I see you from the old cobble stone streets, in the shadows as I know there you are trying to hide
Thinking I don't know you are there, as I feel your eyes as I know they watch my e very move
I try ignoring you, standing on the street, holding my head high, totally with pride
I wish from my life, you I could remove.
I wonder have you done this before? Making others worry and be nervous, just like me.
There is nothing I can do because all you do is watch me, as you totally stalk me
When I feel your penetrating eyes, all I want to do is to get away, from the area totally flee
I have to wonder, what you have it is you have in mind, why don't you just go away and leave me be?
Sometimes from the shadows you are so close to me, I can hear you as you breathe
When this happens, fear fill my entire being and soul
Just go away! All I want you to do is go away and from my life, just totally leave
As you watch me, I am terrified as to what may be your goal.
I feel like some sort of prey, as you the vulture, drool over the thought of me
I feel like some sort delicacy, as I know you are always there watching me
If I had the courage to confront you, I would tell you just to let me be
If I could just get away from you, but if I were to flee, I know you would follow me.
So there you remain, in the shadows, one thought comforts me, I know you are all alone
The thought of this, if you ever confront me, there is a chance I could get away from you
Just the thought of you chills me to the very bone
When I think of you, reality to get away from you, my choices seem to be very few.
Always knowing you are there, I really don't know what to do or how to react
I don't understand why you chose me, on this I have to question why
If I ever confront you, this situation, I would have to handle with perfected tact
Then unexpectedly, you are standing in front of me, so close I can see the whites of your eyes.