Morning, coffee.

Morning, coffee.

A Story by Leefi

The routine

I love you gorgeous and I cant wait for our morning coffee.
Me either, sugar.
The alarm on my cell phone screams from under my pillow. I peel my drool stained face from my sheet and half roll my eyes at the thought of another morning. I still haven't figured out why I'm such a pessimist in the morning. I slide my hand under my pillow and hit the snooze. I begin my motivational exercises. This consists of aternating between talking myself out of calling in to work and dozing off for the next half an hour. The alarm warns me again. I manuver my way out of the wall side of the bed and over my sleeping husband. Steadily I creep through the house, getting ready for work. 
I like this point in the morning, I start to perk up. Its my only alone time in the day. I like to spend this half an hour erasing last night's memories by straightening up the living room. Then I relax and settle into a feng shui buzz in my clean space. Short lived, time to wake the family.
I head up the antiique staircase toward our bedroom. Each stair bellows a creek of agony as if tired of supporting me. I reach the entrance and push the American flag nailed to the trim out of the way and tip toe in. Before I can catch a breath, my husband shoots up in a dazed rage. His snorts and lets out a fierce sigh. Hating the first taste of morning, he flings the soft brown comforter on to the floor. About to stand up from the bed as if rising from the dead. He thumps his feet out of the toasty blankets onto the cold, crunchy berber. He makes his zombie-like march to the bathroom and closes the door.
I go to wake my daughter up. I pick the baby up. She insitintly scrunches her nose and mouth together, eyes still closed. Her little butt kicks out and she pulls her legs up by her belly. She reaches her tiny arms up to the sky, stretching, and peeks out of one beautiful brown eye. After a few methodical blinks, she opens her eyes and smiles at me. Good morning mommy! At least one of us is happy to wake up.
My husband and I share a few peaceful moments together, exchanging kisses with the baby before placing her in her car seat. Once on the road, we start our rundown checklist of necessities. Phone, check. Wallet, check... This particular morning we had everything. Finally coffee time, I think to myself. 
We pull up to our local fueling station and I jump out of the car to grab our simple luxuries, two slices of breakfast pizza and two coffees. At the counter, I plop my merchandise down and hand the attendent my card. "Credit or debit," she asks. "Debit", I say. The portly woman behind the counter hands me my card as if it were infectious and informs me it was declined. Humiliated, I scoot to the car to look for cash. Nothing. Out of respect (and because I live in that town) I go back in and tell her I am sorry but I have no cash and I slunk out of the tiny shop.
Now begins the kind of morning I'm familiar with. My husband frantically attempts loading the banks website on his phone. It seems to take an eternity. I feel hhis tension mounting. Any moment he's going to toss his phone at the door and throw out a plethora of obscenities. To my surprise, he keeps his patience and states the account is negative $50. I'm desensitized to news like this. It's the one constant in our lives, no money.
We sit in silence staring out the window at the piles of frosting white snow covering the fields as we drive. I sigh and let out a tiny giggle. I can't help but laugh off our troubles as beginner's fate.  This is the story of a yound budding family. I slide my hand past the center console and place it on my husbands leg. He looks over at me, grins, and tells me he loves me. Ah, peace again.
I sink myself into my seat and comfortably enjoy the view on the way to the sitter's. On our drive, we get to see the dark, cold sky start to show its glowing face. The sinister blues and purples awakening to a glorious pink, then orange and yellow. Here comes the sun!
After I have securely placed the baby in the sitter's arms, its off to work. On the drive, my husband and I talk about the new day and our approaching evening. Sadness fills my body once we hit the overcrowded parking lot of my work. This is when I realize I've got a whole day ahead of me without my family. Though sometimes a good thing to be away, most days I miss them and want to be close. We say our goodbye's and I head in.
Imediately after I've clocked in, set down my bags, and changed my shoes, I start the coffee pot. The sound of it percolating and the strong aroma which consumes my workspace is heavenly. I can hardly wait for that first steamy sip. Finally, I'm bringing the cup to my mouth. The steam clearing my pores. The smell teasing my nose. I take a sip and under my breath say, "good morning, coffee."
I love you gorgeous and hope you have a wondeful day.
I love you too, sugar.

© 2011 Leefi

Author's Note

Please ignore grammer. The purpose is journaling but would appreciate any feed back so I can improve. Thanks

My Review

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Grammar and punctuation aside, I liked it. Watch out for cliched descriptions like "The sinister blues and purples." I like that it's vague enough that it could be either fiction or nonfiction. I'm guessing nonfiction, but I could be wrong. Very descriptive overall.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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nice!! strong descriptions and personification - alarms screaming etc. - I like the way you've written it - it's not too formal, more casual which lends easier to the inner ear!! the story is strong too - and the ending is great - "good morning coffee"! nice work!

Posted 14 Years Ago

NIce "slice of life" feel to it. The use of "first person" gets in the way a bit. It is probably necessary. Just some tweaks on the amount of "I." Very nice details also like the stairs creaking and the overall mood.

Posted 14 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

A wonderful story of a day in the life, it could be anyones life.
a strong and enjoyable write..nicely done...P.S. having no cash
and a card to count on is very common, especially when it's
declined and everyone is staring at you like your broke. been
there done that lol...

Posted 14 Years Ago

I like this story. It is funny but oh how true. I am not a morning person either. Love second shift but to have time with my son I have to work first. This sounds like something that would happen to me. I have to have my coffee in the mornings.

Posted 14 Years Ago

This is my first be gentle! ;)

Posted 14 Years Ago

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6 Reviews
Added on February 8, 2011
Last Updated on February 9, 2011




I'm usually writing about my own indistinguishable life. I'm not a professional by any means of the imagination. I just enjoy the occasional vent. Writing is what helps me release the days or weeks.. more..

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