Deja vu

Deja vu

A Poem by Chebem Ike

It seemed like through the same
Wood I walked again
Where I had walked before

I knew but couldn't tell how
I had seen the golden rays of that
Sun from between two parting tree
Fall on the dry leaves below

And the soft spoken shadow
Bestriding from marging to marging
I knew that smell of safety

I knew that sound as the leaves
And the birds sang the same sweet song
And the trees swayed one branch
Shaking the other, as I knew it would

But when, when had I been to this woods?
And heard the leaves rustle
The birds sing
And seen the trees sway?

Could've been a dream
But o! I know dreams and is certainly
Not this
Or a trance? No I have seen people tranced
And in prayer but never were
Or was it in another world or former life
But to think so is to be superstitious

So i don't know
I just know I knew.

© 2015 Chebem Ike

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Added on October 20, 2015
Last Updated on October 20, 2015