![]() Umbrella LeafA Poem by 陈丽慈draw in the
smoke and it
absconds her lungs in a daze tarmacadam and they had
to syphon the carbon monoxide away the men in
scrubs and while she
scours her shell clean where the
tone turns from russet to rubicund, reckoning-- she reckons
the flowers outside of
her bedroom window would
actually fit her small
hands and slender shoulders and so she
tallies them down the fashion
in which she counts the specks of sand in her hourglass and she
discovers that it’s difficult to reassure
herself, bolster, when time has passed and there’s
not much handed over but then she
cracks at it again maybe the
doctors could resuscitate an inoperative heart-- or i’d
rather flat line maybe then
i’d rest from all the sad poetry, and the
melancholy of it all i’m not even
sad, rather i’m
unhappy-- negating the
decadence of it all because
what’s better than feeling like you’re underground than
actually living in it live as if
tomorrow’s gone but yesterday
chases the memories of the present maybe i’m
better off underground or up in the
sky whatever’s
to take in all fervor, because in
all honesty she’d rather throw herself of a cliff falling a familiar
feeling oxidation she breathes through the
glass pipes maybe i’ve
filled coffee cups to the top or messed up
the icing on every cake i make or even skip
each breath and i hope
i’m not bothering you but maybe
i’ve lived a good life © 2018 陈丽慈 |