From Your Daughter

From Your Daughter

A Poem by Althelia Marie Caine

Please review or don't. My writing is my own.

Going through today,
Living for tomorrow,
I can't help but wondering,
if she can see me from up there?

Are you there, Mother?
Can you see me?
The joy in my life that you could never bring me?

Never there for me,
Always away somewhere,
Somewhere when you would leave me alone on me own,
Indulging in your sinful one track thinking.

You didn't know me then,
I'm sure if you still lived,
You wouldn't know me now.
I always wondered how you could do it,
Leave your pure minded daughter to fend for herself,
While you were out drinking and 'sleeping' and somehow coming home days later to feed me,
Money suddenly there but we all know you didn't have a job.

I wonder where I would be right now,
Had that lady not come to take me away,
Far away from your one track w***e mind,
Would I have grown up to be like you?
Selling her body and soul for a few quick bucks to console myself?
Would I be married to that pure white chystal that kept you out of your bed?

I doubt that I would be happily married in a healthy, free life,
Continuing to live,
Continuing to thrive.

I wanted to ask you why you did what you did,
How you could just abandon your kids,
To let people you didn't know touch you like they did,

But you died.
I'm not sure how and I'm not sure when,
But whether it's Heaven or Hell that you dwell in now,

I hope you can see me,
I hope you can tell,
That  I'm nothing like you,
and I likely never will.

© 2017 Althelia Marie Caine

My Review

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You displayed the tragedy of being condemned to an addict bravely and tactfully. That was a very beautiful poem! The addicts we love(somehow), somehow end up precisely where we want them to go.

Posted 7 Years Ago

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1 Review
Added on January 30, 2017
Last Updated on January 30, 2017


Althelia Marie Caine
Althelia Marie Caine

Bend, OR

My name is Layla. I have of love of writing and literature but to be perfectly honest? I'm not very good with words and I have a hard time putting them together to form poetry or a story. And I'm okay.. more..
