You have planted words here ripe with feeling, yet without the often accompanying self-pity. Raw emotions have bloomed onto the page, and yet you, or your subject, seems to have have survived... remember, though, that no one is blameless as long as we live in society with others. You are not alone... but you are brave! May the catharsis of getting it all down in ink (or electrons) let you move forward toward peace... An excellent write!
Very deep raw emotions running wild, so extremely sad! I am utterly amazed
and confused at the end of this write, but to each there own. I pray that you
are ok and can move forward in life to find peace and happiness.
Thanks for sharing and b-blessed!
I like the alignment to the right. It is jarring and makes the reader feel something is off from the very beginning. Great detail and pacing. This type of poem can tend to ramble, but with yours every stanza moves it forward. I love when poems make a point at the beginning, then repeat that point at the end but expand upon that point and link it to the title. In other words, you have great structure.
Posted 10 Years Ago
10 Years Ago
thank you so much! I'll admit, this is the second poem I have ever written. I'm still learning but t.. read morethank you so much! I'll admit, this is the second poem I have ever written. I'm still learning but thank you again!
This is incredibly deep and heart-wrenching. It almost hurts to read something with so much emotion, but that adds to the impact. Well done. This piece is incredible.