![]() Fighting spirit (a working title)A Story by mangoman89![]() Part of a story I'm writing and it's a work in progress, comments and thoughts appreciated!![]()
The blood rushes to my head from a strike to my temple and I hit the ground with a thud. I turn to look at my attackers with my eyes blurry from that blow and see the damage I've done to them. One man is missing his left arm from the elbow down and I can see he's tied it off already with part of his shirt so he can keep on fighting and to stop the bleeding. Another lost his right eye and has a few broken ribs on his right side judging from the way he's gripping them. The third has cuts and gashes across his chest from where my blade flew just moments ago. They aren't too deep but deep enough to cause him discomfort while fighting. There are two more men behind these injured three who haven't yet come at me, they stand there, biding their time until just the right moment to strike. Each one uses a different weapon against me, trying to see if they come at me from different ways and forms they might be able to take me out. I smile at their efforts for they will be in vain, I don't like to lose especially when my life is on the line. The one armed man uses a rapier, an excellent piercing weapon and fast, even with my current level I have a little difficulty keeping up with the tip of that blade. The half blind man uses a combination of two hatchets, weapons that normally are used for cutting wood but can cut through bone and flesh just as easily. The front man who has a few slashes across his chest uses a gladius and shield, a excellent combination for parries and quick strikes. The two in the back have yet to use their weapons but I see from one mans size he's got a claymore on his back. Something that can easily crush a man of my size and cut through me like a hot knife does to butter. The other is smaller but stout and I see quite a few daggers along the holsters on his legs and chest, he's a ranged fighter and judging from the amount of daggers I can see he's probably deadly accurate with them. Five enemies, all boasting substantial wins in this coliseum of death. I hear the roar of the crowd as they scream at the top of their lungs,at the sight of blood and the situation I find myself in. I only fight with a single edged blade, an ancient weapon that is an extension of my body, my soul and mind, my katana. This weapon I hold in my right hand is something that keeps my mind focused and sharp at the task at hand. It doesn't matter if these men have families like myself, once we enter this ring of death only one can prevail and get the prize of a lifetime, freedom. This place, this hellish prison I've been locked in for many years is a place between this world and the next. Laws hold no place here and men are pitted against each other as ancient gladiators were hundreds of years ago to the entertainment of the world. I can't think about this right now though, I'm fighting for my life in this place. As a remote controlled drone hovers above my right shoulder to get a better view of me and my opponents I sheathe the my sword in my right hand into it's holster that I grip on my left. I take up an iaido stance, a traditional one draw, one kill stance, something I've mastered in my years before coming to this place. The crowd holds its breath in an almost instant as the attackers look at one another and come at me three on one. The one with the hatchets leads the charge while gladius and rapier tail him rather closely. I only have one chance to take all three of them at once and I still have to conserve some energy for the other two. Hatchets leaps into the air about ten feet in front of me and gladius readies his shield on his right hand in front of him while rapier hides behind it, going for the killing thrust when the time comes. They move as one, each person of this three man unit working with each other to kill me, it's commendable. They way they react to each others shortcomings, build off of those and compensate for them in order to take my head is something I quickly smile about because they will die no matter how quickly they came together as one. I make some quick calculations and my body begins to move on its own. As hatchets begins to descend I take a step forward, something he wasn't expecting and I can tell by the expression on his face he thought I would dodge back while the other two go in for the kill. With my right arm doing so as it hand countless times before I bisect hatchets in two before he could reach the ground in front of me, gladius with shield raised comes at me and deflects my follow attack that was a cross slash coming from the right to my left. Rapier moves in for the kill from behind the shield and aims for my torso, with quick thinking I use my scabbard which held my sword moments ago to catch his needle of death. I see the gladius coming on my right and switch my katana in my hand from an over hand grip to an underhanded one and react instantly taking the mans hand off at the wrist with a counter. I kick rapier in the ribs with my left foot and send him flying back with no weapon as he let it go of it during that instant. Gladius stares at his missing hand and screams out in agony as I pierce my blade through his heart and in a fluid motion raise it up while inside of him to create a separation of the left side of his body from his heart to shoulder. Two down, one to finish off and two more to go. I quickly race to rapier and as he's recovering from my kick, with his back turned to me he lifts his head up looking back at the other two as if asking for help. I take his head in one swift motion and feel no resistance as my blade goes through the back of his neck to the front. His head begins to roll on the ground in front of me and I see a blank stare looking back up at me while his head stops at my feet. I glance down at it and feel no pity, no remorse at all. When did killing become second nature to me I quickly contemplate, when did taking another mans life feel calming to me? I have no time to dwell on these feelings as I hear the crowd cheering and quickly look up to see three daggers coming at me with blinding speed. I raise my left arm and deflect one of them from the armor on my arms, dodge the other and feel the one connect with my right thigh. S**t I think to myself, that was careless of me to have thoughts cloud my battle at hand. I quickly roll to dodge two more incoming missiles of death and recover a few feet to my right only to see a shadow coming at me from my left. I jump back four feet and feel the tip of a massive blade make contact across my chest and see crimson flying out of me. It stings as it goes from left to right and then with an almost inhuman quickness the man wielding it jumps forward and comes at me with an above head strike. I don't have much time to react and as I raise my shielded arms and sword above my head to block the attack I feel the weight and pressure from the strike hit me with a massive force and causes my knees to buckle and I end up in a kneeing position from it. I see a massive right leg coming at me me from the same side and roll forward to him to close the space between us. As I reach him he prepares to punch me from above but I take off his left foot just above the ankle, he screams in agony and begins to fall over. Just as he begins to tip he uses the massive sword as a crutch and I see a small figure out of the corner of my left eye coming at me. Daggers throws two more blades at me while running at me from my blindside, I deflect them both with my blade as I rush to meet him head on. He reaches for a larger knife drawn from his back side and moves lower to the ground as he runs towards me. As I reach him in a matter of seconds our movements are in almost perfect sync of each other, we move our arms as one, drawing our weapons with blinding speed, and in a split second our eyes lock. His are filled with glee and joy from the sensation of seeing my blood and having a chance to kill me. I see a smile across his face and instantly think to myself that this could be me. I could become this monster of a man I see before me, someone who enjoys killing and the sight of blood.
© 2014 mangoman89 |
Added on September 22, 2014 Last Updated on September 22, 2014 |