Souls in Shadows

Souls in Shadows

A Poem by Bright Ocean Star

just something that I've been thinking about lately...


Souls in Shadows



Twinkling stars guide the lost and weary

Across raging rivers north 

Desert plains most dreary


In fear they fly from their country of birth

Fear of gangs, drugs, certain death

Force mothers to send children ahead

Only hope is a man they know little about

A man they pay to get their children out


So hard they work, so long they save

to scrape the bills together to pay

for a chance to save their children’s lives

It’s their one chance, certain or die


Hearts break and bleed to take the risk

The risk that results in death or frisk

To cross the border, the Rio Grande

Into the United States’ territorial land


Too many unscrupulous men

Take advantage of the desperate, the weak, pretend…

Promise to help them get settled and work

Once they reach their destination, then jerk

The chain of control they enjoy

Too many women are enslaved, used as toys


Sex slaves and servants, they are most afraid

To report the abuse, the moments depraved

Human beings deserve dignity and respect

unfortunate that they live in the shadows of neglect

afraid to alert the police for protection

They’d probably get arrested and put in detention


Predators prey on the weak and the lost

The prey are targeted, defenseless, and faint

They live outside the law in the shadows most taint

‘Tis wrong to allow the coyotes to roam

‘Tis wrong to permit the control they affirm

They are called Coyotes for obvious reasons

Predators pray on the lost, no matter the season


As Christians, daughters and sons of immigrants

It is up to us to demonstrate charity and affiliation

“There by the Grace of God, go I….” rings in my ear

We are called to have love and understanding, so clear.

Put down the pitchforks, and put down the posters

Protesting the illegals who’ve crossed into our borders

Know in your heart, the cost that they bear.

There must be a way out of this lair


Perhaps if we legalized the crossing so fraught

With danger, coyotes, and slavery for naught

Perhaps if we endangered the coyotes’ livelihood

The government could pocket the illegals' payment for goods.


If illegal immigrants were allowed our protections

They could go to work, start restaurants, and pay for education

Federal and state taxes for schools would be a start

States wouldn’t go bankrupt on welfare charts.

Public schools should begin demanding some kind of payment

from each family per year; a moderate tuition statement.

For schools require maintenance, and maintenance costs money

who better to pay it than the beneficiary?


Just a thought….



Bright Ocean Star; March 24, 2015







© 2015 Bright Ocean Star

Author's Note

Bright Ocean Star
This one has been kicking around in my head for a very long time. I hope I didn't offend anyone. That wasn't my intention.

My Review

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A desperate and sad write. I do have to disagree with your closing statement. The thing is, everyone already pays for the schools through taxes (both sales and income and lottery). The problems of funding don't arise from people not paying for the service. The problem arises from the government constantly cutting the funding that was originally targeted for our schools and giving it to their favorite corporate toadies, for example, tobacco farming subsidies and big oil subsidies.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

and obviously, it goes without saying, that I'm only half-serius. I'm sure this pseudoplan wouldn't.. read more
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A desperate and sad write. I do have to disagree with your closing statement. The thing is, everyone already pays for the schools through taxes (both sales and income and lottery). The problems of funding don't arise from people not paying for the service. The problem arises from the government constantly cutting the funding that was originally targeted for our schools and giving it to their favorite corporate toadies, for example, tobacco farming subsidies and big oil subsidies.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.


9 Years Ago

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

and obviously, it goes without saying, that I'm only half-serius. I'm sure this pseudoplan wouldn't.. read more
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So touching and sad. The overriding feeling that comes across loud and clear to me in this piece is desperation.

I'm not one for writing in rhyme (free verse is more my thing), but I am so very impressed with how you effortlessly put such profound thoughts together with perfect rhyme and meter.

Well done!

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Rubie. I am happy you thought it was noteworthy. This one is a bit older. I'd forgotte.. read more
A well thought out piece. I might consider changing the format to either paragraphs or reworking the stanzas for Metre and rhyme, but the thought contained is cohesive.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, KL. I apprecieate you taking a look at it...:)
Immigration is what built North America, Mexico, the USA and Canada. In my family, on my mother's side it is a century ago, on my father's side, less than a century.
I agree with Einstein's comment, those that have come here legally, worked to establish themselves and provide for their family are now being circumvented by greedy criminals and frankly by government actions that are questionable.
Before we take in all the poor and the suffering from elsewhere, we have our own homeless, our own poor, our own addicted, our own veterans that we should be caring for properly first.
Having said all that, an excellent poem, and thought provoking.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Noel. I do agree with Einstein, Sami, and you as well. This poem was born from the cont.. read more
A hot button issue as we see in the US. I came here legally and got my Citizenship legally fleeing a civil war. Isympathize with the victims but not the victimizers whether theirgovernments or those Coyotes. I agree with Einstein Noodle and I hope they put a legal framework to balance the law and keeping legal immigration open not illegal one. I feel sympathy for the children who are suffering. Anexcellent topic and debate...An excellent write...:)....

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Sami. It is always nice to see you stop by. You leave such thoughtful review. Be well,.. read more
Sami Khalil

9 Years Ago

You are welcome muchly...:)....
A thought that compels all of us to think about the issue you've highlighted. I am not that acquainted with the American laws, but still I think that you have addressed the issue in the most poetic way possible. I love how you imagined how the mothers feel, in the beginning of the poem, about sending their children across the border. This is what poetry is all about. It can make us imagine and feel things and emotions that we know nothing of. Well done! This deserves a round of applause! :)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

My dear friend, I am touched that you think it deserves applause. This topic is a hot fireball righ.. read more
sorry Bright One .. compassion and understanding are one thing but .. (please bear with me) ..lets make it personal OK!? someone breaks into my home with oh.... mother, brother and four children ... they demand that i find them work .. give them shelter,food, clothing and opportunity ... not the way to win me over ..
my ancestors got off a boat .. registered .. and earned a place legally as citizens in the USA ..
what about the thousands that are in line and obeying our laws .. ??? what about them?? with all respect for our differing opinions on this one .. i do beg to differ .. :(
your poem is heartfelt and plays to sympathy for lawlessness .. which i do not condone .. that does not make me an insensitive beast .. what i have i share with those i choose .. not necessarily those that demand ..
peace and choice :)
ps. and can we respectfully disagree? ;)

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Yes, E. Always. I do see and agree with your side. I was just caught in a moment of contemplation.. read more
Einstein Noodle

9 Years Ago

yes .. the whole process of crossing our borders illegally is fraught with danger and abuses of all .. read more
Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

You are welcome. I do agree with you. I think if we expanded the legal pathways to allow people le.. read more
wow this is more than just a thought...this is how it is for so many unfortunates trying to escape the hell they are in, only to find themselves in another place that is just as hellish as where they were.

inescapable...I agree with the last part...everyone deserves an education, everyone deserves a chance to better him or herself. Not to be imprisoned because of a lack of funds...not to be imprisoned by those who would take advantage.

so sad.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Jacob. It isn't the most popular thing to write about, but it is getting in the news mor.. read more
Oh WOWZA, I love your poetry but this is one of my favs… it is like you channeled Poe and gave it a modern day flare with your personal touch of creativity. Your poem certainly touched on the many things wrong with not just this country but the world.

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Bright Ocean Star

9 Years Ago

Thank you, Cowboy! There are so many things wrong; I just hate to think of these poor people caugh.. read more
The Rock And Roll Cowboy(REBEL WITH A CAUSE)

9 Years Ago

My pleasure hon.

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9 Reviews
Added on March 24, 2015
Last Updated on September 25, 2015
Tags: Illegal Immigrants, coyotes, broken system


Bright Ocean Star
Bright Ocean Star


I'm terribly sorry. I don't accept new friend requests, unless I've known of you for this past year. I'll only accept a friend request if you are a friend of a friend that I've seen on my friends' re.. more..


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