![]() new faces and bad dreamsA Chapter by Laura Jayne![]() This first chapter is introducing you to the characters, Tristan mainly and Calin when they are children and Tristan has just lost his dad as well as he gets sent away for safety to Celins family.![]() Chapter one Tristan was alone in the car for only a
minute, the bone chilling conditions made it hard for him to make a thought. He was in his favorite old, ratty brown
coat and his short dark brown hair was stuck up at the front. Tristan was never bothered by the ice
forming cold, what did though was the house he was about to go in. The house was tall and stood out on its own
from the rest of the houses down the street with wooden panels all painted
cream and was chipping off piece by piece. The front porch was gathering spider webs
in nearly every nook and cranny and the front lawn looked like it needed a good
cut and the weeds were as big as the door from his view. This was a house he was not use to, it was
smaller, untidier and above all the smell was not the same as his own territory
it was human, He could sense that when the car door on the passenger’s side
opened and a man stood waiting for him to come out of the car, he had just been
in the house and the smell from it was around him the smell of strangers. Clinging on to the man’s hand whilst
walking with small and slow steps to the house did not make it any easier for
the guy and seen as he had brought him all this way, away from his friends and
his family. The thought of his own mother grieving with
heart break and alone only made Tristan’s anguish and unhappiness deepen in his
chest and started digging his nails in to the man’s flesh but the guy did not
flinch. It was the smell of the man that kept all
his emotions from flaring to the surfes, the odor smelled like damp earth and
sweet chestnuts, a smell that was like his own and reminded him of home. ‘’This human family is very respectable of
our kind and they will take good care of you’’ the man sounded so sure but when
the guy looked down on the young boy he did not receive Tristan’s full
attention as he was to bizzy glaring at the pine wood door that was painted a
dark shade of blue and was slightly open. When the man went in first to introduce the
boy, Tristan stayed half way in the door way and out of sight behind the man. “Sorry this was of short notice but it
could not wait the situation for this boy’s family is getting even more
complicated I’m afraid the pack is getting restless I will tell you the event
shortly, this is Tristan Davis”. As Tristan came from around the man with
stiff strides he could see the two humans Griffen was talking to. One was a petite woman that looked to be about
in her thirties with mousy brown hair tided in a bun and wide brown eyes that
looked from her husband to the young Tristan softly and smiled lightly. Her husband was a tall, rugged man with a
pair of old jeans that had seen better days and a dark green button up shirt
and light blue eyes that reflected in his glasses. “It’s a pleasure to meet you both, my name
is Ronald and this is my wife Klair, I can guarantee that Tristan will get the
hang of this places after-“. “Why should I?” Tristan was in front of
Griffen now and trying to swallow down the trembling as he spoke. “I can take care of myself and I want to go
home to take care of my mother!” he bit down on a small growl. “Tristan I already told you on the way here
you can’t go back its too dangerous for a young boy like you to be with your
mother right now, but I would not fret your uncle is taking care of her”. “No! She needs me I want to go back! - I
want to go back!” it was then that Tristan’s temper could not be contained and
he started kicking and screaming wildly under Griffen’s grip. That
small growl he was trying to contain was releasing through clenching teeth,
Witch Griffen could not help but think amusing for a young pup as he tried to
fight him off, Even though he was strong for a pup but nothing compared to a
fully grown adult, not just yet anyway. “If I may where is the room this young
fellow will be staying in?” Griffen was tired and his patients with the boy
were nearly surfaced and he clamped behind his tong a hint of sarcasm from his
tone. “It’s just that I am sure it is well past
his bed time and we have been traveling all day”. “We completely understand” Ronald said
“it’s just upstairs on the left opposite our daughter’s room”. “That’s great does it have a lock on the
door?” Griffen said awkwardly as he was trying to still keep Tristan under
control. “Eeh yes we had to get a new one from the
last of your kind that was hear, his father I believe” Klair said with a
concerned tone this would be the first different kind of child her and her
husband would be taking in for foster but this would be no ordinary fostering
but they are prepared. “Yes” Griffen said with a sigh. Once Tristan was taken to his room and
locked in until he ether fell asleep or calmed down for the night both Ronald
and Griffen made it down the stairs in relief as it nearly took both to get
Tristan in his room. Klair was down stair in the kitchen waiting
for the kettle to boil for some tea, hearing the banging and barking coming
from upstairs she thanked the gods that both her own children were at their
grandmother’s house for the night. Griffen and Ronald were sat in the living
area getting their breaths back as Klair finally came with the tea on a tray
and some shortbread biscuits and set then on the coffee table and then settled
in a cozy single chair in the corner near the window. “So how is Tartus, is he doing well been
alpha and all? It’s just that we have not seen him since we was in college
together” Ronald asked in a calm tone but Griffen tuck a minuet before he could
answer. “He’s dead… and only resent that is the
reason I have brought Tristan to you know, because you see Tartus’s death was
no accident he was killed but we have no clue who did it yet all we know is
that he was shot with a silver bullet”. “Oh my goodness no wonder the poor boy is
so upset!” klair whimpered from the news. “But if I can recall the same thing
happened to Tartus’s father too that was the reason he came here to stay with
my family when I was a lad” Ronald said with sadness in his words. “yes because for three generations so far
the Davis family have been able to keep the title of alpha but in those three
all alpha males have been killed, For the first of the three we thought it was
just an accident or natural Cause of death but then it happened again and again
and the pack has started to get suspicious”. “But I don’t understand all two of their
generations have come to our family as children for safe keeping till the
coming of age you can’t think our ancestors didn’t do a good enough job” Ronald
said with concern. “No we don’t think that at all, All these
attacks happened a in a pattern five years or so after the election of new
leadership, Who ever it is gives his victims some time before he attacks, Like
as if laying low ” Griffen explained. “Is his funeral soon if you don’t mind me
asking?” asked Klair “Yes here is an invite it will be in a
couple of days.” “The pack are all getting worried and
Tristan’s mother and uncle are looking in to the death to try and piece it all
together to find out how, why also who did this” Griffen bowed his head. “Thank you and is there anything we can do
to help find the killer? Anything at all” Ronald asked with determination. “No leave it to the pack we will find the
person responsible, all the family need is for you to keep Tristan safe and
train him as well as you can so he will be ready with him been the future Alpha
and all” Griffen said. Both Humans nodded in agreement and Griffen
said his farewell’s to the human family. “Say good bye to Tristan from me and I will
be back in three weeks to see how he is copping” he then slipped his gray rain
coat on and left the house and back out in to the misty cold, Leaving Ronald
and Klair to the noise of Tristan up stairs slowly giving up on his tantrum. The next morning was quieter but Tristan
did not sleep a wink, he was still in his brown cotton coat and boots curled up
on the bed like a little puppy, Eyes bloodshot red from crying all night. Tristan only cried when he was alone he
always thought showing emotions to others would make him seem weak and
pathetic, it was hard to believe that a boy of eight years of age would be
thinking like an adult so soon. At his age he should be outside playing
ball games and worrying about falling over and scrapping his knees not worrying
about the danger his own mother could be in. Rolling on to his back looking at the cream
sealing, his thoughts drifting to a time in his life were everything was happy,
he would be outside playing stuck in the mud with his friends Jim and Mick and
Mick’s little sister Amy would come and Ruin the fun, By trying to drag Tristan
off to play weddings, then his mum would call and say his father was home and
tea was ready. He could still remember the smell of pot
cooked beef stew with oven fresh dumplings and the sweet parsnips that mum
would cook for a side dish smothered in butter. At that thought Tristan’s stomach grumbled
has he had not eaten all yesterday. He jumped of his bed and headed to his bag
hopping he still had that apple he snuck to eat from yesterday. He managed to find it but when he examined
it, it was bruised and battered from been at the bottom of his bag, it must
have happened when he throw the bag last night on the floor 50 times. “Stupid apple!” he growled under his
breath. He through the apple and it hit the door
and just then Klair knocked. “Tristan is everything alright in there?” “Yes now go away” Tristan demanded “Well there’s breakfast down stairs if your
hungry-“ “I’m not, now go and leave me alone you’re
not my mother!” he barked at the door after that no answer. He pressed his little ear on the door to
hear if she had gone, he heard footsteps going down the stairs and took a deep
breath for relief even though he lied, he was starving he could eat a full pig
to himself. Tristan waited till he could not hear a
sound down stairs and sneaked the door slightly open to see if there was anyone
on the landing then came fully out of his room and slowly shut the door behind
him and headed for the stairs. Once he snuck down he could smell homemade
pancakes and bacon that’s just come off the heat. The bacon alone made his mouth fill with
saliva in hunger then he followed his nose to the saws of the smell in the
dining room were his eyes sighted the platter of food on the table. I guess I can just take some stuff then
get back to my room fast before what’s her name comes back Tristan thought to himself. As he walked to the table the smell was
getting stronger it filled his nostrils and he stood there looking down at the
breakfast that was big enough to feed his full pack. Why would two humans eat so much food? I
mean they are not like what I am even though I could eat all this to myself,
maybe there expecting other people, oh well why should I care I’ll be gone soon
enough. But when Tristan started to grab and eat at
the same time he was hucked and started filling a plate and sitting at the
table. With all that hunger built up all night he
devoured his full servings and whilst all his senses were on the food he did
not notice Klair in the kitchen doorway. “So I gess you was hungry after all” she
said amused. “So what is it to you if I am or not?”
Tristan said with his mouth full. “Well for one lying is bad and you will be
staying with us for some time, Tristan it would be nice if you could at least
be a little more nicer to us even if it’s just a bit, I know I am not your
mother but I’m trying to make you feel at home” Klair folded her arms. Tristan could see he upset her he was not
one to make people upset but in his eyes it could not be helped he was still
too upset himself. Even though he was planning to escape and
leave he knew deep down that she was right, this family had nothing to do with
his family’s suffering but he also felt he had to stand his ground. “I’m….” he swallowed “sorry…happy know? “Well it’s a start… so yes thank you”. “So why all this food I didn’t think
human’s ate a lot” trying to say things I little calmer was hard even thought
he was still angry. “Well we don’t, but some human’s do and
plus our children are coming home any minute now”. Klair shortened her
sentence. In two minutes there was a knock on the door
and Klair went to answer, her half a smile then spread even more as soon as she
opened it and her little boy came running through with mud in his hair and on
his hands. “I swear he was clean when he got out the
car” Klair’s mother came in right after, laughing. “Mum! Don’t laugh know I have to clean
Phillip up” Klair giggle but tried to be serious. “Oh! It’s all part of been a mum of two, I
had to clean you and your sister up whenever you played in the garden, bringing
in worms and "“ “Yes! Ok mum, where’s Celine?” “Here mummy” a young girl with long curly
chestnut brown locks up to here neck that curve round her small face and that
brought out her bright green eyes, came in and from around her mother. She looked up from below her mother’s hip
height and Klair embraced her arms around her oldest child. When Tristan sat in the dining room he
could not help but stair at this perfect, typical family moment and then
blinked to realize that Klair was calling him over. When he strode over to the front hall were
they stood he noticed all eyes were on him and he then felt a bit nervous. Also his mouth was still shiny with bacon
fat as well as his hands. “Mother this is Tristan the little boy I was
telling you about” Klair introduced. “Ah yes… well you look like you’re going to
be a handful, Tristan?” Grandmother was applying for a last name. “T-Tristan Davis” he said so shyly “I
think this is the first time since Tristan came here I’ve seen him nervous”
Klair joked to herself. “You was very shy when you was young Klair
much more than your sister” Klair’s mother stated. “Yes I know mother” Klair sighed, looking
down to her daughter who was caught in Tristan’s gaze. “Celine say hello, He will be staying with
use for some time so be nice” Celine slowly slipped her little hand from
her mothers and stepped once in front. “Hello” she said sweetly as any young girl
would, but Tristan was unsure. He was used to girls been mushy but there
was something in Celine’s eyes that told something different. He felt like he wanted to put his arms
around her but he tried to push that to the back of his mind and started
repeatedly thinking in his head cannot get attached to these people, still
running away! And with that Tristan went from a soft look to a rigid one on
his small face and walked away, back up the stairs to his room. “Well” Grandmother said with a hint of
shock. “He’s just home sick I am sure he will come
round” Klair sighed “Yes I’m sure” Grandmother said with a bit
of sarcasm. Upstairs in Tristan’s room the clock on the
wall turned to 7.00pm. What was that this morning? I am meant
to be going back home not getting to know some human family, I’m a Lycan not a
pet boy! The child thought to himself as he placed
his backpack on the bed to check everything was still in place. Right, windows open, bedding tied up in
to a rope and extra food. Tristan so far has a small bit of a plan in
mind and strutting back and forth from the bathroom door to the window on the
opposite side of the room. After some time he became half restless
from still thinking of his mother, at the same time figuring out the rest of
his escape plan and the other half he was very tired. Tristan did not want to sleep but he knew
if he was going to be escaping and traveling all night he would need too, he
went to the bed for a quick nap but he did not get in the sheets instead he
lied on top letting all his thoughts drift and the only sound he could hear was
the front door opening and close right after as Ronald came in from work. Tristan turned over on to his side and nuzzled
his face in to the pillow to try and block all sound from downstairs but it did
not work nor helped him sleep every time he closed his eyes he saw his mother. Her fair long bronze hair in locks and
curls past her shoulders, eyebrows full and dark and her eye’s green with
sadness and her full lips that spoke come back to me Tristan, come back. Tristan’s
eyes flew open and he was panting as if he just had a bad dream. The thing
that brought Tristan back to reality was a small hand that tugged on his sleeve. His eye’s
quickly travelled along the arm that the hand belonged to and then gazed in to
the eyes of Celine. “Are you
ok?” she asked shyly stood there wearing her blue moon and stars pajamas. “I’m
fine. What you doing in here?” Tristan said with a lump in his voice. Celine did
not say anything she just stood there like in a trance and he got inpatient “I asked
you a question!” he snapped quietly at her. She
flinched a little but was not intimidated. “I was
checking if you was ok!” Celine snapped back at him and this time she was
glaring and he was surprised so his face softened. “Go back
to bed and leave me alone” he turned around with his back facing her. Celine
fiddled with the tassels at the end of her pajamas for a bit and her mood went
from annoyed to scared. “I had a
bad dream too” she confessed going back to a shy mellow voice again. “So- just
go away if you had a bad dream go run to your mummy!” he tried to act tuff but
did not turn back around. “I heard
you from my room and thought you was having a bad dream too so I thought you
wanted someone with you” Tristan then turned to protest but then he caught her
eyes again and wished he never turned around, she was looking at him with red
ish eyes and almost swelling with tears. “Oh no”
he said under his breath “Please
can I sleep with you-“ “No! Now
go away” Tristan grunted from her girlish plea but Celine would not give up so
she grabbed a spire pillow from under the big double bed and curled up against
the wall next to the bed. Tristan
curiously looked down from over his bed side at the little girl on the floor
and could tell from her twitching eyes she was trying hard to keep shut she was
not really sleeping. OH! Why? Why does she have to be so
annoying, I need to leave but somehow I feel bad for this kid…. Oh! “Ok” he
said a little loudly “You can
stay tonight but just tonight got it?” Celine jumped up with a wimpish smile on
her pale face. Tristan
moved over and Celine placed herself where he was. “Thank
you” her voice was like an angel but Tristan thought that was because she got
her own way in the end but he turned over and closed his eyes. Two minutes
later his mother was in his mind again and he was twisting and turning and
jumped awake again with tears rolling down his pinkish cheeks. “Another
bad dream?” Celine was awake still too but Tristan did not say a word and
allowed the rest of his tears to flow. Celine
shifted closer to Tristan wrapped the quilt around him along with her arms and
held him, he then stopped whimpering and was confused but the sent and warmth
of her that made him calm. Ronald
and Klair searched for their daughter after checking up on her in her room and
seeing she was not there then creped to the opposite door and slowly opened to
see both children close together and fast asleep. Ronald
hushed an aww from Klair and sneaked in to the room to shut the window Tristan
left open and crept back out and closed the door behind them smiling.
© 2013 Laura JayneAuthor's Note
Added on September 3, 2013 Last Updated on September 10, 2013 Author![]() Laura JayneHull, yorkshire, United KingdomAboutI'm a fun happy go lucky person who has a chilled out personality but my greatest love and getaway from reality is books. I always think a good read is never to far from your finger-tips and I was in.. more..Writing