![]() A Freshman in DenialA Poem by kookoobananas![]() A silly poem I wrote about hating my schedule as a college freshman![]() I never make it to class on Fridays Because I often Sleep through my alarm or I Didn’t set one at all or “I have to drive my Roommates Sisters dog To the vet because his Hip popped out of its Socket And I am The only one with a car and He’s in so much pain! Why, thank you for understanding...” You see… I never make it to class on Fridays because Sometimes “I’m terribly ill” And I Am not strong enough to Make the ten-minute walk Over the bridge down by the Gym And all the way up
those 2 flights of stairs at 9 in the morning so I Stay in bed and rest instead… I never make it to class on Fridays because Of instances like That one time “I had to pick up my Mom at the airport and She lives all the way Across the country and It wouldn’t be fair to Make her pay for a cab because That’s just outrageous And it’s only 20 minutes Away from my dorms so Why not make The drive?” You see… I never Make it to class On Fridays… Because there was that AWESOME party last night… And I may have Had a little Too much to drink and I may have PLANNED on Getting to bed by twelve but... They were playing my Favorite song and This adorable guy asked me to dance so I MAY have Thrown that idea Out the window and Watched the Sun rise as I Walked home at 5 in the Morning with my Heels in my hands and A hangover setting in…. And I may have thought: "Damn, maybe THIS is why I NEVER Make it to class On Fridays… Nahhh." © 2013 kookoobananasAuthor's Note
StatsAuthorkookoobananasSan Diego, CAAbout19 year old psych major who is trying to get it all down on paper, with the right flow. Jill Scott is one of my biggest inspirations! And I hope that I never get sick of writing poetry. Please feel fr.. more..Writing