Death. PART THREE.A Chapter by Katrina At The Disco:DOkay, it is now back in Katrina's point of view. Yes, yes. Taylor's turn was very short; but this is MY dream. :)I woke up around midnight smelling smoke. I got up and brought my cellphone with me. I opened my bedroom door and smoke started bursting through. I coughed and coughed and tried to wave it away with my arm. My eyes and lungs hurt because of the smoke. I walked to my oven and opened it and it burst into flames. It threw me back and I remember hitting my head hard. I blacked out. I checked the time when I woke up, about 10 minutes passed,and called 9-1-1. That's when my next door neighbor, Shelly, came barging in. She dragged me out of my apartment and that's when I saw the lights and heard the sirens...
I lay in the hospital bed, dreaming of the incident again and yelped a little. I looked out the window from my bed and it looked dark out. I felt something at my side, it was my cellphone. I picked it up and flipped it open. I got a text message from Taylor saying: You awake? I got it about 15 minutes ago. I didn't want to reply because I was about to fall back asleep. I woke up again and the sun was shining through my window. A few minutes after my awakening, Nurse Howard walked in and smiled. "Morning, Katrina." she greeted. "Good morning, Nurse Howard." "We called your parents and they will be coming tonight. You can probably go home tomorrow." she said. "Okay." "Would you like anything for breakfast?" "Sure, can I have a ham and egg omelet?" "Of course." she smiled then left my room. I heard a faint knock on my door and I sighed. "Come in." I said. Taylor walked through and that put a big smile on my face. "Hey." he said, smiling back. I missed his smile. "I'm going home tomorrow and my parents are coming tonight." I said to him. "Oh, that's cool." he said. "Shouldn't you be at school?" "Uh, no. Katrina, it's Saturday." "Oh." I felt stupid. "Yeah, well. I'll be here almost the whole day." he said as he sunk into the chair next to me. He put his hands behind his head and closed his eyes. "I can ask for an extra bed..." I said. He opened his eyes. "Nah, it's aight." he shifted his body so he was facing me. He was tracing patterns on my arm. "You okay now?" "Yeah." I said, pulling myself up. "Good." He stayed for a few hours, and all we did was talk. Then, I heard another knock on my door. "Come in," I said. My parents walked through the door and smiled. Then they stared at Taylor and looked back at me. "Mom, dad. This is Taylor. My boyfriend." Taylor stood up and walked over to them. "Hi, nice to meet you," he said, shaking their hands. "You have a wonderful daughter here and you're lucky." he winked at me. "I'm going to get some food. Nice meeting you. See ya, babes!" he said. "Bye." I said, smiling, waving. "He's cute, how old is he?" my mom asked. "Same age as me, 17." I replied. "Oh, that's good. He looks older. How are you feeling?" my mom asked, walking towards me. "Fine now." I said, smiling. I looked over to my dad and he was still staring out the door, his eyes following Taylor probably. "Dad?" I said loudly. His eyes flickered towards me. "I don't really like... him." he said, flushing. "What?" I said. "He seems too... I don't know. He doesn't seem right for you." my dad said. "Uh, dad. You don't know who he is. I love him! You can't stop me." I snapped. "Okay, okay." he said, putting his hands up as a surrender. "Um, Katrina. Sweetie. Pumpkin." my mom stared saying. They definitely were going to ask me a favor. "Yeah, mom?" "Me and your dad were talking... and we think you should move back with us." she said to me, looking down. "WHAT?! NO!" I yelled. "Katrina, you almost killed yourself! Look, you left the oven on!" she said. "No, mom. I did not. The last time I used my oven was over a month ago. There's no way I did that. Mom, please don't make me go!" I said, crying. "Then who turned the oven on?" my mom asked. I was dumbstruck. "I-I-I don't know..." I said. "Exactly!" my mom said. "You probably just need some time to think about it." my dad added. I narrowed my eyes at him. He stepped back a little. "No, I'm not going home with you guys. I don't want to. I'm mature enough to take care of myself." I said, defending myself. "No, hon. It's definite. You're moving back. You're only 17! I mean, you have a serious boyfriend and you haven't even told us! Are you protected?" my mom snapped back at me. "MOM! I yelled. "You're unbelievable!" I pulled my blanket over me. I felt my mom get off my bed and walk to my dad. I was peeking through my covers and I saw my mom making hand motions to my dad. Then I saw him walking towards me. I lifted the blankets off my head and stared at them. I was furious. "Honey, you have to come back. Please. You can go back to Haledell High, with all your friends." my dad said. "No, dad. I'm not going. You can't make me. I love it here!" I argued. "Please, honey." my mom begged. "No. Now, I want you out of this room." I said. I was overpowered by my own words. Did I just say that? My mom started sobbing and they both walked out. I cried and my sobbing made my lungs hurt. I coughed a little and then I felt someone smooth my hair. I looked up at saw Taylor. I didn't hear him come in. "You alright?" he asked. "Yeah, Taylor. I'm perfectly fine!" I yelled, still sobbing, sarcasticly. "What happened?" "My parents want me to come home, Taylor. I told them no and I was getting really ticked off. I said I wanted them out and my mom broke down. They walked out, probably checking into a hotel." I said. Taylor's expression changed. He looked hurt, probably from when I said that my parents wanted me home. "You can't leave," he said quietly, "I was going to marry you when we grew up. I wanted to grow old with you." he added, looking down at his lap. "I'm sorry, Taylor. But I am probably going to have to leave." I said. © 2009 Katrina At The Disco:D |
Added on May 9, 2009 Last Updated on May 12, 2009 AuthorKatrina At The Disco:DL-town.(:, NJAbouti love writing. and i love reading even more. more..Writing