![]() Deja VuA Chapter by knixsilvaDeja Vu I woke up on that floor as a king. Kate lay next to me, she was my queen. I knew I should have let her sleep but I couldn’t help myself. She was the only thing I wanted in the world more than anything and there she lay next to me. Her beautiful brunette hair that was straight yesterday had reverted to its natural curly waves. I took my hand and brushed the hair of her gorgeous face to reveal two curios hazel eyes. “Morning” Kate said weakly. She was still waking up but I was still so caught up in her messy, curly hair that smelled like sweet vanilla. Every single detail about her was mesmerizing. It was as if she had been sculpted to perfection just for me. “Morning beautiful” I slid the words out with a smile. I couldn’t help but smile, I had so many reasons to be upset and only one reason to smile, but that one reason was enough to keep me smiling forever. That reason was Kate. Kate was my air now, without her I would not survive. Kate was my ocean, I was a sailor lost in her vast blue depths. “Are ya hungry?” Kate said sounding more awake then she was minutes ago. “Yes” I said “I'm going to cook, any suggestions?” she said sounding very mother like. Kate was already up now. She was up searching for something in her closet. “What I'm hungry for, you can’t cook” I said casually. “Oh yeah, what would that be” Kate said playfully. She was turning me on. She slept in her dancing shorts. Her long sexy legs were showing. She didn’t know how much she was driving me crazy. “Why don’t we play a game? You show me what you think I want, and I’ll tell you if you’re right” I said while trying to hide how much she was turning me on. Kate came closer to me. She kept coming closer and closer until we were like trees planted so near each other that our branches tangled together. Her hands came to my sides and her eyes were inches from mine. Her breath was light. Her lips were missiles looking for their target. The missiles locked on to their target, my lips. In a flash her lips were on mine and the exploding missiles provided fireworks for the display of love that was me and Kate. “Do I win” she said flirtatiously. I was too taken with her to respond. When the fireworks settled down I answered “Yeah, but I think I got the prize.” She smiled, the same smile I fell in love with four years ago in that vacant parking lot. Kate knew just as well as I did that I couldn’t stay there forever. We had a week before her parents would come home. A week before I would be alone, again, completely alone. Kate must have read my mind because she looked straight into my face. Her playful hazel eyes changed moods; they were two judges waiting to deliver their sentence to my abused soul. “I can’t let you go, not again Nick” Kate said, the concern in her voice was clear now. I reached my hands onto her shoulders and said “Kate… I love you, I want nothing more than to be together somewhere far from here, somewhere away from my father, someplace far from the scars of my past, but I can’t do that to you, you have your whole life ahead of you and leaving with me might ruin it.” “You can’t say what will ruin my life Nick, you have to let me do this, I want to take this leap, you’ve always been alone but you don’t have to be! Nick can’t you see that Leaving with you might ruin my life, but being without you will ruin my life.” She said so passionately that it brought a single tear to my eye. That tear descending down my cheek was completely alone, but I was not. I had Kate, I knew now more than ever. “Kate, I have money saved up, When your parents come back, we’ll be gone from here, It’ll be me and you together, but alone in the world. Is that okay with you?” Instead of answering in yes or no she provided a response that was much more effective. Her beautiful legs carried her to me; she gazed into my eyes, put her arms around me and whispered “Me and you”. She put her lips on mine and that was her way of saying yes. “We’ve got days before your parents come home, Kate, I’d like to take you out on a real date if that’s okay with you.” I gently requested. Her smile came out from hiding; her blushing turned her cheeks into tomatoes. “Can’t wait” was all she said. I went into her mother’s room and took out some nice clothes from my bag. I showered and got dressed. I tried to look as nice as possible. I was wearing a red button up shirt with my sleeves rolled up; my white Nikes looked good with my black jeans. There I lay down in her mom’s bed waiting for Kate and then she walked in looking so amazing. Her beautiful hair straightened, her bangs covered part of her eye. She wore a tight white top, with a small leather jacket over it. A pair of black Jeans that was tight on her sexy legs. Leather boots that extended high onto her legs. My breath was taken away upon seeing her. Aphrodite, goddess of love and beauty, would have been jealous of such beauty. She walked over to me and asked how she looked. I was unable to answer that question with my words. There wasn’t a word to describe such beauty. I walked over and in an attempt to show her how beautiful she was I threw my arms over her neck, she responded by throwing her arms on my sides. I moved my lips in and kissed her. A deep, intimate kiss, I pulled my lips back, nibbled on her ear lobe then whispered into her ear, “That’s how you look.” She smiled and sat down. She motioned for me to take the seat next to her on the couch. I sat down next to her and she leaned on me and asked “where are we going”. “It’s a surprise” I said. We went out the door, and the next minute we were in her Yellow Toyota, I drove. She leaned on me while I was driving. I had one hand on the steering wheel and the other I was playing with her hair. She was smiling the whole ride. “I can’t wait to see where we go” She said happily. I was really happy too. My smile was wider than the Pacific Ocean right now. I hadn’t had a reason to be happy in a while, but that was going to change starting now. Kate was going to be that reason forever. For the rest of our Lives Kate was going to make it so I didn’t have a reason to be sad. We came to our first destination, we were at the mall, “Wait here Kate, I have to make a quick stop” I said quickly. She nodded. I went into the shopping mall. It was crowded I wanted to get in and out. I was walking to the bank inside the mall. I withdrew all of my money. I had saved ten thousand dollars from working these past five years. I was walking out and then I saw a beautiful necklace in the store of a jewelry store. It was a beautiful diamond necklace worthy of a queen. It was about two thousand dollars. I went into the store and I bought the necklace and stuffed the small box into my jacket pocket. I got back into the car. Kate had been sleeping; she crawled onto my shoulder and fell back asleep. I drove us to an Ice Skating rink nearby. Massachusetts was a magical place in winter time. I loved it more than anything. Frozen Lakes, Bald Trees, and streets covered with snow made every corner look beautiful. We got out of the car, Kate and I walked through the cold into the Ice skating Rink. It was closing up, of course it was. It was already ten at night. I walked up to the manager and gave him five hundred dollars to let Kate and I skate for an hour. It was just us on that Ice. Everyone else had left because it was closed. Kate and I were skating hand in hand on that Ice. I hadn’t been this happy since mom was still around. Kate fell down, not hard she fell flat on her butt. I turned around quickly and picked her up. She laughed, then I grabbed her hands and we spun around on the ice. An hour passed by before you knew it we were walking out of the Ice Skating rink twenty times happier than we went in. I Gave Kate my jacket, she looked at me, she was thinking the same thing that I was. About the night we met. How it all started with a jacket. I put my arm around Kate, kissed her and took her back to the car. I opened her door, and she jumped in. I got in and drove us off. One last destination, one we hadn’t seen in years. Everyone had gone off the streets. It was just us. Suddenly Kate’s face lit up with joy. She looked around at the empty streets. She had recognized where we were. I pulled us into a vacant parking lot blanketed with a thin sheet of snow. I took Kate’s Hand when we got out of the car. My hand was a jacket over Kate’s small hands. We glided over to a familiar spot. We were there at the beginning of our story. We were where it all began for us. There we stood in the place our destinies became intertwined. This was the parking lot where years of misery for me had been turned around by one night of happiness I spent with Kate. The place we met, it was the same as it had been years ago. “Kate"“I stopped and looked at her. She was crying, tears that should have frozen with the cold we were in. Had they frozen they would have turned to diamonds, no, Kate’s tears were more valuable than diamonds. I wiped her tears. “I'm sorry, they’re tears of happiness” she explained. I already knew. “Kate, if I knew that this would have happened when I met you here years ago, I would have given you the world to stay with me forever in this parking lot.” I told her and she smiled uncontrollably. “Yet, here I stand With you trying to understand how I was able to live without you, I know now that life without you is impossible for me now, there’s no turning back Kate, will you leave Massachusetts with me?” I asked her without realizing the tears rolling down the both of our cheeks. “Nick, I wasn’t sure when I said this morning, but now I know, I can never be without you Nick, and if that means leaving behind everything I grew up around, then I'm willing to take that leap.” She smiled her beautiful smile and it took me back to the day we met. I repeated the lines I had said the day we met. “I have to say, you have got the most beautiful smile I have ever seen.” Tears now slid down her smile. She knew exactly what I was talking about; she repeated the lines she had said the moment of our first kiss. “How would you like a closer view?” My lips acted on their own now. They knew where they belonged. Kate’s lips were home to mine. My lips returned home, Kate returned my kiss and then everything erased in my mind. All of the doubts, all of the pain, even all of the grief my father had caused me. I was an ocean of the happiness Kate brought me. Kate now looked into my eyes with her Hazel eyes. Her eyes then followed my hand into my pocket. I pulled out the princess worthy necklace I had bought her with the money I saved. I opened the small box. Kate’s eyes had shown brighter than the diamond necklace that was beaming with moon light. “Kate, I don’t care if my mom ever comes back, I don’t care if my dad ever wants to be a real father. I'm in love with you Kate. I will be forever, even if one day we’re forced to part ways.” Crying couldn’t describe the tears that rolled off her cheeks anymore; her face was a waterfall of happy tears. I put the necklace around her neck. The necklace looked worthless compared to her eyes. She loved the necklace, I kissed her again, deeper this time, I was her true love awaking her from a thousand years rest. We walked over to the car and Kate climbed in. I got in on the driver’s side and drove us home. When we got to Kate’s house the lights were on. My heart stopped. Kate’s parents were home early. “Kate, you packed your stuff right?” I asked. “Yes.” She replied quietly. “Go in and get it, tell your mother good bye, and get your stuff if you’re sure you want to leave with me.” Kate went in and I heard her and her mother arguing. She came out an Hour Later with her bags; she threw them into the trunk. Her mother came out and hugged her. Kate got into the car and waved her mother good bye and then we drove off. © 2011 knixsilva |
Added on May 3, 2011 Last Updated on May 3, 2011 Author![]() knixsilvaStaten Island, NYAboutIm Nick Silva. A fifteen year old guy who lives on staten island. Im obsessed with Love and i enjoy writing, put it all together and you've got love stories. I intend on putting a bunch of em out ther.. more..Writing