I really like the way this poem builds and builds and then comes together at the end when we learn what we're really looking at. It's a good sentiment, although it makes me think that you judge yourself too harshly! It's funny how the reader's perception changes (or at least, mind did) when reading this poem: at first, when I thought you were talking about someone other than yourself, I was thinking about what the person could have done to make you so... angry? Distant? And then when you revealed that it was, in fact, yourself that you were referencing, my ideas immediately changed to think about how the whole thing is actually a self-critique, and a rather harsh one at that! Cut yourself some slack :-) Well done - I enjoyed this.
I really like the way this poem builds and builds and then comes together at the end when we learn what we're really looking at. It's a good sentiment, although it makes me think that you judge yourself too harshly! It's funny how the reader's perception changes (or at least, mind did) when reading this poem: at first, when I thought you were talking about someone other than yourself, I was thinking about what the person could have done to make you so... angry? Distant? And then when you revealed that it was, in fact, yourself that you were referencing, my ideas immediately changed to think about how the whole thing is actually a self-critique, and a rather harsh one at that! Cut yourself some slack :-) Well done - I enjoyed this.
Very nicely done. I think we have all done this at some point, as it is, I believe, a thing we MUST do, being human.
I do notice a typo in the last line of the third to last stanza. The your you're thing.
I really enjoyed the way you made this seem like you were talking to someone else right up until the end.It did create a bit of surprise. In fact, my first thought was that you were talking to a woman you had loved. Poets so often write so...
Don't look into the mirror too long, without first looking inside.
Ok Jeff...slowly step away from the mirror...it seems to be a dangerous weapon in your hands! Why is it that as we get older we cannot help but to see deeper into our own reflections? Mirrors suck. But your poem is awesome!
Self-loathing often represents itself in just this way. It may take a while for one to truly realize that most anger is actually directed at ones self, rather than the outer world. It is precisely because of this that I enjoyed this poem. Nicely penned, my friend.
I like this poem alot J. It reminds me of one that I wrote called The Three Truths. It has the same thought and message weaving throughout. For you an actor for me the dancer! It is a wonder ode to humanity.
A look can say it all, but why do people hold their feelings in? Nice point I pulled out of this poem. We do this to ourselves, I see. I am victim to convincing myself that I feel a way in which I really don't. Funny how powerful the mind can be.
I wholeheartedly enjoyed this piece. Way to go, my friend!
James, This poem took me back a few steps for it was orchestrated so well, but I much admit I thought of writing something like this but I couldn't have portrayed such a clear descriptive view. The ending was quite cleaver. Nice write.
Hello to my friends at the Cafe. I wanted to inform you I will be leaving the Cafe effective February 1st to pursue other interests. I have met some good friends and great writers over the time I.. more..