

A Story by Katie

To people fall in love.. But tragedy strikes.


One evening when everyone was in there homes tiredly preparing for bed, Sydney and Jace were sitting beneath the only apple tree in the rolling green meadow. Jace caressed Sydney's cheek sending shivers down her spine. She started fiercely kissing him; slowly melting into his arms like a candle. By the time Sydney regretfully pulled away she realized the sky was plastered with glittering stars. In a hurry she got up and told Jace "I have to go it must nearly be midnight. My father will notice I have left, if I do not get home soon." "When will I ever see you again?" Jace questioned. "Tomorrow meet me here under the apple tree at noon." she answered as she scurried away. 


Sydney climbed expertly through her window; landing perfectly in her princess like bedroom. Just as Isabella the maid nervously entered to help Sydney prepare for bed. When Isabella had finished helping her wash up, and get changed into her night wear. She kindly asked if Sydney needed anything before bed. Sydney politely refused and climbed in to her comfortable bed; Which was way to big for just her, and fell asleep. Dreaming of tomorrow.


The door let out a creak as Jace entered his very small house. That was desperately in the need of a makeover. The ceiling leaked every time it snowed or rained, there was always a chilling draft from the door and the heat in there house did not work at all. This house was to tiny for 5 people; himself, his two brothers, his sister, and his mother. Jace's father died last year. He was murdered; shot 3 times. Although still to this day no one knows why it happened or who did it. All Jace dreamt about was how he wanted and had to be successful like his father. He wanted to buy his family a new house, which would fill all there needs. A house that had heat, five bedrooms, that didn't need any renovations. He felt the need to have a perfect house. With all this running through his mind the main thing he focused on when he climbed into bed was Sydney. He just laid there thinking or her.


Golden rays pulsed through the curtain, wrapping around everything it could get its hands on. Slowly Sydney came out of her daze and hastily tugged on her olive green dress that clung to her like a second skin. This dress made every curve of her body standout. The neck line or the dress was ruffled and there was only one strap holding it on her body. She pulled her fire orange her into a sophisticated bun and on her way Sydney stopped to study herself in the mirror. She looked like a princess, she look just like her mother. A few minutes later she departed from her glorious house. On her way to see Jace.


Jace woke up realizing the sun was already high in the sky. The fogginess of his brain cleared. Leaving him with the memory of Sydney and the apple tree. He was suppose to meet her at noon. Which happened to be right about now. In a rush Jace pulled on a pair of jeans, an old blue t-shirt that he probably should throw out right away. Considering it was acquiring multiple holes. Stuffing his feet into his raggedy shoes, quickly combing his fingers through his jet black hair and sprinted out the door. When Sydney finally arrived at the apple tree Jace was sitting there as if he never left last night. She would have thought he didn't but the only thing that proved he had actually went home was he changed his shirt. Since Jace's father died he kind of avoided going home. I don't think he is entirely over what happened. As I got closer I realized Jace had ash colored circles under his eyes; it looks as though he hasn't slept in days. (Which he probably hasn't.) His clothes were worn and his hair was a mess but all she could think of was, that he was her everything and that she loved him with all her heart. He was her other half.


As soon as he saw her his eyes lit up and his heart started racing. Boom, boom, boom. He was sure Sydney would be able to hear. She was stunning she was nothing like the other girls around here. She didn't care what people thought but also always made who ever she met want to be her friend, without even trying. Which is why ever since the first day Jace met her he was in love. Her beautiful orange hair perfectly pulled up. Not a single hair out of place. She was wearing the sleek green dress that Jace loved. Her skin perfect. Not a blemish to be found. From the moment he first saw her he knew she had to be his.


While sitting under the tree the happy couple chatted about the things each other missed. If only they could be together without having to hide their passion. Jace and Sydney are complete opposites. (I guess opposites do attract.) Although in this case their love is forbidden. Sydney's Dad stubbornly won't let them be together. He doesn't want his little girl to be with any boy. He wants Sydney to be with a rich successful man, so she would have nothing to worry about. So no matter what Sydney says or does they still aren't allowed to be together. Still under the apple tree things began to heat up.


His blue eyes showed everything; The hurt, the love, the sad, the happy. As I tilted my head up Jace's mouth found mine. His soft lips brushed across my delicate ones. Our hearts beating as one. Jace's hand shook as he untied the knot holding up my dress. Slowly, delicately the silk fabric drifted from my body. All I could think of was how right this felt. I have dreamt about this moment every night for years. His beauty. Delicate but strong; Fragile but not broken. His hands search every part of my body. As if trying to remember every inch, every crevice. Is this real? His touch sent shivers throughout my body. Instantaneously I slid my hands under his shirt; Slipping his shirt off. My eyes landed on his perfect muscle. He looked like a god. His dark hair made his stunning bright blue eye stand out even more; So beautiful. Those eyes peered at me. He had a way of looking at me that made it seem as though he wasn't just seeing my hair, or my golden brown eyes, but my heart and soul. Desperately I sought out Jace's lips.We breathed our souls and our love into each other in that kiss. I felt connected to him. Like he was my other half; He was the one that completed me. He knew parts of me that even I didn't know, and I'm pretty sure I know parts of him that were unknown to him. A bliss over came me and my world felt completely and utterly perfect. 


A few days later Sydney felt tremendously sick. She was puking, always hot, often wanted to eat the weirdest things, and she gained some weight. Sydney had no clue what was going on and was quite scared. Eventually after hours of coaxing, Sydney's   father persuaded her to go see a doctor. Anxiously Sydney just wanted to get everything done and over with. The doctor did every possible test; checked her temperature, did blood work, examined her from head to toe. Finally after quiet awhile, the doctor came to a conclusion. "There is only one explanation for this." announced the doctor. Curiously Sydney's Dad questioned the doctor. When finally the doctor answered he said "Plain and simple, the only explanation for this is pregnancy." "Pregnancy?!" Sydney and her father said simultaneously. Sydney got light headed, she felt as though someone punched her in the stomach. All she could think was no way I could be pregnant but, her mind skipped back to the evening herself and Jace were under that tree. Skin against skin.


Her father declared that Sydney was to never see Jace again. Other than that her father ignored her; He was furious and refused to talk to Sydney. Meanwhile Sydney still hasn't told Jace that they were going to have a baby. She was so very scared of the possibility that he would shut her out. Just as her father had. It has been about 8 weeks since Sydney found out she was pregnant and she still hasn't told  Jace. She kept telling herself she would tell him later on, tomorrow, next week. No matter how much she put it off it had to be done. So after awhile she finally found the courage to tell Jace; and that's exactly how she found herself out the door and walking toward his home. 


On her way to Jace's house Sydney's mind was racing. She couldn't help but to think of all the bad things that could happen. In what seemed like a minute Sydney was standing on Jace's doorstep ready to knock. After a couple of seconds the door opened. When Sydney looked down there was one of Jace's little brothers. He looked exactly like Jace; His hair, his mouth, his nose. Everything except his eyes. Jace's eyes Are aqua blue his little brothers are honey brown. She heard a sweet women's voice say "Who is it?" As a spunky lady came to the door. The women gasped and in a matter of fact tone said "You're Sydney! Oh, I've heard so much about you!" "Yes I'm Sydney. Is Jace home?" As soon as the words were out of her mouth the women's smile fell and her face became engulfed in sadness. "You don't know?" the lady asked. "Um no?" Sydney was regretting ever coming here. "Jace was walking home one night around to weeks ago..." The women choked on her voice and her eyes filled with tears. The words that came next are what tore Sydney's heart out. "the car wouldn't stop. It just kept going.... the car hit Jace. When I got to him he was still alive, the last thing he said was 'Tell Sydney I love her. I will always love her. In this life and the next.' then his heart just stopped. I tried to tell you but your father rejected my every attempt."Sydney's eyes were burning with tears; her heart aching; her mind filled with fury. She tried to push down the knot in her throat, as she said "I came here to tell him I am pregnant and the child I am carrying is his." Jace's mother didn't seem surprised. "I know." "How?" Sydney said amazed. "He thought that this would happen. He told me what happened that night." Guilt consumed Sydney. Maybe if she told him before, as soon as she found out he may have been more careful. Maybe he would still be alive right now. Tears started rolling down her cheeks. The lady hugged Sydney tight and brought her inside were they talked about everything for the rest of the evening. Eventually Sydney said her goodbyes and started on her way home. Careful for any passing cars.


When Sydney arrived home she dashed to her room and burst into tears. It felt so good to finally let it all out. Sydney couldn't believe it. Jace was gone and he was never coming back. She felt as if her heart was torn into a million pieces and stomped on. Sydney felt like her whole world was crashing down around her. Sorrow, grief, and sadness led her to lock herself in her room for days no one came in and no one went out. While in her room she thought about what she was going to do. Some days she felt like dying, but others she felt like it happened for a reason. Sydney was so confused. Although eventually she pulled a solution out of the confusion. She was going to raise the child and raise it just like Jace would have. 


Sydney finally had the baby and he weighed 6 pounds 5 ounces. He had stunning bright blue eyes. Her son was perfect. Sydney was going to raise her son as best as she could. All she needed was a name. Jace! Jace was the perfect name.

© 2012 Katie

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It's great Katie I really love it! Are you going to write more stories!

Posted 12 Years Ago

I liked this. Very good writing.

Posted 12 Years Ago

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2 Reviews
Added on May 15, 2012
Last Updated on May 18, 2012



High Level, Northern Alberta, Canada

I love to play basketball, read, and write. more..

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