Compartment 114
Compartment 114
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I'm Sorry

I'm Sorry

A Poem by lonelydreamer

A poem to ask for forgiveness.


I never know what to say. 

When I do speak, words rush like a waterfall to drown us in murky gray.

I can’t float above the flood. You can’t see past the darkness.

It gushed past.  Selfish. Mighty. Heartless.

I’m sorry. 


I never know what to do.

These currents knock you down.  Leaving shambles when I’m through

“Please forgive me” can’t undo the damage; sitting idly won’t fix it either.

I wish I could fix this without sinking us deeper.

I’m sorry.


You don’t want to listen.

You’d rather sink.  Can’t accept my lifeboat when I drowned you?

Are we any better off acting like strangers?  I want to be with you.

Disasters happen!  Trust is full of dangers

I’m sorry.


"Can we move past this?"

You’ve heard it before, but we always get better.  We’ll stay afloat.

I want us to be happy; cruising on the same boat.

Life and mistakes will always shake us

But love and care won’t let it break us.

I’m sorry.

© 2013 lonelydreamer

Author's Note

Please tell me what you think about this poem. I actually intend to use it to apologize to someone. Thanks in advance.

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thank you for reading and commenting on my poem--- I decided it important to check out your stuff!
I'm actually quite horrible at critiquing poems for I honestly know little about the taxonomy of poetry. However, I must say I did enjoy some of the ideas in this poem- some of which are tactics that I have too used in some poetry that I have yet to post onto this website. I like your use of quotes, one word sentences, and repetitive verse to bring across the emotion and stuff... so yeah it's pretty cool- I'm too vague a person to be able to describe what it is about the poem that makes me a little bit turned off, but yeah overall it was pretty cool. good job

Posted 11 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on June 3, 2013
Last Updated on June 3, 2013



Staunton, VA

I am a full time college student studying communications. I enjoy reading and writing poetry and have been looking for a group of people who do the same. more..