![]() Chapter 2A Chapter by Diana*****2 MONTHS LATER***** It's been two months since I moved to New York , Two months since I've been living with my aunt and her family and yet I'm still not used to being around people. I'm getting there though, I've started school and everything has been going smoothly, I wouldn't expect anything else with how I've been quiet. I've had some girls try to make friends with me but I knew they didn't really want to be my friends ,they just wanted my cousin's attention. Nate's handsome , taking his father's physique and my aunt's , his mom, beautiful features with his father's hard edge. he truly is handsome, I don't blame the girls really, it doesn't make it right though. Nate has been trying to get me to interact with some of his friends or at least some girls in my classes, he doesn't get my anti-social personality. At some point I thought he felt sorry for me and I hated it , so I called him out on it and he made it clear that pity was the last thing he felt in regards to me. I love my cousin brother though. ****** I found them in the downstairs living room , playing video games. They were facing the T.V so they failed to notice me in the room until I was standing next to Nate which had him jumping so high you could've sworn he had springs attached to his a*s. Normally that wouldn't have been that funny , but instead of returning to his original place on the seat, he took a trip to the floor. He fell with a thud. His friends ,a group of guys, laughed at him. I managed a smile , which was quite something in my current state. I didn't do well when my sleep was interrupted. " D****t! Cee , do you think you can make a little noise , just to warn me next time?" hey groaned out. I raised an eyebrow at him, " I could try if you'd stop trying to remove the roof with your music while I'm sleeping." sarcasm oozed out of each and every letter in that sentence , unfortunately he either missed it or chose to ignore it. knowing my cousin , I'm leaning on the later. He stood up and sat himself back at his original place, he huffed ,having lost the game he was playing," I don't suppose you came here to make us some food? " he said dryly with a raised eyebrow. I settled a flat look on him, " a no ser que la comida es su polla en la garganta, entonces no. " I was mildly surprised to hear some of his friends laugh again, hmm they understand Spanish, good to know. My cousin on the other hand though wasn't even bothered by what I'd just said instead he simply nodded ,apologized for waking me up then went back to his game. Seeing no use in just standing there , I turned and went back to my room without a backward glance. He switched the music off. Considerate is my cousin. ***** Two hours later , I walked down the stairs and into an empty living room. I heard hushed voices in kitchen , the adults were out, on some trip, so that meant it was Nate and his friends. I would've went right in if it weren't for the serious tone of an unfamiliar male voice. Now , I don't know all of Nate's friends but this voice didn't sound friendly at all and that made me very interested in what he was saying. My gut told me it wasn't anything I wanted to hear , but then that just made me to hear it more. The human brain; Go figure. "Don't f**k this up Valentino, I'm not going to lose any money because of you anymore. You f**k up and it's over for you. Understand?" The voice said. "Yes, Sir" From my spot by the door I couldn't see anything but that sounded like one of Nate's friends ,Kyle. It seemed as though I came just in time for the end of the conversation so I decided to make my presence known before I was found. I walked in with my head down ,eyes on the phone in my hands, oblivious to the outside world. The silence was quite deafening but I ignored it. I walked to the fridge, opened it , took out a bottle of juice, opened it, drank and put it back. When I turned around I was prepared for many stares . What I wasn't prepared for was the lust filled gaze my eyes connected with. The man looked like he was in his , late 40s with a smoldering gaze , Jaw that would give any shaving commercial male model a run for his money. He wore a form fitting black suit , without a tie, with a trench coat ,also black. His shoes were one of those shinny pointed black dress shoes man with a lot of money are known to wear. All in all , the man was handsome in a very noticeable way. His eyes though , were not. They were the eyes of a dangerous man, a cruel creature with no bounds or morals whatsoever. Warning bells went off in my head . They didn't need to though, I had already seen the danger all by myself. What in the world was my cousin doing with a man like this????? "Hi." my tone was flat with absolutely no emotion. I would've raised my eyebrow if I wasn't too busy trying not to look any indications of pain on Nate. "Hello. Who would you be?" MR Dangerous answered. This time I did raise my eyebrow, " You're in my house ,standing in my aunt's kitchen like you own it and you're asking me who I am? I'm getting the feeling that respect and manners do not exist in your vocab." " hmm , you've got a mouth on you." he chuckled . " Congratulations, you almost fooled me into thinking you have a brain under that thick skull" I replied dryly. " Little girl, I eat girls like you as a starter. " his tone turned dark, so did his eyes. I smirked ," Original are us. what's next ? 'Do you know who I am ?'" My tone left no doubt as to what I thought of his creative skills. "Chelsea ..." Nate started but never got to finish what he wanted to say because in a blink of an eye MR Original had made the gap between us almost non-existent, " Chelsea, is it?" He asked. I gave him a flat stare. " Listen to me and listen very carefully ,'cause I'll only say this once.." "What sort of crap have you been watching?' " Don't disrespect me." there was something in his tone that would've scared any normal human being ,too bad I lost normal a long time ago. That explains why I merely stared at him and walked out like talking to him was an act so beneath me that even sitting flat on my a*s wouldn't put me on eye level with it. @@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@@ © 2016 DianaAuthor's Note
Added on September 2, 2016 Last Updated on September 2, 2016 Author |