Maybe the man on the moon is a self portrait of your second cousin
Maybe not, maybe its the painting of your soul, up there in the moon
Never ending eye sight across the universe and all that might be
And all that could be, maybe.
Hello, everything.
However, If your 3 eyed monster of perception got caught in the atmosphere
And looked down on earth,
Well what might go wrong if you opened your eyes
Car crashes hurt my eyes, if the world was in view, imagine what you might witness
Explode into tears and cry big fat rain for the chaos of mankind.
Forever look down on me and frown.
I’m sorry.
What if your multieyed face landing on the planet of a crazy man’s mind
Amazing swirls of brain waves and
Action packed dreams full of
Blue and red and green and orange monsters and Easter eggs.
Again and again ripples of extraordinary thoughts ruin “normal” stuff.
Goodbye sane world, enter his.
Boom and your pupils of all three eyes explode
Stumbling around with funny colored eye sockets,
Around the walls in which you build for yourself.
Big huge walls.
And now you can’t see.