My first affair with strawberry fermented heaven on my tongue The milky sweetness of vanilla carpentered the bottom rung upon the ladder my enlightened sweet teeth were about to climb for the height of comfort food fulfillment guilty-pleasurably sublime And chocolate never failed to incite my will to munch on dessert that pulled me by the tongue around the mandate of lunch since I'd yet to let the winter cool of mint consult my lips on the eve of more vanilla but this time with chocolate chips By the time I sampled neapolitan my mouth was numb My stomach swooned and to a headache I was destined to succumb I laid down for a nap and woke up in an ice cream shop where I walked toward a talking scoop that ordered me to stop In disbelief I managed to say to it, "What are you?" It replied with mouth I couldn't see, "Why I am peachy through and through because dear glutton we have given you our comfort for too long and now the flavours and I are to prove it's with us it belongs." Chocolate and vanilla swirled up into an avalanche Rolling fast toward me it did not allow a backward glance On that front I needed fancy footwork to escape its path just in time to see it only fueled the chocolate's wrath Then in chocolate chips of ammo I was suddenly awash but I woke in time to sidestep the electric tigersquash Now unjust desserts I reckon summoned me to this bad dream but my heart and not my tummy hurts to think of bad ice cream
Lots of tongue action in this one Benji, I must have been on hiatus for this delight and your vanilla...ha, discomfort, hardly sounds like it, this had to be drug induced, peachy background glances and plenty of chocolate, I almost want to take a bite out of it! Ftw is 'electric tigersquash', this is off the charts even for you Steve...always a trip with you! ;-) xo
100 scoops, vanilla of course!
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Haha Vanilla and tongues do seem to go hand in hand with me now that you mention it Mrs.R ;) Well an.. read moreHaha Vanilla and tongues do seem to go hand in hand with me now that you mention it Mrs.R ;) Well anything is possible with me when it comes to inspiration, though I honestly can't remember in this case...maybe that's saying something in itself haha You've made my day with your review love, thanks so much :) xo
11 Years Ago
So you're not gonna tell me what 'electric tigersquash' is!! I've been waiting all day..... ;-P
11 Years Ago
Haha It's a flavour that looks yellow and made me think of lightning ;P
11 Years Ago
A flavor, on what planet?? hahaha
11 Years Ago
Haha Maybe it's a Canadian thing...those wacky Canucks you know ;)
11 Years Ago
Now it's all falling into place, makes perfect sense LOL '-)
11 Years Ago
LOL Not that it would ever get near my lips...I think it's kind of a licorice flavour ;P
11 Years Ago
Gawd forbid you should stray from vanilla! ;-P
11 Years Ago
Haha Not a chance Mrs.R ;P
11 Years Ago
I didn't think so, put on your big boy pants and be bold Benji hahah ;-P
Lots of tongue action in this one Benji, I must have been on hiatus for this delight and your vanilla...ha, discomfort, hardly sounds like it, this had to be drug induced, peachy background glances and plenty of chocolate, I almost want to take a bite out of it! Ftw is 'electric tigersquash', this is off the charts even for you Steve...always a trip with you! ;-) xo
100 scoops, vanilla of course!
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Haha Vanilla and tongues do seem to go hand in hand with me now that you mention it Mrs.R ;) Well an.. read moreHaha Vanilla and tongues do seem to go hand in hand with me now that you mention it Mrs.R ;) Well anything is possible with me when it comes to inspiration, though I honestly can't remember in this case...maybe that's saying something in itself haha You've made my day with your review love, thanks so much :) xo
11 Years Ago
So you're not gonna tell me what 'electric tigersquash' is!! I've been waiting all day..... ;-P
11 Years Ago
Haha It's a flavour that looks yellow and made me think of lightning ;P
11 Years Ago
A flavor, on what planet?? hahaha
11 Years Ago
Haha Maybe it's a Canadian thing...those wacky Canucks you know ;)
11 Years Ago
Now it's all falling into place, makes perfect sense LOL '-)
11 Years Ago
LOL Not that it would ever get near my lips...I think it's kind of a licorice flavour ;P
11 Years Ago
Gawd forbid you should stray from vanilla! ;-P
11 Years Ago
Haha Not a chance Mrs.R ;P
11 Years Ago
I didn't think so, put on your big boy pants and be bold Benji hahah ;-P
I scream you scream we all scream for icecream. Icecream is a weakness, Rocky road that one, this was a fun read Kubla made me smile..
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
Haha Yes, ice cream is like kryptonite for humans I think. It's nice to have fun writing something .. read moreHaha Yes, ice cream is like kryptonite for humans I think. It's nice to have fun writing something once in a while. Thank you Corset :)
A cornucopia of imagery is served up deliciously in this one! I love the personification of the food “I’d yet to let the winter cool of mint consult my lips.” A minty fresh taste invaded my senses with that line! Ice cream scoops talking to you? Then you are being pummeled with chocolate chips? A rebellion of rich foods! Sounds like a bad trip to me! LOL Oh, this is just a delightful romp, Kubla. Just desserts indeed! Your imagination knows no limits. Lydi**
Posted 11 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
11 Years Ago
LOL I know, my imagination has a way of gravitating towards psychedelic nightmares regularly...somet.. read moreLOL I know, my imagination has a way of gravitating towards psychedelic nightmares regularly...sometimes it is of my doing, but a lot of the time it's unconscious, even in the so-called humorous stuff :P I'm glad you enjoyed the ride my friend, thank you :)
laid down for a nap and woke up in an ice cream shop
where I walked toward a talking scoop that ordered me to stop
You do have a sweet tooth problem when you start dreaming about talking spoons!
What an incredible know my worst dreams as a child were about inanimate objects coming to life, "off subject" anways I like your dry humor. Serve some more of your sarcasm up in a waffle cone please. :)
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Indeed haha I don't know if this is the same thing, but for YEARS I did not go to bed facing my bed.. read moreIndeed haha I don't know if this is the same thing, but for YEARS I did not go to bed facing my bedroom wall...cuz I saw things in the design when I was small...and to this day, if I happen to wind up facing the wall in my sleep, I flip over immediately upon waking...I don't know if that's hilarious or ridiculous or both...probably both :P But yes, it's inevitable that my sarcastically dry-humoured wit will pop up in regular intervals, so stay tuned :)
Oh, yet again you surprise me with another clever piece of work you have created! This is fun, and charming! I love how you describe all the yummy flavors - yet they are attacking you!
"I laid down for a nap and woke up in an ice cream shop
where I walked toward a talking scoop that ordered me to stop"
haha - Love this line! Ice cream dream! Or hell? And just to prove your they tell you they have given you comfort food for to long - so it has become discomfort food! Your fancy footwork! This is a dream gone wild - to the hells of ice cream! Absolutely love it my friend!
Posted 12 Years Ago
1 of 1 people found this review constructive.
12 Years Ago
Thanks I'm glad you do like it :D I wish I could write this kind of stuff more often but they just d.. read moreThanks I'm glad you do like it :D I wish I could write this kind of stuff more often but they just don't come out like this most of the time...I struggled just to keep this one upbeat lol Thankfully I was able to retain the cleverness without giving up too much of the fun factor :)
12 Years Ago
You retained the cleverness well! And I understand about pieces like this not coming to us often, bu.. read moreYou retained the cleverness well! And I understand about pieces like this not coming to us often, but I am glad this one did and you were able to share it with us!
Haha I actually kept this one to myself for quite a while cuz it is such a departure for me so I'm g.. read moreHaha I actually kept this one to myself for quite a while cuz it is such a departure for me so I'm glad it's been well-received :)
My first book is out! Any comments that anyone may have to offer regarding my work would be deeply appreciated, as I'm yet to get a review. more..