Call Me

Call Me

A Poem by Cherry Chapstick

Lyrics. Ditto.

You are so...I don't know what to say.
You stand in front of me
Like an idol on parade
So tell me the truth
Do you know what's good for me?
Cos I just can't take not knowing.

I try to say 
what I know how to say
But it comes out loud like I'm
Beating at the ground.
So I wish to know what
It takes to make hope that
You would soon be here
With me.

I want, I want
To be mine,
Not hers,
But the one who calls me, not her 
So can't you see it
I'm calling you
You shrug, I start to think that I,
You hate me

I try to say 
What I want you to say
If I scream it outloud
You would just plug your ears
I want, i want
You to be mine, be mine
Not hers, but the one who calls me,
Call me. 

© 2010 Cherry Chapstick

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Yeah, well he called me. :) hahaha

Posted 14 Years Ago

(First review, yeah!)
This is another poem (lyrics?) that is easy to relate to. I'm not a boy crazy kind of girl, I just like to focus on having great friends, but I'm sure that a lot of teenage hearts can identify this feeling. It's a wonderful piece.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on April 26, 2010
Last Updated on April 30, 2010
Tags: call, me, phone, lyrics


Cherry Chapstick
Cherry Chapstick

Quebec, Canada

Hey I'm Lauren. I'm 15 years old and in 10th grade. Things I like: My iPod-see playlist (!!) woooohoooo! Go purple ipod NanoChromatics!!! Sports: -skiing -tennis -soccer Math avocados w.. more..
