Ode to the TVA Story by krojo
Lately I’ve been concerned about Madeline’s consumption of TV. I know it’s Christmas break and it’s cold outside, and whatever other excuse I could come up with, but she has a playroom FULL of fun and exciting toys that I just can’t seem to get her interested in. She’s loves to play, but the playroom is in the basement. It’s not a scary basement, but I really don’t think she likes having a whole level of the house to herself. Maybe it’s too overwhelming. The playroom is packed to the brim, but obsessive compulsive tendencies about allow me to keep it organized and provide some order in an otherwise chaotic mess. Dress up toys over her, baby dolls and supplies over there, book on the shelves, coloring equipment in the cabinet, etc. She is fine as long as I’m down there with her. I don’t even have to be in the playroom with her. She’s fine if I’m doing laundry or sorting through the overwhelming amount of boxes we still have not gone through since we moved in June.
In the summer it’s easy to go in the backyard, take her to the park, or ride her bike; but what should I do I do with this little booger in the winter? I do have concern for her not getting exercise, but the main problem I have is her staring at the TV. She knows jingles and show times, and the other day recognized Holly Hunter on a billboard. I know she is really observant but these are things I can’t attribute to intelligence, the blame has to come from too much tube.
I think she may get it from her father. He has a seriously bad habit of - not necessarily watching a lot of TV, but just wanting to have it turned on. Last night I was working on the laptop, with the TV off, he came home from somewhere – the store I think, immediately went into the living room, turned the TV and then went to poop. I went and turned the TV off, again, and little while later he immerged; went back into the living room, turned on the TV, AGAIN, and then started to leave to give Hans a ride home from work. Baffled by what had just happened I brought it to his attention and he didn’t even notice he had gone into the living room, twice, turned on the TV, twice, and then left the room with no intention of watching it. Maybe it’s a comfort thing. I know when we first started dating he had to sleep with the TV on - seriously annoying for someone who like to sleep in total darkness and silence. Over time I was able to pry the TV out of the bedroom, but there are still times he has to fall asleep on the couch and then migrate to the bedroom.
I know some shows claim to be educational…but come on, The Wiggles? They are just about the most annoying group of men, and I use that term loosely, I’ve ever seen in my life. Another thing I don’t just don’t get is why some cartoons see the need to include jokes for adults. I understand that a lot of times parents are watching with their kids, but I don’t need sexual puns or curse word acronyms referenced to enjoy spending time watching a show with my child. Yes, I know that the kids don’t notice them, but it’s just tacky and annoying, rather than entertaining as I’m sure it’s meant to be. I think most parents understand that they are watching something for kids and don’t expect the content to be catered to them. I know in particular one movie I can think of that does this way to much is The Cat in the Hat. One of Madeline’s favorites but I can’t stand to watch it. Maybe that’s why her old sitter cringed when she brought it over.
Plus I’ve been trying to get Madeline to understand that TV should be used for entertainment, not to be the main focus of your life. Maybe watch TV for fun, don’t only have fun watching TV. She goes to preschool now and sometimes mentions wanting to go to her old babysitter because “we could watch movies all day” – yikes. It’s hard to get a 4 year old to understand that watching TV requires little or no brain activity. That’s why people can stay up all night watching TV – they’re not doing anything. Read a book or do some Sudoku – you’ll be asleep within minutes.
I guess I have maintained some control over the situation. We don’t have TVs in every room – we actually only have 2 in the house - one in the living room and one in Madeline’s room that only plays movies, and that’s only for the weekends. Madeline has pretty much given up and begging me to watch cartoons all night. She knows I would rather her smear make-up all over the bathroom or have moon sand between my toes than know she is lying there, more bored than anything else….that is of course unless Cash Cab is on.
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Added on February 7, 2008 |