![]() chapter 2A Chapter by Lessa Kylara Johnson Alana was walking through her garden in the late after noon. She stopped at every bush, touching every flower, she loved it in her garden. Her father had it put in and gave it to her on her 16th birthday, and she spent as much time in it as possible. It was in the garden where Pamella found her. “there you are Alana, I was looking everywhere for you” Pamella said. “well here I am mother, did you need something” Alana stopped to pick a flower before turning to her mother. “I wish to speak to you about this ball your planning” Alana rolled her eyes at her mother. Pamella sighed and took Alana’s arm and together they walked through the garden. “Alana you are a princess of Miray” Pamella said to her daughter “I know this mother” Alana said cutting off her mother. “and I as a princess” Pamella said ignoring her daughters interruption “you can not just throw lavish balls all the time” “but mother princesses should have balls in there honor all the time” Alana said smiling. Pamella said nothing, she loved her daughter greatly but she wished she be more responsible and start acting as a princess should. Her eldest daughter understood and accepted the reality that she would never become Queen, so she settled for the title of a noble woman, but her youngest has already declared she would never marry someone beneath her and she would keep her title of princess. Pamella hear the rumors of Alana marrying her eldest, William. Pamella didn’t like that Idea, but Radburn seemed to be in favor of it he said it would only improve the bloodline. She hadn’t heard any complaints from Alana about it and she was sure that if Alana did have any complaints the whole Kingdome would hear them. “has there been any word from William” Alana asked interrupting Pamella’s thoughts. “no I don’t believe so has he not written to you” Pamella asked “no, which is unusual” Alana said. She looked up at the castle, Alana remembered growing up with her brother an sister. William was game for anything but it was Angela who would hang back and just watch. “I’m sure William’s fine” Pamella. “oh, I’m sure to, I was just wondering what was going on” Alana said. “well go ask your father, I’m sure he gets reports in every week or so, he should know something” Pamella started steering her daughter to the gate of the garden to leave. “mother” Alana said pulling away “I wish to stay in the garden” Pamella sighed, her daughter love her garden. “Alana you need to come in, it’s not safe out here.” she looked around, the nearest guard was to far away to even hear Alana scream if something were to happen. “mother I’m fine, no need to worry it’s just a garden” Alana said “yes but still please humor me” Pamella held out her had for Alana to take. Alana took it and together they walked back into the castle. They were walking past the Great Hall when Radburn joined them. “there’s my girls” he said “father” Alana gave her father a hug and the flower she had picked in the garden. “were you looking for us my dear” Pamella asked smiling. Radburn smiled at his wife “yes, I have received word that the prince of Amra will be joining us for dinner tonight” “oh, and why will he becoming” Pamella asked. Radburn shrugged “he didn’t say, he wrote me a letter informing me he would be, and men posted around the kingdom tell me that he should be here around dinner” Alana began to dance around her father “wonderful, guests, we will accurse have to tell the cook that another place will have to be set for the prince and we will also have to tell the guard about his escort and the servants must be informed that the guest quarters will be occupied” Radburn laughed at his daughter “my dear you will make a wonderful wife to a lucky man one day” Alana stopped dancing and stared at her father. Pamella noticed her reaction to his comment and thought it best to steer the conversation away from this subject. “Radburn are you going to hold an open dinner, for the whole court” The king nodded “I think that would be best” Pamella smiled “good then I’ll have Angela and Nathaniel come up at once, it will be nice to see them again it’s been, and then they can enter the Hall with us” Alan frowned at her mother “Angela is no longer royal, why should she and her husband who was never Royal, have such an honor” “Alana” gasped her mother. Pamella could understand how Alana could easily be people’s favorite but hers had always been William, and that left Angela on her own and Pamella felt at fault for her daughter wanting to leave home so badly that she would throw away her rank and status. “she is still family” Radburn said putting his arm around both women “and she will be treated as if she never left” Pamella said Alana rested her head on her fathers shoulder” “Alana go tell your maid about our guest and have her past it on to the others” Pamella said clearing her thoughts. “yes mother” Alana said smile now gone. She turned to her father and bowed before leaving. As she walked down the hall Alana tried to understand why her mother wanted her to leave so abruptly. She had done nothing wrong. Alana tried pleasing her mother, but every thing she had done just seem to just make her more unhappy with her daughter. “All I ever do is try to please people, is that so wrong” Alana thought out aloud. Alana saw her maid coming around the corner “Sequoyah” she shouted. Sequoyah jumped “oh, my lady” she said clearly startled. “Come Sequoyah, there’s work that needs to be done” Alana grabbed her maid by the arm and pulled her down the hall to her dressing chamber. “my lady why are we rushing” Sequoyah asked out of breath. Alana threw open her door and pushed Sequoyah in. she shut the door behind her and instantly regretted it. The room was pitch black none of the candles were lit and the curtains we shut keeping what little light the day still had out. Sequoyah pulled back the curtains to reveal the sun setting behind the mountains of the north. Alana moved to the window and stared at the sun. “I hadn’t realized how late it was” she mumbled. “I thought you were in the garden” Sequoyah asked moving in around the room lighting candles. Alana sighed “I was, but I wasn’t paying any attention to the sun mother met me in the garden to speak to me and she called me in” “come my lady sit, so I can brush your hair” Sequoyah motioned for Alana to sit in the chair in front of her dressing table. The big dressing table was a gift from a prince trying to win her heart, the even bigger mirror was a gift from William from one of his trips to another kingdom. It was beautiful and it was one of her most prized possessions. Alana sat down and took her clip out of her hair and let it fall down her back. “so what did your mother speak to you about” Sequoyah asked. Sequoyah was one of the boldest amongst the servants. When Sequoyah was born she was raised to serve the princess and to give her company when she wanted it and over the years she learned Alana’s moods and when she wanted to talk about things and when she didn’t, they had become good friends. “the only reason why she went out there was because she was upset about my ball” Alana said annoyed. “but we all love your balls, they really lift peoples spirits” Sequoyah said brushing Alana’s thick hair. “I know but mother thinks its unbecoming a princess” Alana said frustrated. “well your mother is a wise woman, and I’m sure she’s just concerned that no one will take you seriously” Sequoyah smiled at Alana’s reflection. Alana said nothing. She stared at her refection while Sequoyah brushed her hair and twiseted it this way and that. “My lady, you never did say what the work was” Sequoyah said breaking the silence. “oh, yeah we are having a guest tonight” Alana happily told her maid. “who” she asked absent mindedly. “A prince from Amra” Alana said watching as Sequoyah’s eyes grew wide. “my lady, why dose he come” she asked with excitement. “I don’t know, he sent a letter to father about needing to speak to him but he didn’t say what about” Alana said happy with her maids reaction. “he must becoming for you, oh my lady Amra is a vast kingdom you would be wise to accept him” Sequoyah said giving Alana a hug. Alana laughed “we don’t even know why he is coming it might not be for me” Sequoyah shook her head “I don’t think so, when is he due to arrive” Alana shrugged “father said he should be here for dinner” “come” said putting the brush down “lets pick out a nice gown for you so we can get that prince and then we can do your hair” Alana rolled her eyes but stood and followed her to the oversize armoiur ,another gift from William, “something blue please but other than that I don’t care “ she said. Sequoyah nodded and began to look through all the clothes. She pulled out a light blue gown and held it up to Alana “this would look lovely on you” Together the girls got Alana dressed, when the dress was finally on they heard the sounds of horsed coming up the drive, they rushed to the window and saw several men on horse back riding up the torch lit drive. “that man in front must be the prince” Sequoyah said pointing. Alana looked over all the men in the front courtyard. one who she lingered on looked directly and deliberately up to Alana’s window. Alan a locked eyes with the man for no more than 3 seconds before she jumped back and threw the curtains closed. Sequoyah squeaked in surprise of the curtains suddenly shutting on her “my lady is something wrong” she asked struggling to get untangled. Alana shook her head “no its just we need to hurry mother will be sending for us and your still not dressed” Sequoyah looked confused “what do you mean my lady” Alana sighed “the dinner tonight is a full court dinner and you are to stand behind me as my attendant, so you must look your best” “but my lady I only have dresses fit for servant work, they are not worthy of even an attendant” Sequoyah said wide eyed. Alana went to the door and stuck her head out into the hall and called for a servant. She was a little thing and made a clumsy bow before the princess. “do you have any nice clothes” Alana asked the girl” She nodded, seeming afraid to speak. “how good are they” “my mother got them for me before they sent me to work here at the castle she got them from the queen she was working for and they belonged to her daughter” the little girl said. “good, you will be my attendant for tonight’s dinner” Alana said motioning Sequoyah to start on her hair. “what’s your name girl” Sequoyah asked sharply “Alethea” she squeaked “she doesn’t look like much” Sequoyah muttered “how old are you Alethea” Alana asked smirking at Sequoyah “not yet 15 my lady” “she’s just a child” Sequoyah laughed. “ignore her my dear” Alana said with a smile. Sequoyah glared at the girl, she didn’t think it was a good idea to have this child do what she herself should be doing, Alana should know better than to have someone this young, new and unlearned off the court she has business being the personal attendant to the princess. “you will have to teach her the basics for tonight we can deal with the rest later” Alana said checking Sequoyah’s work in her mirror Sequoyah stepped back from Alana “later?” Alana stood and brushed herself off “yes later, I think it would be good for her, she’s young start her off early and see where it takes her it might just change her life for the better” Alana smiled at Alethea Sequoyah stared at her mistress “of course it will changer her life for the better, your raising her station” “your raising me my lady?” Alethea squeaked “yes you stupid child, she is raising you above me and all the others who have worked a hell of a lot harder than you” Sequoyah snapped at the little girl “Sequoyah” Alana hollered “you watch your tongue if you had what was needed I would have had you as my attendant for tonight but you don’t she dose so she will be it and I will raise who I will” Alana said putting Sequoyah in her place Sequoyah said nothing and lowered her eyes Alethea looked shaken. Alethea had hear how close the princess and her servant was they were childhood friends she had never once hear of the princess reprimanding her for anything she had hear all the other people of the household staff complain how Sequoyah could get away with anything. Alana took a breath “now you will take Alethea to her room and help her get dress so that she looks the part and as you are doing this you will teach her the basics and any thing else you think she may need to know, you will do this Sequoyah with out complaint or harsh words to this young woman you will be wise to remember that after tonight she out ranks you even if its only by a little so do not keep anything from her to make her look bad cause if you do and she makes me look bad it will all fall upon you” Alana nodded at the young girl and left the room with out looking at her friend. Alana walked down the hall satisfied with her orders, Sequoyah was a dear, dear friend but Alana didn’t like it much when she questioned or complained about her decisions and she was starting to do it more often and it was way above her station and it didn’t look good to anyone outside there friendship. The door to the Great Hall was THE biggest in the castle it was carved from a single tree and was a great beauty but this was not Alana’s destination at the moment she went to a smaller door just to the right of this huge door. Alana went in to the little room just off the Great Hall her mother and father was already there sitting in front of the fire place that was already lit. Radburn stood and greeted his daughter “Alana my dear you look lovely” he said. “thank you father” Alana said bowing to the king. She went to her mother and curtsied “mother” Pamella nodded to her daughter and looked back at the fire. Alana was almost to her breaking point when it came to her mother, she had done every thing her mother had ever asked of her but nothing was good enough for the great queen of Miray. Alana went to the window seat and sat down to look out the window as the moon rose higher in the night sky. “where is Sequoyah” her mother asked “getting my attendant ready for tonight” Alana told her mother not turning away from the window “is Sequoyah not your attendant” Pamella asked “no mother, I found someone who has the clothes that is needed to be the attendant of a princess” Alana smiled “Alana, Sequoyah was meant to be in that postion one day you know this” Pamella said shocked at her daughter. “yes mother, but she did not have a dress that would look good for an open court dinner so I had no choice I had to find someone who did” Alana said waving her had at her mother. “when Sequoyah born it was decided that she would grow up along side you and would be raised to one day when the time comes to be raised to one of your ladies and we would find her a most advantages marriage but we cant do that if you chose to raise someone else over her” Pamella. “yes mother I know and she wasn’t to happy about it ether, she nearly bit the poor girls head off” Alana snickered “alana it’s not funny who is this young woman” Pamella asked completely shocked at her daughters attitude. “young yes, woman not so much, her name is Alethea and she’s 14” Alana stood and went to the other side of the room and flopped down beside her mother. The door slowly opened and little Alethea slipped inside. Alana smiled at the girl, but Pamella frowned at her. “you look very nice Alethea, and that’s a nice dress” Alana said becoming the girl forward so that she could see it closer. “how did you acquire such a dress my child” Pamella asked “my mother was a lady once for the queen of Alden and she passed this dress down to me” Alethea explained. “your mother was a lady in waiting” Pamella asked rising a brow Alethea nodded. “how did she lose her station” Pamella looked at her daughter as if to say ‘you see’ “well when the war started father sided with Miray and so he took my mother and me and brought us here but the only work we could get was servant work” Alethea did not raise her eyes to the two women. “there you go mother, the girls father was loyal to Miray and paid for it to” Alana said waving her hands in the air to make her point. Pamella pursed her lips “you better learn your new station quick we don’t need any mishaps tonight do you understand” Alethea nodded her head quickly. Pamella pulled a thick rope that was hanging behind her, and only a few short seconds passed when an elder woman stepped in the room. “you called” she said curtsying “yes” Pamella said then held a hand up to Alethea “see to it that this girl is quickly, and I mean quickly, shown what she need to know about tonight” The woman nodded obedience and took the girl by the hand and pulled her out of the room. “Alana you should have talked to me about this before you made a decision” Pamella said giving her daughter a stern look. “I think it’s a good idea and ill tell father later on” Alana said looking at her nails. Pamella pursed her lips again but said nothing. King Radburn came in through the door abruptly. “Angela just arrived she will meet us outside the Great Hall” “well, are we ready because I’m starving” Alana said jumping up. The door to there little room opened once more and a man entered. “good timing” Radburn said clapping the young man on his back “ladies this is Prince Horon” The prince bowed to the queen and her daughter. “I very humbly beg for your pardon for giving very little warning of my arrival” he smiled at Pamella She fluttered her eyes at the handsome prince “why prince Horon, you are most welcome to our kingdom and our castle” Prince Horon bowed to Pamella and then moved to Alana “you much be princess Alana, your beauty is known even in my kingdom” he took Alana’s hand and kissed it “but I see that mere words can not do you justice” Alana curtsied to the prince “Thank you for your flattery” Horon smiled “I speak not flattery but truth” “well” Radburn chuckled behind them “there will be time for talk later but now we much not keep the court waiting I believe they are hungry enough to start with out us” “Pamella went to Radburn and let him lead her out of the room. Horon bowed “may I have the honor of escorting you to dinner” Alana took Horon’s arm but said nothing. Angela and Nathanael were standing outside the Great Hall just as Radburn said she would be. “mother” Angela held out her arms for her mother to give her a hug. Pamella hugged her daughter tightly. When they let go of each other Angela turned to her sister “why dear sister I think you have grown scense the last I saw you” Alana gave a small smile to her sister hoping to seem sincere enough for her mother. Nathaniel bowed to her and gave Alana one of his charming smiles, some times Alana could see why Angela chose him, he was handsome and from what she heard he never mistreated her and loved her very much. “how nice of you to invite us” Nathaniel said to Radburn “oh Nathaniel you are part of our family of course you would be invited” Pamella said waving her hand at him. Alana snorted “it’s an open court dinner its not like we had to send you an invite” Pamella gave her daughter a look that told Alana to be quite, but she wasn’t the only one. Angela was giving her sister her own glare, but quickly looked to Horon and smiled before anyone could notice. “you must be the prince my father spoke of” she said holding out her hand. Horon looked almost startled at Angela’s forwardness but took her hand and kissed it. “yes and you must be the lady Angela, it is an honor to meet you” he made a deep bow and Alana could see a smirk on his face and knew he was mocking her sister. Angela must not have seen his smirk for she lifted her head high and smiled smugly at Alana. “now that you have met my oldest daughter let us go in and you can meet the rest of the court I’m sure they are all impatient to see you at last I’m sure they all heard of you coming” Radburn motioned for the men at the doors who bowed and opened the thick heavy doors to the Great Hall. Pamella took the arm that her husband offered her and smiled as he led her in. Angela stood ready with Nathaniel to walk in but as she started to step forward Prince Horon held out a hand to stop her. “Excuse me, what do you think you are doing” she demanded looking very upset. “if I am correct Princess Alana should enter after the king and queen not a simple noble woman” he said holding his arm out for Alana to take” and it would be an honor to escort you in Princess” he said with a grin. Alana looked at her sister to see her glaring at Horon for insulting her and then back at Horon and smiled sweetly and taking his arm. Alana didn’t look back as she was led into the Great Hall, she could feel the eyes of every lord and lady sitting there he led her to the table seat at the head of the others and pulled out a chare on the left side of her mother and then took the seat directly next to her father on the right. Angela and her husband took seats with the other nobles. the feast was a cherry on every one chattered amongst themselves. the king and prince talk constantly and every once and awhile the king would laugh so Alana knew all was well there, she wished she could say the same of her mother and herself. Alana never knew what to say to her mother with out her starting one of her lectures about how she needed to act more grown up and less selfish but as far as Alana was concerned she was grown up, she was about to be 20 years old and she wasn’t selfish, she picked Alethea to be raised in status from being a lowly servant who had no rights and had to clean up after everyone in the castle and be treated like she was worth nothing by the head woman of the servants to being an attendant of the princess and she will be able to wait upon her at all the court balls and any major event held. Alana saw that as providing an opportunity for that young girl with a better status and with a better status she has more chances with finding a better husband so how could be selfish. Alana sighed as she picked at her food. “is the food not to your liking” her father asked. “oh no father, I’m just not hungry” she said waving her hand over her shoulder. Alethea came up from behind her and picked up her plate and refilled her wine and slipped away quietly. Alana smiled to herself at how quickly Sequoyah went over everything with her. Sequoyah was Alana’s greatest friend and the smartest among the servants in the castle. “is she going to remain your attendant” Pamella asked quietly “yes mother she is, I think she has much to learn” Alana said taking a sip of wine. “I like the idea” king Radburn said between a mouthful. Pamella looked at her husband “you do, why love” Radburn shrugged “she is a young girl who could grow up under our teaching and our guiding hand and Alana can have another loyal servant serving under her” “the more that are for sure loyal to her the better protected the princess will be” Horon spoke up and Radburn grunted in agreement. Pamella pressed her lips together tightly and said nothing. when the dinner was finally over the tables were pushed to the sides to make room for dancing and the musician took the floor and started playing. “come my darling lets show these young people how to dance” Radburn stood and taking Pamella’s hand led her away. Horon came and took Pamella’s seat next to Alana “how are you tonight princess” he asked putting his arm on the back of her chair. “I’m fine, and yourself” she asked with a smile he chuckled “lets drop the formality” he said grinning Alana laughed at him “are you always so straight forward” she asked “when I want to be, I feel comfortable enough around you to not feel the need to be formal, and I was wanting to ask you something” “ok” Alana said turning in her chair to face him “what is it you wish to know” “you sister” he said “my sister” “yes, she is no longer a princess right” he asked raising an eyebrow “that’s right, she married Nathaniel and gave up her title and clame” Alana said searching the hall for her sister and her husband. “yes exactly so why is she given the privileges of a princess” Alana laughed “well my mother wants her to be treated like a princess when she is here in the castle because she is still family” “what does your father say” he asked taking a sip of wine. Alana shrugged he seems to agree with mother, but sometimes I get the feeling that he is holding back from saying something” “why hasn’t he” he asked. Alana laughed “and go against my mother, that very rarely happens Horon smiled “wise man” he chuckled “but still im sure it must not look good for the king to have a noble woman stepping out of rank and I know it must upset you greatly to have no choice but to let her” Alana knew Horon was right she hated seeing her sister throw away her title and then acting like it never happened and what upset her more is that her mother and father let her. Alana knew that some of the other nobles laughed and mocked Angela for how she acted, Alana has spoken to her father about it many times but he just brushed it off and told her not to worry that Angela just needed time to adjust to her new position and role in life and to just be patient with her but Alana’s patients were running out. “im sorry, I didn’t mean to intrude but I was just curious” Horon said “no its ok, when it comes to my sister things are different and with William gone its worse” Alana said shrugging Horon nodded “she’s the middle child isn’t she” “yeah, my brother is the oldest and im the youngest” Alana said holding her cup up for more wine. Horon waited for the young boy to refill both there cups and walked away before speaking again. “which would explain why you are the life of the court and why everyone loves you, I think your sister is jealous” he said looking over at Angela “that was something that I had thought of even before Angela got married” Alana giggled “tell me something my dear princess, why haven’t you gotten married yet and started ruling your own kingdom” Horon asked with a sly grin Alana blushed “my father and I haven’t found a prince worthy of me” “that almost sounds like arrogance” Horon laughed loud enough to turn heads in there direction. Alana’s blush deepened as the nobles started whispering amongst themselves “I am not arrogant prince Horon, I just want to be happy and so does my father and none of the princes who have come to court me seem at all interesting, they all seem stuck up and boring” Alana waved her hand at Horon and took another sip of wine. Horon gave Alana a very charming smile and leaned closer to her “do I bore you princess” Alana looked at him for a moment “I’m not sure about you yet” he chuckled and took her hands in his “there will be time for that, do not worry about that” Alana couldn’t read the look on his face and didn’t fully understand what he said or was trying to say. “Prince Horon” king Radburn said loudly coming back to the table his queen on his arm and Angela right behind them. Horon stood “yes my lord” “Come, let us leave the dancing to the nobles, we can discuss why you are here” he waved his hand over to a door in the corner behind him. “of course my lord” Horon bowed and waited for the king to pass then held out his arm again for Alana to take flashing her another smile. Alana took Horons arm and glanced at her sister who had a smug smile of her own, Alana could guess that Angela fully expected to be part of the discussion. Horon ignored her and led Alana behind the king and queen and followed threw the door. Nathaniel quietly shut the door and shut out the music and the noise, the room was lit with ton of candles all over casting shadows on all the walls. The throne room was where the king met with his advisors and other nobles and discuss matters of state. Radburn sat on his throne and called for someone to bring wine “so tell me prince Horon what’s your business in Miray, your letter was quiet vague” “well sir, my father and I want to create an alliance between our two kingdoms” Alana saw her mother’s eyes flicker in her direction, Alana kept her eyes on Horon. “and just how do you plain to accomplish this” Radburn cleared his throat, he knew many ways of creating treaties but the most common way and sometimes the best were marriage treaties and Radburn didn’t know how he felt about his favorite daughter marrying Horon. “a treaty to be signed between you and my father” Horon said taking the glass of wine offered to him. “oh..ok..well yes I like that idea and I guess you will negotiate such a treaty” Radburn asked Horon shook his head “no, I am here to prove our attentions are noble and I wish to thank you for letting me come here today to speak with you” “with all do respect prince Horon, you didn’t give us much of a choice your letter arrived just hours before you did” Radburn said. “yes and I hope you can forgive that, but Alden is moving swiftly across the continent and must be stopped now” “what do you know of our war prince Horon” Alana asked Horon looked at Alana in surprise “well princess I think I know more than you do” Alana was slightly taken back by Horon’s remark “excuse me but I speak to my brother often about the war” Across the room Angela scoffed “you receive letters from him and that’s all” “that’s more than you can say, William has yet to write you” Alana snapped “he writes about the war” Horon took a few steps towards Alana. Alana nodded “yes he does…well did” “what do you mean” “he hasn’t written in a while and that’s not normal” Alana said frowning Horon had a look on his face that Alana couldn’t read but bothered her. “maybe he’s forgotten about you” Angela said putting a hand on her hip. “I’m not you Angela, he has no reason to forget me” Alana gave her sister a special smile for her sister. “girls that’s enough” Pamella said crossly taking her seat next to Radburn. “I’m older than her, she should have more respect” Angela pointed a finger at her younger sister. Alana was growing angrier by the minute “I am of higher rank than you Lady Angela” Alana said through clenched teeth. “are you pulling rank on me baby sister Angela asked staring down her sister “I am” “Alana calm down” Pamella said waving her hand at her daughter. “mother I am well with in my rights as a princess to deal with a noble woman as I please” “but she is your sister” Pamella said shocked “she is also a noble woman who has stepped out of her place, and tries to take advantage of her former rank, a rank she gave up willingly” Alana yelled and then pointed at her mother “and you let her” “you’re still just a child Alana, you don’t have the authority over me” Angela was glaring daggers at Alana. Nathaniel gave his wife his own look that clearly meant he wished she would stop talking “get out” Alana growled “Lord Nathaniel it was lovely as always to see you now please take your wife and go” she pointed to the door. Nathaniel bowed “yes princess, my humblest apologies” he grabbed Angela by the arm and tried to pull her along but she jerked out of his hold. “Are you going to let her do this to me” she asked turning to her parents. Pamella started to go to her daughter but Radburn stopped her “I am sorry my dear but Alana is right, you have been stepping out of your station and we normally punish those that do but we’ve been leaniant on you because you are our daughter but for me to be a fair king I can’t keep doing that Angela” Radburn shook his head “I think it would be best that you do leave” “so yeoman is now echoed by the king” Alana said very happy with herself Angela was clearly shocked and looked to her mother for support but Pamella would not meet her eyes, She nodded and bowed to her Parents and left the room quickly “well then” Horon coughed “may we finish our discussion” “yes please sit” Radburn indicated to a chair that were brought in for them “so how is it you intend to Prove this” drinking more wine “well my father thinks, and I agree, that one major strike against the armies of Alden will crush them and they will never recover” Horon Held his cup for more wine “you’re saying that you wish to combine our armies with yours” Pamella asked Horon nodded. “I don’t understand, if you want to do that why wouldn’t you just go right to my brother he’s leading our army” Alana looked to her father who nodded “well its not your brothers army I wish to fight with, but your fathers” silence filled the room for along moment. “taking the rest of our army would leave us defenseless if we were to be attacked” Pamella said breaking the silence Horon nodded “yes we thought of this and I will be leaving some of my men to go guard you and the princess and a few will also patrol the capitol at all times, you will be safe” “wait” Radburn held up his hands “you expect us to just hand over the rest of our army to you and then trust our lives to your few men” “no my lord, you can lead the rest of your army” he said “you’re going to take my father away” Alana asked worried “I think it would give Alden a real shock to see king Radburn ride into battle with his son and the prince of Amra” Horon leaned back in his chair Radburn chuckled from his thrown “yes that would be nice” Pamella opened her mouth to say something but quickly closed it, Alana took the chance to speak. “how do we know we can trust you, I mean I haven’t heard all that much about your kingdom let alone you or your father” “well princess why would I come here and practically give you my army, what other reason could I have other than peace I mean my kingdom is threatened as well” “I don’t know Horon” Alana leaned towards him “maybe you wish to create a false alliance with us when you really have and alliance with Alden or another one of our enemies” Horon smiled and shook his head but said nothing
© 2011 Lessa Kylara Johnson |
Added on September 12, 2011 Last Updated on September 12, 2011 AuthorLessa Kylara Johnsonjasper, ALAboutim 20 years old i live in alabama ive been writing since i was 15 and i love it. writing and reading is my life any thing else just ask more..Writing