Long Poem For Peace

Long Poem For Peace

A Poem by leafsailor

a Long poem for peace


Long Poem for Peace

So I wonder what is the task this time ?
who am I ?
You will see
your world is of dreams rambling
realities comprised of wishes and curses
a thousand thousand killers -all painted up 
dandy dancers in religion 
philosopher's power slaves

I am an animal man-creature
now shape shifting into your world

You will not know me
You will not see
or understand,
just a stranger
another mental case
you will say
a ragged child of sand and wind
I can clearly see the lies you believe
so many explanations told as truth to the child
who grows
not knowing the questions are not answered
and instead carrying a bag of lies and fairy tail
awake, yes I am awake
I tried to stay at rest
but once too often I was disturbed
I had to shed my sleep and my skin
all of you have awakened me
all of you with your noise
clambering , ranting , spitting hate drizzle
I am
who are you mad men underlings ?those
dancing ,howling, midnight dark dreamers,suns of hate 
dark riders in the wind of sorrow ?
flinging into the eyes of men
I am awake and you will stand down in the edge of a dream
a reality breaths
the shifting ripples along the skin and in the blood
the eyes change
new knowledge comes into the mind of the phoenix
the sun and the wind feed me
the sparrow and the hawk teach me
the oak tree is my strength
I am rock and earth
blood and tears
I am here now among you
quickly I travel in electronic arteries
in the spider web around the world
I will stand before you
I'll gather your young about me
this is now
I am awake
now I will splinter and sing
to you this new song of long ages made
come children listen:
first one war
then another
and another
after these some
many more
all the same sad story
nothing learned 
The sky is beyond black or blue
it is deep singing sleep
I am at once free to understand
tomorrow I leave
the stars cascade across my vision
the radio makes talk over in the Humvee
the air is cold
ageless sands shift under an ageless sky
my boots are new
the equipment is new
everything smells plastic elastic Velcro fresh
the ammo is heavy
neat and clean
I am just arrived alive
but tomorrow afternoon I will leave
beyond repair
mother was relieved
it will do you good to join

before my eyes the heavy afternoon heat gives way
to heat beyond the edge of reason
complete silent pressure
no sound
slowly disintegrating man
shredding,...arms.....,legs.... shredded head
all drifting away in the cloud of light
don't tell me I don't know
I am awake
I am here to haunt you
dead child
cold blue child
dead destroyed baby girl
shrapnel blue deep pits above her eyes
a hole in her face and an arm gone ragged
don't tell me any thing
I am awake

this isn't an idea 

the fires of hell are kept lit by you fools
you know who you are
you did not count on me
I will stop you
In this early morning hour I know
I will sleep
and gather into a force
of truth
afraid beyond words
young and dead 
no lover's arms to return to
only you standing at a marble headstone
I wont leave you alone
the chopper settled in
the gooks nest
high as a kite
the air was bath water
the smell was gasoline and swamp
it was fun
incoming was buzzing
but the tie sticks and beer took the afternoon
just hit the ground in the raging dust
empty the clip
run stumble and fly into the shade
the world is pounding,
one big heart beat
still the chopper sings its farewell
a deep stillness settles in
quietly the men die
bleeding a rivulet into the soft soil
the rice field simmers in the sun
the heat settles in
so stoned I don't care
its just this stupid war
I want to go home ,but that's a million dreams away
Mike died yesterday
a week in evak,
they knew he would and he knew it was up
Joey is insane
Dave is slipping into a killer
I'll ramble if I want to ,you can't stop me
You don't have any clue as to who I am
do you?

the father land needed me
to kill the Jews
they came so smartly to my door this morning
shiny and at attention
all scrubbed clean
full of the mission, you will come with us
I knew to go
the air was cold , the day was clear
a little snow was left in the hedges and about the buildings of town
your name, yes we know who you are
fill out this form
sit in this chair
here is your identification,don't lose it
you will be shot if you cant produce it
you are now in the glory of the father land
I wanted only my books and the sweet girl at the bakery store
my microscope and violin
no idea of war was mine
now I stand naked in the cold water
hollow gray home of a thousand pale boys
given to this order of insanity
again and again
wave your flags wave them until the dead can see you
wave them all
all you flag wavers,
wave like you never waved before
you wont stop me
I am fire
I am the fire of truth
not to hidden by righteousness or holiness
you can't do that when it is just a plain old destroying truth
stupidity is truth
cruelty is truth
foolish following is truth
I burn you to the bone,
I destroy you in your bed
I will hunt you down and make you see me
I am awake you have disturbed me,
I am in a deep cosmic rage
you will wonder where I came from
I am yours
you made me and left me for dead,forgotten 

sleeping in the gas chambers and killing fields
the machete
digs into his neck
I can feel the bone
he looks me in the eye
I know something has gone terribly wrong
but I laugh out loud ,pull and swing again
his head roles away
get it
you keep dreaming this nightmare over and over
I am awake

quickly follow me
if you can
or you will not see me enter the great halls
where the powerful men yammer and spit
spending lives like currency
you will not see me casting dark confusion over them with the spider net
to watch them spin their own destruction
ever more ridicule
turning on each other in a harvest of their own blood
turned to ash
their clothes will turn to rags as I leave
the Apache dance in the fire light
as the Crow
as the Choctaw
something has gone terribly wrong
they know
but still,now the arrow is for the heart of brothers
not the deer or elk
I bend and cut the scalp
rip it back
I hold it high and feel the warm blood run down my arm
our eyes have gone wild, like wolves at the kill
if my hand touches you
you will be without understanding
you will see yourself as the bomber and the destroyed
your mouth will speak of destruction
but it will always be yours
I will find you
you who think you are so wise
as to be the judge and destroyer 
one by one you will come with me
it is all a lie
it is noise and confusion
inherited foolishness,well kept and passed down
father to son
now you will see me
you will not hide from me I will hold the flame on your mind
until the fire catches
cant you see who I am
the gray dawn
sweet among the hills of Tennessee
the gray rough new uniform
the new packets of powder and shot,
the brass shiny caps
a rainy mist,the gray lines
the cavalry call
the answering volley
the first
so it begins
I am now turning around and around looking,
everything moves so slowly
the man in blue twists and shatters before my eyes
settling like a rag across a fallen tree
all scarlet and shiny
I am a thunder,
my ears hear a drum beat ever slower
I am on fire
the world is turning red and silent,
I look down at the ring on my finger
you will hear me now
you will hear my bride weep
you will smell the honeysuckle vine I fell into
it takes me home outside the window
I sing in the vines
a chill runs through and through the woman looking out
seeing the gray clouds scuttle by
I close my eyes
put it down
,put down the page
,put away the pen
quiet the rage
try to still the tongue and silence the song I bring
I am alive
deep in the truth I reside
I show you the lies
I will not be gone
back to the romance of the fife and drum, bagpipe and song
dances at the academy
in smart new uniforms
all the shiny fancy aircraft
the napalm scudded like burning vomit across the village
the babe sizzled like bacon
popping and spitting as the fire consumed it
I am transfixed
still frozen
I am as stone
my child burns and I melt into the fire
the fire leaps up my long hair and kisses my cheek
the cow staggers by outside on fire
I can hear grandmother singing
I feel the long rain
coming now
I am the fire
you should know me better
you play on your island testing ground
curious children
you get your revenge on the yellow people
I'll take your world from you if you are not careful
I am fire
I am awake
in the mud listening to the men try to explain themselves
how did we get here in France ?
hell Henry and I volunteered down at the station that's how we got here
Cindy kissed me goodby
that is all I really wanted,
was for her to kiss me good by
and look at me that way.she did as she said she would wait for me
I am cold now
quiet and dead,
covered up in the bottom of the trench
slipped back down into the mud
smacked in the forehead,
it felt like a hornet sting and a hard punch between the eyes
everything went white and shiny for a moment
a deep dark starry night sky spinning all around
a beautiful point of singing light 
the most radiant ring of light 
the gate
but I wanted to come home to Cindy !
I cant be here yet !
the men don't understand that they are also dead yet
standing in line to sign the papers and give their lives for their country
that's the answer
searing tearing pain
the whole side of my face blown away 
I'm staring at you in disbelief
with one eye hanging out,
for a moment I can see it
I am home
I am yours
I walk the lonely clay road in Alabama
looking for my home place in the summer sun
I see a an old oak tree,
the dewberries are ripe
and now the big circle of oaks 
the lighter knot gate post
but no gate,
only the chimney stands from the old home place
I suppose the Philco radio is gone as well?
how is this
I was standing on the foredeck watching the incoming zeros
looking for my recon man when something went terribly wrong
for a second I understood torpedo
land we lifted up as if by invisible hands and were slammed with fire,
just a blink
Ill show you the truth
truth is thirst
when you have no water for days
simple quiet deep
terrifying truth
watch the soldier drink
,then laugh at us and spit it out
he spits out whole mouthfuls on the dry ground
the ache
worse than any lover's desire
for just a sip
you know what war is?
I know you do not get it 
it would be ended
the truth will make you insane
with thirst
twist in the fire
try to fly from the raging pain in your head and screaming through your bowels
gasp for air in the heat of your cell
death in Afghanistan
the Patriots cause
you are fools to believe
you win when you kill
any one
any one, so bold and brilliant in wisdom
to say
I am God
is welcome to hell
its yours
you make it
you keep it
jump up and shout,
run ,sing and dance
love the killers one and all
every mother's son with blood on his hands
I am awake
I know you don't like me
,you don't like this
get up and leave
you will find I will follow you
right into your dreams
you will no longer hide and wash your hands in innocence
our cause ,our reasons, our way of life
its always the same side
its your side
its just a finger on the trigger
quick snap dead
and a few civilians killed by mistake
I'll be a mountain of bloody legs
blown off by land mines
resurrected arms and hands,
shattered severed heads
raining down
I have the strength of all the men killed
the innocence of the children
the raging sorrow of the mothers
the sadness of the fathers
when they realize that it is
their own sad art that paints this picture
its the cold kiss of death
I will kiss you this morning
in the big ditch in the field
you will stand beside in the cold dawn
its your own child's eyes you see looking up at you
its a crack ,a thud
the kiss moves down the line
you fall
you see your child's eye move as you fall
stranger,in a long red cloak,standing before the fire,unannounced
dark deep eyes and brooding brows dark
velvet complexion
gather of blood
claiming souls for the record
the wall
the star in the window
the photo on the tomb stone
the telegraph from western union
we are sorry
to report ...
the cannon accidentally fired during maneuvers facing away from the range
the Yankees were drilling and doing range practice
I was looking at her and how beautiful she was in the evening sun
I saw the way the sun shone through the lace on her dress
when the ball arrived
oh sad arts ,are the arts of war
the arts of crime and shame
innocence destroyed
God made insane
for God and country of thee I bleed
I am angry
you don't see the empty hours in a cell alone
you don't see your man hammering the nails into the God child's wrists
over and over
you never blame yourself
for accepting this
is your bomb
this is your fear and rage
this is your blind acceptance
there will always be wars
you know any thing is possible with God
what do you want ?
I'll not dance at your victory ,
you slyly let them start,
you knew
and pushed the hate along
looked the other way a moment
You are the problem of hate
you are the fear,and greed
me , me , me, you whimper
my God
my country
my people ,
the prophet ,
the way
we are
you are not
Gods children
infidel Jew Christian Buddhist
Arapaho man
told the young men
there is only death in war
"it is only death" he said
you choose a path that is a lie in the beginning
and death in the end ,
I don't have time for your lying worm tongues
you bitter hate baitor's
you know who you are
Rush and I-ah ttola 
I am in front of you now
I stand ragged and torn with my old shopping cart
in front of your car
you sit on the horn,
you cant scare this old soldier
I'll not move
I don't even know my own name
what is that sound?
I am yours
the Congress gave the military millions and millions
they gave me a ticket to Korea
do you know how red
blood is in the snow?
blood is almost black in moonlight
I see the frozen children
fallen men
the skinny dog valiantly guarding the old woman's pale torn body
black on white ,in gray sad memories flicker on and off
curse me of course in your car at the cross walk
but you should know ,I
am yours
I am your humanity
I am what you teach your children
every tribe a killer tribe
every flag a song of death
you weave this tapestry
of death and destruction
into all that you are
you are never free
from the blinding explosion
searing and tearing,shattering your life into tattered meat
words spoken by the red mouths of the leaders
and preachers
teachers of hate and destruction
always , somehow...incredibly
for God or in the name of the Prophet or with God's divine help....
I'll take my shattered mind now..thank you very much
out of your way
you drive on..go on
wondering what was wrong with that crazy old fool with the shopping cart
now you will know
I will tell you
I will seep into every thing you do
again and again you will see me
in a book
on the news,out the window
as gun shots ring out in the night we lie in the tall wet grass
it smells like snakes and is scratchy
when the rain came we did not move,
father said not to move
until he came back
he said, pretend this is a dream and you are asleep
be very still,do not call me if some one comes,do not move,close your eyes and do not answer them
unless they know your names
he said this very quickly
and in a whisper
he was trembling,we felt his hand on us shaking,then he ran
it was still and quiet
a wind came and the rain, sister moved close to me but made no sound
now we lie in the tall wet grass
many excited voices
then gun shots,screams,the sound of some one coming
tromping around
they stop and come over around us
sister doesn't move,
I don't move
someone laughs one time
then crack
you will come with us now your children do not need you any more
I will settle into your dreams
it is different now
I grow in power every day
for as long as I stayed away
taking the hate and pain
gathering the sorrow and mindless grief of disbelief
the senseless tragedy
the couples locked in a death grip
having cut each others arteries staring
wild eyed at each other in victory
a vast horde came to me on fire
some coverd in oil some in gasoline
others came as ash,all in one quick moment
like dust they settled among the severed heads
all a gift from your little planet home
the poison men gather,with their white coats and microscopes,all the little frozen viles
anthrax and smallpox ,so many deadly things to play with
they pile high the store room
the swords and knifes, all bloody and ringing with hate
clash in endless battle in the halls
all about the bullets and cannon shot fly
shredded flesh drifts down like snow
blinded bleeding eyes look on as countless voices cry out
the shutter of death trembles in your hart
I am real
I am here
I am yours
you can not put me away now
to do that you must agree
you love
your battleships,and confederate flags,
your fancy remote control airplanes
and exploding vests
and all those God damned silly hats
you are fools
with fire
little puney minds half formed
willing to follow any one
so easily
we kill them,
they stand quietly
some of them get sick,
some of them faint
its a little messy
its quick
and its easy
I have five hundred now
almost a record for a day !
the back hoe digs the ditch,then covers them up
,quickly it is done
one man turned at the last moment and spit
I shot him in both eyes
we laughed and laughed because I was so angry at him
the only thing is the smell
sometimes I can't get that blood smell off of me
I not hungry much any more either....
I would not tell anyone but I almost admire the man who turned when he felt the hot gun barrel at the back of his head
he was quick
tomorrow we may finish them all ,eight thousand men and boys 
war crimes
in your face
six million Jews
two million Cambodians 
numbers of countless thousands of ten and twenty
young men
all arrive shouting
death to the enemy, we will be victorious
just to feel a hand in mine
just to connect this simple way
slips down the corridor
away to a forgotten day
as I recall the mystery of youth
I remember you
the poet grasps
at the scattered pages as the sword runs him through
the violin is smashed by a bit of shrapnel
flung by a shell from the sea
the twin boys are blown to smithereens in their stroller
in the holy land
the missile makers aim the end of the world at each other and snarl and spit
you don't think you are fools?
hindo voodo jap spick wop jerry limy reb and yank
talk and talk
big strong men
say they protect us all on all sides
of course
all the death and destruction they bring
with never ending patriotic songs
would you?
that I should leave you
close the book if that would end the story ?
however words live
they crawl and slither,distort and poison
this thinking glob of fat that is in your head ,
needs to see
you own me
I am real
you can write no good in blood
all your joy is destroyed
the cities of light are empty
the raging cold warriors wonder the darkness
I bring them to you
so easily you give up your sons and husbands
daughters and te mother's of your children
to them
so easily you listen to the worn out explanation
it is the way of the world
it is the way of fools
everybody run
run to your side
grab a stone and run back
smash a head
now proclaim victory for
see it grows old
over and over
stupid men
I will rise up like the sun your eyes will open to the truth
these people who are allowed to kill
must be stopped
they are yours, you must understand this ,see them know them ,all of you
don't blame God or the devil
its you
I will not go back,
or leave you
or be quiet
any more
you must know every story before you are free of this nightmare
that every one must dream
I can tell you this, it was cold and damp
the little electric torch grew yellow,the air was heavy and wet
the sub settled onto the sandy bottom never to leave we watched the filament
glow orange
fade away,then darkness
you could hear the sub creak and shutter
popping from the pressure, then the seam split
ice water filled the darkness
sitting by the sea
the pretty girl felt a cold chill and settled into a sadness that left her hanging in a closet
you opened the door
so I shot you
so what? that's war
I will hold you by your hate
you sit at your dinner table
give thanks and ask for blessings
then explain why it is necessary to kill
then you turn to me
funny little man
and quite matter of factually explain why you hate Mexicans
you would shoot them all if you could
absolutely satisfied in your crazy way
this isn't make believe this is real life true
you are in hate you simple hard working family man
proclaimed conservative Christian Anglo brother
blood on your soul
come with me
you can't refuse
follow this path ,
it is yours
you make it
follow it through your children
until it grows into death and destruction
this is real
kill for sand
stand on your own grave oh Jerusalem
war crimes
fools and imbeciles
war its self is a crime
i prosecute you all
nations sing your pretty songs
stand defiant before God ,
justified,sanctified forgiven
for killing the sleeping child and the house cat
stand now,this is yours
drink this blood
it is what you do
peaceful and quiet just at the break of day, the trees are shrouded in mist
suspended in time the moment stands
before the thundering b52 slams into the hill exploding into a rolling fire ball
I am a child then
I am a child now
begging you to understand what you do
when you speak of hate
open the gate
loose this beast
unleash this tempest 
this insanity transferred
around the circle of time
give in to this destruction,
embrace this passion
of love gone to hell
behold I am yours
who am I ?
that flings a child snatched from his mother's arms into a well
and laughs
you can not understand
I am the new mother
listening to the rain on the roof and looking in wonder at the new babe in my arms
the night is quiet and peaceful
the terrible heat is broken
the air is cool and sweet
you do not understand
time falls into itself
it is ,as it was,as it will be
you decide
I am before you in power and mystery
I am not easy
or pleasant
American reality television
splatted with the blood of an Afghan bride
would scream across the air waves into oblivion
you can not comprehend
(but you will)
see the blood stained dress?
the sad corpse ?
the insane groom?
and a room in hell for the architect of it?
don't get it yet?
its your dollar
and your collage grad
your baby boy
sent off to school
at seventeen years old to be the next high priest of the Holy war
he has His father"s sword in his hand
the explosive vest
on his chest
your beautiful child
all crazy with jihad
you know he is yours
they all will die today
thank you
weep for this sad sundown
I see and so the profit is god
it is done and I have run out of mercy
awake and see
feel the death you embrace in your complacency
it is your sad song
all the mothers and fathers
concern is there for the children
when they take them to the temple to be blessed
or baptized
and they dip them in the holy river
or pass them over the backs of twenty cows
all for the blessings of a good life
property,love and peace
a different song
a different chant
some expect to live again
some forever
no-one looks to die
just like that
on an airplane
going home
or to see grandmother
out the window
on to the tarmac
shot to make a point
frozen in time
suspended in the Nazi ice water
survival duration experiment
you shoved me under when i tried to get out of the brine pool
the absolute moment
held me in complete terror
dark came
quietly floating down
don't ask for forgiveness
I wont to remember you
only the sun singing on the river
I could free you if I remember
but I don't,
it was to dark
help me understand this
I was nailing shingles on my barn
Mary had fixed a nice breakfast
we made love in the big feathered bed
(she wanted to)
any way, I was about to hammer a nail into a shingle
when it went red and dark
all was a ringing
I remember falling into the hay rake
the tongs run through me
the wind out of the west had the smell of gun smoke on it
I heard Mary scream
what in the world?
a snipers job is to kill
he was a sympathizer
so I shot him off his barn
one less enemy
fly before me
wind of rage and revenge
fly before me
fire and gunshots
fly the dreams of destruction turned into day light realities
you stand and wonder how it came to this ?
fly before me all the words
aimed at twisting hearts of men,
one against the other
pay now 
the dance is over
you will stand before the fire of truth and....
be seen no more
I am
every day and night
I am
every river and sea
I am the wind
I will not be silenced
you will
the wailing of the misery
in the center of your brain
may still your mouth
you will see the sad eyed child
Oh dreamers of Babylon
wise men of Atlantis
builders of pyramids
and space shuttles
formers of constitutions
and writers of symphonies 
can you not figure this out?
a sniper on a roof in Syria
killed my teen age girl
own this bullet
who are you??????
tell me where it said in the Bible
there will always be wars ?
God is all powerful
go figure
You want to have your enemy
Enemies make you into somebody
you would not be without them
both of you
jump up and shout
,stand up and spit and curse
spin your hatred into a mass of moving people
out down and over
the morning smells like death
it is all yours
God does not force this on you
although you would like to think that something else is at work here
it is you puny little men,
puffed up proud women
little oldsword wielding stone heaving talk show radiohosts
get it
get it now!!!!
its all the same
you know it
it smells like death and decay
but it starts with patriotic songs and marching bands
you must join in,the mother land calls you
I bore you? I will engulf you!
you will listen forever
if need be
I am alive and powerful beyond your measure
I come to shake your world
sweet victory
the Huns are stopped
we have won
the North is triumphant
we are independent the Spanish run like dogs
you don't want the price ?
you don't want the truth of how hollow it all really is ?
it is empty
a shallow shell
if victory is when 
someone makes new rules
and builds new armies
you will answer to them
they will say
"go kill ,and protect us"
it is in our nations interest
or a holy war
or oil
or something like a line on a map
but a little boy and girl will die
their mother will weep for the rest of time
the big strong men may get all dressed up in fancy uniforms
long robes and vestments
turbans and long silky beards
and speak so elegantly
of the heroes of the past
and the sacrifices of soldiers
his honor
his Excellency
his woopasness
the President,
your Holiness
the general
they meet in war councils
in back rooms
they plan
with maps and figures
they move little toy navys around
and drop toy atomic bombs
on a little toy flat world
I have come to take them all to Hell
the Hell that they construct
one by one they will find me standing by the royal bed
dog leash and collar in hand
my twisted limbs and bleeding eyes are ,beyond a nightmare
you will now visit your handiwork
I will own your mind
your spirit cannot hide any longer
PEACE has come to claim you as its own
I am alive in the cosmic world of energies
I will come weaving and darting
dancing into your films
singing in your music
shouting in your streets
I will reach up out of pictures in a book
turn the corner in a city and you will see me
face to face
I will name you
and claim you
I will tell your children the truth
they will be sick to know and wish to hide
but you will not stop me with your guns and lies
you can not
because I am yours
and I have the net
and music
and poets
and artists to do my bidding
I am no fantasy,
look around 
you can feel me coming
isn't it interesting that gold and lead are so similar ?
they are both heavy and soft
can be hammered very thin
they both endure
they also both kill
they shatter the land 
empower the destroyers of peace
they enslave and seduce
I give you both for your last meal
I tried to understand
I studied and listened to the old men
as they explained to me
why I should go into the market and explode
you can take everything away from me
but you will not take my voice
I did not see that I would know the infidel,from the faithful
so I was told Alla would know
I was given to martyrdom
to do this work
it was the path from the moment of my birth
I was still pure having not even having known a woman
I had yet to shed blood 
I was raised in THE way
how else could it be that I stand in front of the council
to make this video 
if not the will of Alla ?
every direction I turn , leads down the alleyway into the market
not towards my "self
the old men approve
they know
the children whisper
the woman press against me in the throng before prayers
it grows quiet as I enter
the best food is put before me
it is the will of Ala
the night is long and quiet
sleep is a mean friend that only says hello and then leaves
I pray and pray
I read the Prophet's words
Who am i?
I am death
bloody death
I am exploding
you are
bleeding out
in the street
thrown burning
stumbling blind
blinking out
quiet jerking twitching
for the glory of God ?
child of destruction
you came to purify the world
your vest wasn't so heavy
"I was surprised " you tell me now
"it was warm to the touch
taken from its hiding place
on the roof under the tiles
it had a funny smell like
something new it was wrapped
around me and I felt it hold me
in its grip its complete power and
authority to kill was mine The little wire
dangling was all it needed to call in the
will of Alla from the cell phone
the tile floor was clean and smooth
from ages of bare feet
orange and yellow,with blurred boarders
the water was cool and smelled sweet so
I washed my feet slowly I tell you my ears
were ringing and I felt light and
the tea they gave me was working
I was very glad and knew
this was the hour so down a back road
went after I put on the Burke
It seemed the will of Alla
so I let this idea take me to the market 
and I walked into the crowd and 
an old woman looked right at me and cursed!
she told me I was a fool and that you stumbled and swayed
like a hash eater and to be gone.................................
I pressed the button and nothing happened 
it was the will of Alla
the solders come down the ally way
the crowd opened before them
they looked like big insects
with big black eyes and ant antenna,
all hard edged and mean
when they drew near
I was lifted into the air just a little above them
I saw the helmets fly off,their i big black eyes shatter
I was a ringing bell !
then all was still but for the ringing and darkness
it was done
the old woman had a bolt buried deep in her skull
another victory for Alla ?
then you snapped my mind closed "
I will pry it open with my bloody hands
I will be behind you ,
laughing that way you know
deny the truth and wake up with an old woman calling you
look into the hole in her head
as she twists in the wind from the explosion
she was your old grandmother gone to market
to get some figs I know
you must sit beside her corpse and count the maggots 
until I set you free
that will be when the last story is told
listen to this in every language
watch it find its way out of the ancient darkness into the light of the moment
you encounter the dark power of blind obedience to hate
you have no excuse now
,no place to hide
no old man to listen to
no God, of forgiveness to lie for you
you are the death in the valley now
you are the fear
and the rape
some part of you will deny anything to do with Africa
or Sudan
or Mexico
do you understand who I am?
I am all of you who let them do the killing
all you mothers brothers sisters and wives
girl friends and fathers,uncles aunts
and teachers
preachers rabbi and mullahs
who see them off and cry
send them toothpaste and socks
its their duty
Who am I with my sad bleeding eyes to tell you
its yours ?
the evening news may help you
run from the truth,
they do this for you.
it is is cold,
ice is every where
the door on the little shed swings on its leather hinges
the goats are all gone,
nothing moves but the swing of the door
in the house the hearth is cold
the chimney moans
the old photograph looks down in silence at the sunlight in the dust
on the table dinner places are still set
the circles of light
trace the bullet holes in the roof and walls
in the spring the rats will finish cleaning the bones
it was just a short five day war
it was over in five minutes
this scene is alive
the screams will reverberate forever in the cold air
as the old man
clings to the old woman
the goats roasted well over the fire made from the fence
for mother Russia
all of you will be contacted
each in you own day
Now I will not rest
until every grave is opened
and every wretched lie is put before you written
so you can make no mistake
what foolish nonsense brings me to this path
you will know me
the great gray battleship bathed in the early morning sunlight
the long graceful sheer line
towering guns
tons of steel and brass
all the drawings ,calculations machine figures ,builders and mathematical wizards
a massive undertaking
for killing
and destruction
are we free from this
I see the memorial park,with its bombers and submarine
it is beside the great ship in the sun
the big jet fighter on the sign
every one of you has the seed that grows this fruit of conflict
let them gather the memories of reality
war memorials should be awash in blood and shattered bones
the sounds of burning drowning men
All who gather around, and listen to the fire starters
those crafty speakers who begin the killing
with simple words
will see the blood that dribbles down their chins
as they build their wars
your eyes will see now
I will get behind your mind and illuminate the screen
if you have read this
it is done
you may laugh and trash
the page
then you will see it is yours
you gave it to your children
the world has ton es of this junk
all the schools that were not built
hospitals that did not happen
missiles ,biochemical warfare labs ,lazier ray particle cannons ....3 billion
a linear rail projectile accelerator
a few more microwave ultra distance brain cookers
they all cling to me
they are a moving mountain of artillery pieces,airplanes,and ships
factory upon factory bombs bullets and land mines
the forges and anvils to hammer out all the bloody tools of war,
as far as the eye can see
they pile up in all direction
I will give you a memorial !
a mountain of bones as big as the moon
to shine down on you at night 
your leaders should have a rotten stinking nest of vipers snapping at your leaders heads when they talk of war
you holy men
these fires
should be most afraid
blood will come as tears,from your eyes
for all of your cunning lies
I am truth
I will slay you
the nightmares will begin
they will dance in your heads as you pray
people will fear your eyes
they will despise your face
you will not hide from me
the good people will shout you down
the righteous
the kind
the wise
they will shut you away
in a desolate land to live your lives out
no longer the slayers of peace loving people
I am shaking your world
snarling across your land
hero time is over
reality is pain,death destruction
all the crazy requests
please universe join in
help us win this war
I will give you that answer now
open the door to a stranger who will not leave
until the last warrior tribe is gone
the lie is untold
we got the boy a dog
his mama thinks
I won't let him walk behind me
I will see where he goes
and follow in his steps 
he loves the dog
they slept together the first night
and he follows his dog carefully
and there are forgotten mines
mama forgot about them
for boy and dog it was love
mother saw the explosion
she ran past the bloody spot and up the mountain
she sleeps in the deep valley floor
the wolves had a fine meal
yesterday my prison Guard told me
now there is only grief
so quiet ,so complete
time stands still
when we danced in the moon light
when we laughed at the babies smiles
we planted the spring garden
we moved the goats up the mountain
we did not know
the war had started
it will never end
it can not be undone
it is your war
blistering wretched pain beyond hell
complete insanity
to turn on my own wife and son
slay them in their bed
while they looked at me in terror
I was in Afghanistan when it began
I knew the moment
it snapped
the boy danced as the bullets hit him
wrong place
wrong time
wrong move
collateral damage
he jerked and twisted on the ground
I shot him once more
still as the sun
the day stands fixed forever
I am here
something came undone
I was turned lose to run wild
I turned and walked away
to my childhood
the cold river in summer
swimming and fishing,
the mist on the river at dawn
my father and uncle,cooking breakfast
fish and grits
the sandy beach in the bend
the sip of whiskey in the evening,
the fire turned to starlight
ripping into me
smashed down with unearthly pain
the boy and I
bleeding in the alley
departed this world
he did not return,
I did
now I stand looking at the bloody bed
you can smell death in your very air
I am in your children s eyes
they ask
You tell them
to save the world
or claim our peoples land......
on both sides
our people
have been hating and fighting
for generations
foolish monkey
I stand and hold the hand of a thousand dead children
they are your pretty work mister war master
rocket builder
sitting in the basement packing the powder
drilling out the plate,
setting the timing fuse
putting in the nuts and nails
if only you had a bouncing Betty
War is made by the hands of men
their minds at an accepted insane occupation
A quiet land awaits you
it is an absolute mind numbing consuming hate
it awakens you in the night
it is thrilling ,
your eyes snap open
your senses race
every whisper of sound is amplified
the distant twinkle of a light,moving
who is coming ?
the tracer rounds come in first
the smash of glass and wood, a thousand rounds
slam you
fear and hate have done their job
up against the wall in tattered shreds the map explains it
hate grabs you,
it takes everything else away
you now belong to the white robed fantasy of the clan
around the fire light,
same subject,
crazy fire cross ,
some super twisted idea of Christmas
it was the day when we got the telegram
or mother wept
in her own mother's arms
the young bride,
the baby in the crib
she was quiet,such a good child
Vietnam waited for him
come one
come all,
see the American civil war
its an adventure
it is eve so interesting
we will re in-act it for you
come with me and die
on a sun lit afternoon
with a musket ball between our eyes
you are simple history
at 15 years of age you marched out of town
confederate son
blond and proud,
defending the idea that to keep slaves is just
it said so in the Bible?
there will always be wars
wars full of complete insanity
says who?
you think this is a gift of God, Alla, Buddha,Yaw-aye,Bozo the clown ?
step down sir ! Madame!
accept your stupid idea
it is all yours
choke on it
No I wont leave this alone
I am at you
and your machinery
you cunning little death dealing lairs 
spitting slobbering rabble risers
I will drag you kicking and screaming out of my city
you know the one on the hill?
I will set you among your own kind
you may tear each other to shreds with your own hands
I will laugh as the universe consumes you as it does all useless things
you will be done with and we can live in peace
but just to be fair
gone as you may be
you must still listen forever
this one small child that stands quietly beside her mother
and left raped and broken
she is yours
tomahawk ?
cruse missile?
wish then 
one dead son
one dead brother
one person at a time,decides
to go down this road
a reason
loyalty to the king,
a noble" I do" for freedom
when the words are written in blood
there is no end
I will not let you go
I will not let you say nothing
you see
I am death 
and in your day ,
with plenty of help from of hate
and fear 
I will walk your streets and lanes
even in foolish Ireland
who do you hate ?
the Christ Child ?
simple sad 
killing meanness
you morons
look at what you accept
passing on from one young person to another,
songs of hate,
hate is a demonic force
hate is an inanity
a mental illness
the twisted man will get beside you and make you
hate him
it is the food and drink of war
it is the real substance if a profound reality
red blood is all you see
the smashing of the skull
and the twitching body
a passion
such a fools trap!
so long ago
for no reason
save destruction
it became yours
but it isn't whole
it is broken bits and pieces of childhood and home
it is hunger and cold
its dyslexia and cant count or read
or spell
perhaps it has a a twisted face
War calls the outcast to something real
it gives the lonesome people
the insane a world they can understand
be gone
but I tell you I see the insanity
and so perhaps I shall quietly leave you ?
it is your own, your miserable mess
left alone you brood ,plan and talk
until the fire burns the whole city
all set against me will fail because
I am truth, 
The interlocking violence grows by day and in nights
blindness is the sun on the desert at noon
I am sullen,
yet resolved
to see this wicked duty done
it will be so easy
The Turks have no reconnaissance that I am even in the theater
I come in from Damascus ,
over a forth night
only starlight and sand saw me
the bridge was brought down
the rails were wrecked
the locomotive and the cars plunged in a graceful arc into the river Valley
all was fire and explosions
we watched as the raiders go down,the children and mothers ,who were bound out of harms way
mix the blood with the fire to put a sickly sweet smell on the air
you think you have me stopped some how,how can this be?
so you continue this lie to mankind
I am alive
I stand against you
test me
the worst is the blindly stupid mean
people eat them up like sugar
I will strip this to the bone
the fire of the innocent will haunt you
the true hero
never fired a shot
or stabbed
or hung
any one
they stood naked while correction officers washed them down
electric shocks ravished their bodies and consumed their minds
they rotted in open fields and at the bottom of wells
you will never know them
they will never see their children
or sit at dawn with a cup of coffee
try to understand,
they belong to you
don't just get up 
go about your day
and deny this
dig to a deeper understanding
get it
that you make a choice!!!!
what will it be ?
I stand before you in my bloody robes,
come with me now
and kill the innocent by accident
as if
they cared if you meant to or not
I am wailing dervish in your mind
I am at you
I am alone
I am old as time
I know you do not see
I must gather the dead
but i will not leave
sing old Jerusalem,sing to the old jaw bone
you will not put down
whisper to Africa
it is the way that it is ,to kill and be killed
explain it in long books to your children
give them toy guns and swords
hunter drone video games
teach them the words,war is the way it is forever
it said so in the bible
welcome the bloody hand I offer you in Chile
rip the world apart in Mexico
you hear me,you who do the killing
know how quietly I come
slipping down the ally in the early morning
tomorrows child will not understand you
they will hear me,they will see me
they will put away this suit of foolishness
words are noise
music is the voice
of the universe
they will sing strange songs of peace
they will love one another ,turning away from this inheritance of hate
they will take the stone out of your hand
bury the jaw bone
rebuke the wicked speaker
I sing to you all as you sleep
I weave a tapestry of dreams
I claim you at last, now you must listen
and know,you can only deny me,but it is hollow
the cloud is stripped away
blood will run from every war machine
you will understand
death will be written on all the fancy hate speeches
truth will spring up like grass
your grand temples of lies will go empty
replaced by music in the streets
the guns will be a curse,damning the holder
a black hart defined and sent away
we do not need you killer folk
leave us
we are thousands by thousands now
rising up out of our graves to tell you enough
no more
give your children peace
God has no name
to enter into a contract to do Gods killing
is absolute and total foolishness
it is your own sick will you follow
I see you
in your long robes and vestments
your bloody knives hidden in your books of love
lairs and fools
little squirmy
maggot men
feeding on the rot of power
you can not hide ,I will rid the earth of you
to be banished and forgotten
understood for the fools you are
planters of hate and destruction
filth comes from your mouths
quickly like fire in dry woods I leap and spread
you will know me well
now you who know I am here
you kind and loving people of the world
your tears have awakened me,rejoice and sing
bring down the foolish killing clowns that claim your world
take the sword away
calm the angry child
bury all the bullets
deep in the well of reconciliation
it can be done
you have a voice now,it spreads like wild fire
pull the child back from the twisted hate your parents gave you
under stand the muddy grave and bloody toys
for the children of your enemy are yours also
turn away
I bring you the power to love
there was no understanding it, no reason
the men came into the village,we welcomed them
fed them
on the third day they came back
pointing their guns at us,they made the men and boys stand in a line
I can still hear the long scream of my mother
the loud slap bang of the guns rang out
the men and boys fell,trying to crawl away 
eyes like you never want to see
looking ,looking at us ,help us
they burned the lodges and shot all the dogs and horses
mother tried to run with me in her arms
but they broke her with their long knife
I am Apache
my mother lies on top of me dead
I am yours
its a half track interrogation in Vietnam
the whoosh,pop
when we ran over them with the half track
the heads popped like watermelons
still they never spoke ,just vomited and shook
we killed them all
one by one
later that year the war was over
or was it?
I can not find the quiet,I still hear the pop of the skull
I am yours
the blood runs out of the pile of money
all the fancy factory folks ,making all the tools of war
the money piled high in the banks of the fat men
greasy weasels from hell
war is good to them
it feeds them well ,they drink your blood
I am the poison of rage
I am in your belly
I blind you and twist your mind,I move your feet
to walk the path of death
pull the bow back
let the arrow go
fling into destruction all that is holey,burn the innocent in their beds
you will understand me now
you will feel the ice cold brine
oh civilization,,what an extraordinary lie
contingency of savages with pretty toys and minds of swine
seen by the distant eye, as no more than insects ravishing a blue green planet
Made in the image of God... think again
this is ridicules nonsense
what God would tear himself to shreds,and brag about it?
know the song with out words will fill the air
a soft and forgiving rain will fall
it will be peaceful and still at dawn
I will come quickly to awake your acing hart
a new time
you must turn the page
past revenge
let the boarders just be silly lines on paper
the laws should be fair and simple,keeping people free
before this however
one on one,deliberately
in every quiet corner of consultation
turn away from warfare,reject it
it is only death and more war cascading misery and abuse
no do not join the armies
or rebels or drug soldiers in amazon mobster glory

don't ride through the hot steamy night with your shot gun
looking to kill a gypsy
or sit on the Mexico border
itchy finger power scope high velocity bullet,pull it trigger
kill a wet back for fun
crazy people
who are you?
I feel you
I can feel your hollow harts
your burned out minds
confusing sex and death
blind excitement of killing like a game
For my country the young man proudly said
yes I would die,for my country
no for the war tool factory
the big airplane builders
Humvee missile dealers and sword sellers
land stealer and holey war mobsters
they are all the same bunch
yours look you right in the eye
they raised you up
and told you God is on your side
its gods war!
its your war, friend,it has never been won
it gets quit ,then comes boiling back
not between good and evil
all the evil wins,measure a good by the evil it serves,and weep
just the pure sad sickness of selfish men
all around
the men fall shattered and bloody
the gunners rejoice
no one,on any side,lived out that day
they all lost every thing to insanity
it is yours to continue
or to stop
with your voice
one on one
I came with the magic lantern
pictures of the front
the ladies faint and weep
some vomit
their brave handsome men turned to ragged cloth and hollow eyed skulls
I took the pictures my self
the woman hit me with their fists
say it isn't true
oh God no
the war to end all wars still continues
now France and Germany bomb labia,who take machine gun trucks
and shoot children when thy get in the way
the wild eyed killers keep your world
take them,bound,to a high walled garden
close the gate for ever
let them live out their lives among the flowers and the vegitables
let them consider the blue sky
they will pass away,dissolving their twisted minds
for ever quiet now
I will gather them for you now,with many hands and quick feet
you know who they are
steal the bullets while they sleep
they will awake naked in the garden
you will understand as it is done
I am those who stood before the counsel and said
we must not send them arms,only to be shouted down
I am those who refused to join
only to be banned from the family table,run out of town
I am all the book writers and poets who tried to tell you
open our eyes
the music makers and dancers
the lone man standing in front of the tank
the Buddhist monk on fire in the street
do you remember me?
I poured gasoline over my own head
it soaked into the orange robes turning them dark
it was cold and sweet smelling
then another gallon run all down my back
onto the road
the day was sunny and clear,no breath of air stirred
some people in the marked stopped and looked to see
I am war
I looked out the air was wavy when I lit the match
the world swayed and danced the fire felt like ice water
the sky rang like a thousand bells
I sat down in the melting tar
I am among you now
remember me
standing naked before dawn in the federal prison
little man who refused to kill
the fire hose knocked me down and chilled me to the bone
every morning
they called it a shower
I wrote books to try to show you
I lived to show you
it is your choice one at a time
it is your words spoken in ernest, what do you teach the young?
they trust you
who do you give them for enemies?
who will you send them to killI will stand beside you, a bloody skull and bones
while you rand and rage,fanning the fires of hate
I will mark you for ever
for those who will know you
You...all the mean nasty tonged power eaters, twitchy cockeyed bullies
I am right behind you
you will come with me to wonder the waste land
among the thorns
you can feel me now ,watching you
you know who you are
I will fly
so to root you out,burn your tongues from your nasty little mouthes
wicked words are the beating harts of evil
not some fallen angel,in far below hell
but right in the mouths of men
the poisoned brains of crafty little parasites 
in suits and ties,turbans and robes 
yapping and yacking double spin talk
politicing preaching fools
your words will stumble now your suits of armor will become clown suits
you will be seen for who you really are
I am moving now, finding light and power,song and mystrie
I will take a thousand shapes
I will be the child and the old woman
the mist on the lake my eyes will burn with truth and compassion my words will be a raging wind across your mind
all of you who welcome me
know me, are of my family
I will give you courage and peace
the earth shakes and the sun boils
the fires in the bowls of the planet spin faster
I arrive all bloody and torn,every wicked thing done ,remembered
the power of death on my brow
I am yours now
the early morning hours know the sleepless ones
out on the winds of isolation and fear
you will feel them 
the old photograph will fill your eye ,
it will tell you stories you would deny
It is absolutely beautiful thousand times ten, marching in quick step
perfect timing
the thundering sound echoing off the tall buildings the heavy leather boots,drumbing out the power
the roar of the crowd,as wave after wave of brave young men march
every one a mothers son you can not speak for the sound of the bombers
flying low
no one can stop us
it is so beautiful
the bayonets glint in the sun like a thousand stars,our power reaches to heaven
the very ground trembles as they pass
on the last day
How do you send and spend all these young peoples lives?t
they trust you and love you,and believe you
they stand proud for you
all of you
on all sides
men who set up the war rooms,and store rooms
reasons and lies,all in equal measure
no less
let the killing begin
How can you have so many mosks and churches?,temples and shrines
mother mary and budda,side by side
your swords and guns rattle like so many bones
bombing vests hidden in your harts as you pray
your devil laughs at you
you do not pray,that is to listen,no you brag of your righteousness
(I would be carefull if I were you)
if you talked with the universe you would know beyond a question
I am yours ,your mean little human idea
dont blame the deep stary night and bright sunny day for your foolishness
I am standing in your door with a box of truth
you must open
you have no choice
I am in your world alive and real
I am the very air you breath 
I can twitch and distort whole civilizations I come from beyond time,you will listen
little men
little killing gready selfish power hungry glint eyed devils
Evry last one turns and looks behind 
you know if you see them
I know you, and you will listen
Its the hour of the dreaming
the holly quiet hour before dawn
the wind sends the sands streaming across the road
I can see it in the headlights
we fly down the highway,racing before the sunrise can expose our dust
the smell of the explosives is strong
God is great we will strike them quickly now
we see the convoy,they are starting out
Emell did his work well we will meet them at the crossing
praise to god to day we will be in heaven
I am now with my brother Arom in a sea of fire
burning gasoline and oil,thundering clouds of black smoke and flames
the air is full of bullets,the windows exploded in,I see the sun just on the edge
it is done
it is quiet save for the crackle of the fire every where
and the sounds of the dying
Your heavens gate won't swing open any more
the hinges are rusted with blood
and the lock was shattered by a bomb
the gate keeper fled
he saw the angry mob with bloody hands clambering to get in dragging the burnt dismembered corps their trophy of hate behind them..
they all want into walk the road of justification
the road is paved with words,thousands apron thousands of words
in every script ,I have read them all
I do not find love among them
now you will be left to read them all,when you find love you will be free
the light makes a tunnel through the mountain of darkness
the royal 303 Enfield round makes a tunnel through the skull and brain of Gandies salt maker they stood with out moving they are here to tell you now
you do not need to kill to overcome the royal 303 Enfield did not save the empire
your guns and bombs and pentagons won't save you now
your exploding vests are only sadness and loss
some ones beloved father
mangled in the bleeding air
Oh Demaskas ,smell the death of ages 
put away your swords
God loves mercy above all else
poisons the well of life
now I will take the children away from this endless misery of killing
I take the poet and the singer
the lovers,
all the quiet peaceful and kind are in my eyes
I know them ,you will leave them
you will be driven from them
every mother will send you out
every lover make you decide
guns or love,you can not have both
no child should be burned alive in his mothers arms ,caught in the cross fire of fools
The deep dark eyes of the horses always calmed me
as a child I would go to the stables to be among them
powerful and beautiful,trained for war 
steady and calm under fire the sound of cannon and screaming shells don't stop the head long charge
the machine guns rattle .they stumble headlong as the slugs rip into them
legs and harts shatterd
the cries of these noble beasts join in with the ecos of death of other thousands
down through time
they thunder past me ,shattered ghastly specters..
the nightmare you have made
their love and trust betrayed by lance and shot
wild eyed they try to stand and do your twisted will
their innocence will sing to you in the wind
you will feel this sadness in your bones
The authorities decided to declare war,they talked it over
sat down and wrote it out
the senators voted
to send hell a gift of justification
an expensive gift
the money pours into the fiery pit of destruction
instead of education,medicine,homes, comfort for the old,food ,for the hungry
we get death and misery
I am standing beside you as you sign the papers
you give them your allegiance
you do not know as to the misery you embrace
your very breath is theirs
the age old deception of final victory
It is not grace that reduces ideas and conviction to the force of arms
it is the ugly nature of dominating men
who are allowed power by subservient woman
who cry out when the men and boys march off to distruction
Oh mothers you now have the courage and power 
the understanding alive in your minds and harts
clasp hands across the burning sands,high mountains and deep seas
in the cities and towns, out in the wild places
Know the time has come
to stand together o shout together ,to weep together
Tell the brute
You can not have our children for your horrid sport! of blood shed and destruction
If they are not killed ,they kill
scattering death and hate like seeds in an evil wind
I am you ,daughters of light
take the world back
Good kind peaceful men
true men
fathers who protect all children and elderly
respect all life
men with quiet eye sand sweet music in there minds
men who plant and harvest, give the earth tender care
these men
are yours ,they will join you to sing in a new reality
it is yours now
So often the day has drawn closed with only more sadness and death
who needs this sad world to keep spinning?
some one gains some power
What is this power?
do they think they can wrestle it from God?
perhaps shine for ever?
So you wish to force your way,your religion your sad demands of hate and exclusion on the rest of us
it can not be done
who told you?
they knew the mind of creation?
are you so sure 
The creator of the universe?
the whole thing?you know what creation wants? 
to wage war? are you willing , ready and able
you not creation
but you and your little spitting clutching leader 
low class demonic harmonics of hate
energy suckers
parisights in a fit of of destruction distorted ego fanatic junkies
You will not continue to bring the world into conflict
don't allow guns in the house,don't allow them in your temples or your schools hospitals,collages 
hearts and minds
dont build land mines
don't build bombs
explain that it is sad hart breaking work
it leads to the death and wounding of the innocent and unsuspecting
simply give these tasks back
to the oblivion from wich they came
some one, every one
turn away from bloody money
there are so many things armies can do,besides wage war
wage peace
rebuild villages ,schools roads bridges hope
and hospitals
solve a thousand thousand small problems
educate and love the orphans,don't make more
build homes and dig wells
so many good things to do ,dance in the village ,rejoice love ....peace
You must open your eyes to see ,you must have courage you must learn the power of love 
it is here ,it is alive ,it is real
all of you
every day people
you must agree,around the world,now
you can
and you can one on one or two and three thousand jump and shout sing ...peace
as a flood grows from so many rain drops
the streams and rivers fill, be a thousand voices
find a thousand ways
make bombs that just stink
narcotic bullets that just induce sleep
use nonviolent force ,take the hate and put it away
bring your solders home 
put away your jehad
you know sin when you see it
let people be just and kind
understand mental illness and protect those who suffer
use your science to make the barren places green,the sun will give you all you need
I am deep and real,peace can and will be done
no, don't even think to quiet this storm I bring
it is a rampage ,a rampage on the waters
twisting and turning among the waves of conflects
your time is at an end
you would settle this matter if you could but kill it
it won't be killed
it is alive
I will give you the thunder and the light,you will see this ,once and for all
War is foolishness
gather your selves to run to desolate places and engage in combat with stones you
bloody fools
for your spirits you have the souls of the lost 
leave us
I am done,you will be gone
one on one
one and all
all be gone(three times)
say it, pray it
I know you don't need me now you have things to do
money to be made elections to be won
wars to wage
You do not need the voice of fire burning up your lies
reasons for the death and distraction you use
to be who you are
stand down and know,i am at you
you do not need me to free your slaves of ideology and fear
you do not need me to free your woman and children from hunger and fear
but I will
You laugh and snort at this
check your back door
your attic
your celler
your mind is unsure,you are mine
your greed and meanness will eat at you until there are only bones and those bones will be mine
to feed the trees and flowers
such sweet children will spring from the union of lovers
one and all children of peace and love
gather now the winds of change and understand the power that stands before you
listen and follow
you will not be alone ,but you may feel completely alone
your voice will ring in the mid night and at sunrise
you will be heard
it will be thunder in the ears of the children of the new age
they will move
I am at best a mystery,at worst forgotten
I am as real as the rain and pain of a dying lad
in the royal gard,with abullet in the gut
for Gods sake
to build a lasting peace
know your enemy needs peace also
know his children deserve peace also
at least agree you are enimes and want to kill each other
But should not subject each others families to this nonsense
at least stop spilling blood
shout and spit,but do it at a safe distance
give the day to peace,give the day to quiet reconciliation
at least ,very least ,still the words of hate and dreams of bloody revenge ,they are poisen
a hart consumed with revenge and hate has no room for love
only love brings life 
give the day to the children,young and very old the lovers and dancers music makers and cooks
know that you and your enemy will blow away as dust in the wind of time for ever forgotten 
your hate is only wasted lust
your love of power only wasted love
gather your day to build a shelter or dance
or make music sing in the kitchen and cook a bigmeal
put down your gun
go find a home ,or make a home bring peace to a troubled place 
Listen to me
listen to the deep night sky
the thundering sea
listen to the bird song
feel the blistering sun out in the desert places
see the dark river of blood 
you pour on to this world with your wars
smell the death on the wind coming down out of time
What have you given when you give war? nothing you could have given some other way save death distraction and misery
it is all done ,gone 
Feel me feel the blast in the face of the girl child looking out the window
is this the chance you really want to take?
its your voice
or silent acceptance that lets the fools play
all of them,listen to them talk of international forces
forces? fathers sons daughters blood and fear
or the bad guise ,the other all of you make the world sick 
you so believe you are the ones on gods side
listen to the crying of the children and weeping of the parents
the peaceful vally ringing with gunfire
you are so determined to fly at one another
Listen to the lie
over and over it is told
God wants this
You are the evil
constructed of selfish power hungry men
all of you togeather
listen to the sun towel the new moon the quiet passing into evening
every day is especial lesson learned ask what alone can give you 
answer, time with god
don't bother me with explanations of why
why dosnt change the death and destruction into bread and whine
you still hold a bloody sword
All the people who let them build wars
one on one ,on both sides
listen to the rain
it will tell you the truth
(Feel free to copy this and pass it on and or use it on stage or in film)

© 2013 leafsailor

My Review

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I want to add some of my opinion to this only because I like this piece. You kept me enthralled as I read this to myself out loud. It is too long, I am not suggesting it be shortened, but rather broken down into several parts, each a separate poem unto themselves. Your writing is very good as it vividly describes your ideas. I do believe organizing it into stanzas would give it a certain rhythm thus granting it more power. Just one Man's opinion. Welcome to the Café.

Posted 11 Years Ago

Welcome David...i'm a friend of Stella's...I can see you are a prolific writer...hope you enjoy the cafe...:)

Posted 11 Years Ago

welcome David..it's good to see you here , and what an epic poem you have posted for us to enjoy.

i am sure you will meet many poets who will appreciate your talent.

Posted 11 Years Ago

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3 Reviews
Added on September 14, 2013
Last Updated on September 14, 2013
Tags: war /peace



I am sixty two years old, An older man now with eternal youth for love of life , I am interested in every thing, my main objective in life is to bring world peace through leadership solutions and awar.. more..

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