Clockwork child
who never unwinds
sit still a moment
and listen this tale
under warm faerie light.
Once, when the world was young,
a child as yourself
went about in merriment
dancing and singing through the daisies.
Oblivious to the onset of night
and waking of demons.
Red-eyed fiery beasts
that dwell in the shadows
of oak trees.
Slimy-scaled monsters
welcoming young children close
to snatch them up
and carve out their skulls.
I lose myself, child.
The skull carving is withheld
for naughty children.
Children who forget themselves
as I have done just now.
Children who know nothing
of fighting demons.
But do not sway,
you have naught the eyes
of mischief about you.
Nay, the demons may
yet leave your body
belly-aching in the cold wind.
without means
to find a path home.
Forced to find work
or surely starve.
Never again to hold close
the warmth of a mother
or pride of a father.
Never again to snitch cookies
when no one looks.
Always dirtied
Always tired
Never satisfied.
Be this your dream
then continue working
your clockwork madness
enjoyed by demons
waiting in the shadows.