Chapter One and Two

Chapter One and Two

A Chapter by Mskendra Renee

Doctor Newmon is looking to finally start human experiments ... but who will be his test subjects??


Chapter One


In golden Colorado, Doctor Newmon and his family are getting ready to sit down to a meal. Doctor Newmon, a genetic engineering scientist who works for the government. They moved around to five different states since because of his job. They barely have time to decorate before he is up and moving them again. However, he has promised his family he would slow down, and they would live in their four-bedroom home for at least a year.

“Hey, dad! are we still going to the movies tonight!?” A brunet haired little boy yells coming into the front door of an average suburban home.

“Vincent Newmon, if you don't take those shoes off in my house I swear.” A woman says coming out of the kitchen with a pan of fried eggs in her hand as Vincent shuts the front door.

“Sorry mom, where's dad?” He says giving her a hug.

“He's upstairs getting ready to leave for work. Hurry and change clothes then come back down to eat breakfast.” She yelled as she starts putting eggs onto their plates.

He races upstairs yelling his dad’s name. His father calls back from his bedroom. Vincent trips on the stairs as he reaches the top. He gets up and starts walking down the hallway to his parents’ room.

“Hey dad! We are still going to the movies, right?”

He says to a man with black hair getting up off the bed while fixing his tie turning to the young boy. He tells the boy to come and sit on the bed.

“I cannot I am sorry. I have a meeting today to start that special project I was telling you and your mom about.”

“The mutant animals?” He asks with excitement.

“Well in a way yes, but we will call them genetically modified animals. Mutants come from things like toxic waste.”

“When you get back do you promise we'll go the movies then?”

“Sure. Now go clean up before breakfast.”

Vincent jumps off the bed and runs to his room. Newmon starts to finish getting ready as his wife comes to the doorway and stands there looking at him.

“Victor, are you going to stay for breakfast?” She asks sarcastically as if she already knew his answer.

“Sure” He answers back shocking her as she smiles and rolls her eyes.

“If they give you the ok, how long will you be gone?”

“Ava, I do not know. I am sure it will be like last time.”

Dr. Victor Newmon was a tall man standing at 6’1 with black short curly hair. He wore the typical black bulky glasses you see all the smart kids wear in the movies. He was a nice golden bronze with thick eyebrows and a pearly smile. Just looking at him, you would think he was just a regular guy but, he was not an ordinary guy. He first started getting into science when he was a young child and would take insects and small mammals to see if he could combine them into something. Living with his grandmother as he did not know his parents, she was worried about him and put him in counseling, but it never changed his desire to make something out of living organisms. For a while when he got older and got his own family, he worked for a small lab in his town where he would help testing DNA for similarities of diseases in people and that is where he got the idea to change DNA.


A year beforehand, Doctor Newmon recruited by the government to help with top secret experiments, stayed away months at a time without contact with his family. He had decided he did not want to stay for extended periods away from his family. Sadly, the same year he was going to retire, his grandmother died of breast cancer. It fueled his ambition to get results on methods for longer life and cures for illnesses but the closer he got to an answer the darker his heart became.

He wanted to start making genetically advanced humans but needed the funding and resources to do so. As a genetic scientist, he believed that with all the news about new inventions and ways to save energy and recycling, that certain diseases would have cures by now. He thought that society focuses too much on these things instead of their health. So, he goes to G.H.I.A, Genetic Human Enhancement Association, to get finance to do animal testing in genetics. A secret organization under the government used for only top A experiments.

She leaves the room, and he continues to get ready. Moments later he joins his family for eggs, toast, tomatoes, and sausage. They all sat quietly eating their food. Their home was less than ordinary as Ava never believes Newmon when he says they will be somewhere for long. Because of this, the only rooms decorated were the rooms and the rest only plain.

  After breakfast, Newmon gets up and says his goodbyes. It takes him a while to get to the Science Intelligence building. A base of operations for numerous experiments done by the government. It does not take them long to give him the ok. Because of his history with the organization, Newmon given an underground building in Mount Saint Elias in Alaska. With three floors, it would prove to be the ideal space for his work. The first floor equipped with a break room and resting area as well as a furnace. The second floor had thirty rooms each with cages and the top floor is where they experimented. However, he was not just going to test on animals.... he required humans.

His wife was happy he got the funding but sad to know he would be away from home months at a time. They argued for a while, but he was not backing down. He packed his things but only after he spent time with his family. He left early in the morning careful not to wake them as he left for the airport.

Once in Alaska, he and his team immediately started searching for test subjects. Months and months went by with no satisfactory results. They begin using nuclear waste in the gene structure, but the test subjects would die soon after. There were reliable results but sadly no test subject lived past twenty-four hours. Doctor Newmon’s family were not happy with the months he had to stay away. After a while, Ava did not recognize Newmon. He had a shorter temper and distant. She did her best to make her son, Vincent, happy even though Newmon showed no interest in what either of them did.

Chapter Two

" I have done it!" Dr. Newmon says, coming out of the lab with bloody gloves.

It had been about a year or two before Dr. Newmon was not getting any momentous results after using homeless people they would find randomly. He had gone through hundreds of thousands of people in that time with his helpful staff of doctors and nurses. At first, they started just changing simple things like people being able to stay up longer or resistant to getting a cold but as time went on, Dr. Newmon got more wicked in his search for something no one has been able to create before and believed himself to be the father of the new generation of humans to come.  He had six doctors and two nurses for each doctor and because of the delicacy of the details of the experiments, he only chose people that he had worked with before and were good at following orders and not asking questions. He also had around the clock security totaling to twenty-five men. Newmon did not consider himself a bad man, just a man willing to do what was needed in order to better the health of others… or at least that is what he would tell himself, but on nights like this where he would get closer to creating something that   would be human and something more, he didn’t care what he needed to do to get there. He throws the gloves into a nearby trashcan and tells all the staff to follow him to his office.

 " Please sit and pay close attention. '' He commanded, sitting in his chair as everyone walked in, taking what seats were available and pulling out their notepads as he began to tell them of his.


"By using selected strains of nuclear waste, highly concentrated protein, and genes from both mammals and reptiles according to their regeneration and sense abilities and taking adrenaline as well as the broken-down chemical makeup of certain enhancers, I believe I have created something that will act as a virus and take over the human to change it down to the atoms. Instead of the virus attacking the host, it will work with the body to produce new cells and DNA to change the host into something else. To see just how much of a change, I am wanting the host to act as an incubator to produce a genetically made human or lack thereof.   This virus should give us a species that isn’t already dominated by human genes, but instead the genetically modified genes have dominance."

" Well sir, other than adding adrenaline, enhancers and protein, the virus may still be fatal to the human genetic makeup or cause no change at all." one doctor says as the others nod in agreement.

" Well, I am glad you mentioned that. I have combined my results with other experiments for the advancement of humans. I found something interesting. I believe that with electroshock therapy after and before the dosage should jump start the regeneration causing cells to multiply with the virus. From my experiments using this virus so far, I’ve given you copies of the deformities of appearance, hunger and chemical makeup." He pauses as they begin to write and look over his notes of his past experiments over the past three weeks which other than Sarah, they had all been clueless too.

“Why would electroshock therapy do anything to the results?”  Nurse Sarah asks with interest flipping her page in her notes.

“Every time the body is hit with electricity, it is killing the body and the cells are dying as well. The body has a natural way of healing itself. By adding nuclear waste and regeneration DNA, the new cells that form will be of our virus and even go beyond what we predict. I propose we start the currents at 6-25 milliamps.” 

" It says that all of your test subjects died in less than minutes of your methods."  A doctor states.

" Those were merely pawns in my findings, I looked through they are charts and found what was common. Most patients died after minutes or sometimes a day after, but most would come back changed after we would attempt to revive them with the pads. With more time, imagine what changes we could observe. Which is why I am starting at 6-25 volts. It seems that the younger the subject, the longer they lived. I also determined that certain test subjects with no history of illnesses lasted even longer. I believe we have been searching in the wrong places to have successful trials. That is why I am suggesting that we inject the virus at the time of conception. Getting the sperm and changing the make up before it enters the egg causes a different effect in the embryo; as well as, putting the virus inside of the test subject that will be caring for the baby. The children of our experiments will be truly phenomenal. ``

Though what Dr. Newmon was proposing it goes against laws and morals, what they had already been doing could get them all locked away for a long time. What he was saying was making sense to the other doctors as they sat thinking about the pros and cons. If they were to be revealed to the public, they would have their licenses terminated as well as thrown in jail. However, they were already involved with helping the mad doctor kidnap thousands of people, both women, men, and even runaway children to study. So, they decided to agree to his new Proposal.

"I’m glad to hear you're all on board with this. I have terminated our other test subjects in the furnace and have already given our nurses new requirements for the future test subjects. We will start with only thirty women and DNA from the men I have put next to the test subject's name. Each group will get ten subjects to inject and evaluate with your mix. I will personally oversee collecting the women and putting them in your designated areas of research. The women will be on the top floor and once the children are born, they will be on the second floor. Of course, before I put this into action, I am looking for which subject to test on first before I start the others. So, for now you can go home to your families until further notice, thank you."

He shakes they are hands as they get up and leave the room. They take the stairs to the bottom floor and take the elevator to the top where a helicopter is waiting. Because of what they were doing and what was at stake, Dr. Newmon and his head nurse Sarah were the only ones who knew the exact location on the lab and the soldiers protecting it. All the other staff only knew it was high up with a cliff with the only transportation being a helicopter to they are vehicles which were parked at a separate location two to three hours away.

(The next day)

After a long night of arguing with his wife about not being away from home too much, he was happy to be the lab taking his morning coffee. He thought about what his son looked like before he had left that morning. He could see the disappointment, but it did not make him sad that he was leaving his son. He gave him something to hold for him until he would be back. It was a black book with something rapped around it in metal that had a lock on it. He did not tell his son that that book was the key to all his research. He always wanted to know if his son would follow into his footsteps and if he even wanted him too. He did have love for his family, but he was not in love with them. He was in love with his work. He loved when he would focus on his work and not know that week’s had gone by. He could live without his family but not without his work.

" Mr. Newmon?" Sarah says, getting his attention and breaking his thoughts.

" Yes, what is it, Sarah?"

" A woman named Aurora Stern. She is twenty-three, a recent widower, raised in a foster system with no family other than someone she has as a best friend who is also on our list. She has a doctor's appointment this Thursday to get an Insemination. It is sperm from her deceased husband. Which I also already checked, and his history is good too."

He walks over to her and takes the mouse from her and starts strolling down the page looking at all the information. Because of Dr. Newmon’s’ connections, he had security clearance to have detailed information on anyone the government had information on. He knew everything about her within a couple clicks. He thought she was a suitable candidate but there were other women that he would choose to be first.

" I know what you are about to say; however, she is going to a hospital to get an Insemination.  She has not been talking to her best friend or deceased husband's family, so it’ll be a while before she is reported missing. It’ll be easy and she’ll be a good test subject."

He thinks for a second while still looking at her information. Sarah was right, from the report they had, she had been in solitude ever since her husband passed and because she never connected with her family, she did not have family other than a best friend that lived in another state nearby who they could pick up afterwards. He nods his head, and they begin preparations for her arrival.

(Doctors appointment)

      She had stayed at a hotel for a while after the accident and was just laying down and crying. She could not stay at their home because it had too many memories then later moved out into a two-bedroom apartment. Even though her husband was gone she still wanted to have their child. Which is why she is making a doctor's appointment to get injected because he had donated sperm back when they first got married.

She opened the door as the chilly air of the small doctor's office came over her. She looked at the receptionist but halted in her tracks, thinking about how she would explain her decision to her baby. How would she tell her baby later why there was not a father in their life? She terrified by the questions and how she would answer, her hand was shaking rapidly as she turned in the opposite direction to leave but stopped. 

“Yes, it'll be tough, but I'll love my baby and I’ll tell him or her when the time is right.” she thought to herself. “And who knows I may even get twins."  She says laughing knowing that if she were to leave, she would regret it and plus she had already invited Tori. Turning around and taking a deep breath, she stands tall and walks up to the receptionist.

"Hi, my name is Aurora Stern. I have an appointment with Dr. Henji?" She utters with her hands shaking. She tries to breath and calm down focusing on the women. She was a beautiful melanin young woman with a small figure. Her curly hair touching her shoulders with bangs hovering over her brown eyes. She looks at the women's badge. Her name was Hawki…

"Awe, yes one moment." She heeds while paging Dr. Henji, breaking Aurora's thoughts. He lets the woman know to send her back to get set up. Minutes later she is resting on a hospital bed with her legs open as the doctor inspects her wondering if she should text tori and see if she was still coming.

"OK Aurora, now just relax this is a simple procedure nothing to have anxiety about. Just lay back and relax and in no time, this will be over” he encouraged, giving her a warm smile as he put on new gloves. Just as he sits down a nurse comes into the room and walks over to him.

"Who are you?” he asks as she comes and whispers something in his ear.

“Oh, I apologize nurse... Hawkins?” He says in a questioning voice. 

“What’s going on Dr. Henji?" Aurora says, sitting up in the bed. The nurse that came in reminded Aurora of Cinderella. She had blonde hair pulled up into a high bun. She had pink lips, and round but firm face and although she was of average height and build for a woman who looked like she was in her late twenties, she had a darkness behind her blue eyes. 

“Well, there seems to be another patient of mine who needs my assistance. Give me a couple minutes please." He says as she gives him an okay as he leaves the room with the nurse. 

 She closes her legs and closes her eyes fantasizing about the life she and her baby will have. She wondered how her baby would look like him. Whether the baby would be a   boy or girl, she was excited about the love they’d share and the stories she would tell her child about her rebellious teen years and about his or her father. She lays back down on the table looking at the ceiling waiting for the doctor as she shuts her eyes and begins to doze off. 


© 2023 Mskendra Renee

Author's Note

Mskendra Renee
This and the following chapters will all be updated new names, cliff hangers, hidden messages and more please leave reviews.

My Review

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Featured Review

Honestly I almost dismissed this story at the first fight scene as giving the ordinary character unrealistic abilities, however I loved how you introduced the concept of the baby helping her. The way she questioned her abilities and then the doctor yelled out the explanation almost parallels the reader questioning her abilities and then having that character answering it to the reader. Very cool story.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mskendra Renee

9 Years Ago

Thanks so much for reviewing my work
Doctor Sherspock

9 Years Ago

no prob thanks for sharing your work :)


Honestly I almost dismissed this story at the first fight scene as giving the ordinary character unrealistic abilities, however I loved how you introduced the concept of the baby helping her. The way she questioned her abilities and then the doctor yelled out the explanation almost parallels the reader questioning her abilities and then having that character answering it to the reader. Very cool story.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mskendra Renee

9 Years Ago

Thanks so much for reviewing my work
Doctor Sherspock

9 Years Ago

no prob thanks for sharing your work :)
Hi! I enjoyed the concept behind your piece of writing, but the tense changes from present in your background to past in your dialogue threw me off. Also, I think the first paragraph reads more like a plot summary than part of the novel--would this be a prologue? The dialogue formatting isn't conventional--if you did this for a reason I didn't understand, then I apologize; otherwise, this link can be helpful

Overall very creative concept--It'll be interesting to see how the conflicts develop and resolve

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

i really enjoy the premise here and love how its altered from the 1st draft that i read. the dialogue could be clearer as Astrid said its a little mixed in to the descriptions, that said its a good read and interesting idea.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This story is very good, even if I just read the first part. I have to agree with Astrid and Mr_M on there are a lot of spelling mistakes. The plot and concept are amazing, but the way you put it out, like the actual words, they're a bit dull. Use different word choices, and I know you said ignore the grammar and spelling, you need to work on it. But over all, great!

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Mskendra Renee

9 Years Ago

Thanks a lot and I am glad you believe it's original because I wanted it to be . Yes the actual writ.. read more

9 Years Ago

Lol good job
Mskendra Renee

9 Years Ago

With the changes ?
I love the idea of enhancing genetics, and I dare say it has gone on and continues to go on... the baby makes her stronger is also very interesting. The story is solid and the ideas and imagination are the key. I would say change words like 'say' to other words. For example after dialogue use different terms. I.e " get the woman and her baby back into the ward" the doctor stated. Or declared or grunted. I think you can play around with those.

I also agree with Astrid, who has a very god eye from the reviews of have received from her. I would make it look a little cleaner with breaks so it invites people to read it. I would also use my descriptions, but that is my preference. When she gets put under maybe you describe the image of the objects and people blurring and the colours merging. I hope this helps, but it is only my opinion, not to say it is correct.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

Mskendra Renee

9 Years Ago

when you say the breaks i'm guessing you mean when it changes in time? or goes to another characters.. read more

9 Years Ago

Sorry, I mean as in the structure of the lines, nothing to do with what is going on within the story.. read more
Mskendra Renee

9 Years Ago

ok ,ok i get that . Thank you so much!
It's an interesting premise, however filled with many spelling and grammatical errors. It is also hard to distinguish the dialogue since they're all mushed together in paragraphs.

This review was written for a previous version of this writing

Posted 9 Years Ago

Mskendra Renee

9 Years Ago

Thanks so much for your opinion! :-) and I'll correct the spelling errors and fix it so the dialogue.. read more
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6 Reviews
Added on July 2, 2015
Last Updated on December 7, 2023
Tags: horror, fear, good stories


Mskendra Renee
Mskendra Renee

Gainesville, FL

I am fun lol that's pretty much it but i would love everyone's opinion please don't hold back! Constructive criticism is OK in my book don't sugar anything . I want to read all of your opinions and I .. more..
