Vampire Hell

Vampire Hell

A Story by Kayla

    October 1999

It was a chilly night.  The streets were empty, sidewalks were bare.  It was perfect for a murder scene.

I bent over lifeless body that was lying in the middle of the street.  He was surrounded by a huge puddle of blood.  His body was bent in an un-natural way.  And looked like he had been dead for a long time.  Who he was...I don't know.  But I was about to find out.

I reached into his coat pocket and pulled out his wallet.  Inside was five bucks and his driver's license.  I looked at the name on the card.  The victim's name was Frank D'Angelo.  He was 33 years old.

I put the wallet back in his pocket and walked back to my car, grabbed my radio walkie, and began to talk. "This is Officer Dominick Weston.  I'd like to report a murder on 55 Oak Street." My finger let go of the button.

"Officer Weston? We're sending people over to check out the scene." Said a cool female voice that was very familiar to me.

"Thanks, Melissa." I sighed into the walkie and then put it back down.  I climbed out of my car and walked back to the body. 

As I examined the victim, I found something strange.  He had two teeth that looked like fangs.  In fact, he reminded of a vampire.  His skin was pale white and he had this eerie feeling that emmanated from him.

I opened his eyelids and gasped.  His eyes were blood red.  More than just a few broken blood vessels.

"Who are you?" I asked him, as if he was going to answer.

My body bent closer to the victim's face.  And then before I knew it, the body pounced forward and bit my neck.  A scream ripped through my lips, but it did no good.  I was doomed.


10 Years later

I crouched over the body and sniffed it.  She has been dead for 3 hours, was 25 years old, had type A blood, and was a diabetic.  Being a cop is so much easier with vampiric abilities.

Then I picked up a scent.  Whomever killed this woman was near by.  And they weren't human.  I followed the sweet scent around the corner of the alley and into the darkness. 

The killer had just bolted, I reacted the same.  Zooming around corners, flying down streets.  Keeping track of every shift in the scent's direction.

I finally came to the dark edge of another alley, where the killer was waiting.  It was a woman.  Tall and slender with long, flowing, brown hair and blood red eyes.  She had just fed.

"You caught me." She said giggling and raising her arms up in a surrender motion.

"Who are you and what do you want?"

She moved closer to me.  Her red dress flowed between her knees. "I am Eva.  And I am here because my master sent me to retrieve you."

"To retrieve me?

"Yes, Officer Weston."

"What are you? His dog?" I snapped.

"Yes." She laughed.

"What do you want with me?" I hissed, getting angry with the lack of answers.

"You must come." She walked so close to me.  There was mere inches between us.  Brave move.

But I followed out of the alley anyways.  The street was deserted, so she took off.  We both sped down the road and into the trees of the forest. 

We kept running until a large brick mansion emerged from behind the trees.  There was chatter between male voices inside.

As we climbed the steps, a chair scraped across the floor and a male vampire opened the door.  He too had blood red eyes.  He also had blonde hair and looked like he was in his early twenties.  I also noticed that he had a very sly look to him.

"Hello, Eva." he said as he eyed her little, red dress.

"Sam." She stuck out her hand.  He took it and kissed it, then proceeded to pull her into the house.  He made it obvious that she was his mate.

Eva removed her hand from Sam's and looked at me. "Come.  Master is waiting."

I walked into the house.  She led me past the grand staircase and through a wide hallway.  We passed a couple of doors until she stopped in front of one on the right.  We entered the room.  It was a library.  There were hundreds of shelves, filled with books.  On one wall, a fire was lit in a glorious fireplace.  And there in front of the fireplace was a chair and a table with a lamp on it.

The man that sat in the chair, closed his book and stood.  He was an older man.  If he was human, he probably would have been in his late fifties.  He too, was a true vampire.  He had the same blood red eyes that Sam and Eva had. 

"Good evening Officer Weston.  Please come in and sit down."

"Who are you?" I asked, not budging.

"Oh please do forgive me.  Where are my manners?" He wandered over to a tray that had a crystal container full of blood. "My name is Benjamin St. Thomas.  But you can call me Ben." He picked up a glass and poured some blood into it. "Would you like some?"

"No thank you."

"Please do come in." He said as he gestured to a seat in front of desk in the corner.

Sensing no apparent danger, yet, I sat down on the seat.  And Ben sat in the chair behind the desk, taking a sip of his drink.

He looked at the door where Eva was still standing. "Eva.  Leave and close the door behind you."

"Yes, master." And she immediately left.

"Mr. St. Thomas..." I started

"Ben." He cut me off.

"Ben.  What do you want with me?"

"Dominick.  Do you mind if I call you that?"


"Well, it seems that you can be of some use to me."

I did not respond.

"Since you are a cop," he continued, "I figured that you would help me out."

"With what?!" I was getting even more agitated.

"You see, the US Government now knows that we exist.  My own stupidity.  But anyways, you have access to those files.  Without them, there would be no proof of our existence."

"And you want me to destroy them.  Am I right?" I caught on.

"Not exactly.  I want you to bring them to me."

"And what's in it for me?"

He smirked. "If you bring me those files, I won't send you to Rosetta."

I cringed at the thought of going to Rosetta.  Rosetta was the most powerful vampire in the world, and probably the entire universe.  And she has a power too.  One look and you can never look away from her...ever.  But whats worse is that looking upon her would cause you a great deal of physical and emotional pain that is never-ending.  Not even permanent death could stop it.  It is a struggle to be around her.  You do and don't want to look away.

Thousands of vampires have been sent to Rosetta.  She is our type of capital punishment.  If you threaten our kind, you are sent to her.  And only a really powerful vampire could stall that from happening.

"So do we have a deal?" Ben asked.

Of course I would say yes.  Innocent or not, Rosetta would torture me like everyone else. "Yes."

Ben stuck out his hand.  I took it and we shook.

"How long do I have to retrieve them?"

"A week."

I looked at the fire that flickered in the fireplace behind me.

This task would not be easy.

"Eva," called Ben. "Please escort Dominick to the front door.  He has a mission, and very little time to complete it."

I followed Eva out of the house.

"Good luck." she whispered as I took off into the forest.

My mind went wild as I ran.  Planning out every detail of the situation I had to endure.  How am I going to do this?


6 Days Later

It has been the longest week of my existence.  I spent it at work, studying ways to break the government's security system.  And when I thought I had something, I would reach another dead end.

This morning was just the same.  I came to work and turned on my computer.  I flipped through the websites until there it was.  The answer I've been looking for.  The one flaw in the government's protection program.  And I had to defeat it...tonight.


Later That Night

It was almost time to go.  I sat and watched the clock tick.  I could hear the click of every little gadget inside it.  It distracted me long enough to make the time pass faster.

When the clock struck midnight, I left my house knowing exactly what I had to do.

I climbed into my car and drove off to the police station. 

Within minutes, I was there.  I parked my car in dark slot, careful to hide the license plate number from view of the camera.  I got out of the car and enter the building.

A few faces flicked upward to look at the door, as I walked in.

A woman with long blonde hair, flitted to my side.

"Hey, Dominick! What are you doing here?" she asked.

"Hey, Melissa.  Is the chief here?"

"No.  He went home.  Why do you need him?"

"Because," I looked at the door to the chief's office, "he gave me a special mission.  Top secret.  He said if he wasn't here, he'd leave instructions for me."

"Oh.  Okay." I could detect the curiousity that she felt.

I walked over to the door and pretended to pull a key out of my pocket and put it in the door knob.  I easily turned knob the as if it was not locked at all.  And then entered the office.

The computer monitor flickered to life, after I turned it on. 

I began the rigorous task of searching files.  It was annoying, having to go at the speed of the computer.  But I had to undergo this task.  Meeting Rosetta would be far worse.

After clicking open a file, I found the gap that allowed me to hack into government files.

I was about to click button that would open the files on the existence of vampires, when the door to the police station opened and something far worse than an ordinary vampire came in.

The entrance was followed by a blood-curdling scream and feet running across the floor.  And the my worst fear.  I heard bodies being ripped to pieces and blood splatter across the walls.

I immediately left the office, planning to defend the rest my human friends.  But that act would be the end of my existence as I knew it.  For as I saw what entered the building, pain beyond any other pierced my body.  Rosetta was here. 

She was flanked by three other vampires.  All of whom, I recognized very well.  Sam and Eva stood on her left.  And Ben on her right.

I fell to ground as Rosetta's gaze turned on me.  I felt like I was being stabbed by a thousand knives, ripped to pieces, and burned alive all at once.

Ben began to laugh hysterically. "Fooled ya didn't we?"

I let out a scream.  Convulsions were sent through my entire body. "Why?" I managed to whisper.

"You broke the law, Officer." Rosetta's voice sent thousands more shards of glass, into my body. 

"How?" I forced through my teeth.

"You interfered with the human government."

"On his orders." I jerked my head up towards Ben.

Rosetta laughed.  It was the most excrutiating of all pain.

"I know." she continued. "You see, without my...companions, my life would be boring.  I mean, what vampire would risk breaking our law.  They all know that they will be caught and sent to me.  Now you have to come with me, Officer.  For even true death could not save you now."

I began to beg for mercy.  And when that didn't work, I prayed to the God that did not exist for our kind.

"I bet you're wondering why these three are not affected by me." she turned her gaze towards Eva and Sam.  It brought no relief. "Lets just say, they intrigue me.  Now Eva? Frank?"

"Yes my mistress?" Eva asked.

"Yes my lady?" Ben asked.  But she called him Frank.  That's when I realized it.  He was not Ben St. Thomas.  He was Frank D'Angelo.  He turned me into a vampire! 

"Go get Mr. Weston.  It is time he is punished.  He must be taken to Hell." 











© 2010 Kayla

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Ooooo nice twist!! i think this is really good kayla :)
why dont you like it??
I really like how you described how rosetta tortured officer weston.. really cool.
keeep it up ;)

Posted 14 Years Ago

I'm not sure I like this too much. It took me about 19 days to write. And didn't exactly turn out the way I wanted it to. But please, tell me what ya think.

Posted 14 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on December 11, 2009
Last Updated on January 13, 2010



Rochester, NY

My name is Kayla. I live in the United States of America. I am starting my first year at Monroe Community College. I am extremely close to my family. I have three best friends (Cassidy, Karl.. more..

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