From Of Atlantis, my five volume fantasy series, book one released May 17th
Many questions pondered about this place since the dawn of mankind
A triangle three sides, looking as if you are looking straight at a pyramid
Three sides of a pyramid if you look straight at it, three sides to a triangle, one doesn't have to be very smart to see with clarity, this simple find
Three sides, mother, father, child, but the center reserved for the Supreme Being, the universe, look closely and you can see right in front of you all that has been hid.
All civilizations linked together, since the days of Atlantis, by something as simple as three sides
No denying what lies right in front of your face, stop, take a little time to look around and think
Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle, linked forever together, by the depiction, of three simple sides
Many scholars, always with different theories, they almost solved the mystery, they were on the brink.
The triangle, the three side were accidental, but no questions as to the lines, they are there
Each civilization had pyramids, in one way or another, linking them one and all
Mankind's true history, just watch for the three sides, and you too will see, it doesn't matter where
Hypothesis, theories, just that, you weigh the truth and you make the call..
From China to the Americas, just look, the three sides, they are always there
Bermuda, the Triangle, just a fluke, but as powerful today, just as yesterday
Challenge what I tell you, prove me wrong, if you are willing to take a dare
The three sides, always there, always within plain view, there for everyone to see without delay.
From the days of Atlantis, the Bermuda Triangle was created, never intended to cause any one, any kind of harm
In reality it was a trash dump for Atlantis, but a renegade madman, well he changed all that
A scholar of advanced Orion technology, he made the triangle a weapon of sorts, one that would cause death, devastation, and harm
But still the three sides are there, telling one some how some way, the three sides, are there and remain so, there is no question about that.
The three sides, throughout history, they are plainly within sight, why deny what is right before your eyes?
Whether it be in the middle of the Atlantic, ancient Egypt, the Mayan, Inca, or another ancient place of wonder, still the three sides, can always be seen
Connect the dots, stop, take a minute to think, just looking around, you can see the answers to the how and whys
Three simple lines, linking everything and all, just stop a minute to look and right before your eyes, all the answers can be clearly seen.