![]() Escaping Cherry BlossomA Story by Althelia Marie Caine![]() This a Hakuouki FanFiction that I have been writing. I just wanted to post it here and see what people thought.![]() Carrying the tea tray, careful not to spill the singular cup
placed in the center, Chizuru made her way from the kitchen towards the Vice-Commanders room. As
she approached the room, she slowed upon seeing him and the Shinsengumi’s Commander standing in
the hallway outside his door talking intensely. Hearing her light footsteps as she approached,
the two men stopped talking abruptly and both turned to her. A gentle smile spread across the
Commander’s handsome face and the Vice- Commander held his usual stern façade. “Good
evening, Chizuru-kun!” Commander Kondou exclaimed. “Good
evening, Kondou-san!” Chizuru chirped. “What
are you doing wandering around this time of night, Chizuru?” Vice-Commander
Hijikata inquired in a stern voice casting a cold stare down at her.
Chizuru blushed slightly and became flustered. She cast her eyes downward and shifted uncomfortably under
his dark gaze. “I-I…brought
you some tea, Hijikata-san….” She stammered. Hijikata’s gaze darkened. It was obvious to Chizuru Yukimura that Hijikata was irritated by
this. “You
should not concern yourself with these things this late in the night, Chizuru.”
He said. Kondou surprised the couple by laughing and he clapped a hand
on Hijikata’s shoulder, probably a little harder than necessary due to the fact that Hijikata silently
rubbed in shoulder lightly. “Come
now, Toshi! She is your attendant, right?
Ha-ha! You should allow her to take care of you.” Kondou chided. “Plus it seems that the girl enjoys
doing so.” He continued sending Chizuru and playful grin. Chizuru’s face grew a deeper red. “Kondou-san!
U-um...” She said before Hijikata spoke up. “That’s
enough, Kondou-san. We will continue our discussion later please.” He said.
Chizuru shot him a grateful glance and Kondou laughed. “Okay,
okay! We will speak later, Toshi. You have a good night, Chizuru-kun.” He said
and turned to make his way down the dark hallway, giving the two watching him
leave a slight wave over his shoulder as he disappeared around the corner.
Hijikata let out an exasperated sigh and turned back to look down at the small
girl dress in her night robe. He gazed down at her for a moment, taking in the
sight of her figure before turning away and snapping the door to his room open.
might as well come in, Chizuru.” He grumbled and stepped into the room. Chizuru
stood rooted where she was as she followed his tall form with her eyes.
Noticing that she hadn’t followed, Hijikata turned and tilted his head
questioningly. “Are you coming in or not, girl?” Chizuru startled and gave a
slight bow. “Pardon
my entrance.” She said politely before kneeling down to set the tray of tea on
the floor just inside the door, crawling into the door and then slowly closing
the door behind her. She then took the tray in her hands again, stood up and
walked silently to set the tea on the corner of the table where Hijikata was
now seated cross legged, arms in his sleeves. He watched her carefully and as
she stood awkwardly after placing the tea, he narrowed his dark eyes. “Sit.”
He commanded. Chizuru bowed again. “I’m
sorry, Hijikata-san. I should return to my room.” She said quietly, not looking
at him. Hijikata growled menacingly. “I
said sit down, Chizuru. “ He snapped. She straightened up quickly at the tone
of his voice and then stepped back a few steps to slowly sink down into a
polite traditional sit. They sat in silence for a moment before he reached out
and took a sip of his tea, his eyes closing and a pleasant expression taking
over his flawless face. “Tonight’s tea is better than usual. What did you put
in it?” He asked, looking over at her. Chizuru beamed. “I
added a bit of jasmine and a taste of honeysuckle. I thought it might be a good
combination so I tried it out hoping that you would like it, Hijikata-san.”
Hijikata visibly relaxed finally and he sent her one of his gentle smiles that
he reserved only for times like these. “I
like it very much, Chizuru. I never would have thought that it would taste like
this. I must commend you on your tea making.” He said. Chizuru blushed and
looked down at her hands in her lap. “Thank
you very much, Hijikata-san.” She said shyly. He gazed at her quietly. “You
don’t need to be so shy around me you know. You can relax. You’re always too
polite when we are alone. Why is that?” He asked in a soft voice. “It
is because…I am your attendant, sir.” She said not looking at him. Hijikata set
his tea down on his table with a clack and moved closer to the girl. He caught
her grin in his hand and gently raised her face forcing her to meet his gaze. “You
really don’t need to be polite when we are alone, Chizuru…”He said. Chizuru met
his eyes and the force of his gaze caused her to stumble backwards in
embarrassment and she stood quickly. She moved to the door opened in and turned
to bow politely at him. “I
really must return, Hijikata-san. I wish you a good night. Enjoy your tea.” She
said and snapped the door shut. Hijikata sighed irritably as he stared at the
door she had just exited. He really didn’t know how to handle her when she grew
that embarrassed. He wondered if she found his touch to be unsatisfactory. He
looked down at his hands and clenched them tightly into fists before releasing
them and finishing off his tea. “You
escaped tonight, Chizuru…….you won’t be so lucky the next time.” He muttered
dangerously before blowing out the candle that lit his room. © 2013 Althelia Marie CaineAuthor's Note
StatsAuthor![]() Althelia Marie CaineBend, ORAboutMy name is Layla. I have of love of writing and literature but to be perfectly honest? I'm not very good with words and I have a hard time putting them together to form poetry or a story. And I'm okay.. more..Writing