![]() Thoughts at a Train StationA Poem by 陈丽慈Tired eyes gaze out to a landscape, The coffee can't even suffice this-- Croaking out some muffled tone And I’m not sure; I guess it was my other self-- Insomniac-- But the time difference still can’t fill the distance-- I’m at some train station now, Empty conversations and tickets, And the sound of steam machine That blocks out noise, And maybe static can’t mask the callous beating of a scarred
cardiovascular organ And the lady beside me said she had a pacemaker-- Surgery laden-- I just nod in response not knowing what to say In return-- I get more distraction--destruction--in
my head Still, that goddamn face-- And it’s not even those hefty eyes, I hated those They remind me that mine will always lack sleep, Tiresome nights, And I guess I just wallowed In some petty jealous pity With how your ears will always hear the affection And how my mouth tastes nothing--unlike yours Or how I filled your glass While mine is still as empty as the promises from your vocal cords And I wish I could strike your larynx Cut it up and sell it to some surgeon I’d rather have the money than a useless voice box Use it to buy a one way ticket a million miles away Because the atmosphere here is suffocating And I just choke out another chorus Of regrets and-- Maybe that’s why I’m sat at some train station far away Hoping memories leave as fast as the next train in queue © 2018 陈丽慈 |