People think life is good, that you have to take the fullest out of your life and make the best of it. You should, but if you don't face the reality you will be defestated every time ur faced with it. The sooner you face the truth, the sooner you realize that death is upon us. The easier it will be to deal with it when your faced with it. Because one time you will, and if you are broken by it then you know that you lived in your own little world. The world where you do what you have to do, what others tell you to do. But you think that that is how it is. But death can just take your stress away, death can make you free. There is no escape of death. If you want it or not, you will be faced with death, you will have to go on afterwards, and once you died yourself you will realize that life is there for you, it's there for you to make you feel horrible, to torture you. Death is there to safe you.