiver as a strong breeze blows and walk into
the front doors to get warm.
"Hey Talith,"
someone says. I look over and see my English teacher wave as she walks down the
hall. I sigh, at least I had my teachers to keep me company.
"Talith!" a
voice calls. I immediately recognize the voice as I look over and groan. I
begin to back away as he advances on me.
Soon I skip and sprint
down the hall.
"Come back!"
Zach yells, his voice like nails on a chalkboard as he chases me in hot
pursuit. I don't even hesitate and keep running.
Soon I'm past so many
doors I could never keep count with no sound of footsteps rattling the floor. I
then slow down and stop, my breathing still normal.
Zach wanted to put me in a trash can and I was hoping I could outrun him all
four years of high school.
He's the meanest kid at
the school and he's also a sophomore. He reminded me of a human bulldozer,
angry eyes looking like he wanted to crush whatever got in his way and the
strength to lift a full grown elephant. And he wanted to use it all on me.
I one time I had bothered him about something, I think it was a project or his
homework, and the next thing I knew I was running from him as he yelled saying
he would get me the next day.
That was four months
ago. He still hasn't gotten me back.
I sigh as the bell rings
and jog to my class, sitting in the middle row three seats from the door.
I sit down as the second bell rings, take out my notebook, and write down the
homework for math tonight.
© 2014 Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, Charlotte Jensen
Added on April 2, 2014
Last Updated on April 9, 2014
Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, Charlotte JensenGilbert, AZ
Eight months ago, Selena Cane, Anne Hudson, and Charlotte Jensen became partners in crime. All three of us have started many books but have never successfully finished one. Then once upon a time in ou.. more..