He shut me out
Been knocking ever since
Patiently, Angrily
The door is made of steel
Every effort to pry it open were unsuccessful
Polishing and dusting failed to produce weakness
Hope waned and I would stray
The door would crack open slightly, squeak
I’d pour all my love into the narrow way
Then it would slam once more
Years that energy would sustain me
Then hours standing
Waiting, Hoping
Began to weigh heavily
Watching other doors open freely and casually
Traffic flowing happily, joyfully
Prayers and dreams to no avail
I asked the door if it will ever open
He replied,
Hinges are rusted and still
Never open properly
Or wide enough
For YOU to fit through
I don’t care for doors
Prefer the open window
Struggling to easily clear the sill
But damn it I will….I will.
PB 11-1-08