The Mouse Ran up The...?A Story by TeddyA man plagued with insanity engages in a fierce debate with his two closest 'friends' about his worsening situation and how to handle it.
"Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick...The hours pass by with each furious, seemingly lifeless, stroke as the dark grows stronger, thicker, more menacing by the second. I feel as if each stroke causes me to surpass my own damned sanity. Still, I find the overwhelming urge to write in order to save my sanity, but all in vain. You see I'm a very plain lad, but with a dirty little secret. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. I may split myself in two, and become anew. You find me mad, but let me reassure you I am not now nor have I ever been so mad. Delusional perhaps, but mad I assure you not. You seek proof. Then I shall bring him forth and you, you, you will have the glorious honor of meeting my dearest friend. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick..."
"A chair you fool, you were speaking to a chair. You truly are insane, aren't you? It's a damn shame, I was looking forward to a long separate life with you. Still, I enjoyed the ride. No matter how short it may have been. What's this you've engraved repeatedly into the desk? Nothing more than 'tick-tock'? I fear for my very safety". "You mean my safety. Well, I, you, he, she, they, we, it's all the same. You fancy me mad, you fancy me mad. The mouse ran up the clock, and soon found himself without a head. Without a head". "Shut up. Shut up. Shut up. Shut the damn clock up! Tick-tock. Tick-tock. The strokes rage on from Hell! My mind grows mad, my mind grows weary! Tick-tock. I know, off with my ears". "Off with his head"! "Will you cease this madness"? "Off with his head, his head, but with what"? "Have you gone mad"? "The paper cutter"! "The blade shall sheath no more"! "For the love of God"! "For the glory of Satan"! "Tick-tock. Tick-tock. Tick-tock". "GENTLEMEN"! "Tick..."
© 2014 Teddy |
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