

A Poem by laceyjane23

the biggest sacrifice in being alone.

You tell me that you love me...
you tell me that you care.
It's hard for me to believe these things...
because you're never there.
You always have a reason...
for why you are not home.
You always have a reason...
for leaving me all alone.
I remember every "sorry"...
that you ever said.
Every broken promise...
always running through my head.
What exactly is it...
thats keeping you away?
When I gave you my heart...
you promised it would be o.k.
I try to understand...
and I am always here for you.
But will you ever realize...
that I need you too?
Is it me you think about...
when you're out at night?
I think about the many times...
we've tried to make this right.
I don't know if we'll work this out...
will we even pull through?
I have given you all my heart...
all my love to you.
I have nothing left to give you...
my emotions are tapped out.
I am tired of all the things...
that make us scream and shout.
Do you think I won't leave...
no matter what you do?
How much is this relationship...
my love worth to you?
You know that I love you...
each and every step of the way.
You may not think about this now...
but I know you will someday.
I just hope you realize this...
before it is too late.
Is there still a chance for us...
or have you sealed our fate?
I know there will come a day...
when your love's fully grown.
I hope that day comes soon...
before you're all alone.

© 2008 laceyjane23

Author's Note

please ignore all spelling and punctuation errors. fighting for your love is hard feeling like you're fighting for it alone.. is the hardest feeling of all.

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This was unbelievable. I had tears forming in my eyes, it was so beautiful. Damned that man u speak about. How dare he do this to you >:( Unacceptable for what he's done. All of the love and hard work that u have already put into this relationship, he doesnt do a damn thing (he doesnt even see you, either) >:( Unacceptable. Hun, plz be careful of this. I can relate to everything here. Plz be careful. Dont put or pour ur whole heart out to somone that does not want to even try to keep it. U deserve so much better, i swear. Sorry bout my harsh words, i really apologize hehe. It's just when i hear these words from a woman, any woman, whose been let down, abused, or taken advantaged of; my heart just collapses, and it just makes me so mad that these crazy guys would do such things to their women. Just makes me sick. I felt this so much, really i did. It touched me in many places. I feel for you so much, and im so sorry ur going thru such an ordeal. Ur beautiful, and u deserve a 'loving soul.' :)

Bravo to you :)


Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.


Very well written poem. Thank you for sharing. Debileah

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Such a sad and beautiful poem with hopes that love will reach the heart of another and help him to grow before it's too late...


Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

if the reader has to ignore the spelling and punctuation errors,
it really doesnt make the writing worth reading..imo..
but i went ahead and gave it a shot... and read the average cliche poem,
full of flaws, its sad because the passion and the structure is there,
and with more time, this could speak to the heart and effect
the reader in much more profound ways, with more time,
with that being said, i liked over all, it had some form.

Posted 16 Years Ago

It is definitely the desperate plea of one member of a relationship to another. While I was doing that myself, I came across a book called The Five Love Languages by Gary Chapman. While the ex wife would not read it (yes, ex - she found somebody on her late nights on the computer), I did read it. I had known that relationships require work, that we go through the attraction - the infatuation - the falling in love - but that in order to build upon that love, it requires work. There are just so many times when people say that their partner does not get them, does not hear what they are saying. They think it is just the way the person is, and to the extent they are right. Different people speak different languages of love, and one of the most important things a couple has to do is learn how to speak "love" to their partner.

Posted 16 Years Ago

WOW>...Thank you for asking me to read this one. It was an easy read and I could feel the despair thru every verse. I am really sorry one must attempt to alleviate pain by writing about it. please feel better and continue to write!!!
cheers, lea

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

This really captures the emotions of a relationship where you don't understand what is wrong, you only know something is. I have SO been there and it is horrible. I really can relate. Thanks for sharing this!

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

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Lacey Jane, thank you for your kind comments on my latest poem. If you like funny real life stories, I left some chocolate cake for you. If this poem is anything based on real life, I'm sad for you. Passion for men is never the same as for women. We men are selfish and possessive, always out to get. In our selfish blindness we end up loosing the things of greatest value; next to a personally relationship with God, that would be the devotion and love that can only come from a man's wife. I have been blessed by God to have seen early the need to preserve my relationship with my wife, by intentionally demonstrating my love and devotion back to her that she was already giving to me.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

Well written! Love is a difficult emotion and if not freely given, then not love at all.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

I have nothing left to give you...
my emotions are tapped out.

It is very hard when you get to that emotion breaking point..
This is a very vulnerable piece you have written here...

You have certainly painted a clear picture; I hope the one it was intended for saw it, too.
Great write.

Posted 16 Years Ago

1 of 1 people found this review constructive.

i sure hope this isn't about you and your husband on your anniversary..., and you're only writing about this issue or about someone else going thru it or even a past memory... this was obviously a very emotional piece... expressed quite well.

Faerie Blessings!

--faerie whisper (breaking the silence...)

Posted 16 Years Ago

2 of 2 people found this review constructive.

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12 Reviews
Added on August 6, 2008



Mesa, AZ

Well lets see, I am 28 yrs old, and i love to write. I write poetry, lyrics, stories, articles, and I am currently working on my first book, and it has been quite an experience! I love life and I beli.. more..


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