Shadow's Of The Past

Shadow's Of The Past

A Story by Lunar Star

I wrote this story a few years ago and just found it again. I thought i should put it up and see what peopple think of it.


I could hear the sound of people running around, screaming, and the sound of swords and metal clashing together. I knew what was going on but I wasn't ready to say good bye to all the people I know and leave the castle. Then my mother said, “Fang, sweety, we have to go.”

What about Father and big brother?” I asked knowing I wasn't going to like the answer, “I don't want to leave with out them mommy.”

Sweetheart Your brother Won't be coming h-he's dead,” My mom was scared now I could see it in her eyes, “ Your brother has hurt you and we need to go before someone else can hurt you even more than he has.”

Mommy what do you mean?” I asked looking towards the door which was cracked open.

Fang you are a very powerful girl,but because of your brother you won't be able to use your powers tell your sixteen,” My mom was crying now she never cried in front of me before, “We have to go Mary is going to come with us.”

My lady you have to leave, it's to dangerous here,” Ragikiu, who was our head knight and now my favorite person in the castle, said, “I will come for you after we defeat the enemy.”

Do be careful Mr. Knight,” I said though I knew I might forget him before the year was up but I don't think that was possible he was my favorite knight and a friend. We were leaving everything and everyone that we know here well everyone but me, my best friend disappeared about a month before the war started and before the Grey Wolf showed up and tried to kill my father.

I felt a tug on my arm so I turned around to look at Mary our maid, “Young princess we must go we will come back someday.”There is was that word again. Every time I asked a questioned about something someone just had to say you will ,blah blah blah, someday. I lost most of the people I care about now. I lost my big brother, My best friend, and now I’m loosing my castle. “OK I'm Coming.”

3 Years later

Age 13

I was thirteen now and I barley remember anything about my past or my home. Mom is still hurt and now she's really sick. I've started to worry about her but Mary tells me not too. On top of that Father hasn't even sent any word about how is is going and if we lost any of our knights yet. Nobody in this little town likes me but at least there is a new kid coming to town today. He supposedly is lives with his mom while his dad fights in a war. It sounded kinda like me just he wasn't a prince or anything like that.

Mom Can I please go meet him? He live three houses down and I won't be long I promise,” I asked trying to not look my mother straight in the eyes.

Sure you can go meet him but be back in thirty minutes you have to get to school OK,” My mom replied.

OK I be back in thirty minutes. Bye,” I said walking out the door and closing it quietly. I walked out of my front yard and looked towards the big moving truck parked down the street. It was going to be nice to have a new kid in town. At least I hope. I slowly walked down the street to see if the owners were home. When I got there I saw a beautiful women that looked around my mom's age. She saw me and called her son out.

Hey I live on this street so I thought I would come by and say hi before I go to school,” I said looking towards the young boy with dark brown almost black hair and brown eyes that walked out of the house. He looked at his mom and then at me. I think he was a bit confused but i had the feeling that I knew him from somewhere I mean he looked so familiar.

Well Hi,” The women said looking over at her son making a gesture towards me, “ By any chance do you go to the school down the street. I think the bus stop is at the corner.”

Yeah,” I replied trying to figure out what she was going to say next, “ By the way I'm Fang, Fang Kinta.”

That's a pretty name. I'm Amber Night,” The women said still trying to get her son to do something.

If your son goes to the school down the street I could show him around. If he likes,” I said looking at him, “That's if he even goes to the same school as me.”

That would be nice don't you think Shadow,” She said looking at her son who just shook his head in reply.

That's a cool name Shadow,” I said looking at my phone, “Well I got to go my bus is going to be here I five minutes and I have to go check on my mom. Well Bye Mrs. Night and bye Shadow.”

Bye Fang,” They both said in unison as they watched me run up the street to my house.

Mom came to check in before I go to school!” I yelled up the stairs.

Well hurry up and get your bag and don't be late,” She call from the bedroom.

Present Day

Age 16

When we had been in town for less then Two weeks I had a bad feeling about the place. My new friends don't even come outside at night and they say that they don't hear the wolves howl at the moon. I wondered what was going on in this town and I was going to find out somehow. I have this bad feeling that Shadow and I are in big trouble. I could always sneak out and use my ears which unlike everyone else but Shadow sat on top of my head. Shadow and I have become really great friends and we've started hanging out a lot more lately. I don't know but I think he kinda likes me hanging out with him. We have a Lot in common I I still think he reminds me of my childhood friend.

Shadow!”I yelled running down the hall so I could catch up, “Are you still coming with me tonight?”

Yeah Fang I'm coming with you,” He said putting a hand on my shoulder, “Why would I let you go out on your own when we both have the same bad felling about this place? And anyways your my best friend so I can't let you do something with out my help.”

I knew you would make it sound better than it is,” I replied looking up at him. Why does everyone have to be taller than me? I'm the shortest person in the entire school. I mean I'm in high school.

Well see you after class. Bye Fang,”

Bye Shadow,” I said sounding like a little kid.

Just remember wolves are like dog they don't get along well with cats. Just like we don't get along with dogs we got cat in us Fang,” he said over his shoulder as he walked into his class.

OK,” I said to myself walking into my class. I had just walked in to class when the two meanest kids stood up and started fighting again. I thought about stopping them but as soon as I made my mind up our teacher walked in and yelled something in a different language which I didn't even understand.

OK class before we get to our lesson we have a new student,” She said waving her hand at somebody outside, “ tell them your name boy.”

He looked around the room until he found me and then said, “Hi my name is Ragikiu,”

Well Ragikiu you can sit by Fang,” She said pointing to the only empty seat by me, “ is that alright with you Fang,”Of course it's alright with me why have you move one of the jerks I call my classmates over to sit by me. Wow wait why am I thinking about this. “Yes ma'am he can sit here,” I said looking back at my book and starting to read.

It's good to see you again young princess,” Ragikiu whispered as he sat down beside me.

What are you talking about that here for? Are you nuts if they find out they have even more reason to want me gone. Geez Ragikiu. I might not remember everyone else but I can remember you. I mean you were my favorite knight,” I replied in a whisper while looking around. Guess I didn't forget about him being a knight and all that crud from back home. God why do I have to be the princess?

Sorry about that I didn't know it was a bad topic to talk about Princess-” He started to talk but I interrupted.

Look just call me Fang unless told otherwise. OK I don't need anymore trouble then I already have now,” I said letting the conversation go on tell class ended and I was ready to go home. I grabbed my bag and walked out of class looking for Shadow. He ended up standing at the front door of the school waiting for me. Can't ever get out of class before him can I. He has to be messing with me somehow.

Ready to go Shadow,” I said finally getting to the door.

Yep I'm ready Let's go,” He replied looking towards some of the kids in the hall.

OK let's go,” I said walking out of the school and heading towards our street. Which was about a quarter of a mile away from school. It took about twenty minutes to get to our street when I came to walking because we had to get through all of the cross walks at the lights.

Well see you later Shadow,” I said turning around and looking at him, “See you at six o'clock.”

Yeah I'll be there,” he said as he started to walked down the street, “See ya later.”

When I walked into my house I saw Mary making dinner and my mom still trying to recover from a injury she got six yeas ago. Well at least she could actually talk now. I decided I should ask my mom about somethings but I didn't know how to start the conversation so I just kinda went with what my gut told me to do.

Mom I need to ask you something,” I said not meeting her eyes.

What is it then?” She asked still looking at me.

Why did we have to leave the castle six years ago?”

Well Your dad thought it was a good idea considering you were ten and to important. We didn't want to risk you getting hurt when something went wrong. Why are you asking anyways?” She replied looking towards Mary in the kitchen.

Um... Well Ragikiu came to my school today and I don't know what he is doing here and I kinda just wanted to know,” just as I finished talking the door bell rang and Mary went and answered it. Well speak of the devil and he shall come. It was Ragikiu. What a nice surprise.

Oh well what do you need Ragikiu?” My mom actually sounded like a queen again.

Well an enemy got through and is probably on their way here now,” He replied looking from her to me.

Great just what I need even more trouble,” I said not even paying attention to them,   “OK if he doesn't ring the doorbell or knock in the next two minutes I'm going to look for him.

As if on cue The door came flying off it's hinges and landed only an inch away from me. As soon as the door hit the ground in walked a tall muscular man dragging someone in behind him. That someone was Shadow. Great I almost just got crushed by a big door that would just be a nice way to die NOT. Who the heck is that anyways and why does he have Shadow. Wait is that looks like the guy Shadow had a pic of. Wow Shadow was the Grey Wolf's son. God mom is going to be so mad at me. Wait she doesn't need to know what happen... I won't tell her. Wait that's a bad idea isn't it.

I could tell shadow was hurt his own father hurt him. I stood up looking towards my mom then back at Shadow's dad, “ What's the matter with you anyways? Shadow hasn't done anything wrong and you decided that you get to hurt him like this. What kind of father are you huh?”

Look here little princess he's my son so I have every right in my mind to do what ever the hell I want to do,” He replied throwing Shadow on the door in front of me, “You can have that back now if you want or I can take my son, your mom, and you back to the castle with me and your dad will have to choose between loosing the two most important people to him or loosing the war. Do you know anything about your stupid little friend here?”

God can't you be nice to your own son. No wonder Shadow and his mom tried to avoid you all these years. You are a complete and total jerk.

Looking at Shadow real fast Then back up at His father My mother said, “You know what I think I understand why Shadow and his mother avoided you all these years. It's because you're a man who can't even be nice to his own son. You should be ashamed of yourself for treating your family like this.”

As soon as that was said Ragikiu walked up in front of everyone and stood in between Shadow's father and everyone else, “Look here Grey you were a good friend of mine but if you even dare lay one finger on the royal family or your son again I will have to take care of you myself understand.”

You would kill your old friend? What would you look like know that they know you and I were good friends if you killed me?” Grey asked.

You know that as a knight it is my job to protect the royal family-” Ragikiu said but that's when the fight started. Shadow's father flew forwards and straight towards me to be exact. But he never remembered the fact that Ragikiu was going to get in the way. Swords were clashing and objects were breaking. Punches were thrown, people were kicked, and blocks were made. Mary had ran over to my mother and was telling her something. Shadow despite all of his wounds stood up and started to fight his dad with Ragikiu. All the memories from six years ago were all coming back to me now and the horror from them as well.

Ragikiu Shadow be careful OK,” I said looking away from The two and trying to figure out what to do about Mary and My mom, “Mom Mary we need to get out of here. I don't want this to turn out worse then the accident with my big brother OK?”

Where do you plan on us going?” Mary asked looking from My mother to me then back at my mom, “We don't have much time to move things. And your mother is not easy to move.”

We can carry my mom. I know what I'm doing Just trust me Mary. We have to move my mom to my meeting house on the roof of the school,” I replied taking a quick glance at the clock then running over to my mom and putting her arm over my shoulder, “I'll be at the meeting house Shadow when this is done show Ragikiu where it is OK!”

Yeah I will!” He yelled over his should as he kept fighting his father.

Thanks,” I said turning towards the open doorway. I knew I would get my powers back soon just I didn't know it was going to be at the moment I needed to do something important. Great now my powers want to come back. Just what I need a tail and a new wardrobe. My cloths changed and I had a big fluffy white tail. At least the whole thing didn't make me drop my mom but it did feel a bit weird. I kept walking until I got to my school and took out the key to the gate. Opening it then trowing the key in the bush again. We got up to the roof and there was a big space were me and some of the kids would meet to talk and hang out.

We'll put my mom here then I'm going to go and help the boys,” I said laying my mom down, “take care of her while I'm gone. There's foods and drinks in the snack room over there.”

OK Be careful,” Mary replied walking into the next room and bringing my mom a water bottle, “don't forget to bring those two back.”

I won't forget. I promise,”I said turning towards the door, “See ya guys later.”

You better come back unharmed understand me young lady,” My mom said still a bit in a bad mood. Considering I brought my big brother up earlier.

OK I will mom,” I replied walking out the door closing it behind me. Now where are they. Think think Fang. you need to find them and figure out what's going on. I must have been really good at figuring things out or my hearing got a lot better because I could hear what was going on and I could tell where they were at, “Hold on guy's I'm coming.”

I took off running towards the fight wondering what I was going to see when I got there. Were Shadow and Ragikiu OK or were they hurt. What am I going to do if they're hurt? God why does this always happen to me? My mind was rushing With different outcomes and what I might see. I couldn't figure out what might happen when I get there but I know that I can't hold back if I have to fight no matter who it is. I have to be strong even if my friends are hurt. I finally got to the fight and stop by the water fountain.

Well look who wanted to come help. Oh and she even has a new look,” Grey Wolf said mockingly as I tried to figure out what to do next, “How nice of you to finally join us”

Oh shut up and pay attention to your enemy or you could die!” Ragikiu yelled hitting Grey Wolf in the back before noticing me, “Looks like your finally back to normal.”

Yeah,” I said before I saw Shadow stand up, “hey Shadow. Oh by the way Ragikiu you might want to duck.”

Why? Oh never mind,” He replied noticing Grey Wolf was swinging at him. He dodged the hit then sent Grey Wolf flying towards Shadow, “Your up Shadow.”

OK what I miss,” I said turning towards Ragikiu.

Nothing much if I say so myself,” Shadow said hitting his dad in the gut, “Nice look by the way.”

OK nice to know and thanks,” I said deciding I should get to do a little damage here. Hey I might be a girl but doesn't mean I can't fight, “So How is this going to work out. I mean what's his reason for doing this anyways?”

You mean you don't remember that little friend you had when you were five. The one that disappeared a month before the war started and a month before I showed up,” Grey Wolf said knocking Shadow to the ground, “Well do you remember or not?”

Of course I remember moron I can't ever forget. He was my best friend. He would still be if none of this ever happened and he never left,” I replied looking at Grey Wolf with interest before I hit him in the back of the head which in turn knocked him to the ground, “just so you know I can remember more from my past and I know he didn't disappear he left. I accept that fact and I won't let you try to use it against me understand?”

So you know that my son is your best friend? Do you know that your parents sent us away? Did you know that because we were sent away that you even being his friend now could get you in trouble?” He asked angry now, “Did you know that!”

Well I knew part of it. But it's nice to know why Shadow and his mom looked so familiar to me. My parents sending you away I knew that but I wouldn't ever admit it. I knew a lot of things and they don't know about it. I have people who give me this information. Your not the only one who kept an eye on my parents. I never fully trusted them after my big brother's accident as they say,” I replied looking towards Shadow and then looking behind me at Ragikiu then finally back at Grey Wolf, “If your done do you want me to figure out a way for all of this to end or do I have to beat the crap out of you to figure out how to solve this.”

I thing you could back off before I-” He started but wouldn't finish because Shadow interrupted.

You wouldn't even dare do a thing Dad or you'll get yourself in even more trouble,” Shadow was clearly not the same after he heard all of this, “I might not have told you Fang but I didn't know that she even knew about any of this.”

Yo it's OK I understand you did it to keep me from getting hurt. I'm not that stupid. Trust me on this one,” I replied backing up so Grey Wolf could stand up, “Do anything stupid and you're done for.”

You might be a princess but that doesn't mean you know what your doing,” Grey said standing up and looking at me.

Oh and you would know something about being royal,” Ragikiu said before I could even think it, “last time I checked you were a knight not a royal.”

Hey shut it I can handle this. I need to know something Grey Wolf and you can help me out on this in to ways. You can tell me or I can go through your memory and get the information myself,” I said listening to the sounds around me seeing if anything was coming or leaving, “You’d be smart to choose the first idea.”

Fine what do you want to know Ms. Kinta?” Grey Wolf asked looking towards his son.

Two things first why did my parents make you leave? Second if I let you come back will you change how you act and be a knight again?” I asked these questioned as seriously as I could ever.

Your parents made me leave because of how well you and Shadow got along and because they thought that it was my fault your brother had his accident,” Grey said shifting from one foot to the other, “What makes you think that you can get my family back on the castle grounds and in fact me a knight again?”

Look I'm a princess I can do a lot more then you think. Just answer the second question so we can get over with this.”

OK I would like to come back but I don't know if they want me back or if my family will forgive me for what I did,” Grey said making a gesture towards Ragikiu and Shadow, “I don't even know how your going to get me to be a knight again after being kicked out of the kingdom isn't that a bit hard.”

I can handle the details later OK. Now lets go This is tiring and I don't feel like the idea of standing out her until morning.”

We can go up to the meeting house,” Shadow said as we all walked off in the direction of the school.

“Sure lets do that,” I replied grabbing his hand.

© 2012 Lunar Star

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Fantasy is the best thing in the world!!!

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1 Review
Added on February 23, 2012
Last Updated on February 23, 2012


Lunar Star
Lunar Star

Denver, CO

Hi my name is Lunar Star and I'm 18. I love to read, draw, Play my guitar and keyboard, hanging out with my friends, and of course writing. When I write i fell like there is nothing in the world that .. more..

MY love MY love

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