seems as though that man's "point of pride" is a bit more of shame
since it not only left my memories but actually invoked more.
Lying in a hammock, I gazed at the stars with a guy who looked an awful lot
like Avid but with shaggy, light brown hair.
"Wouldn't it be great to just leave this world? To see what the stars had
to show off? It has to be better than this." My voice scattered off. The
Avid lookalike turned onto his left side to face me.
"What? Better than fighting reconditioning and never truly being safe?
Nah, there's nothing more fun than that." The tone of his voice worked so
much better with this personality versus the timid thing I'd met him as. His
fingers threaded between mine. Valor craned his head out of a tent, "Is it
safe to join you guys?" It was less of a question and more of a joke. I
nodded and he leaped into the hammock next to "Avid".
"So, what's tonight's deep conversation, Pathos?" Valor linked his
fingers between Pathos'/Avid's, mimicking the two of us. He batted his eyes and
rested his head on Avid’s shoulder, “Are we discussing our past or our future’s?
What about baby names?”
"Nope. Not tonight, Valor. Not with what we have waiting for us
tomorrow." This was the voice of a leader. Pathos was not Avid. Not in the
slightest. Pathos removed his hand from mine and aggressively shoved Valor off
the hammock.
"Jeez, I was just kidding. You know you needed a laugh tonight." Valor
brushed the dirt off himself while giving me a cocky grin. It was at that
moment we heard a soul piercing scream from the other side of the building.