finders keepers

finders keepers

A Story by Kerri Lee Hudson

it creeped the hell off me just reading it for some reason...


A 5 year old and her mother were taking a walk one day. Every minute of that walk the mother and daughter where smiling enjoying everything they could.
Walking down the sidewalk of the street.
The little girl asked “what would happen if you jumped all the way to the moon?”
And the mother would respond saying “maybe I could become an alien.. And come to earth someday...” there was a short little pause.
The mother suddenly grabbed her daughter and raise he up into her arms and said “Then I’d take you like this” and slowly swung her around, the smiles never seemed to fade. They walked to a house that was old and looked like it was falling apart.
The daughter being curious asked who lived in that house. The mother trying not to seem intimidated by the house said “ I think someone I know lives in that house. I’m not to sure...” there was a short pause again. “Or maybe ... A GHOST” she said loudly and again picker her daughter up in her arms and gentle swinging her around.
They reach the house they called home and walked in smiling and laughing at one another.
They walked up into their house and slowly got ready for bed. Considering it was almost 9. The mother walked up to the banister leading up the stair and asked her daughter “ will you go upstairs and quickly get changed?”
Being the obedient daughter she was she listened to her mother and ran up the stairs. She turned around at the top of the steps and look down the stair and gave her mother the cutest smile she could possible muster and said “you can't find me” then she ran down the hall out of view from her mother.
The mother slowly ran up the stairs and ran down the hall toward the little girls room. When she heard something behind her. She stopped and turned around questioning if her daughter ran down this hall or the other. She slowly walked down the hall toward where the sound came from.
A room... A small little cleaning cupboard. The mother getting ready to burst the door open and catch the unexpected daughter. she opened the door and said “got you”
but nothing was there... she looked around the hall... not sure what that sound was that she heard...
She heard another sound coming from the daughters room... this time. Fear shot into her eyes
she ran as fast as she could and burst into the room... nothing. She looked around the room for her daughter but couldn’t find her in the small room.
She walked out of the room and yelled her daughters name, no response... she look around the hall to see if there was anything she could use to know where her daughter was hiding.
(Or so she hoped was hiding)
she ended up looking everywhere around the 3 story house she had... she thought of one place where she didn’t look. She highly doubted that her daughter would be there because she hates that. She went up the second floor of her house and slowly walked up the bathroom. Seeing that it was open about half way.. But the light was out. She tried turning on the light and saw that it didn’t work. Fear again shot into her eyes. She slowly opened the door and walked in.
Under her feet she felt something wet. She slowly backed up into the light of the hallway.
Immediately seeing what was on her feet she screamed. Turning around to run she heard something in hear ears. So quiet you could barely hear it.
"finders keepers"
and the door slowly shut

© 2008 Kerri Lee Hudson

Author's Note

Kerri Lee Hudson
I wrote it from a couple weeks back its; not at it's best I know I still have to edit a lot of it
just bare with me

My Review

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For a short story this really hit me. As I'm writing this I am still wondering what happened to the kid. Very good write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on February 8, 2008


Kerri Lee Hudson
Kerri Lee Hudson

pinawa, Canada

I've started writing recently I may not know much about poetry... so please bare with me till I understand it more more..
