![]() family and dark contactsA Chapter by Laura Jayne![]() chapter two of Hound of my heart and it induces the bad guy Merse.![]() Chapter two A cold, damp room was carefully lit with half melted candles
and a round, brick fire pit was dead in the centre, Blazing. Every so often a crimpled looking figure would weave in and
out of the shadows, while consuming smoke, threw some sort of salt in to the
pit of flames and called out a name. “Any luck in finding the boy?” A voice called from the
doorway to the shadowed figure whose eyes were now looming tightly in the
candle light on the other side of the room and wore the light like a mask. “I have consulted the spirits the third time and still
nothing of Tristan’s whereabouts.” Sharman hissed. The man in the opposite direction tensed and the Sharman
could see his fear, he reeked of it. Fear of himself. Fear of his blood stained hands . Fear of Tristan’s power. “The boy, at such a young age, has gained a bit more power
than he’s going to gain when he grows up.” the Sharman pointed out. “What do you mean!?” the man growled venomously, but kept
his posture intact. “I mean, Merse, that Tristan has shielded his mind and his
soul. The spirits cannot seek him.” Sharman said more calmly. “Well then looks like we will have to try harder then.“ “The only way I can seek through his shield is if I feed the
spirits some of the boy’s blood. Then and only then will hide and seek be no
problem for you.” The Sharman snivelled as he cut in. “Oh that’s very good… but there is just one little
problem... Just a little problem... WE NEED THE BOY!” Merse’s patience was
growing thinner by the second and a bead of sweat clung to his forehead under
his short, blood red hair. All because he did not know where to find his prey. “Not necessarily… The boy’s father is not in his grave yet.
You could go take the blood I need from his body before his funeral tomorrow.”
The Sharman had a glint in his eye. “Ah Tartus’s blood runs through the veins of Tristan so they
are nearly the same.” Merse was more hopeful now and a wide grin spread along
his broad face. “Precisely.” Sharman nodded in agreement. “Fine I will go right away to do the deed and a vile of
Tartus’s blood will be ready for you tomorrow evening.” “Then be sure it stays fresh till then.” Feeling more
excited the Sharman stepped out of the shadows revealing himself. He did not look like a man, nor was he fully in his own
lycan form either. He was cursed to be trapped between the two. A face a mother would not love anymore, a face of grim fair
along his cheek bones and around his eye’s, to the tip of his chin. His ears are stuck up and pointed to the ceiling and teeth
that clenched out of a half musceled mouth. A dirt brown cape draped around him like a curtain from head
to toe and was shredded around the rim. “I’m sure it will be.” Merse grinned and made his way out of
the room in to the dark night. Griffen parked outside the Davis’s house and killed the
car’s engine. He did not put the heating on in the vehicle at any point of
his journey back and when he leaned back in the driver’s seat in silence he
breathed out with relief to be home. His breath turned to mist in the cold air
in front of his face. Walking up the long path and through the front door as if he
owned the place Griffen could not help but think like always what he would do
with a big mansion like this. All the parties he would throw in every room,
every night, seeing as there was six bedrooms, each with its own ensuite
bathroom and was about the size of half a football pitch. Don’t get him started on the master bedroom. Now that was
the size of a football pitch and had a massive queen size bed that you could
get lost in. But as much fun as he would have running the joint, the big
bills that come after would be not be so fun. Cut off short from his little fantasy, a big meaty hand
clamped his shoulder and on the end of it was Maximus, Mary’s eldest brother
and Tristan’s uncle. “So Griffen! You still driving that old ford Capri eh?” Max
chuckled. “Yep, she runs like a charm.” Griffen Turned to clasp hands
in greeting. “Where's Mary? I need
to tell her, Tristan got to the Bridgman’s house safely.” Before he could make
his way around the house the meaty hand gripped him again. “Best not to right now lad, she’s still in a bad way. I mean
she lost her Tartus two nights ago and Tristan yesterday. Let her grieve a
little longer.” Max said sadly as he to missed Tartus, but missed his Nephew
more. “Yeah, I guess. You're right as always.” Griffen slumped on
a chair in the living room and soaked himself in comfort In a pack, if the strongest male wins over the other males
who challenge him, that male is then named and reworded leader of the pack. It is when that happens that the great house becomes theirs.
It was already payed off years ago so it is free to hand over or pass down. The mansion gets given to the next champion who challenges
the Alpha in a bloody fight and wins, or if no one challenges then the house
and all its treasures is free to be passed down to the Alpha son and heir to
become the next Alpha leader. Up so far the house has managed to be passed down the blood
line of the Davis Family for two generations and is soon Tristan will become
the third. The pack treats the family with respect and loyalty, not
just because the family was longest to last of the Alpha line, but also because
the family own the biggest business in glass making in the small community and
have the ability to take care of the pack with respect back. Max rested in the seat opposite Griffen and started looking
around the big room that surrounded them. “What are your thoughts, old friends?” Griffen wondered. “I always wonder about Tristan. I always wonder when he is
at the right age to come home. That he will be eligible to take the roll as
Alpha, I mean he’s just a pup right now and who knows what he will be like when
he gets older.” “My Tristan… He will be a better leader than his father and
I can say that is what Tartus would have wanted”. Mary came gracefully in to the room. She was in her long
night gown, her glossy fair hair fell along her slender shoulders past her face
and you could barely notice her emerald green eyes with long thick eyelashes. “I’m sure, sister, but the pack is also starting to think
the same thing.” Max sighed. “Well let them think that, because when he returns he will show
them. He will show us all! At the moment it’s all we can do... Wait... But I’ve
arranged something with Merse. He should be arriving any minute now.” Mary did
not bother looking at her big brother as she knew the expression that would be
on his face. “Merse?” Griffen threw himself in to the conversation. “Why have you entrusted that man, Mary? You know what he’s
like. He’s a crafty sod.” Griffen’s face went tight and rough edged as
curiosity and annoyance creased his emotions. “I have Known Merse for a long time but are you sure you
know what you are doing sister?” Max said. “Yes. It's for special training. It is for Tristan’s sake
because, one way or another, he will be leader and keep the family line going,
You of all people should want the same for this family and my Son” Mary pointed
a stare at her brother and a stern look at Griffen. She was not always this tough. She was always quite a
peaceful lady, but it looks like losing both her husband and her Son in a
nearly a week pushed her to the edge. “Also I have Mrs Smithty, Amy’s mother. She will be coming
this evening so I want both of you out after lunch. Am I clear?” Mary’s green
gaze was looking down at both the men now with seriousness. “Fine by me I have a date later anyways so gotta' go clean
up for the lady’s.” Griffen got up to go to the kitchen. “Lady’s? two this time?” Max was sarien now with a slight
grin. “Three...” Griffen worked himself with charm and strutted to
the kitchen doorway. “You never change, Griffen.” Max laughed. “I can’t see how you two can be so calm.” Mary was not
amused. “Oh Mary...” Maximus sighed. Not being able to get the chance last night to do what was
needed, Merce was surprisingly calm as he walked down Lester street to the
Davis’s and just as he was at the foot of the knee high gate of the house a
ringing came from his pocket. Merce reached inside and brought his phone out of
his pocket. “Hello my friend. I’m guessing you’re ringing me about the
payment I owe you, is that right?” There was a muffling sound from someone
talking on the other end of the phone. “Yes. Yes I said I that you would have your payment.” More
muffling. “Meet me at the morgue tonight at 10 o’clock and we will
discuss more about your payment and another profession I have for you.” Merce
smirked. “Okay, see you then.” He hung up and tapped the device in
his hand as he walked to the door and straightened out as he knocked. “Come right in my good fellow.” Max answered with a smile on
his face showing how glad he was to see his old friend. “Where have you been for the past year? I thought you were
gone for good when you said you had some things to attend to.” Max and Merce
greeted with a manly hug. Merce was almost the same build and height as Max so he
could take the weight of his gun-like arms with no problem. “Ah, like I said Max, it was just business. Why, did you
miss me?” Merce played innocent. Back in the old days Merce and Max trained together in
college for the battle of the wolves. That type of battle was not for the faint
hearted and it was more of a test and a challenge then a battle for it was a
challenge to see which male in the pack was the strongest. “So Mary said on the phone she had to ask me something?”
Merce breathed out. “Yeah, she’s just in the living room.” Max guided his friend
to the living room. “Oh finally, I am sorry Merce but I don’t have a lot of
time, Mrs Smithty is coming soon and I have already kicked out Griffen so this
will be quick I’m afraid.” Mary announced getting out of her seat to greet
Merce with a huge and kiss on the cheek. Sitting down together Mary sat next to her brother, opposite
Merce. With a look saying Merce was ready to listen, Marcy began
talking about her proposition on what she wanted Merce to do in terms of
training Tristan but also for extra protection as he grows up. “So are we understood on what I feel is to be done? And of
course you will be payed if that is necessary to you.” Mary finished. “Well this in an honour to serve you and your family Mary
but might I ask why you picked me?” Merce would have been glad of this
opportunity, however he was going to be busy for the next few years with
planning and arranging, not to mention the mission he had to do tonight. Anger would have creased his entire face if he did not have
to be with Mary and max. “Well you have been training with Max for so long so you
know all the different moves and defence mechanisms that would be enough to
train my son till he comes of age.” Mary said looking at her brother for
reassurance that she was saying the right thing. “Well like I said, it would be an honour, but I regret to
say I have a very busy schedule ahead of me. Also, I have just got back from a
full year of some business errands.” Merce was kicking himself for refusing
this but deep down he wanted to wait. “Aww, well that is a shame Merce, really I was hopping for a
yes.” Mary's eyes saddened even more for this was something she really wanted, not
just for her, but for boy. Merce got up to get ready to go and max got up with him but
Mary stayed with her head facing the floor but nodded slowly as a goodbye to
Merce. “Well if you ever need to talk I am happy to listen.” Merce
nodded back with apparent gratitude and then looked at Max along with a shake
of hands. “Hopefully I will see you again soon, old Friend.” Max said
with high hopes as he walked to the door with his friend. When the door shut behind Merce he whispered “hopefully”
with dark eyes. “Awww! Mary how are you holding up!?” Mrs Smithty squeezed
Mary tightly. “I’m hanging in there Dalya.” Mary backed from her and wrapped
her own arms around her for self space. “Well what you need is a nice girly talk…” Dalya distracted
and lured Mary on to the sofa. She has been waiting for this ever since her
daughter Amy was born and was not going to waste any more time in getting what
she thought is going to be her daughter’s destiny. “About our children….So!” Dalya said loud it started Mary. Mary did like Dalya but she was not her most favourite
person in the world. For all the time she knew Dalya, with her tidy bob, cut
blond hair, Brown eyes and a pointed nose, was that she had always wanted to be
high and mighty meaning she had tried in the past to be mated with Tartus until
Mary came in to the picture and he chose her and not Dalya. Also, when and
since she found out Mary was having a male hare, she did everything possible to
be friends with Mary and kept saying how much of a God send her daughter was. Dalya is one of the more scrawny of the lycans but smart and
ended up with second best when she lost out on the first prize she was after. “Yes, well I suppose after the little talk we had on the
phone I did have a bit of a think about your proposal and…” Mary purposely gave
a 10 second pause because she new it would iritate Dalya, and after everything
she'd been through she was desperate for a little amusement as she knew Dalya
was desperate for an answer. “I’m going to agree with you. I have seen Amy and, even
though she’s only young, she is very strong for a pup as well as elegant.” Mary
disagreed with arranged marrages. Especially at a young age but she didn’t see
any other option and Amy seemed, at this moment in time, to be promising, even
though she did not like her as alongside her mother. Mary put on a brave smile wimpishly. It was the best she
could do from the mood she was in but Dalya was the opposite she had a grin
like she was in her lycan form already and Mary could not tell but she thought
she just saw her hair get brighter because all of a sudden the room did not
feel bathed in afternoon sun anymore.
“AW! That’s wonderful! You are doing the right thing Mary
trust me and I am sure Tristan will fall head over heels for Amy, and well, Amy
is already there. Haha! What are the odds!” Dalya beamed out her words. “So you keep telling me Dalya, but on one condition?” Mary
huffed out. “Anything! I mean we're going to be family soon!” Said Dalya “Okay... We don’t say anything to anyone, okay? I mean you
can tell Amy but I can't tell Tristan yet, and no one else can tell him, not
till he’s older…. Do you understand?” Mary just wanted her beamy a*s out her house
because she already hated the thought of losing her son. Then when he gets the
chance to come back he will be gone again, the depression list was just getting
longer. Well at least she could get all these talks out of the way
and done with so she could focus on
getting her son home and safe from harm. “Not a problem, I will talk to you soon, okay?” Dalya purred
as she left the house, satisfied with how things were falling in to place for
her at last. Mary was once again alone in the house. A house which was
once a wonderful family home but is now, and will be for a long time, just an empty
house of fading memories. © 2013 Laura Jayne |
Added on September 9, 2013 Last Updated on September 10, 2013 Author![]() Laura JayneHull, yorkshire, United KingdomAboutI'm a fun happy go lucky person who has a chilled out personality but my greatest love and getaway from reality is books. I always think a good read is never to far from your finger-tips and I was in.. more..Writing