![]() God Is Nothing and So Are YouA Poem by write_or_wrongGod is nothing and yet God
exists. ********************************************************************************************* In Its truest form, God is the
only nothing and its existence cannot be questioned. God is the nothing of which we are all inherently aware. God is the static noise in the
background of existence, everywhere and nowhere at the same time. Primordial and eternal, God
doesn't even know It exists. Being both out of reach and
inside of us, God silently shouts. We are pervasively intrigued. God, truly, is nothing. ********************************************************************************************* God exists in the distinction
between 'nothing' and the 'non-existent'. Being 'nothing', God cannot be
truly described in words. Calling it 'God' taints it. Saying it is
'nothing' diminishes it. How do you say nothing? How can our hands fathom the
intangible? How should our ears fathom what we cannot hear? We cannot say nothing,
though it begs to be said, and our only choice is to compare. As a mathematician will
likely "see" God in numbers, so too should a botanist see
It in plants. ********************************************************************************************* I see God as The
Author of The Book of Life. I see an unpublished
work-in-progress with a million typos and no editor. It's horrifying and
beautiful. The book has no plot. It's wildly
misunderstood. When you see it for what it is, it's honestly not even that
interesting. The book has no planned ending
and no clear beginning. You have no idea what page you're even on. The mediocrity of the story is
hidden behind its vivid imagery and its muddled metaphors. Unaware of what
they're reading, The Audience helplessly demands more. ********************************************************************************************* We are not that audience. We
aren't even the characters. We are the parts that go
unnoticed. We are the syntax and the commas.
The fraction sentences. We are the inferred tone of the dot dot dot… We are the meaning behind the
words, but the story exists without us. Like a well-placed hyphen, we
serve a purpose and have no worldly importance. We'll spend our whole lives,
attempting to prove we are more than an unnecessary comma. No one wants to be a waste of ink
in a pen that may run dry. ********************************************************************************************* What we fail to remember is that
"The Author" is only a metaphor. In reality, The Author has never
touched a pen or seen a piece of paper. In reality, the pen is in our
hands and The Author won't know the difference. © 2018 write_or_wrong |