The snow plow looks like a factory on a joy ride and sounds like progress Snow and sleet clamour for the royal climate like divine right and political might Henry Bolingbroke would be proud Old Hank put the sun in its place if only till that March That was when a flare gave birth to a grudge and soon the snow followed the fate of rain Uneasy lay the head that never had the luxury of a weather channel
The Shakespeare nerd has returned ;P Bolingbroke is King Henry IV, the central character of the two plays that bore his name...the "sun" is a pun on his successor "son", who took over after his father died on March 20, 1413 (I looked that part up) and would dominate the next play, ingeniously titled Henry V...
Uneasy lies the head that wears a crown - 2 Henry IV
But aside from all that, this is really just another poem showing off my weather obsession...this one doesn't do much for me, but it's the first thing I've come up with in a few weeks and I was itching to put something new out :P
My Review
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The weather does lend an dramatic tone to the vibrant scene which you have depicted. I appreciate your Author's Note!...It helps the reader comprehend what you have envisioned in this write. Love how you have incorporated William Shakespeare's central character "Bolingbroke" in this piece...
"Henry Bolingbroke would be proud
Old Hank put the sun in its place
if only till that March
That was when
a flare gave birth to a grudge
and soon the snow
followed the fate of rain~ Brilliant write! :)
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
If I had to pick one theme that inspires me more than any other, it's the weather...well two themes .. read moreIf I had to pick one theme that inspires me more than any other, it's the weather...well two themes really, maybe you can guess the other one ;P But thank you as always for your support means a lot for me to be able to capture your imagination :) xoxo
I love the irony in this piece, Kube! It has the sour note I need to see to make a piece of rhetoric real satire. You can`t see the wood for the trees, mate! You`ve emerged. P.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Haha I have never been good at seeing the wood for the trees, but I can snarl my way through a piece.. read moreHaha I have never been good at seeing the wood for the trees, but I can snarl my way through a piece of irony when the urge hits me :P thank you my friend.
I love to feel the suns warmth after a long winter, March is such an interesting and changeable time of year, that stirs the thoughts to write and a great poem has come out of it in this one
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
It is a favourite time of year for me as well...thank you Leigh.
The weather does lend an dramatic tone to the vibrant scene which you have depicted. I appreciate your Author's Note!...It helps the reader comprehend what you have envisioned in this write. Love how you have incorporated William Shakespeare's central character "Bolingbroke" in this piece...
"Henry Bolingbroke would be proud
Old Hank put the sun in its place
if only till that March
That was when
a flare gave birth to a grudge
and soon the snow
followed the fate of rain~ Brilliant write! :)
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
If I had to pick one theme that inspires me more than any other, it's the weather...well two themes .. read moreIf I had to pick one theme that inspires me more than any other, it's the weather...well two themes really, maybe you can guess the other one ;P But thank you as always for your support means a lot for me to be able to capture your imagination :) xoxo
Love this vivid image of yours. My fab was the last line, yes the "luxury of the weather channel" yet... Aren't meteorogists guessing most of the time? Lol it is that way inTX.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Haha it's the only job I can think of that lets you get away with being wrong a lot...thank you Pris.. read moreHaha it's the only job I can think of that lets you get away with being wrong a lot...thank you Priscilla :)
Thank you for the read and the compliments my friend.
12 Years Ago
you are incredible
12 Years Ago
Many thanks for the kind words
You Canadian and me as a Dutch, are living on the same wavelength, and latitude, on mother earth. First that is interesting, second, I know as no other, how weather can influence especially in cold winters a poet's mind... and you little Shakespeare, did your job, how fantastic this write is.... all hidden messages you bring here. Metaphorically brilliant.
- Elisa
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
That is so true, I never considered our geographical similarities before...I have mentioned this to .. read moreThat is so true, I never considered our geographical similarities before...I have mentioned this to many others, and many others have noticed this, but I have a genuine obsession with the weather and the changing of the's a theme that seems to find its way into my writing on a regular basis...Shakespeare tends to pop up a lot too, but usually as a complimentary image, as was the case in this piece...we are most certainly on the same wavelength on several levels, it has not taken long to notice that ;) Thank you again for your kind words.
12 Years Ago
Steve dear, I have that too.... you know why Dutch always watch the weather? lol, when I lived in It.. read moreSteve dear, I have that too.... you know why Dutch always watch the weather? lol, when I lived in Italy for example they called me crazy I wanted to watch the weather, because they thought it just was a waste of time, (it always was good weather) but this goes much deeper in a northern heart, many don't understand how deep it is woven into our genes~ . Season obsession I have too, lol, feel you on that, you will find out more by reading me. So good to talk with you friend :) Elisa. Weather should be in optimism as in depressions (litterally) I think :D x
12 Years Ago
I could not have expressed these sentiments more clearly myself :) I think you've left me with nothi.. read moreI could not have expressed these sentiments more clearly myself :) I think you've left me with nothing to say in response except to sympathize entirely haha All areas of the world are defined by certain things...much of Europe is defined by its architecture and mythological history, we in the North are defined by climate and how we adapt to, and become one, with's always nice to know there's someone out there who sees things so similarly...I intend to delve further into you catalog soon but have added you to my subscriptions in the meantime so you will hear much more from me soon ;) Thank you for the enlightenment Elisa :)
12 Years Ago
That makes the different people on different places that special and unique... :) you're so so true .. read moreThat makes the different people on different places that special and unique... :) you're so so true in all you say up here. And I fully agree.
Thank you so much for being you, and remember nothing with any rush,
I don't do rrs myself, because I believe in true talent, as yourself, by coming over spontaneously, and not forced, a review which is meant, is a thousand times more beautiful than a rushy one. :) Thank you Steve for these good leveled talkes tonight, I treasure those! :) Elisa
12 Years Ago
Sorry for my English, tired... late here, talk soon! :)
12 Years Ago
Haha don't worry, your English is just fine, finer than most people I went to school with haha Talk .. read moreHaha don't worry, your English is just fine, finer than most people I went to school with haha Talk to you soon :)
This poem took me back to your other poem 'THE SEASON'. And made me read the whole thing again:) And not only that. I also noticed that you remarkably write a lot of season-related poems if not about it in your catalog. I only knew a handful of facts about the British Royalty so I'm not gonna delve into that matter to be free from headache,lol. My junior high literature teacher was a Poe fanatic so Shakespeare was an occasional visitor, lol. The poem itself however cooled down the incalescence covering the Pacific like a thick jelly. I'm glad this came up like a box of snow on my doorstep.
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
If I had to pick one theme that defines my life's catalog, it's the weather...I have an unequivocal .. read moreIf I had to pick one theme that defines my life's catalog, it's the weather...I have an unequivocal obsession with the weather, particularly the changing of the seasons...shame on me for never mentioning that before, I don't know why I didn't haha But it always makes me happy to know you visit my profile and take enough of an interest in my writing to notice those kinds of trends :) And that is really the central theme of this poem though the Shakespeare bit seems to have generated the most discussion haha Thank you as always Maryanne, for your comments and compliments :)
12 Years Ago
You actually did mention it. See? I don't easily forget haha. Well, Shakespeare has become a pigeonh.. read moreYou actually did mention it. See? I don't easily forget haha. Well, Shakespeare has become a pigeonhole where almost all traditionalist delve into so it no longer surprised me. O, you know I'm one of your fans so expect me to always have something to say, lol.
12 Years Ago
Haha yes, I have no doubt your memory outshines mine ;P The old Bard is practically the father of mo.. read moreHaha yes, I have no doubt your memory outshines mine ;P The old Bard is practically the father of modern English...I just wish they'd stop with the mediocre if not godawful movie adaptations haha See? I have things to say too ;)
12 Years Ago
Is he? eheh I didn't know that. Now I wish I didn't say anything more about Shakespeare -_- I think .. read moreIs he? eheh I didn't know that. Now I wish I didn't say anything more about Shakespeare -_- I think I didn't drink from the fountain of knowledge, I only gargled from it:)
12 Years Ago
Haha well I don't think everyone would agree with me but I have heard it said by many others...I'd l.. read moreHaha well I don't think everyone would agree with me but I have heard it said by many others...I'd love to say I made a groundbreaking statement but it's far from it ;)
12 Years Ago
That statement should be included in the Bible of K, who created that book title again?
The title itself told me that the poem has something to do with the weather. Apart from this, it is again the allusion that made the piece enthralling. I was about to browse the net next to find out who Henry Bolingbroke is, accidentally I scrolled down the mouse so I was able to read your notes which I do not do normally when I decipher. I find it amusing that your allusions came from Shakespeare, well because most are so fond to have from the classical (as I do speak for myself as well). Shakespeare would have been so delighted with this if he just knew this. :)...I am not yet done with comedies so I am not yet acquainted with King Henry IV to mention that I will still have to get through the Tragedies. Still long way for me to know him but Thank you for this preview. Like Timon of Athens, you are again an influence. Henry just wait for me...
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Thank you Belle, I'm truly humbled that you consider me an influence :) I tend to go all over the pl.. read moreThank you Belle, I'm truly humbled that you consider me an influence :) I tend to go all over the place with the plays and generally read whatever one piques my curiosity...I think there are nine that I've yet to read, of course, some I've only read once and others I've read (or seen performed) a few times...this is my second run through the Henry plays so I'm picking up on things I didn't notice on the first read...I can sympathize with your reluctance to read fact, I was hesitant to say anything regarding the allusion, but whenever I drop a historical name into a poem I feel the need to at least acknowledge the origin...I never imagined the reference evolving into a full-blown metaphor, but hey that's poetry haha For me personally, this is still a snapshot of the ways of weather first and foremost, but there is a warlike element to the changes of the seasons and that's when the Bolingbrokes really made their presence known in this piece...again, thank you for reading and taking the time to review me in such depth.
I'm not sure if you've seen this one yet, but I wrote this last summer and I find becoming increasingly attached to it as time goes on...again I don't consider this to be a direct interpretation of the play, but it was inspired by Henry's successor in one of my favourite plays: Richard II...
My first book is out! Any comments that anyone may have to offer regarding my work would be deeply appreciated, as I'm yet to get a review. more..