![]() Junkyard JoeA Story by knapp darko![]() Millie, Bella and there friends head to the wrong junkyard at the wrong time as they stalked by Junkyard Joe in a night of terror![]() It is dark, pitch dark and the screaming of a young girl is all the can be heard……. Jessie and Rob come running around a corner in the junkyard away from Joe but as they do Rob trips and falls the floor, a crying and very dirty Jessie then stops and tries to help him up.
‘’Rob, Rob come on!!!’’. She cries.
‘’My leg’’. He cries back and Jessie looks down to see his leg is cut and bleeding.
‘’We have to get up, he’ll kill us!’’. And then from around the corner appears a huge, huge man dressed in a dirty brown t-shirt and dirty dark blue overalls with long shaggy dirty brown hair and dark, scruffy stubble , his hands and arms are dirty with muck and oil as well as his face which is almost impossible to see. Jessie then screams as the huge man names Joe lifts up a huge chain he is holding which has a large hook attached to the end, Joe then swings the hook and smashes through a window of one of the scarp cars piled either side of them before smashing the hook back down on the floor, he then lets go of the hook and grabs hold of Jessie around her neck with one huge hand and lifts her clean off her feet, Jessie gasps for air tears rolling down her face as Joe squeezes tighter and tighter but then Rob smashes him on the back with a wrench and Joe lets go of Jessie who falls to the floor gasping for air as she holds her throat, Rob then swings the wrench again but Joe grabs it and pulls it out of his hands before dropping it to the floor and he then grabs hold of Rob and pushes him back hard smashing him into a scarp car,, then as Joe approaches Rob again Jessie runs over and grabs Rob’s hand before dragging him to his feet and forcing him to run with her away from Joe. The two then run as fast as they can away from Joe but suddenly the huge chain comes flying there way and the hook attached to the end wraps around the foot of Rob, Rob tries to pull free while Jessie tries to unhook him but both are unable to and suddenly the chain begins pulling back with Rob attached!.
‘’No!!!!!!!!!!’’. Screams Jessie as she desperately tries to free her boyfriend.
‘’Help me please’’. Pleads Rob as he is pulled further and further back into the darkness.
‘’I cant!’’. Screams Jessie as Rob is pulled further out of her hands, her grip around his becoming less and less until they are only holding on by there fingers, Rob then looks into Jessie’s eyes with pure fear and for a few seconds everything goes silent until in a flash Rob is pulled into the darkness leaving Jessie stood there shaking, alone and in complete fear listening to the screams of her boyfriend as everything goes into darkness again……
Frank is working on a car in his junkyard while his two faithful Alsatian dogs lay beside him.
‘’Hey Frank, you seen that over the road?’’. Asks Mikey who is wiping oil from his hands, Mikey is a youngster who worked for Frank stripping down cars and taking out parts.
‘’What?’’ Asks Frank taking a look.
‘’ F*****g Gypsies’’. And Frank looks to see several dirty caravans parked across the road on the field a clear sign that gypsies were stopping there for a while.
‘’As long as they don’t cause any harm’’.
‘’Any harm, remember last time when those thieving scumbags climbed the gates and stole from here’’.
‘’We have the dogs now, plus you cant judge them all the same’’.
‘’Yes you can Frank because they are all the same, thieving low life scumbags’’. And Mikey walks away, Mikey had a reason for disliking gypsies, back when he was a chid his father was a promising boxer hoping to make the big time any time soon but that chance never came and time went by so to make money from the sport he loved Mickey’s father began bare-knuckle fighting and he was good but there’s bare-knuckle fighting a boxer and there’s bare-knuckle fighting a gypsies, there no skilled or have huge muscles but there big and hard as nails and sadly Mickey’s father found that out when he fought a gypsies and not only lost the fight but almost lost his life and is now a shadow of the man he used to be much to Mickey’s frustration. Later on when Mikey had headed home Frank was sat down with his dogs drinking a well earned cup of tea when he looks to see a young scruffy boy playing with a busted ball across the field at the gypsies camp, the boy has dirty brown messy hair and his cloths are just as bad, he looks like he hadn’t had a bath in weeks and not eaten for longer and while Frank sits there resting the young boy kicks the flat ball and it lands near the feet of Frank who picks it up and as he does the young boy looks at him as if he is unsure what to do, Frank then raises the ball as a sign for him to receive it and the young boy walks across still looking a little hesitant as he takes the ball from Frank’s hands. Frank smiles at the young boy who forces one back looking like he hadn’t smiled in years and years, he had huge dark rings under both of his eyes and his hands were dirtier than the soil below them.
‘’Hey there buddy, my name’s Frank’’. And the little boy stands there looking at him with the forced smile on his face but does not answer back almost looking scared to do so.
‘’You got a name?’’.
‘’Joe’’. He forces out of his mouth.
‘’Joe, nice name’’. And the little boy then looks at Frank before turning and running back to his camp as Frank looks on feeling sorry for the boy. Frank was laid down in his office, he spent most nights sleeping in his office in a bed he bought second hand because home wasn’t home since his wife left him, the kitchen was no longer filled with the smell of cooking and the smell of roses in the garden disappeared with her so now most nights he slept hear with his trusty dogs laid beside him. Frank is laid there when suddenly he hears screaming coming from outside, he then sits up in bed and takes a peek out of the blinds in his office window to see the young boy Joe from before out in the dark and cold being slapped repeatedly and hard across the back of the legs from a heavily tattooed man who looks like his father, the man is shouting something at his son as he does so but Joe cannot make it out but what he does know is no matter what the boy had done he didn’t deserve such barbaric actions. Frank then looks down at the dogs wishing he could set them on the barbaric father but he cant so he lies back down and tries to sleep through the awful ordeal happening outside. The next morning Frank is up early and stripping down a red truck he had bought when Mikey arrives for work and Frank can see him giving a stare across at the gypsies.
‘’Mikey, you going to help me strip this thing’’. He says to try and grab his attention.
‘’Yeah im coming boss’’. And Mikey takes off his jacket. While the two work on the truck Frank can see Mickey’s attention is elsewhere as he continues to stare across at the gypsies who were building a fire with old wood.
‘’Mikey, stop staring come on just leave them be’’.
‘’F*****g gypsies there al a waste of space’’.
‘’Just let them be Mikey’’. And Mikey grits his teeth before getting back to his work.
‘’Ok, see you tomorrow’’. Frank says to Mikey who waves before heading out of the steel gates to head home and Frank then walks heads into his office and begins to make himself a pot of tea but as he does he spots through his office window Mikey talking to the gypsies and to the one who was beating the boy, the conversation looks to be getting heated so Frank puts down his pot and heads on over to diffuse the situation.
‘’What’s wrong?’’. Asks Frank.
‘’Your boy, he’s been giving us dirty looks the last few days, a look as if he think he’s better than us or something’’.
‘’No, no im sure you just saw wrong’’.
‘’So you calling me a liar or something?’’.
‘’No, no’’.
‘’I am better than you’’. Interrupts Mikey.
‘’Mikey just head on home’’. Insist Frank knowing the situation is getting more heated.
‘’Better than me boy’’.
‘’Well its not very hard’’.
‘’Mikey, go home’’.
‘’You guys made my dad a vegetable’’. Says Mikey which is met by a snigger.
‘’Oh you think that’s funny?’’.
‘’I think it is boy, what kind of vegetable is he?’’. And Mikey then lunges at the gypsy with a fist but he quickly moves to the left before landing a blow himself to the jaw of Mikey who falls to the floor, Frank then stands in front of the fallen Mikey as the gypsy goes for more.
‘’Come on fella’s that’s enough’’.
‘’Your boy took at pop at me’’.
‘’He’s not my boy’’.
‘’So move the f**k aside’’.
‘’You want the f*****g same?’’. And as the gypsy stares at Frank a female voice from the caravan shout at the man to tell him food was ready.
‘’it’s a good job I have an empty stomach because if not you’d two be in trouble’’. And the gypsy back down.
‘Cross me again and your dead’’. He warns Mikey pointing down at him before he taps Frank on the cheek and heads for his food and as Frank watches him leave he sees the small boy watching from a window in the back of the caravan with the saddest eyes he had ever seen just sat there staring at him before he too is shouted for his food and leaves the window and as he does Frank looks down at Mikey holding out a hand to help him up as Mikey holds his jaw.
‘’You ok?’’.
‘’F*****g Gypsies!’’.
‘’Go on, head home and get some ice on it and I’ll see you in the morning’’.
‘’Yeah ok Frank’’. And Mikey heads home while Frank takes one more look at the gypsies caravan before heading back into his junkyard. That night Frank is sat at his desk going over the books lighted by a small lamp beside him when suddenly he hears noise coming from outside, Frank then hopes its not the young boy taking yet another beating and heads to the window to take a look but instead of seeing the father beat his son again he finds the caravan across the street is ignited in huge flames high in the sky, Frank then races out hoping no one is inside and as he does on the grass he sees the small boy Joe simply stood there in a long dirty blue t-shirt simply watching the flames, Frank then races over and checks the boy to see he is ok.
‘Where’s your mom and dad?’. He asks and the boy without saying a word simply points to the on fore caravan before going back to staring at it again. Half an hour later Frank is watching on with the local police sheriff as the firemen down the flames of the caravan.
‘’How did it start?’’. He asks Sheriff Rick who he had known since he was a kid and both were close friends.
‘’We wont know until the investigation’’. And Frank then looks back to his office to see the small boy Joe looking through the window his face emotionless as he stares at the flames.
‘’ What about the kid?’’. He asks.
‘’Ah well he’ll go into shelter while we try to find out if he has any other family but most of the time with travellers like these we wont find anyone’’.
‘’So he’ll stay in shelter?’’.
‘’Ah the kids been through enough’’.
‘’Its procedure’’.
‘’What about leaving him with me while you do your search’’.
‘’Leave him here, I don’t know’’.
‘’A few days, just to save him from the shelter, come on I know more than those pencil pushes at your office what its like in those places and the kids been through enough already’’. And Frank takes another look back at the kid who is still intrigued by the flames.
‘’Ah ok, a few days but this stays between us’’.
‘’I promise, Thanks Rick’’.
‘’Ok, now I best get back to work’’.
‘’Ok Rick’’. And the sheriff then gets back to his work while Frank takes one more look at the flames before heading to his office to the boy. Frank walks into his office to find the boy simply at there his head bowed down.
‘’Joe, I had a talk with the sheriff and he said its ok for you to stay here with me for a few days if you like….’’. And as Frank waits for a reply the boy raises his head and simply nods before bowing his head down once more.
‘’Ok, now lets make you something to eat’’. And Frank cooks the boy some food as he looks like he hadn’t eaten properly in a long time.
The next morning Mikey turns up for work And looks across at the burnt down rubble that once was the gypsies caravan before looking at Frank.
‘’Hey when I woke up this morning I heard the news about what happened’’.
‘’Yeah, terrible’’.
‘’Did you see it?’’.
‘’Man, I f*****g hated them but burning in a fire’’. And Frank then gives Mikey a look as if to watch what he is saying.
‘’What?’’. He asks Frank before spotting the little boy sat stroking Franks two Alsatians which are usually not so tame with strangers.
‘’What he…’’.
‘’A few days, but no one else knows’’.
‘’A few days?’’.
‘Just while they find more of his family’’.
‘’Family, with gypsies’’.
‘’Well the sheriffs trying’’.
‘’Ok, its your place’’. And Mikey then gets on with his work while Frank looks at the boy stroking his dogs wondering what will happen to him now his parents are dead feeling terribly sorry for the little soul.
A few days later Sheriff Rick returns to Joe’s junkyard.
‘’Rick’’’. And the two shake hands.
‘’You want a coffee Rick?’’.
‘’Yeah go on then, the coffee machine a the station’s playing up again’’.
‘’Come on then’’ .And the two head to Frank’s office to grab a coffee.
‘’So where’s the kid now?’’. Asks Rick after he takes a sip of his coffee.
‘’Playing with a ball around the place, don’t worry Mikey’s with him.
‘’Anyway we did a search and we cant find any family of the boys’’.
‘’No one?’’.
‘’No one’’.
‘’So what now?’’.
‘’He’ll go to the youth shelter’’.
‘’Youth shelter’’.
‘’Its procedure Frank’’. ‘’I know what those places are like Rick remember, I spent four years in a shelter as kid and it was hell, if I wasn’t getting the s**t kicked out of me I was having my cloths stolen and my food eaten’’.
‘’Come on Frank, those places have changed since you were a kid’’.
‘’ They don’t change Rick’’.
‘’Well I sorry but that’ were the kid has to go’’.
‘’Was the kid in the report’’.
‘’The fire report?’’.
‘’No, I kept him out seen as though I was leaving him here because if I didn’t there would have been a lot of questions coming my way’’.
‘’So as far as the system knows there were just two adults and no kid?’’.
‘’Yeah, I thought I’d just drop the kid off at the shelter and explain everything to Michelle’’. The sheriffs sister in law.
‘’Well what about leaving him here?’’.
‘’For how long?’’.
‘’For good’’.
‘’I cant do that Frank’’.
‘’The kid’s been through enough plus he’s started opening up to me a little and trusting me, you put him in a shelter full of unruly kids and he’ll go right back in his shell back at square one’’.
‘’I don’t know’’.
‘’You can come here whenever you want to check up on him’’. And the sheriff stand thinking as he scratches his beard.
‘’And if I did this would stay between us?’’.
‘’I’d have to tell Mikey but he’s a good kid and he’ll keep quiet’’. ‘’I need to think about this Frank’’.
‘’Ok hen, I understand’’. And the Sheriff then finishes his coffee before leaving. Later on that night Frank receives a call from the sheriff.
‘’Frank its Rick’’.
‘’Hey Rick’’.
‘’Ok , I’ve thought about things’’.
‘’Ok, I’ll leave the kid with you but this stays between me, you and Mickey and you need to have a good word with him to make sure he doesn’t go blabbing’’.
‘’I will and he wont, don’t worry he wont’’.
‘’Ok then, the kids yours’’.
‘’Thanks Rick’’.
‘’Ok’’. And as Frank hangs up he looks outside at the small boy sat stroking his dogs once more.
‘’So your keeping the kid?’’ Asks Mikey the next day.
‘’Yes and this stays between us’’.
‘’But he’s one of them, he’s a f*****g kid of a gypsy’’.
‘’He’s a kid, a kid who’s been through a lot and if I can help him I will and its my choice’’.
‘’Ok Frank’’.
‘’Thanks’’. And Mikey gets back on with his work.
That night Frank is sat with Joe in his office eating.
‘’I best go and buy you a bed because you cant sleep on the couch forever, and when your older I’ll teach you all about cars’’. And Joes just continues to eat his food.
‘’You’ll be ok here, I’ll look after you’’. And Joe then stops eating before looking up at Frank.
‘’I started the fire’’. He says the first words Frank had heard him speak.
‘’You burned down the caravan!’’.
‘’Dad….he beat me and I wanted him to stop’’. And Franks heart goes out for the boy.
‘’Your mom?’’…….
‘’Supposed to be out but she wasn’t…… I didn’t know’’. Poor kid.
‘’Well I’ll look after you now’’.
‘’Im not going to jail am I?’’.
‘’No, your not going to jail, im going to look after you’’. And the boy throws a brief smile at Frank before going back to eating his food and Frank looks down at the boy wondering how all this was going to effect the poor kid………
Mikey is stripping down an old van when Frank approaches.
‘’Where’s Joe’’.
‘’I sent him to take the dogs for a walk’’.
‘’Take the dogs for a walk?’’.
‘’He kept messing up’’.
‘’Mikey he’s still learning he’s bound to make mistakes’’. Mikey and Joe had never got along, maybe it was because Joe came from a gypsy family or that he was jealous of the time Frank spent with him but whatever it was Mikey had got on with Joe.
‘’Come on Mikey cut the kid some slack’’.
‘’Im sick of cutting him some slack’’. And Frank rolls his eyes before going to find Joe. Frank finds Joe playing with the digs and approaches.
‘’Hey you ok Joe?’’.
‘’Mikey sent me away, again’’.
‘’He just gets a little uptight’’.
‘’He doesn’t like me’’.
‘’Yes he does, its just what Mikey’s like’’.
‘’Come on, the three of us will have a drink tonight’’.
‘’Well im got to go out, I’ve had a break down call right across town so its gonna cost them’’.
‘’Sure will’’.
‘’So I’ll see you tonight’’.
‘’Ok’’. And Frank then leaves. Later on that day Joe is walking around with the dogs when he crosses Mikey who is underneath the van stripping it down, then as Mikey hears the dogs he rolls out from under the van and looks up at Joe.
‘’What you doing’’.
‘’Playing with the dogs’.
‘’Well cant you do it somewhere else’’.
‘’Im getting them a drink’’. And Mikey rolls his eyes before standing up rubbing his oil stained hands on his overalls before heading over to his tool kit.
‘’Your going have to start doing more around here than walking the dogs because you cant sponge off Frank forever’’.
‘’Im not sponging’’. And Joe looks on as Mikey smirks.
‘’The old man might put with you Joe but I don’t like you and I don’t like you being here, to me your just a gypsy boy, always have been always will be’’. and Mikey looks at Joe who stands there staring at him with a scowl on his face before Mikey climbs back under the van he is working on. ‘’Go and walk the dogs’’. Shouts Mikey from under the van but Joe begins to approach the van without saying a word and then stares at the lever of the clamp the holds the van up off the ground as Mikey works on it from underneath, Joe then looks down at Mikey and back at the lever before reaching out and pulling the handle down which makes the big van fall flat onto the top half of Mikey’s body underneath, Joe then looks down with no remorse as Mikey screams out in pain and a puddle of blood begins seeping from underneath the van, Joe does not help Mikey, he just simply stands there and watches as Mikey’s legs finally stop and he is dead.
Frank arrives back at the junkyard to see the place filed with pad medics and police officers and immediately worries as to what had happened. Frank then jumps out of his to-truck and rushes over to see and as he barges past several pandemics he sees the dead body of Mikey crushed underneath the van.
‘’What happened here……’’.
‘’Are you the owner of this place?’’. Asks a officer.
‘’And where have you been?’’.
‘’On a far out call out’’.
‘’Well as you can see your employer a Mr….. Michael Sullivan was found dead crushed underneath that van’’.
‘’Who by?’’.
‘’His girlfriend’’. And Frank immediately wonders where Joe is.
‘’Mr Sullivan was supposed to be meting his girlfriend in town for a date but when he failed to show she stormed over here to give him a piece of her mind expecting to find him working overtime again and well…..you can see what she really found’’.
‘’What happened?’’.
‘’Well there will be a full investigation but early signs are accident, it seems the clamp holding up the van wasn’t tightened enough and gave way with Mr Sullivan under it’’.
‘’I cant believe it’’.
‘’You’ll have to give a full statement yourself Sir’’.
‘’Yes, no problem’’. And Frank then looks down at the dead body of Mikey in complete shock.
In the early hours of the next day Frank is finally finished with his statement at the station and heads on back to the junkyard, he arrives to find Mikey’s body had been moved and the clamp holding up the van taking for investigating, Frank stops to look down at the dried puddle of blood before rubbing his head and heading to his office, he then turns on the sidelight and finds Joe sat there in the dark his face emotionless.
‘’Joe, I was worried, where were you?’’.
‘’I….I saw what happened to Mikey’’.
‘’You did, so why did you go?’’.
‘’Because I was scared, I was walking the dogs when I heard him scream and when I finally got there he was already dead’’. He tells Frank without hesitation.
‘’ And you ran?’’.
‘’It all I could do’’. And Frank then sits down opposite him tired and drained from the day.
‘’I cant believe Mikey is dead’’.
‘’Me too’’. And Joe then looks at Frank who has his head bowed rubbing it and is not feeling an inch of remorse for what he did to Mikey.
Frank is sat in the junkyard having a rest with an old dog laid beside his feet when a blue car playing loud music drives in and out climbs a young man wearing a white vest while a young lady is sat in the passengers seat re-applying her lipstick.
‘’Hey old man, you run this place?’’.
‘’I own this place’’.
‘’Well good because I need a tyre’’.
‘’What size’’.
‘’Medium old man’’.
‘’Joe!’’. Shouts Frank and behind him in the distance Joe appears now bigger and taller.
‘’Can you get me down a medium tyre for this young man Joe?’’. And without saying anything Joe disappears again to fetch the tyre.
‘’Man who’s the giant?’’.
‘’Joe works for me, always has’’.
‘’Dude that fuckers big’’.
‘’Big apatite’’.
‘’Well can your iron giant fix the tyre on because I don’t want to get dirty’’.
‘’Sure, for extra cost’’.
‘’What ever’’. And the cocky young man pulls back down his shades before looking around the junkyard as he waits for his tyre. Five minutes later Joe returns with the tyre under his arm.
‘’Hey what took you so long’’. Asks the young man.
‘’Its not easy in this maze to find what you want’’. Quickly replies Frank.
‘’Well what you waiting for, put it on’’. Says the young man as he looks up at Joe who simply stands there, Joe then glances at Frank who nods his head and when he does Joe begins to change the tyre.
‘’What’s wrong with the big guy, he a robot or something’’.
‘’Im the brains around here, Joe’s the body’’.
‘’Do you have to tell him when to wipe his a*s’’. Mocks the man and Joe stops what he is doing and looks up at the man who has a smirk on his face.
‘’You can always take your pimp ride elsewhere’’. Warns Frank to the cocky youngster.
‘’No, this will do’’. And the young man smiles before pulling his shades back down. Then as Joe unscrews the bolts form the old tyre he slips and scratches the young mans car by accident but the young man is not pleased.
‘’Hey you big freak look what you did!’’.
‘’It was an accident’’. Says Frank clearly knowing Joe did not mean it.
‘’An accident! This car is worth more than every piece of s**t you have in here!’’.
‘’Half price, we’ll do the tyre for half price’’.
‘’Half price, f**k that!’’. And The young man then looks down at Joe who has his head bowed down and his hair covering his face.
‘’See what you did you big retard! What’s wrong? Someone knock the smart out of you when you were a kid you big f**k!’’. And then in a split second Joe jumps to his feet and grabs the mans neck with his huge hands snapping his neck, shocked Frank then looks on as the cocky young man falls to the floor dead and his girlfriend sat in the car watching it all immediately starts screaming as Joe just simply stands there staring down at his dead body, the young girl then climbs over to the drivers seat but as she reaches to start the car and speed away she feels to find the keys are not in the engine ,Frank then looks across wondering what to do and how to react and as he stands there thinking the young women climbs out of the car crawling onto the floor before she climbs to her feet crying as she looks down at her dead boyfriend before screaming and then making a run for it, Frank then acts and unleashes his two Alsatian dogs which are barking viciously and he then sets the dogs off after the young women who desperately runs for the big steel gates to escape but the dog are too fast and they quickly chase the young women down one of the dogs grabbing her by the ankle and dragging her to the floor, the two dogs then bite away at the young women who screams and desperately tries to break free but the dogs are too strong and her legs and arms are soon covered in blood, Frank then watches on as the two dogs continue to attack the young women until she stops struggling and more and more blood pours from her dripping onto the dirt below them and the young women then lies there motionless as the dogs continue to bite away and Frank knows she is dead and he is responsible for it.
‘’Jason, Max!’’. He then shouts to his dogs who look up at him blood all around there mouths and teeth and Frank orders them both away and the two dogs run to there kennels. Frank then looks at Joe who is still stood frozen looking down at the dead young man. Frank then heads over to him and grabs his arm.
‘’Joe, Joe what did you do!’’. And Joe keeps his head bowed down and does not say a word.
‘’Joe you cant do that, no matter what people say or do you cant kill them….do you understand?’’. And Joe does not raise his head but simply nods. And when he does Frank looks back at the two dead bodies knowing that both of them would be thrown in the cells for a long, long time.
‘’We have to bury them, we have to bury then here, if we take them out we might be spotted but this can never happen again Joe’’. And Frank then heads to his office returning with two spades.
‘’Come on Joe, we have to this quickly’. And Frank looks the big steel gates before he and Joe dig the hole for the bodies.
‘’Ok, this is deep enough, put them both in’’. And Joe picks up the young an throwing him in before grabbing the bloodied girl and throwing her in too.
‘’Ok lets cover them up’’. Says Frank but just then the young girl jumps up holding out her arm and screaming but in the flash Joe lunges down with his spade stabbing her across the neck and blood squirting from the young women neck before she falls back onto the dirt holding her neck and gasping for air and blood squirt from her neck until she finally takes her last breathe and falls back dead. Frank then looks at the blood dripping from Joes spade and looks up at Joe who looks emotionless and simply stares down at the dead bodies, then without saying a word Frank pours on the first lot of dirt and Joe follows. After they had done Joe still simply stands there looking down at where they are buried and a tired and guilty Frank heads back to his office and sits down before grabbing a bottle of whisky to try and block the last couple of hours out. Over the next six months neither Frank or Joe mention the incident of the two deaths both going on as if nothing happened but Frank does worry about the state of Joes mind after all he didn’t have the best starts in life. Then one day as Joe is out on a callout and Frank is sweeping up the yard a police cars pulls in through the big steel gates, Frank panics immediately thinking it is because of the episode six months ago. Frank then watches on as two police officers climb out of the car and walk across to him.
‘’Officers, may I help you?’’.
‘’Are you the owner sir?’’.
‘’Yes officer’’.
‘’Were here on an urgent matter sir’’.
‘’You are?’’.
‘’Yes’’. And one of the officers then passes Frank a police report showing the faces of six young people two of them the young man and women he and Joe killed but the other four are completely unknown to Frank.
‘’Have you seen any of these faces around Sir?’’.
‘’No officer, why?’’.
‘’Because there missing, al of them, and they call come from in and around this town’’.
‘’’They do?’’. Had Joe killed more?.
‘’Yes sir and people want results, parents, families the press and our bosses so were going around trying to find any clues to there whereabouts’’.
‘’Well im sorry officers but I cant remember any of these people coming in here’’.
‘’Well can I leave this with you’’.
‘’Of course’’.
‘’And if you see any of them I want you to call the station immediately’’.
‘’I will officer’’.
‘’Ok, well we’ll be on our way’’. And the two officers then leave as Frank stares down at the poster in his hand with the faces of the six missing all staring at him wondering what he had done and if Joe could really have killed more but then again not if but had killed them.
Joe is sat in the pick up truck by roadside simply sat there as the sun goes down and the light turns to dark. Frank sits in his office staring at the six faces as he drinks a bottle of whisky wondering just where Joe is.
Joe climbs out f his pack up and reaches into the back grabbing a huge, thick steel chain, he then walks across the road fastening one end of the chain around the middle of a tree and then walks back across the road fastening the other end of the chain to the middle of another tree and Joe then looks at the thick steel chain lines across the middle of the road and Joe then climbs back into his truck and waits. Joes waits and waits until finally he sees a car coming and when it is close Joe turns on all his flashlights that are aimed towards the car and the lights flash straight into the drivers eyes who cannot see where he is going and there car smashes straight into the thick steel chain which goes straight through the windscreen of the car and all the way through taking the top of the car clean off, the car then comes to a screeching holt and as it des Joe climbs out of the pickup and heads across carrying a sledgehammer in his huge hand, Joe them climbs onto the bonnet of the crashed car and looks down at two young men sat in the front and two young women in the back all hurt and cut from the crash, one of the young men opens his eyes and looks up at Joe hurt and confused and as he does Joe swings down his sledgehammer hitting the young man clean on the top of the head killing him instantly before doing exactly the same to the other young man sat in the front, Joe then looks down at the two young women and stands there breathing heavily as one of the young women wake, the young women then looks around disorientated before looking up at Joe who stands thee on the car bonnet heavily breathing and with a sledgehammer in his hand.
‘’Please…….please’’. She pleads as Joe tightens his grip on the hammer.
‘’Please don’t hurt…’’. Joe them swings down his hammer and smashes the hand of the young women which rests on the side of the car, the bones in her hand are crushed and the young women screams with pain, Joe then jumps off the car bonnet and walks around the car to the last remaining girl, he then stands there and waits until she finally begins to come around and as he young girl slowly begins to open her eyes unaware what is happening Joe swings his hammer right into the young girls throats with a hug hit, the young girl gaps for air before her eyes slowly close and Joe then steps back heading back to his pickup truck, he then throws the hammer in the back of the truck before reaching In and pulling out a petrol can, Joe then walks across to the car wreckage and pours the petrol all over the car the girl with the broken hand still screaming in pain, Joe then heads to the girl with the broken hand before ripping the sleeve of her shirt off and then slaps her with the back of his hand knocking her down, Joe then sticks the piece of cloth in the petrol can and lights it before throwing the can in the car which immediately sets a fire and Joe then simply stands and watches as he whole car goes up in flames before simply walking back to his pickup truck and driving away. Joe arrives home to find Frank sat over half a bottle of whisky.
‘’Were you been Joe?’’. He asks but Joe simply sits down beside one of the dogs and begins to stroke him.
‘’The police were here today, and they left this’’. And Joe throws the missing persons poster onto Joe’s lap.
‘’You know anything about this Joe?’’. He asks and Joe with head bowed simply shakes to reply no.
‘’ Well I trust you boy, I just hope you’re telling me the truth because I at least deserve that’’. And Frank watches on as Joe sits there continuing to stroke the dog.
The next night after a day working in the yard Frank is resting sat beside the dogs.
‘’Im going out tonight Joe, going to play cards with my old friend Lester’’. And Frank stands up heading to his car.
‘’I’ll not be home til late so I’ll l see you then’’. And Joe nods before Frank heads to his car but instead of heading to Lester’s as he said Frank pars the car down the street and waits, he waits to see if Joe does go out and where he does but most importantly what he does. After an hour of waiting Frank is ready to pack it in when finally he sees Joe head out in the red pickup truck so he starts the car and slowly follows wondering where he is heading. Frank follows Joe who stops at a popular camping place for youngsters and Frank looks to see there is only one tent pitched there that night and Joe stops the truck staring at the blue tent Frank wondering what he is up to. Inside the tent a young women is sleeping completely unaware what is happening outside the confines of her tent and suddenly Joe revs the truck and heads straight for the tent and to Franks shock and amazement Joe drives straight through the middle of the tent crushing the people sleeping inside before he stops the truck and just sits there, Frank then jumps out of his car and runs over to Joe in the pickup truck banging on his window.
‘’Joe! Joe what have you done!’’. He shouts and Joe then climbs out of the truck and heads to the crushed tent, Joe then looks down as blood begins to seep from the tent.
‘’Why Joe! Why have you killed these people, they have don nothing wrong!’’. He pleads.
‘’Joe this is wrong, I did not bring you up to do this!’’. And Joe stops and looks at the man he sees as his father.
‘’Come home with me and stop this madness’’. He pleads with Joe but behind them the boyfriend of the young women was returning from collecting firewood and had seen what had happened and now had grabbed his cooking fork to attack his girlfriends killer.
‘’This isn’t the right thing to do Joe and you know that, your….your not like a son to me Joe you are a son and this isn’t what I want to see you do now come home with me and….’’. But then the young man charges at Joe but Frank dives in front of Joe and the fork stabs into Franks chest instead, Frank then drops to his knees blood pouring from his chest, Joe then looks at the young man who had stabbed Frank and gives out a huge groan before hitting him around the face and knocking him out and Joe then kneels down to Frank and grabs hold of his hand, the two then look into one another’s eyes as Frank gasps for air, he tries to talk to Joe but cannot get the words out and Joe then watches on as Franks eyes slowly close much to his horror. Joe then beats the ground with his fist before picking the body of Frank up in his arms and placing him in the back of his pickup truck before heading over to the young man he knocked out with evil intention in his yes.
The young man wakes his head groggy and aching and as his eyes open he finds himself fastened tight to a tree with a large steel chain, the young man tries to break free but he can barely move his body, he then shouts for help but there is no one around to hear him and then the starting of a car can be heard and the young looks to see the chain he is fastened with leads from the tree to the large pickup truck which is now being revved, the young man shouts as loud as he can but sat in the pickup trick revving the engine is Joe who is holding onto the steering wheel with a tight grip and he revs the engine again and again before finally driving forward and as he does the chain tightens and begins to squeeze the young mans body tied to the tree, the young man screams out in pain as Joe takes the truck further and further and the chain tightens even more never letting up and as he does the young mans flesh begins giving away and blood pours down his body as the flesh on his bones is ripped apart, Joe pulls more and more the screams of the young man filling his ears with feeling of vengeance and as he pulls the truck further away the young man begins gasping for air as the chain tightens around his chest and he gasps more and more until the young man has no air left in his body and the screaming stops, then as Joe hears the screaming stop he climbs put of the truck and looks to see the bloodied young man is dead and Joe looks at his dead body with a evil scowl on his face before he unties the dead body and picks up his blooded steel chain placing it in the back of his pickup truck before climbing in his truck and then reversing over the dead body and then driving back over it and does this again and again until there is barely anything left and Joe then sits there for a minute taking everything in before speeding away. Back at the junkyard Joe is just finishing burying Frank and he looks down at the ground where Frank now lies knowing that for the first time in his life he is truly alone, alone with no one to tell him what to do and how to act, no one to watch over him and lead the way and no one to stop his reign of terror because now he was free to do what he wanted, there was no one to please anymore because Frank was the only person Joe had ever loved and now, now there was no one left and he could now pour out all his hurt and pain!.
A young man is riding on a motorbike and pulls into a small garage, he takes off his helmet and looks up at the garage before heading inside, when inside he finds an old grey haired man sat behind the counter reading the daily newspaper, the young man then scoops around the store before heading to the counter and placing a missing poster on the front desk, the missing poster is of a young girl, the young mans sister and the young girl is Jessie a victim of Junkyard Joe. The old man looks at the missing poster before looking up at the young man without saying word.
‘’The young girl, you seen her?’’. He asks and the old man looks down again before looking back up at the young man and shaking his head.
‘’Her name is Jessie she’s my sister and just over a week ago she was on her way home from a holiday with her boyfriend but she never made it back, neither of them did and the last time my mom spoke to her she was in this town speaking on her phone outside this garage while her boyfriend filled up on gas’’.
‘’Hell I get so many kids in here the faces become a blur boy’’.
‘’Do you have security cameras?’’.
‘’That’s my security camera’’. And the old man pints to a shotgun laid down behind the desk and the young man rolls his eyes.
‘’Well where’s the next stop after this place? Is there a hotel or something?’’.
‘’Yep, Mike’s motel a few miles form here and after that there’s the Junkyard’’.
‘’Motel and Junkyard’’.
‘’that’s what I said boy’’.
‘’Ok, but im going to leave this poster here and I would appreciate it if you could stick it on the wall’’. And the old man reaches under his desk and hands the young man a roll of tape.
‘’Go ahead’’. And the young man takes the tape before going to stick up the poster.
Twins Millie and belle are travelling back home from school for a few weeks with Millis boyfriend Eric and there good friend Dan who they’d known for years, they were travelling home to attend there fathers funeral, he had been sick for some time but his death was still hard to accept and the girls were heading home to pay there respect and support there mother who despite being separated from there father for years was still a very close friend and had even helped care for him during his ill years. Belle is sat in the back with Dan taking about what it would be like at the funeral.
‘’All my family under one roof, it should be very interesting’’.
‘’Come on all your family have always been nice, I think its in the genes’’.
‘’Yeah but when mom and dad split up a few relatives on my dads side accused mom of having an affair’’.
‘’But she didn’t right?’’.
‘’No, they just drifted apart, there was no affair or huge fall out it was just a slow boring falling out of love’’.
‘’It happens to a lot’’.
‘’I know, im just glad they stayed friends’’.
‘’Well your dad never really found anyone else’’.
‘’I think its because he thought if he did find someone’s serious it would take away that tiny hope that he and mom could give it another go’’.
‘’Holding on to the ray of light’’.
‘’With both hands’’.
‘’He was a good man’’.
‘’A little work obsessed but a good man, and a great father’’.
‘’Yes he was’’. And Dan takes his friends hand.
‘’Im stopping at the garage for gas and smokes’’. Says Eric driving from the front. Eric and Millie had been seeing each other for over a year but lately there relationship had been somewhat frosty and everyone in the car could feel the tension. Eric looks over at Millie who is rolling down her window and lighting a cigarette.
‘’I though you were quitting’’. Comments Eric.
‘’You smoke’’.
‘’Yes but your different’’.
‘’Different, why?’’.
‘’ Because I’ve been smoking since I was a kid’’.
‘’So you’ve only smoke since you started school so its easier for you to quit’’.
‘’Really, so I don’t have the nicotine craving and the urge do I’’.
‘’Yes but…’’.
‘’But what’’.
‘’You know what they do to you’’.
‘’You do too’’.
‘’Fine, smoke, smoke a full packet’’.
‘’I will’’. And Millie lights the cigarette but before she takes a draw she throws the cigarette out and rolls up her window before sitting there stony faced not giving Eric a glance.
Eric pulls into the garage and as he does he turns to look at Millie.
‘’What so your not talking to me now?’’.
‘’Just drive Eric’’.
‘’Millie im only looking out for….’’. And then with Eric not looking where he is going he crashes into something and as the car comes to a stop he looks to see he had crashed into a parked motorbike.
‘’Well done’’. Comments Millie and Eric rolls his eyes before climbing out of the car. The young man sticking up the missing poster of his sister watches on as his motorbike is run over and he rushes out.
‘’Sorry man..’’. Says Eric wit his arms held out.
‘’You ran over my bike!’’.
‘’I know im an idiot, I’ll pay’’.
‘’Pay, look at it’’. Say the young man picking his bike, he then tries to start it but the engine had been damaged.
‘’Im sorry man’’. And the young man looks at him.
‘’The old man in there says there a junkyard not too far from here so what about take me there and I’ll tie the bike to the roof’’. And Eric looks back at the car.
‘’Yeah ok man of course’’.
‘’Ok, im Karl’’. He says holding out his hand.
‘’Eric’’. And the two shake hands.
‘’Ok Karl, im just going to get some gas and we’ll be on our way’’.
‘’Ok, thanks’’. And Karl then heads over to the car where he is met by Belle.
‘’Hey sorry about the bike’’.
‘’Yeah your boyfriend already apologised’’. ‘’He’s not my boyfriend, he’s my sisters’’. And the two then look back at Millie sat in the car as she reapplies her lipstick’’.
‘’Are you two…’’.
‘’Twins yes and believe me we’ve heard all the lame jokes’’.
‘’Ok, well im Karl’’.
‘’Belle’’. And the two shake hands.
‘’So where you heading Karl?’’.
‘’Im looking for my sister’’. And Karl shows Bella a picture of his sister Jessie. ‘’You seen her?’’.
‘’No, what happened?’’.
‘’She was on her way home from a holiday with her boyfriend but she never made it back and around here was the last place we had contact from her’’.
‘’How long ago?’’.
‘’Just over a week’’.
‘’What about the police?’’.
‘’There doing there bit but I cant sit around waiting for a call and our mom, well you can guess what she’s like right now so I have to find her’’.
‘’Well I really hope you do’’.
‘’Me too’’. And Bella throws Karl a supportive smile.
‘’Is that it?’’. Asks the old man behind the counter to Eric as he pays for the gas.
‘’No, I’ll have pack of them too’’. He says of some cigarettes but as the old man turns around to get them Eric looks at the car outside at Mille and changes his mind.
‘’Actually no, forget the cigarettes’’. And the old man rolls his eyes before just taking the money for the gas and when Eric heads back outside both Karl and Dan are tying the motorbike to the roof of his car.
‘’Ok then lets go’’. And the five of them then jump in the car and set off.
‘’So Karl isn’t it’’. Says Millie from the front.
‘’Yes, Karl’’.
‘’Well im Millie’’. And she sticks her arm in the back to shake his hand which Karl shakes.
‘’This is my sister Bella as you can see and our friend since we were kids Dan and driving is Eric’’.
‘’Your boyfriend’’.
‘’Right’’. And Millie smiles at him before turning back around in the front.
The sun begins to fall as they reach the motel
‘’Ok what about stopping here the night?’’. Suggests Eric as he stops the car.
‘’I cant, I have to keep going’’. Karl tells him.
‘’don’t take this the wrong way Karl but its getting late and your going to need all your energy for tomorrow when its lighter and there’s more people around to talk to’’.
‘’He’s right’’. Adds Bella. ‘’Get your head down for a few hours and then start again, you look exhausted’’.
‘’I’ve been on the road for two days’’.
‘’Well a few hours will do you good’’.
‘’Ok then but first im going to stick a few of these posters around the place’’.
‘’Ok, we’ll sort the room out’’. And Karl climbs out of the car with his missing posters in hand.
‘’I think Bella has a crush’’. Teases Millie as they watch Karl leave.
‘’Shut up’’.
‘’A few hours rest will do you good’’. Mocks Mille.
‘’I feel sorry for him, his sister is missing’’.
‘’Yeah poor guy’’. Adds Dan.
‘’Yeah but I saw the way you were looking at him sis and it has been a while since perfect Brad left the scene’’.
‘’Cut it out Millie’’. Interrupts her boyfriend Eric.
‘’Well sorry, what’s wrong with you Mr Grumpy?’’.
‘’ Nothing, its just…the guy’s lost a sister so lets cut some slack’’. And Eric then drives to the main reception. At the reception Eric orders a room for him and Millie, one for Bella and Dan and a single for Karl paying for it as an apology for crashing into his bike.
‘’Ok here’s your keys’’. And Eric passes Dan and Bella there motel keys.
‘’You two are in room six, me and Millie are in room eleven and Karl’s in room three’’. And Eric then looks around.
‘’Karl still not back?’’.
‘’No, not yet’’.
‘’Ok, who’s for the motel bar then, the guy says its karaoke night’’.
‘’Karaoke!’’. Says Dan who just loves to sing.
‘’Come on, im buying the first round’’. And the four head to the bar.
Having finished sticking his sisters posters everywhere he can think of Karl heads to the reception where he is told everyone had headed to the motel bar so he heads on over and when there he finds Millie sat with her boyfriend Eric complaining that she needed a top up while Dan is singing away on the karaoke but there is no sign of Bella. Karl then grabs a beer and takes a seat but having listened to another song by Dan he heads on outside with his beer to find a couple of minutes of peace and quiet and when outside strolling Karl spots Bella sat by the pool with her drink dangling her feet in the water so he heads on over and sits beside her.
‘’Taking a break from Dan’s singing?’’. She asks.
‘’Yeah, just a little?’’. And Bella smiles at him.
‘’ If you don’t mind me saying your sister and her boyfriend seem to have some what of a frosty relationship’’. ‘’Yeah tell me about it’’.
‘’So how long they been together?’’.
‘’A while now’’.
‘’Im the quiet one, she’s the loud, confident one but I like it like that, growing up she was the one who took me to all the parties and introduced me to the boys I liked, she’ always been lie that and she has always been a hit with the boys’’. And Karl looks at Bella to see Bella is in fact the prettier of the two, well in his eyes anyway.
‘’So are you and your sister close?’’. Asks Bella a little unsure if Karl will want to talk about her.
‘’Honestly, not really, im the older one and when we were kids we were close and I always looked out for her, I fought off bullies and warned guys off but when we both got older we just clashed, she said I was smothering her when I warned loser guys off and in her eyes I never treated her like a grown adult but just the little sister like when she was a kid and a couple of years ago I moved away from the town we grew up in and we haven’t seen much of each other since, I moved away from our small town to the big bad city as my mom says to make a life for myself’’.
‘’What doing?’’.
‘’Graphics designer, well student at the moment, I liked to draw since I was a kid, the amount of times I was caught in class drawing dragons’’.
‘’So you artistic’’.
‘’Like to think so’’. And the two look at one another. ‘’Anyway there I was in the big bad city and a week ago I got a call in the middle of the night from my crying mom telling me how Jessie hadn’t returned home and she could get in contact with her or her boyfriend so I drove straight up and we spoke to the police but they have no leads, they arrived back off the plane and around here Jessie phoned my mom to tell her they’d be home the next day and that’s it, she never come home and we don’t know why’’.
‘’Im so sorry’’.
‘’Me too, it’s the not knowing that drives you crazy, when im awake im looking for her and when im asleep im dreaming of her, the first night I had a dream I found her safe and well in a bar with her boyfriend complaining about how her phone battery had died and how mom shouldn’t worry and the relief just lifted off my chest but then as I held her hand I woke and I sat up to see the missing poster staring down at me from the wall and since that I haven’t slept much’’.
‘’Have you talked to the guy at the reception here?’’.
‘’Yeah but he hasn’t seen her so I just stuck up a poster.
‘’Well whatever any of us can do just ask’’.
‘’Thanks’’. And as the two smile at one another and look into one another’s eyes Bella’s phone vibrates.
‘’You have a text’’.
‘’Yes’’. And Bella then reads it before standing up.
‘’What’s wrong?’’.
‘’Nothing, I just have to do something, I’ll be back in five minutes’’. And Bella leaves Karl by the pool. Bella then heads to her motel room to find Eric already inside so she closes the door behind her.
‘’Bella we need to talk’’.
‘’Not here’’.
‘’I cant wait any longer’’. And Eric grabs hold of her hand.
‘’ Eric we cant do this’’.
‘’Bella I….’’.
‘’No, don’t say it, it was just one night’’.
‘’It was more than that and we both know it’’.
‘’Eric your with my twin sister’’.
‘’Barely, she cant stand me lately’.
‘’You know what she’s like’’.
‘’Yes demanding and selfish’’.
‘’Hey that’s my sister and you’ve been with her for over a year now so don’t start complaining now’’.
‘’But you’re the one I want to be with, your sweet and considerate to other people, you listen and….’’.
‘’Stop it, just stop, I cant stand here and listen to you drag down my sister’’.
‘’Millie is a great girl, she’s outgoing and she can be loving and fun and make you feel alive but I love you’’. And Eric looks in Bella’s eyes.
‘’Eric I….’’.
‘’Ok, ok, I’ll wait until after the funeral because I understand how hard it is for you too right now but when this all settles im going to end it with your sister and that then just leaves me and you’’.
‘’It will never just be me and you’’.
‘’Why not?’’.
‘’Because you’ve been with my twin sister for over a year and she thinks a lot about you’’.
‘’She’s always complaining’’.
‘’Because she wants the best all the time and you know what she’s like and we when together alone she talks about you a lot, the things you’ve done for her and places you take her for meals, she likes you and you’re the longest relationship she’s ever had and I just cant do that to her’’.
‘’So you do feel something for me but you don’t want to hurt your sister?’’.
‘’No….I…just…… I don’t know Eric im confused, we were both drunk and it was one stupid night and I felt horrible in the morning and have ever since and if Mille ever found out how we betrayed her’’. And Eric then stops Bella form talking by leaning over and kissing her before pulling away and looking in her eyes.
‘’Tell me that means nothing’’.
‘’Eric, I……’’. And the two are then interrupted by a knock on Bella’s motel room door. Bella then looks at Eric before answering her motel room door to find her twin sister Millie standing there
‘’Millie I er…’’.
‘’What are you two doing hiding away back here?’’. And Bella hesitates before looking back at Eric.
‘’We were just checking out the rooms to see what they were like’’.
‘’Yeah… and luckily no cockroaches’’.
‘’Good’’. And Millie then steps into the room.
‘’Eric can you be a baby and go and get me another drink while I have a quick word with my sister?’’. And Eric looks at Bella before answering.
‘’Yeah sire, I’ll be at the bar’’. And Eric leaves closing the door behind him and as he does Mille looks at her twin sister before taking a seat on the edge of her sisters bed.
‘’Ok little sis we need to talk’’. Says Millie to Bella like she always has even though she is only three minutes older than her.
‘’Sure, what is it?’’. Asks a slightly nervous Bella.
‘’Take a seat’’. She says patting on the bed beside her and Bella sits down.
‘’Ok I kind of have a little secret’’.
‘’You do?’’. Asks Bella to her sister who already seems like she’s had a good few.
‘’Yes, er…..im kind of pregnant’’. And Bella almost falls of the bed in shock.
‘’But how?’’. She asks standing off the bed with her arms held out.
‘’Well do you want me to draw you a picture?’’.
‘’That’s not what I mean, what I do mean is how have you two let this happen?’’.
‘’We havent, it was kind of an accident’’.
‘’An accident’’.
‘’Yeah, I was late by a few days but I’ve been late a lot in the past but when it went on and on I had a test and it was positive and so was the second one which I may add was more expensive’’.
‘’But why didn’t you two use protection?’’.
‘’We did but it kind of didn’t work’’.
‘’What do you mean didn’t work?’’.
‘’Well im on the pill but here we are’’.
‘’And did you take it on time every time’’.
‘’Good enough’’.
‘’What do you mean good enough, this isn’t a game Millie it’s life changing’’.
‘’I know, I know and I always took my pill but you read how this happens to girls on the pills and guys who used protection, it happens’’.
‘’Your too young to have a child’’.
‘’I know so……. I have to deal with it’’.
‘’Deal with it’’.
‘’You mean abortion’’.
‘’Well like you said im too young’’.
‘’Remember what mom told us?’’.
‘’Yes of course’’.
‘’Yes, how she fell pregnant with us and immediately thought of termination because she hadn’t been with dad that long and she wasn’t sure how that was going to work out’’.
‘’Yes’’. ‘’And how she booked an appointment and even showed up on time’’.
‘’I was there right beside you when she told this story Bella’’.
‘’Well you’ll remember how she sat there and picked up a leaflet which told her at the stage she was at with her pregnancy the two of us had fingernails, fingernails to paint when we were going out and to scratch with when we were mad and to bite when we were nervous or to clean after a busy day in the garden’’.
‘’I remember’’.
‘’And she stood up and walked right out and she will always tell you it was the best thing she ever did in her life’’.
‘’But mom was different, she was older than me and more mature plus her life was already planned out, she had a career and dad’’.
‘’You have Eric’’.
‘’Eric, we seem to argue more than get along lately’’. And Bella realises she might have something to do with that.
‘’Well ease up on him a little and cut him some slack’’.
‘’I know, I know its just the baby thing has been going around and around in my head and sending me a little crazy’’.
‘’Well you need to make a decision Millie but you need to make it together and I cant influence what you do’’.
‘’But you can give me your advice’’.
‘’Not on something like this, its too big, this one you have to decide on your own but one thing I will say is no more cigarettes or alcohol’’.
‘’I know, I know its just I didn’t want any of you asking questions after all me going tee-total you’d have thought I had gone crazy’’.
‘’Well right now all I can think about is mom’’.
‘’But if you are going to have an termination you need to act fast’’.
‘’Ok, ok I’ll talk to Eric in the morning when were alone in the motel’’.
‘’Good and then you two can decide together and if you ever need someone to talk to things about you always have me’’.
‘’I know, always have’’. And Millie then stands up hugging her sister.
‘’And no more alcohol or cigarettes’’.
‘’Ok, ok I just didn’t want anyone asking any questions’’.
‘’Ok, you just have to be careful’’.
‘’I will, I promise’’. And Millie smiles before leaving Bella in her motel room and Bella sits down on the edge of the bed her head in her hands trying to take everything in knowing that even if she did harbour feeling towards Eric there was no chance whatsoever of anything now. The five continue to have a drink at the motel bar as well as listening to Dan bursts out more hits until Millie decides to call it a night telling everyone she was tired, Bella is sat by the bar and can feel Eric’s eyes on her, she glances every now and then and is worried just the look on her face will tell him about the baby but she knows it has to be Millie who breaks the news not her. After a few more drinks and a few shots of tequila the other four decide to call it a night but as Karl lies in bed all he can think of is his sister so he gets up out of bed and heads out for a stroll and a he does he spots Bella still sat at the bar drinking alone and heads on over sitting beside her.
‘’I thought we were al going to bed?’’. He asks her seeing she has had quite a few more since he left.
‘’Yeah well I cant sleep, I have a lot on my mind’’.
‘’Me too’’. And Bella looks at him knowing her problems are small fry compared to his.
‘’Could it have something to do with Eric?’’ He asks.
‘’Eric, why Eric?’’.
‘’I’ve seen the way he’s been glancing at you all night and I’ve seen that look before, it’s the look guys give a girl who’s more than there girlfriends twin sister’’.
‘’ So you think im seeing Eric’’.
‘’No im not saying that, im just saying I saw the way he was looking’’. ‘’Well were not’’. And Bella grabs her drink and stands up staggering a little as she does before walking along and Karl stands up following.
‘’Look im sorry if you think I was intruding’’.
‘’No no…..its just…..’’.
‘’Its ok you know wont go talking to the others’’.
‘’Ok I have to tell someone’’. And the two sit by the pool.
‘’ Eric has been a friend, always has been and I’ve never seen him as anything different but a few months ago Millie was away and we kept each other company for the night and Eric brought a some beers and……’’.
‘’You slept together’’.
‘’He was drunk, I was drunk and it only happened once and the morning after I felt terrible and have ever since’’.
‘’And now Eric wants to go further’’.
‘’kind of yeah’’.
‘’And you?’’.
‘’Eric’s a great guy and he’s a great boyfriend but I don’t think I can see him like that’’.
‘’don’t think….. you either do or don’t’’
‘’If I met Eric as a stranger and he’s have never dated my sister then yes I’ll admit but now no, I could never see him like that, never’’.
‘’Ok then se what now?’’.
‘’Well there’s another light problem that aroused tonight’’.
‘’Something happened with you two again?’’.
‘’Ok, ok im sorry’’.
‘’No, Millie, she’s pregnant ‘’.
‘’Yes but no one knows’’.
‘’Ok, I wont say a word’’.
‘’So now Im really stuck, I have Eric wanting to end things with Millie and be with me and Millie pregnant wondering how to tell Eric at the same time being too young to even have a child, my heads spinning and right now this helps’’. And Bella raises her glass before taking another drink.
‘’If I was you, I’d talk to Eric, I’d tell him how you and him can never happen and how Millie’s pregnant with his child’’.
‘’I cant, its Millie’s place to mention the baby’’.
‘’In normal circumstances yes but not this’’.
‘’So you would Tell Eric?’’.
‘’Ok, thanks for listening to me whine’’.
‘’Anytime’’. And the two smile at one another. ‘’Come on, I’ll walk you back to your room’’. And Karl walks Bella back. The two enter the room to find that Dan isn’t there, he had left a note saying he had hooked up for the night and would see them in the morning.
‘’Well, looks like someone got lucky’’.
‘’Yeah’’. And Karl then walks across to Bella the two of them standing close, Bella looking up at Karl who softly strokes her cute little chin.
‘’Open the window, its hot in here’’. She tells him with a smile on her face and as Karl heads on over to open the window Bella takes off her jacket t reveal a small white t-shirt but as Karl opens the curtains he finds the windows had been boarded up.
‘’What happened here?’’. He asks as Bella walks over to take a look.
‘’Look, there’s small pieces of broken glass on the floor’’.
‘’Come on, lets go and take look on the other side’’. Suggests Karl.
‘’Why, its just a broken window’’.
‘’A double broken window and what if something happened here, remember I am looking for my missing sister and I need to check everything’’. And Karl then begins the head to the back with Bella following. Karl then begins checking on the floor around the broken window on the outside.
‘’What you looking for?’’. Asks Bella.
‘’Anything, anything to suggest this wasn’t just a accident’’.
‘’Ah , my father was a cop when I was a kid and he used always talk about checking the crime scene for any clues, I guess im just doing the same’’.
‘’No, its your sister’’. And Bella begins helping him. After looking for over ten minutes the two find nothing.
‘’There’s nothing here’. Bella tells Karl.
‘’Just like everywhere I look’’. And Karl stands to his feet dusting the dirt from his hands.
‘’I think I best get a couple of hours sleep before morning’’. He tells Bella looking down at her.
‘’Yeah ok’’. And Karl smiles at Bella before heading to his room his sister running through his room.
In the early hours of the morning just as the sun is rising Dan is woken by the smell of coffee and opens his eyes to see the young women he has spent the night with smiling with a cup of coffee in her hands.
‘’Morning’’. And Dan takes the coffee before the young women jumps off the bed and puts on her skinny jeans.
‘’Were you going, its early’’.
‘’Im going to get breakfast’’.
‘’Breakfast, it’ll not be open yet’’.
‘’I’ve stopped at this place before, you can sneak into the kitchen through the women’s toilets and make your own breakfast for completely free’’.
‘’Sounds good’’.
‘’It is, so what do you want?’’.
‘’surprise me’’.
‘’Ok then’’. And the smiling young women kisses Dan before heading out for breakfast. As the young women heads out for a bite to eat Dan drifts back off to sleep but is woken by a noise and sits up in bed and listens again as the noise is a tapping coming from outside on the window behind the closed curtains, Dam smiles at the thought of Roxanne standing there with two breakfasts in her hands.
‘’Use the door’’. He shouts but Roxanne knocks again so Dan throws back the cover and heads to the door only to find it is locked.
‘’Ah you locked yourself out, well your going to have to climb through the window now’’. He shouts with a smile on his face as he heads over to the window and as a smiling Dan opens the curtains instead of Roxanne standing there it is Joe who smashes through the window and grabs hold of Dan dragging him through, Dan then screams in terror as Joe punches Dan around the face knocking him out and then throws him into the back of his pickup truck before climbing into the motel and kicking the broken glass under the bed and then climbing out and closing the curtains behind him before driving away with Dan.
Bella wakes and sits up in bed, she then climbs out bed and heads to the bathroom turning the tap on and she does through the window she can see Karl going around sticking his sisters missing poster on every door and decides to get dressed before going and help before they all set back off again. Millie and Eric are sat eating breakfast when they are joined by Karl and Bella.
‘’Hey we were wondering where you two got to’’. Says Millie.
‘’I was just helping Karl out’’.
‘Really, what with because you two seem t be spending a lot of time together’’. She says with a smirk on her face and Bella looks at Eric who doesn’t like the thought.
‘’We were sticking up missing posters’’.
‘’Oh ok’’.
‘’See’’. Adds Eric.
‘’So have you two seen Dan on your travels’’.
‘’No why?’’.
‘’Because he didn’t turn up for breakfast’’.
‘’He left me a note last night, saying he’d hooked up for the night’’
‘’Yeah so he’s probably holed up in some girls room right now’’.
‘’Well were setting back off soon’’……
Joe stops his truck inside the junkyard and then heads to the back grabbing Dan and throwing him down onto the dirt, the fall wakes Dan and he looks up at Joe with fears in his eyes wondering where the hell he is and why and Dan then jumps to his feet and turns to run but as he does he sees at the gates are two big Alsatians growling with there teeth showing so instead Dan runs into the heart f the junkyard preying there is another way out or somewhere to hide as Joe follows behind., Dan then hides behind an old van and lies down on the floor looking underneath to see where his attacker is and he can see the feet of Joe in his dirty brown boots coming his way so Dan franticly searches around and finds in the dirt an steel pipe so picks the pipe up in his hands and grips it tightly waiting for his attacker to appear, he waits and waits seeing the shadow of his attacker on the ground approaching fast but just as Dan feels his attacker right beside him he swings the step pipe as hard as he can but when Dan opens his eyes he sees his attacker is no longer there, vanished into pile up of cars and Dan stands there with the steel pip in hand wondering where he went and as he turn around to head for the exit Joe is standing right thee behind him breathing heavily, Dan swings his steel pipe again but this time Joe grabs the pipe before it hits him and pulls it out of Dan’s hands throwing it to the floor before grabbing both hands of Dan’s with his and twisting his hands around breaking both of them as Dan screams out in pain, Dan then falls to the floor in pain as the bones stick out of the skin and Joe then grabs his steel chain as Dan lie screaming on the floor and Joe then looks down at Joe before wrapping the hook on the end of the chain around the foot of Dan and then dragging him along the dirt Dan screaming out in pain with no one to hear him and Joe then fastens the other end of the chain to a hook before pulling the chain and Dan off the floor before fastening the chain hanging Dan upside down and as he does Dan looks on to see the two big Alsatians running his way teeth showing and ready to attack and he screams out in pure terror as the two huge dogs attack him as he hangs upside down in pain and defenceless as the blood pours to the floor as the dogs continue to attack Dan biting his broken hands and face biting chunks out until he is dead and Joe simply stands there watching them.
‘’He’ll be here’’. And Bella and Karl then sit down for breakfast. The four finish there breakfast and are now ready to leave but there is still no sign of Dan.
‘’Have you tried his phone?’’. Asks Eric.
‘’Yeah and there’s no reply’’.
‘’Well we have to find him because we cant wait here forever’’.
‘’Ok, me and Eric will go and look around and ask at the bar and desk while you two go and see if you can find the girl he hooked up with’’. Says Millie to her sister.
‘’We don’t even know what she looks like’’.
‘’So ask around’’. And the four then go to find there friend.
Karl and Bella spot a group of young girls sat by the pool so head on over to ask about Dan.
‘’Excuse me girls but were looking for a friend of ours’’. Asks Karl not wanting to waste too much time looking for Dan when his sister is still out there.
‘’Really, who?’’. Asks one of the girls.
‘’Dan’’. Adds Bella. ‘’Dan Summers’’.
‘’Dan, I don’t recall a Dan’’. Says one of the girls.
‘’Wait didn’t Roxy hook up with a Dan last night’’.
‘’Oh yeah she did, the karaoke kid’’. And the girls smile.
‘’Do you know where Roxy is now?’’.
‘’Yeah she drew the short straw and is taking our dirty cloths to the laundry room’’.
‘’Laundry room, do you know where it is?’’. Asks Karl.
‘’Yeah, just around the back you cant miss it’’.
‘’Thank you’’. And the two then head to laundry room but when there they find Roxy is already gone but the maid tells them which is her motel room so the two head there instead and knock on the door before being answered by Roxy.
‘’Can I help you?’’. She asks her hair tied back wearing a white vest.
‘’We hope so’’.
‘Do I know you?’’.
‘’No, but we think you know our friend Dan’’.
‘’Oh Dan, you’re a friend of Dan, well when you see him tell him thanks a lot for bailing like that he’s a real gentlemen’’.
‘’Yeah we had a great night and everything was great this morning and I really thought he was a fun guy but then when I went for some breakfast I came back here to find he’s gone’’.
‘’Just gone’’.
‘’Yep’’. And Karl immediately begins thinking of his sister.
‘’No ,note no nothing?’’.
‘’No, nothing….a*****e’’.
‘’Do you mind if we take a look around?’’. Asks Karl.
‘’Take a look around, in my room’’.
‘’Just to see if he left anything, any clues to where he might be because he never turned up this morning and we don’t know where he is’’. And Karl shows the side of his father again.
‘’Ok but there’s nothing here’’. And Roxy lets the two in before they take a look around but quickly find nothing.
‘’Like I said, nothing, he is a creep’’. And Karl then looks at the window before heading over.
‘What is it?’’. Asks Bella and Karl then opens the curtains before finding that just like in Bella’s room the windows were smashed but this time it was recent’’.
‘’I aint getting the blame for that’’. Adds Bella and Bella then heads on over.
‘’Another smashed window’’.
‘’And look at that’’. and Karl points to the ground on the outside to see spotted trail of blood.
‘’That’s fresh and someone got hurt’’.
‘’I don’t know but this could link with my sister’’. And Karl then races out of the room leaving Roxy and Bella looking at one another. Karl heads to the reception where Eric and Millie already are and asks to see the manager and a few minutes later a chubby man with a black moustache appears.
‘’Hello sir, can I help you’’.
‘’Yes, can you please come with me while I show you something’’.
‘’Certainly Sir I a always here to help’’. And the manager follows Karl to Roxy’s room where he shows him the broken window and the splatter of blood.
‘’And you have no idea who vandalised by property?’’. Asks the now annoyed manager.
‘’No Sir but our friend is missing’’. And Karl then looks at Bella.
‘’and my friend here is staying in a room where the window in there has been broke too and boarded up already’’.
‘’Ah yes, room six’’.
‘’So what happened there?’’.
‘’A think it was a week ago a young man stopped in that room and in the morning when the maid went to clean he was gone, the room was trashed and the window broken, we reported it but the young man paid with cash so we had no ID and the camera on the lot is not what it used to be’’.
‘’A young man, was he alone?’’.
‘’I only saw him’’. And Karl then reaches into his pocket and his wallet pulling out a photo af his sister with her boyfriend Rob.
‘’Is this the young an?’’. Asks Karl and the manager takes a good look.
‘’Yes, I think it is’’. And Karl then looks at Bella. ‘’It’s Rob and he will have been here in that room with my sister so wherever your friend is my sister will be too’’.
‘’Wait, we can not jump to conclusions’’. Adds the manager.
‘’Where’s the next stop after this?’’. Asks Karl
‘’Er….. The junkyard’’.
‘’Yeah run by a guy called Joe, we don’t really see him around since his dad died’’.
‘’We were heading there anyway’’. Adds Eric’’.
‘’Ok then, lets go’’. And the four head to the car to go to the junkyard. On the journey Bella looks at Karl who is staring out of the window trying to inspect everything they pass and puts a consoling arm on his shoulder. As they continue on there way the car suddenly begins slowing down until to comes to a halt.
‘’What’s wrong?’’. Asks Bella.
‘’I don’t know’’. Replies Eric who is driving and Eric then pops the bonnet before heading to take a look and is met by a cloud of steam.
‘’Did you fill the car with water like I asked?’’. Eric shouts to Millie.
‘’You didn’t did you’’. Asks Eric now at the car window.
‘’I might have forgot’’.
‘’Might of’’.
‘’Well what now?’’.
‘’Now we walk’’.
‘’Yeah, one of us will have to walk to the junkyard to go and get some water’’.
‘’Walk, it’s a long way and its hot’’.
‘’Yeah, tell me about it’’.
‘’I’ll go’’. Says Karl.
‘’No I’ll do it’’. Adds Eric thinking that once Karl gets there all he’ll be interested in is looking for his sister and not returning to them.
‘’You wait here with the girls and I’ll get the water’’.
‘’You got your phone?’’ Asks Millie.
‘’Yeah I’ve got it’’. And Millie throws him an apologetically smile before he takes a glance at Bella in the back and then heads on the long walk to the junkyard.
‘I hope he’s not too long’’. Says Millie.
‘’Me too’’. Adds Karl who is worried about his sister.
Eric is walking along the long road his t-shirt over his head to protect himself from the glaring sun preying a car would pass.
‘’Millie is laid out on the bonnet of the car catching the rays while Karl and Bella sit by some trees in shade talking and Karl looks up at the trees before telling Bella a memory of his and Jessie’s.
‘’I can remember when I was younger and we had this big old oak tree in the back yard’’. Says Karl. ’’My dad planted it for my mom and it was always there special tree, anyway Jessie always wanted to build a tree house in it and the thought of a tree house in her special tree terrified mom, all that wood and nails and climbing not to her tree and Jessie would moan, moan about how her friends had tree houses and how she would play in one for hours and not get into any trouble buy mom wouldn’t budge anyway one day after school instead of going out on my bike with my friends like I always loved to do I emptied our old shed, I threw all the junk away, painted it all put some carpet down and cleaned the windows and I even put in one of y chairs from my room and then when Jessie came home fro her friends I showed her and she loved it, I told her she wouldn’t need any ladders and if there was ever an earthquake she it would fall like those in trees and she was so happy, the smile on her face I can see it now every time I lcose my eyes’’.
‘’And what you wouldn’t give to see that smile again’’.
‘’Anything, I’d give anything’. And Karl looks at Bella. The sun slowly begins to fall and Eric stands hands on knees exhausted from the walk but finally he can see the junkyard up ahead so he wipes his forehead with the back of is arm before heading on over. Eric walks up to the big steel gates and takes a look inside but can see no one.
‘’Hello…..is anyone there!’’. He shouts but still nothing so Eric pushes at the big steel gates opening them a little before squeezing inside hoping someone is still at the place or at least he can find supply of water.
Bella is laid in the back of the car resting her head on Karl’s shoulder while Millie sits in the front holding a hand fan to her face.
‘’Where is he?’’. Asks an inpatient Millie.
‘’It was some walk from here’’. And the three sit continuing to wait for Eric.
‘’Hello’’. Shouts Eric in the junkyard but there is no answer so assumes the owner must have gone home for the night so decides to look for a water supply and leaving before he gets in trouble for breaking and entering. Eric searches around the huge junkyard until he comes across a water pump and breathes out a sigh of relief before heading on over and filling his empty water bottle before heading for the gate but as he does Erich can hear the screeching of the gate so takes a look to see a huge man closing the gate where he had opened it, Eric then hides behind a pile up of cars not wanting the bug guy to see him on his property and kicking his a*s so he hides until he leaves and he can then climb the gate and Eric watches as the bug guy padlocks the gate before walking away and after a few minutes Eric heads back for the gates but just before he does Eric spots something, something in the shadows hanging down one of the junkyard aisles and his curiosity makes him sneak down to take a closer look and to Eric it looks like someone hanging upside down emotionless and not saying a word, he then gets closer and closer being quiet as he does until finally the shadows lift and Eric sees what it is, it is Dan hanging upside down his head and arms bitten to shreds the dirt below him layered with a pool of blood his face almost unrecognisable from the attack and Eric is immediately sick on the floor, Eric then wipes his mouth before franticly looking around himself to see there is no sign of anyone and hen takes a look at the big steel gates planning his dash for safety but just as he is about to run Eric spots two huge Alsatian dogs prowling around the place and knows he will not be able to outrun them so he finds a place to hide the back of an old car and preys that the other can help him somehow.
‘’Ok, he should be back now’’. Says Bella.
‘’I agree’’. Adds Karl.
‘’it’s a long walk from here but he’s had time now to walk there and back with time to collect water’’.
‘’He’s properly chilling out with a cold beer with the guy who owns the place’’. Adds Millie.
‘’I doubt that, not with us waiting here’’.
‘’Yeah and remember my sister and your friend are missing’’.
‘’Your right’’. Suddenly realises Millie as she drops her hand fan to the car floor.
‘’We have to go look for him’’.
‘’Walk out in the dark?’’.
‘’Well I guess if he is on his way back we’ll cross him’’.
‘’Come on then, lets go’’. And the three set off on there long walk unaware what lies ahead.
Eric lies in the back of the car terrified of what could happen trying to keep as quiet as possible and as he lies there he can hear the big man moving around so Eric raises his head slightly looking out of the dirty window of the car preying he isn’t spotted as he takes a look at what the big guy is doing and he looks he can see the big man untie the dead body of Dan which falls to the floor and then looks on as he grabs a spade and begins digging a hols in the very dirt of the junkyard and Eric knows exactly what it is for.
‘’How much further do you think it is?’’. Asks Millie as her feet ache more.
‘It cant be far now’. Replies Karl.
Eric then looks on through the dirt car window as the big man throws the body of Dan into the hole and begins throwing the dirt on top nut then suddenly as the big man is just finishing Eric hears one of the big dogs growl and looks in his horror to see the dog looking right at him, Eric ducks down but the dog counties to stare in at the car Eric preying the huge man doesn’t take a look but then suddenly the dog begins to bark, Eric peeps through the dirty car window to see the big man stop what he is doing and look in the direction of the car before he turns and begins to head on over, Eric is terrified and has to stop himself form screaming in terror preying the dog would stop barking but all it does is become louder and louder and the big man gets closer and closer Eric can see he is almost at the car and closes his eyes in pure fear but then all of a sudden the barking dog stops, Eric then opens his eyes and takes a peek to see the dog is now laid on the ground head bowed down and the big man is no where in sight, Eric preys that the dog simply stopped barking and the big man went elsewhere but his preys are not answered this time and suddenly a huge hand comes smashing through the window of the car grabbing hold of the foot of Eric, Eric then kicks and struggles to break free as the big man tries to pull him out of the car, Eric then manages to kick the big man twice in the face with his free foot breaking the big mans hold so Eric then desperately struggles and manages to open the door on the other side of the car and crawls out falling to the dirt, Eric then jumps to his feet and through the car and the broken window can see the big man standing there staring at him and Eric begins to run for his life. Eric runs and runs through the junkyard until finally he stops gasping for air and he looks around to see there is no sign of the big man but then all of a sudden the big man comes charging out between a pile of cars and charges right into Eric slamming him backwards into a pileup behind, Eric drops to the floor holding his back in pain as the big man looks over him but Eric then grabs a handful of dirt and throws it into the face of the big man before kicking him twice in the stomach, Eric then uses this moment to jump to his feet and run for it again but as he runs suddenly a steel hook comes flying and wrapping around his foot taking him down to the floor, Erich then tries to free himself from the hook but the chain attached is suddenly pulled by the big man who drags Eric towards him, Eric desperately tries to break free as he is pulled closer and closer to the big man until finally the big man is standing over Eric who stops screaming and looks up at the big man with total fear and the big man then breaks the silence by raising a sledgehammer and Eric immediately begins screaming trying to crawl away but the big man swings down his sledgehammer and smashes it right into the kneecap of Eric who screams the loudest scream he ever has as the bones of the knee crack and smash.
‘’What was that?’’. Asks Millie as they al hear the loud scream of Eric.
‘’It sounded like someone screaming’’.
‘’Come on, we have to hurry’’. Karl tells them as they head towards the junkyard.
‘’Ok were here’’. Says Karl as they heads towards the big steel gates.
‘’I cant see anyone’’.
‘’The gate’s locked’’.
‘’Well this is where Eric was heading so he has to be here because if not we’d have crossed him on the way’’.
‘’Maybe he climbed over to try and find some water’’.
‘’Yeah, but there could be a guard dog’’.
‘’Maybe that was the scream’’.
‘’Ok you two wait here and I’ll climb over and take a look’’. Suggests Karl.
‘’Climb over, into there’’ Replies Millie.
‘’I’ll be ok’’. And Karl begins to climb the steel gate and inside the junkyard.
‘’Be careful in there’’. Says Bella through the gate to Karl before he begins to take a look around the junkyard.
Joe is sat in the office of the junkyard wiping his dirty hands with a cloth when suddenly out if the window he spots Karl in the junkyard and gives out a groan before turning off the office light plunging himself into the hidden darkness. Karl is searching around the junkyard but cannot see any sign of Eric or anyone, he then stands still looking al around hi but there is no sign of anyone so he turns to go the other way but as he turns around both Millie and Bella are standing there and they almost frighten him to death.
‘’Thought we’d help you look’’.
‘’Yeah and we cant hear any dogs so….’’.
‘’Lets look around then’’. And the three continue to search the junkyard.
‘’My feet are aching’’. Complains Millie.
‘I still cant get a signal’’. Replies Bella as she looks at her phone and then suddenly Karl stops in his tracks.
‘’What is it?’’. The two twins ask and Karl then points forward and the two look to see someone ahead is laid face down and Millie rushes over and turns the body over to see it is Eric.
‘’Eric, Eric!’’. She screams and as he begins to come round he suddenly begins screaming in pain holding his mashed up knee.
‘’Baby what happened?!’’.
‘’Get out, get out of here!’’. He tells her clutching her hand tightly.
‘’Is there anyone else?’’. Asks Karl.
‘’Dan…..he’s…...he’s dead’’. And the two girls cover there mouths in shock and terror.
‘’Big guy…….. You got to get out!’’.
‘’I’m not leaving you!’’. Pleads Millie
‘’Come on then’’. And Karl helps pick Eric up throwing his arm around his shoulder and Eric screams out in pain as he is moved.
‘’How we going to get him out’’. Says Bella. ‘’We had to climb over the gate’’.
‘’Your right’’. And Karl then puts Eric down leaning him against the big steel gates before looking in the direction of the office.
‘’What?’’. Asks Bella wondering what he is thinking.
‘’That must be the office and I bet the keys to the gate are in there’’.
‘’No you cant, whoever attacked Eric and….. And killed Dan might be back there’’.
‘’And so might be my sister, I have to go’’.
‘’What if I go and get help?’’.
‘’It’ll take too long, we cant just sit here waiting’’. And Karl then searches around before spotting a plank like piece of wood so picks it up to use as a weapon.
‘’If you see anyone scream out loud’’. He tells Bella as Millie kneels down caring for Eric.
‘’Be careful’’.
‘’You two’’. And Karl then begins walking towards the office. Karl looks back at Bella and the other two before looking back at the office which is covered in darkness and Karl then walks closer and closer to the office until a noise stops him in his tracks, a noise which as Karl listens more is coming from a boot of a old junk car and Karl then listens to see it is a car close by him and approaches the car before trying to open the boot but the rusty door wont open so Karl pulls and pulls with all he has got until finally the boot of the old scrap car and as the boot flies Karl can barely believe his eyes as his sister lies in the boot feet tied together and mouth gagged with a cut on her forehead and brushing on her arms, Karl then feels relief run through his body but as he heads to help his sister out Joe suddenly kicks the door of the office wide open and charges out and looks to see Karl’s sister Jessie just beginning to climb out of the boot to safety so he slams the boot of the old car down and Karl looks on in shock as Joe slams the boot down so hard with so much force it slices off three fingers of Jessie’s which fall to the floor and as Karl looks on in shock Joe grabs him my the throat and lifts him clean off his feet. Karl gaps for air and Joe squeezes tighter and tighter but the Bella rushes over picking up the plank of wood Karl had before hitting Joe across the back twice and Joe drops Karl to the floor who holds his throat gasping for air and then as Joe turns his attention to Bella she hits him as hard as she can around the head and Joe’s huge body then falls to the floor out cold and as he does Bella drops the bat the floor before bending down to Karl who quickly gets to his feet before rushing over to his sister opening the boot of the car where his sister lies bleeding as she holds her hand.
‘’Jessie!’’. He gaps and Karl with the help of Bella get Jessie out of the boot and as they do she immediately falls to the floor holding her bleeding hand as tears roll down her dirty face.
‘’Jessie, let me take a look at your hand’’. He tells her and when she does he sees her hand is bleeding badly from where the three fingers were cut off and he quickly takes off his shirt before wrapping it tightly around her hand.
‘’Hold the shirt tight’’. He tells her before hugging her. ‘’I’m so sorry for all this Jessie’’.
‘’Take me home……please take me home’’. She mutters at him and Karl then helps his sister to her feet before looking at Bella.
‘’Come on, lets get out of here’’.
‘’What about him?’’.
‘’Lets go before he wakes back up and we’ll get the cops all over this place and send him to the chair’’. And Karl then looks down at the fallen body of Joe in disgust before helping his sister back towards the gate.
‘’What is it?’’. Karl asks Bella.
‘’We still don’t have the gate key’’.
‘’Forget it’’.
‘’How, how we going it get Eric and your sister over that huge gate’’.
‘’Your right and I need to get her to an hospital’’.
‘’You take her to the gate and I’ll look for the key’’.
‘’No, its too dangerous’’.
‘’Just go before he wakes’’. And Bella then runs into the office while Karl takes Jessie to the gate. Bella turns the light on and takes a look around the office for the keys and as she does she spots stuck to the walls cuttings out, cutting out of missing people, young men and women from all over the city and she fears they are all victims of Joe, and she then continues to loo for the keys preying she will come across them and not become one of the victims on the wall and finally she sees a set of keys hanging from a hook and preys they are the right keys before grabbing them and running out, she then walks slowly around the fallen body of Joe before running to the gate.
‘’Quick, quick!’’. Gaps a frightened Millie and Bella then rushes over to the padlock on the gate and franticly tries the keys struggling to use they keys with her hands shaking so much but she finally does and is relieved to find they are the right keys.
‘’I’ve found them!’’.
‘’Well lets get the hell out of here!’’. And Bella pulls the padlock off.
‘’What is it?’’. Millie asks Eric as he begins mumbling something through the groans of pain.
‘’Eric what’s wrong?’’.
‘’Are you ok?’’.
‘’He’s gone’’. He says and the rest of them all stop to look behind them to see Joe no longer laid where he was and was no where to see.
‘’Get that gate open’’. Says Karl and as Bella pulls the chain off Joe suddenly comes screeching towards them in his truck, Karl grabs hold on his sister and dives out of the way while Bella dives too pulling her sister with her just in time but Eric who is laid against the gate cannot move and he looks on screaming out in terror as Joe drives straight through him blood splattering all over the windscreen and Joe smashes hard into the gate before coming to a stop. Ten as the dust settles Millie looks into her sisters eyes as the two lie on the floor before jumping to her feet and seeing what had happened and begins to scream Eric’s name and as she does Bella jumps to her feet too and sees for herself what had happened and for a minute she does stands there looking at the bloodied mashed body that once was Eric until she realises she has to take control and get her and her sister out of this as well as her future nephew or niece.
‘’Millie, Millie’’. She protest shaking her by the arms as she looks into the tear stained eyes of her sister.
‘’Come on we have to go’’.
‘’I cant….not without Eric’’.
‘’Come on sis’’.
‘’Just leave me here’’. She cries.
‘’What would Eric want you to do eh? He’d want you to get out of here so lets get the hell out’’. And just then the blood soaked cracked windscreen of Joe’s truck is kicked out and Joe himself begins climbing out of the truck.
‘’Millie come on!’’. Protests Bella before she begins dragging her sister away from Joe down one of the alleys of the junkyard to try and find another way out while on the other side of the crashed truck Karl helps hi sister to her feet before they too run down one of the alleys to try and find a way out themselves. Bella and Millie are running for there life’s until Millie stops leaning against a scarp car and sliding down it to the floor the tears flowing even more and Bella stops to console her sister.
‘’Millie, we have to keep moving please’’.
‘’There’s a time to mourn and this isn’t it’’.
‘’I cant’’.
‘’We have to’’. And Bella helps her sister to her feet.
Karl and Jessie are running away from Joe but as Karl looks down at the floor he can see the dripping of blood and stops to look at his sisters hand.
‘’If have to tighten this up’’. He tells his crying sister.
‘’I feared I’d never see you again’’. He tells her as he fastens the bloodied shirt tighter.
‘’We….stopped for the night at a motel and we were attacked in the night, first the lights went out and then he came and Rob….’’. And Jessie cries more.
‘’Its ok, im here now’’. And Karl holds his sister tightly. ‘’I’ve got you back and I’m never going to let you go’’. And Karl kisses his sisters head. Bella and Millie are running away from Joe when suddenly two huge Alsatians suddenly begin running there way as the two girls spot them they run as fat as they can. ‘’Quick’’. Screams Bella as she runs toward a pile of two cars. ‘’We cant outrun them so we need to get up there’’. And the two girls then run towards the cars and Bella immediate jumps straight up before lowering her hand for her sister and as she grabs her sisters hand she begins to pull her up but before she is safe one of the dogs grabs hold of Millie’s foot who screams out in pain. Mille then begins to kick at the dogs face with her free foot and she tries to break free the dog refuses to let go. Millie continues to kick away at the dog as the pain sets in and Bella knows she has the get the dog off her sister so looks around for any type of weapon and looks to see one of the side windows of the car they are climbed on is smashed so she takes off her top and wraps it around her hand before pulling off a sharp piece of glass from the window frame and then aims it down at the dog swinging away trying to hit it until finally she stabs the dog right in the eye killing it and as she does the second dog sniffs at his fallen brother before running away and as he does Bella grabs hold of her sister and pulls her into the roof of the car.
‘’Your foot’’. She says before taking a look.
‘’It bit my ankle’. Replies Millie and Bella takes a look.
‘’Ok, its not too bad’’. Says Bella as she takes her shirt from around her hand and wraps it around her sisters ankle.
‘’Can you carry on?’’.
‘’Yes but which way now?’’. Asks Millie and Bella looks around them wondering the same.
Karl and Jessie continue to move along but as they do suddenly a scrap car comes tumbling off the too of a huge pile and falls right in front of them missing them by just a few feet, Karl and Jessie lie on the floor breathing heavily and look up to see Joe with a huge steel pipe in his hand and Joe sticks the pipe under another car and begins tipping it over towards Karl and Jessie.
‘’Come on, we have to move!’’. Shouts Karl to his sister as he grabs her hand and the two begin moving again and as the do another car comes tumbling down behind them and as they run away from Joe more and more cars come spilling there way. More and more cars spill to the floor as Karl and Jessie run for there life and as they turn a corner they see both Bella and Millie sat on a pile of two cars.
‘’Over here!’’. Shouts Bella and the two then run towards her and s they pass the dead dog Karl helps his sister up on top until he begins climbing up himself but as he does Joe grabs him from behind and drags him down throwing him to the floor, then as Karl looks up Joe swings down a sledgehammer his way and Karl just manages to roll out of the way in time as the hammer smashes into the dirt on the floor, Karl then jumps to his feet and when he does the sledgehammer is swung his way again and he this time he just manages to duck and the sledgehammer goes swinging straight through a car window smashing it into pieces and as it does Karl looks at Joe and the rage of what had happened to his sister rages in him and he punches the huge Joe around the face twice but the punches seem to have little effect and Joe swings a fist a Karl but he ducks it and punches Joe twice more this time in the ribs but that too seems to have little effect and this time Joe punches Karl in the stomach winding him and Karl drops to his knees and as he looks up he sees Joe raising the sledgehammer once more but before it comes crashing down Bella jumps from the cars and onto the back of Joe who drops the hammer as she does and Joe then begins trying to throw Bella off who holds on tight and Joe tries and tries to swing her off his huge frame until he races back and smashes her back into a car hurting Bella who lets go and as she does Joe turns around and looks at her as she slides down the car and Joe then grabs one of her hands before holding two of the fingers and pulling them apart breaking the two fingers and as he does Bella screams as loud as she can with pain and Joe simply stands there watching her his hair covering his face with just his two black eyes showing and as Millie sees her sister in pain she jumps down from the cars herself and pulls the piece of glass out of the eyes of the dead dog blood splattering all over her top as she does and she then looks at Joe and grits her teeth before lunging at him and stabbing the piece of glass into the back of his shoulder from behind as deep as she can cutting her own hand at the same time and Joe then gives out a groan before turning around to face to face to Millie and stares at her breathing heavily before he reaches over his shoulder and pulls the big piece of glass out and he then begins walking towards Millie who back away until she is up against a car and Joe then approaches her closer and closer and then in a flash Joe grabs her by the throat pinning her against the car behind her and Joe then looks directly into her eyes before plunging the piece of glass into her upper thigh and as Millie screams out in pain Joe begins twisting the piece of glass inside her leg around and around and Millie screams out in pain she had never felt anywhere near before and Joe twists the glass more and more staring at her screaming face as he does but then from behind Bella whacks him across the back with the sledgehammer, Joe then falls to one knee before getting back up and facing Bella
‘’Get your hands of my sister’’. She tells him as she hits him again this time right across the mouth and blood splatters from the mouth of Joe before he falls to the floor motionless and Bella then drops the sledgehammer before looking down at Joe who lies on his front a small puddle of blood forming around his mouth and she then rushes over to her crying sister pulling he piece of glass out of her leg before the two slide down the side of the car Millie crying and holding onto her bleeding leg while Bella holds her hand with the broken fingers closer into her not even daring to look at them.
‘’We…..have to keep moving’’. She tells Millie as the pain of her broken fingers intensifies but Bella knows she cant deal with it now and she then helps her sister up putting Millie’s arm around her neck before looking down at Karl who is just being helped up by his frightened and injured sister.
‘’Come on to the gate, quick’’. Says Karl and the four the struggle along to the gate but as they approach it they all hear a growl and look to see the last remaining Alsatian sat in front of the crashed truck of Joe’s in front of the big steel gates staring at them and growling showing his huge teeth. ‘’If we go near that gate he’ll attack’. Says Bella.
‘’But we cant find another way out’’.
‘’There has to be’’.
‘’Lets just kill it!’’. Pleads a crying Millie as she staggers towards the gate but as she does the dog begins to bark viciously as if it is ready to attack if they take one step closer.
‘’What about there’’. Suggests Millie pointing to the office.
‘’Yeah maybe there’s a phone or even a gun’’.
‘’Come on then lets get in there’’’. And the four struggle across to the large steel office and Karl opens the door before helping his sister in and he then helps in Millie and then Bella but as Bella steps into the office a big dirty hand of Joe reaches from behind the door and grabs hold of Bella hair trying to grab her back out, Bella screams as he head is yanked back and Karl then begins slamming the steel door against the hand of Joe again and again until finally he lets go and Karl pulls in Bella and when he does Karl bolts the door shut before looking to his left and dragging the steel desk across against the door before sitting against it with all his weight, Joe pushes and bangs on the door again and again refusing to give in as Bella too puts her weight against the steel desk to help to keep Joe out and finally after much banging and banging finally Joe gives in and the thumping is replaced by silence. And the four look at one another with much relief. After sitting there for ten minutes Karl finally stands up heads over to his sister checking her hand and he then grabs a towel he finds inside the office and replaces his blood stained top from his sisters hand and replaces it with a new one and he then checks the broken fingers of Bella.
‘’I have to crack them back into place’’. He tells her.
‘’No, no you cant it hurts too much’’.
‘’I have to, if I don’t infection will set in’’.
‘’No please’’.
‘’Bella please trust me’’. He asks her as he looks into her eyes and she then gives him a slight nod before he takes off his belt and asks her to bite on it hard and close her eyes and as she does he grabs the two fingers and bends them into the right direction again and as the fingers crack Bella screams out in pain. Ten minutes later Bella lies on a small roll out bed as Karl finishes strapping her sister leg and he then begins searching the draws to see if he can find a first aid kit but although he doesn’t he does come across a half full box of pain killers and a very old bottle of whisky stuffed far back in a cupboard and Karl passes the pain killers to the three girls.
‘’Give me a drink’’. Asks Jessie. ‘’For the pain’’.
‘’You cant mix’’.
‘’Karl, its two painkillers please’’. And Karl then passes Jessie the bottle of whisky and she takes a huge gulp before passing it on and as she does Karl sits beside his sister and puts an ar around her.
‘’Why what?’’. She asks as she rest her head on his shoulder.
‘’Why didn’t he kill me’’.
‘’He kept me’’.
‘’He didn’t….he didn’t rape you did he?’’.
‘’No, he never touched me like that, he kept me for company, he would just tie me to a chair hands, feet and mouth strapped and sit me by the table every dinner time him sat opposite me eating his dinner and when he was finished he’d put me back in the boot with a bottle of water and if I banged and screamed for help he’d open the boot up and slap me hard across the face with the back of his hand so after a while when my bloodied fat lip couldn’t take anymore slaps I stop screaming until I heard you’’.
‘’And he never did anything else?’’.
‘’No never, sometimes he would take me out and just sit me in here on a night with him and the dogs but it was all about company and nothing else’’.
‘’We’ll im here now’’.
‘I thought I’d never see you again, I thought this was it for the rest of my life living in this nightmare over and over again’’. And Karl looks down at his sister to see a small tear rolling down her face and he quickly wipes it away before kissing her on the top of the head.
A few hours pass and there is still no noise outside form Joe, Karl had searched every part of the office but there was no phone to ring for help and the four were stuck in the office. Karl covers up his sister with a big old coat probably of Joe’s before going across and sitting with Bella.
‘’We cant stay here much longer’’. He tells her. ‘’Both our sisters are have lost a lot of blood and they need an hospital’’.
‘’I know’’. She whispers. ‘’So what do we do?’’. And as Karl searches his head of an answer Bella looks up at the walls of the office and once more at al the paper cuttings of the missing people.
‘’Look at those’’ .She tells Karl. ‘’They must be all the people he’s….…he’s killed’’.
‘’Yeah like some sick trophy wall’’.
‘’Why? Why would someone do this’’.
‘’Who knows, all I know is I don’t want to end up there’’.
‘’It looks like he’s been making a living off this place’’.
‘’Junkyards always do, cars break and people need parts, maybe that’s how he got so many, maybe towing then in here or going out to breakdowns, its easy picking somewhere out here where its so lonely’’.
‘’But why hasn’t he been found out already?’’.
‘’People go missing everyday and if there’s no evidence and no body what do you do, plus small towns like this are just places you past through and there aren’t many offices of the law patrolling around here like you do in the bigger cities plus look at the size of this place, its like a maze and then there the huge steel fence and gate making it almost impossible to escape one your in’’.
‘’Well we have to’’.
‘’I know and that’s why I’m going to go out there myself, I’ll be quicker on my own and you three can lock yourselves here and wait while I come back with help’’.
‘’You cant go out there with him’’.
‘’I have to….for all of us’’.
‘’But if…..’’.
‘’Bella im so sorry’’.
‘’What for?’’.
‘For dragging you all into this, If you hadn’t all of met me maybe….’’.
‘’Don’t say that, we came and took Dan remember’’.
‘’I just want to get us all out of this’’. And Karl then grabs hold of Bella’s hand.
‘’Me too’’. And Bella then leans towards Karl and the two share a soft kiss before looking into one another eyes and as they do there moment is disrupted by the noise of car outside and Karl jumps to his feet pulling the steel cabinet out from in front of the window to take a look and sees a police car pull up outside the big steel gates no managing to pull in because of the crashed pickup truck on the inside.
‘’There’s an officer’’. Karl tells Bella.
‘’Well quick, get his attention’’. She tells him but as Karl begins t bang on the window suddenly a steel car bonnet is rammed in front of the window by Joe to stop the officer seeing them.
‘’What is it?’’.
‘’He’s covered the window’’.
‘’So what now?’’. She asks.
The officer climbs out of his car and takes a look inside the junkyard with his flashlight, he then looks at the crashed pickup truck wondering what had happened.
‘’Hello’’. He shouts. ‘’Hello is anyone there….police is anyone there’’. But no one answers so the officer gets on his radio.
‘’Shelly you there?’’.
‘’Go ahead Bob’’.
‘’Has there been any reports from old franks junkyard?’’.
‘’Like what?’’.
‘’A break in, theft anything?’’.
‘’Nothing on the computer’’.
‘’Ok, im going to check it out because something went off here’’.
‘Ok Bob, report back if there is’’.
‘’I will’’. And the officer then begins to climb over the steel gate and over the top ripping his trousers as he does before climbing onto the bonnet of he crashed pickup truck and down onto the dirt, the officer then looks at the large cut in his trousers and curses his bad fortune before taking out his flashlight once more and begins searching the junkyard.
‘’I think he’s inside’’. Says Karl as now both Millie and Jessie are awake.
‘’Bang on the window’’. Says Millie. ‘’He’ll call for backup’’. And Karl then begins banging on the window shouting for help and Bella then joins in helping him as they all prey the officer calls for backup. The officer searches the building until finally he hears the screaming and shouting coming from the office and flashes his flashlight towards the noise before heading on over.
‘’Hello’’. He shouts.
‘’Help us please!’’. Shouts Karl and the officer then pull the bonnet form the window and sees the four in the office.
‘What the hell’’.
‘’Please officer, we’ve been attacked’’.
‘’Who by?’’.
‘’A big guy’’.
‘’A big guy’’.
‘’Yeah the guy who’s place this is, with long brown hair’’.
‘’Please officer, just help us’’.
‘’Just hang on kid, I’ll get help right away…….’’. But then suddenly the officer stops talking and his eyes widen, the four stand looking through the window at him as blood slowly begins to trickle out of he mouth of the officer before he is lifted off the ground and the four look to see behind him Joe who had stuck a huge steel spike into the back of the officer and lifted hi of the ground the four looking on in fear and shock as the officers body is thrown to the dirt, the officer lies on the ground blood pouring from his mouth and he sees lying on the dirt just a few feet from him his gun that had fallen out when he was thrown to the ground with force and the officer desperately reaches for his gun with everything he has left but before he can reach it the spike comes stabbing through his hand pinning it to the floor and keeping the officer there and the officer then looks up at Joe who stares down at him Joe’s chin covered in dry blood form his own wound and Joe then looks at the four looking through the window before he grabs his steel chain and hook from the floor and wraps the chain around his hand before swinging it around and lifting the hook into the air before bringing it crashing down right into the stomach of the officer who screams out in pain and Joe then begins to yank at the hook ripping the officers stomach apart pulling everything out blood pouring everywhere as the officer screams out in agony and the four in the office look on in complete terror Millie too frightened to watch anymore as Joe yanks the hook fully out pulling everything with it killing the officer and his last remaining dog then trots over and begins licking up the spilled blood of the dead officer as Joe then drops the chain and look in the direction of the office.
‘’We have to move now!’’. Warns Karl as Joe heads over to the office and begins kicking as hard as he can against the door trying to force his way in, both Millie and Jessie lean against the steel desk against the door to try and keep him out while Bella and Karl look for any kind of weapon to defend themselves but as they search Joe suddenly stops kicking at the door and Karl’s stops wondering what Joe is up to and the four then hear a starting of a car and Karl quickly moves the steel cabinet to take a look.
‘’S**t, s**t, s**t’’.
‘’What is it?’’.
‘’He’s in a truck and revving it’’.
‘’Because if he cant kick his way in he’s going to crash his way in’’. And Karl looks at Joe behind the wheel as he reeves more and more.
‘’What shall we do? If we go out there he’ll run us over’’.
‘’that’s what he wants us to do, he wants us to think he’ll smash through the place so we’ll run for it and then he can pick us all off out there’’.
‘’So we wait here?’’.
‘‘But what if he does come through here’’. Asks Bella and Karl looks at her without an answer.
‘’What about this?’’. Asks Millie holding up a screwdriver.
‘’Good, now when he does climb out of that car im going to run for it and then…’’. But suddenly the wheels of the truck screech and suddenly the truck comes crashing through the office and right over Karl crashing into the back wall, Jessie covers her mouth with her hand as she stares at where her brother once stood tears streaming down her face.
‘’Karl……Karl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’’. She screams and Bella too stands in shock feeling as if she is going to pass out and Bella looks on as a crying and screaming Jessie flips and grips the screwdriver in her hand before dashing across to the truck and reaching through the now smashed window before driving the screwdriver into the neck of Joe and as the blood spurts out Jessie aims the screwdriver again but this time Joe grabs her hand and twists her hand before ramming the screwdriver right into the windpipe of Jessie and as she gaps for air eyes widened Joe climbs out of the truck holding his bloodied neck before he pushes the screwdriver right into Jessie’s neck until it is sticking out f the back and then as Jessie falls to her knees he grabs her head and rams it into the side of the truck again and again and again until all her face is blood soaked and the bones of her face cracked and Joe drops Jessie to the floor before grabbing hold of the handle of the screwdriver in her neck twisting it until the screwdriver pulls back out and he then rams it into the chest of Jessie and she is finally dead and Joe then leans against the truck hlding the wound on his neck and as he does Bella grabs hold of her sisters arm and drags her out of the smashed up office and back outside into the junkyard Bella pulling her sister along to try and find safety.
‘’Come on Millie we have to go’’.
‘’What’s the point, there all dead!’’.
‘’What about this’’. And Bella places her hand on her sisters belly. ‘’Think about that’’. And the two then get up before dashing away but as the two run Bella looks behind them to see Joe is no on there tail with a sledgehammer in his hands and Bella runs gabbing her sister along with her.
‘’We have to hide’’. She tells Millie who is struggling with her injured leg and Bella looks around them before seeing the car boot where Jessie was kept and Bella helps her sister inside before she begins to close the boot down.
‘’What about you!’’. Protests Millie.
‘’Just lie down here and keep as quiet as you can’’.
‘’Bella no’’.
‘’Please Millie, we don’t have time’’. And a crying Millie then lies down in the boot as Bella closes the lid and then runs away herself. Millie peeks through a small rusty hole to see where Joe is and moments later she sees Joe walking down with the sledgehammer in his hand a dirty cloth wrapped around the wound on his neck and Millie has to hold her hand over her mouth her whole body shaking as Joe draws closer and she watches on as Joe begins searching for them everywhere under the scrap cars and inside them desperately searching for Millie and her sister and as Joe begins growing more frustrated he begins smashing the scarp cars with his sledgehammer smashing windows and denting steel as he desperately searches for the twins hitting more and more cars groaning out loud as he does Millie holding her mouth tighter and tighter to hold in the screams and as she watches Joe cause havoc finally he stops letting the head of the sledgehammer fall to the dirt and as Millie watches Joe standing there breathing heavily Joe suddenly turns and looks at the car where Millie is hiding and she looks at him preying he wont comes this way but Joe then slowly begins walking over to the car Millie desperately holding in the screams as Joe approaches closer and closer and he then stops as he reaches the car before pressing the flat of his hand on top of the boot and slowly feeling across the lid of the boot and Joe then pulls his hand away before smashing the top of his sledgehammer on the lid of the boot and as the steel dints inside to the boot where Millie lies she begins screaming and wiggling around as Joe smashes the boot lid with his sledgehammer again and again Joe looking like he is enjoying hearing Millie scream and suffer until finally he stops hitting the boot and lowers his sledgehammer and Joe then reaches for the catch and opens the boot to reveal Millie who begins screaming as Joe stare down at her but just as he begins to raise the sledgehammer Bella appears behind him and hit Joe across the back again and again until he falls to his knees and Bella continues to smash away across his back until Joe falls down flat and she then grabs her sister hand before helping her out but as the two try and run away Joe grabs the ankle of Millie squeezing hard so Bella begins hitting the arm he is holding Millie with hard with the plank of wood until finally he lets go but Millie falls to the floor as pain shoots through her ankle and as Bella tries to help her sister up Joe gets to his feet and grabs her lifting Bella off her feet staring into her eyes with menace as if it was her he wanted to most and Joe then throws Bella across the dirt floor cutting the side of her head with the impact and as she opens her eyes she watches as Joe pulls a wobbly car door off and throws it at her and Bella just rolls out of the way in time before it hits her, Millie then runs over and begins beating Joe with her hands trying to defend her sister but Joe simply grabs her and punches her hard across the face busting her lip wide open and Millie falls to the floor before Joe turns his attention once more to Bella and Joe then pulls off another car door and throws it in Bella’s direction who is still on the floor wiggling back and Bella just dives out of the way again avoiding being hit by a fraction before she jumps to her feet but Joe grabs her with one hand and throws her into a car slamming her back into it and Joe then throws a huge punch at Bella but she ducks and Joe’s fist goes slamming through the car window behind her and Bella then rolls out of the way but as Bella is on her knees Joe reaches down and grabs her injured hand squeezing it tightly and Bella screams out in pain as Joe squeezes her hand more but Bella then grabs a hand of dirt with her free hand and reaches up rubbing it in the eyes of Joe and he lets go of her hand and Bella then open a nearby ca door and slams the door into the eyes of Joe sending him backwards and Bella then climbs on top of a car and then kicks the huge Joe in the face but Joe then gabs her by the ankle and drags her off and to the floor but as he aims down a large boot at her Bella rolls out of the way but as she finally comes to a stop and opens her eyes she sees that once more like the unstoppable force he is Joe is approaching her again but she kicks up kicking him between the legs and as Joe is dazed Bella jumps to her feet and looks across near the dead officer before running across and grabbing the bloodied steel chain that Joe used and she then goes to the back of Joe and wraps the thick steel chain around his neck before wrapping each end around her hands and then putting one leg on his back to gain extra leafage as she pulls on the chain and leans back with everything she has to try and choke him to death, Joe gaps for air and then grabs hold of the chain trying to loosen the grip around his neck and Bella pulls with everything she has but Joe overpowers her and begins to loosen the chain around his neck and the chain begins loosening around Bell’s hand but just before she looses complete control of the chain Millie appears and grabs the plank of wood her sister used and begins hitting Joe in the chest and as she does he loses his grip of the chain which tightens around his neck once more. Millie hits him again and again screaming as she does and Joe begins gasping for air as Bella pulls tighter and tighter trying to choke him to death and the two girls give everything they have to try and finally stop there huge attacker and the power in Joe’s arms begins to fade away along with his grip around the steel chain as Bella pulls tighter the chain cutting her hands because she is pulling so tight and the bloodied lip Millie beating away at his body with the wooden plank until finally Joe breathes his last breathe and his hands fall by his side before his eyes close and his body goes limb and as if does the twins look at one another before Millie stops beating with the wooden plank and Bella lets go of the chain and as they do Joe falls to the dirt onto his face and lie there motionless and Millie the falls to her knees crying and Bella tears rolling down her own face heads over to her sister wrapping her arms around her as the two sob for a minute before Bella looks into her sisters eyes.
‘’Come on, lets go home’’. She tells her through the tears and Bella then stands up before helping her sister up and the two then head for the gate Bella helping Millie along but as the two sisters move along suddenly Joe is back up and behind them and pushes Millie aside before wrapping the chain Bella had used around her neck and begins squeezing hard with venom in his eyes. Bella gasps for air her eyes bulging and Millie looks on as her sister’s face goes more and more red and her legs begin wobbling and losing balance and Millie knows Joe is too strong for her.
‘’Bella!!!!!! Bella!!!!!!!!!!!!’’. She screams through the tears as Bella reaches out with one of her hands for help so Millie desperately looks around and spots lying on the dirt in he shadows the police officers gun so she quickly limps over and grabs the gun blood dripping fro her lips and mouth as she does and Millie then aims the gun at the back of Joe as he conitues to choke her sister to death and Millie stands there aiming crying as she does and the gun wobbling but she takes a big breathe and then fires the gun hitting Joe in the back and she then fires again and again hitting him twice more in the back and Joe then lets go of Bella who falls to the floor and Joe falls to his knees before looking back at Millie who still holds up the gun her hands wobbling one more and crying and Joe then begins bleeding from the mouth before he fall to the floor dead. And Millie then drops the gun and rushes over to her sister the fastest she can.
‘’Bella, Bella she cries turning her sister over who is motionless.
‘’Bella, Bella!’’. She cries again shaking her sister and finally after several more attempts Bella wakes coughing repulsively holding her badly bruised and cut neck.
‘’Bella, I thought….’’. And Mille then hugs her sister as she cries loudly.
Millie and Bella are then out of the junkyard and staggering away as the carnage of inside the junkyard is there to see both helping each other along finally out of there nightmare and looking for help but on the inside of the junkyard a huge bloodied hand grabs hold of the steel fence from the dirt and as it does the last remaining Alsatian comes running out of the shadows and climbs on top of Joe’s crashed pickup truck before jumping over the gates heading towards both Millie and Bella who look back at it and scream in terror!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
© 2014 knapp darko
Added on September 10, 2014 Last Updated on September 10, 2014 Author![]() knapp darkobarnsley, south yorkshire, United KingdomAbouti love writing, tv, film,football and keeping fit. more..Writing