Freaks And Geeks

Freaks And Geeks

A Story by knapp darko

David is someone best described as a geek and Kirsty, well she calls herself a freak but when the two meet somehow they click.... and change one another


‘There I was on a hot Friday morning putting the finishes touches to my work, I had just took down and dusted every single one of my collectable horror figures, you wouldn’t believe the dust the collects on Kruger’s knifes or the amount of cobwebs on Jason’s machete.’  And David stands back hands on  hips as he looks proud at his job done, then as he does he spots a delivery van parking next door so leans on the window ledge to take a look.


‘That’s the old Wilkinson’s place, they moved when Mrs Wilkinson was exposed for having an affair with the town major I guess they had to move away from the shame’ And David then see a red car pull up behind the van. First an elderly looking women holding her back and with a scowl on her face climbs out of the passengers seat immediately inspecting the front yard.


‘Dam if she’s a keen gardener she’s some work, the Wilkerson’s owned a Labrador and it did quite a number on the place, I’ve never seen a dog poop so much not that I watched or anything’


And then David sees a women with blonde scraggly hair climb out of the drivers seat with handbag on arm and cigarette hanging from mouth.


’Wow, she’s no step ford wife’


And then out of the back comes a young girl who looks similar age to David but that s where the similarity looks like it ends. The young girl is sporting black hair, wearing her black converse pumps and chequer top.


’Man, all look at her, and they say grunge is dead’


‘’David your breakfast is on the table’’


‘’Coming Mom’’. And David runs downstairs.






David sits down to tuck into his cereal the same coloured cereal he’d eaten all his life. ‘Hey if its not broken’.


‘’Did you see the new neighbours moving in?’’. Asks his mother.


‘’Yeah I caught a glimpse’’.


‘’Maybe I’ll bake them a pie, as a housewarming gift’’.

‘’Sounds good mom’’. ‘My mom and dad were separated, they split when I was seven, my dad was obsessed with his bikes, my mom news to always say ‘those bleeding bikes always come first’ it wasn’t exactly in those words but you get the point, anyway when they split my dad would pick me up on a weekend and take me to the park to play games I wasn’t to interested in but after a few months he was offered a job in Monaco working for a top motorcycle company and he took it, ever since I get cards and money through the post but I don’t see much of him so pretty much its just me m mom and the cat Poggy, please don’t ak about the name’


‘’So you think a pie is a good idea’’.


‘’Yeah great mom’’. ‘She always does this but I guess it keeps her busy after all part time work at a nursing home isn’t exactly day consuming is it’


‘’Ok I better go’’.


‘’Ok so you at dinner’’. And David then heads to catch the bus to school.


‘’ Man last night was awesome!’’. Comments a large boy as he approaches David down the hall as he puts his books in his locker. ‘That’s Kevin, we’ve been friends since we were four years old, how did the friendship start I hear you ask? He stole my ice-cream’


‘’Man you were so killer on Gears!’’. It was a chocolate and caramel and you don’t forget something like that, anyway when he comments that I was ’Killer on Gears’ which by the way I was he is referring to the X-box game Gears of War which we play together most nights online with third of our mini-group Seth.


‘What’s up b*****s?’’. Says Seth as he joins them with a waiting  hand for high five which nobody takes.


‘’Seth where the hell were you last night?’’.


‘’I was at my karate lesson you know that man’’.


‘’I don’t care where you were last night but I do care where you were before that, lets say around four’’.




‘’Oh exactly’’.


‘’What’s this about?’’. Asks David.


‘’Seth here came our to my house to see if I was in but sadly I was at the pool but out of the kindness of my mom’s heart she let Seth wait in my room ,in my lair’’.


‘’So What’s wrong with that?’’.


‘’Tell him, tell him what you did’’.


‘’I played Gears’’.


‘’Please, speak up Seth’’. Asks Kevin.


‘’I had a little play of Gears big deal’’.


‘’Oh you did?’’. ‘You see Seth isn’t great at Gears of War and Kevin doesn’t ate girls, he doesn’t go out to parties and get drunk but the one of the things he does have in his life is his kill to death ratio on the online gears of war, he is or was third in the world league table and the guy in second is a Japanese freak of nature and first place well he’s just plain old weird’.


‘’This guy here tore I mean ripped into my kill to death ratio so much I look like a novice a novice!’’.




‘’I was just bored man big deal’’.


‘’No you were foolish and it will take me hours to reclaim third so never ever touch my pad again’’.


‘’Ok Master’’.


‘’Hey someone finally moved into the Wilkinson’s place’’. ‘I had to say something to stop there b***h fest’.


‘’Really, any girls?’’.


‘’Yeah, one who looks about our age’’.


‘’Is she hot?’’.


‘’How’s the rack?’’.


‘’I don’t know I haven’t really seen but she looks like a Goth girl’’.


‘’Ah I best pull out my best shirt and an old copy of the My chemical Romance CD’’.


‘’Maybe I can show her a few of my karate moves’’. Adds Seth.


‘’Ok, ok, well don’t forget to be at mine for six’’. David tells the two ‘Friday night is movie night at my house, it’s the time when me Kevin and Seth get together at my house with the soda and popcorn and watch movies mostly horror and our favourite even over Freddy, Jason and Michael please if you don’t know who they are I aint explaining and stop reading this now’  anyway our number one was The Evil Dead by far and Bruce Campbell was a King among men but more on him later.


‘’Ok six we’ll be there’’.


‘’Can you still pick ,me up?’’. Seth asks Kevin.


‘’Yeah ok but you aint eating cheetahs in my car again, my brother spent hours cleaning it’’. And the three then stop when they hears the school bell.


‘’Ok see you three later’’. And as Kevin turns to head to his glass one of the school jocks barges into him knocking Kevin into the lockers.


‘’Watch where your going steamboat’’.  Shouts Chris, he’s the captain of the football team and the one all the girls go for but for us three he’s just another bully who pushes us around every now and again.

And Kevin looks at the other two before heading to his class.


David is sat at  home with his mother as they have dinner.


‘’Hey I spoke to the new neighbours today’’.




‘’Yes, the women is called Rita and she’s moved in with her mom which I think is lovely and her daughter called  Kirsty’’.




‘’Yes and she’s the same age as you, Rita is going to see your principle tomorrow to see if she can get her in school’’.


‘’Ok great’’.


‘’And I kind of said you’d show Kirsty around town’’.



‘’Oh come on David’ she’s new around here and she hasn’t any friends’’. ‘There goes my mom again trying to hep everyone’.


‘’And she is a girl…..’.


‘’Mom’’. Something you just cant discuss with your them with your mother’.


‘’Well I was just saying’’.


‘’Ok I’ll show her around’’. ‘I reluctantly agree’.


‘’Thank you’’. And David’s mom then goes back to eating her dinner.


‘’So what were watching tonight?’’. Asks Kevin as he takes his seat on the couch. ‘We watch our movies in the cellar, when my dad lived here this was the place he kept his bikes and worked on them but when he moved out wanted it all gone and didn’t want reminding of him every time she came down here to do her laundry so me Kevin and Seth did the place out turned it into our movie room, the walls are filled with our favourite moves from Star Wars to Dusk Till Dawn a real A to Z of our life’s.


‘’Well I have the new Hills have Eyes Movie’’.


‘’What the remake?’’.




‘’Who directed?’’.


‘’A French dude’’.


‘’You know the who did Switchblade Romance’’.


‘’Oh yeah he’s cool put it on’’. And David puts in the disk.


‘’Hey can you remember Hills have Eyes part two when we were younger’’. Comments Kevin.


‘’Oh man’’.


‘’And those dogs that had memories of the attack’’. He laughs. ‘’My dog barely remembers to pea outside but those dogs could remember the lot, they remembered parts of the movie I even forgot about’’.


‘’Poor old Wes’’.


‘’Yeah man it’s a good job he came up with Nightmares’’.


‘’Hell to that’’. And the three open there soda’s before settling down for the movie..


‘’David’’. He hears halfway through the movie so pauses.


‘’Yeah mom’’. And David’s mom then begins to walk down the cellar steps with the girl from next door. ‘What the hell is going off!’.


‘’I asked Rita over for a pot of tea and I asked her to bring Kirsty over, she was sat over there all alone and I thought instead of listening to us two natter she could sit down here with you three on your move night?’’. ‘I cant believe she used the words movie night, watch a movie or getting together with your friends, anything but movie night’.


‘’Errrr……yeah sure’’. Says a slightly awkward feeling David. And Kirsty then walks again wearing her black converse boots with a ring in her nose and blue highlights in her black hair.

Kevin then nudges Seth who climbs off the couch and sits on a chair beside to make room for Kirsty. ’Well this is awkward’.

David’s mom then leaves them all to it. ‘’And there we sat in the silence all feeling awkward, I looked across at Kevin who was picking his finger nails and Seth who was reading the cat list of the movies posters on the wall, he always did that when he was nervous or bored, hey we all have our thing’.


‘’So lets put the movie back on’’. Says David.


‘’Yeah don’t worry, you haven’t missed anything yet, the camper van remains un-attacked’’. Adds Kevin.


‘’Camper Van?’’. Replies Kristy to which Kevin simply blows out his cheeks with the notion that everyone in the world had seen the original hills of eyes again everyone has there thing’.


‘’Ok then lets put it on’’. Says David to cut out the awkwardness and the four of them then watch the movie.

The movie is finished and David turns off the TV, now normally on movie night this is the art when David cracks out the red bull and they discuss the movies they’ve just watched but with a girl here that somehow didn’t feel appropriate.


‘’So I think I’ll get off’. Says Kevin.


‘’Yeah and I’ll have to go too seen as though your giving me a ride’’. ‘Oh great, they leave me here with the Goth, some friends they are!’.


‘’Ok then I’ll see you two tomorrow’’.


‘’Hey are you playing…..‘’. And Kevin stops looking at Kirsty. ‘I know what he was saying, he wants to know if I’ll be playing on line Gears later on but doesn’t want to look like a geek in front of the girl but in reality the three of us are’.


‘’Yes I’ll be on line later’’.  Replies David with a smile on his face and Kevin throws him a scowl.


‘’Ok then, I’ll be off, ok bye Kirsty’’.


‘’Later’’. And behind Kirsty’s back Kevin picks up two cans or red bull mouthing the words ‘I’m taking these probably to get back at me for mentioning gears and now the two of them will be driving home talking about the movie which was good by the way while im stuck with Kirsty, good times, gooooood times’’. And David then puts the movie back in its case not knowing what to do next.


‘’I have cable in my room if you wanna go up’’. Says David.


‘’Whatever’’. And Kirsty stands up to follow him. ‘Look at me, I’ve known this girl five minutes and I’ve got her following me to my room, smooth mover man smooth mover those jocks at school don’t know nothing’ And Kirsty then follows David to his room.


David turns on the TV wondering what channel to put on when he sees Kirsty looking at his figure collection.


‘’So you collect toys?’’. ‘Toy how dare she!’.


‘’No they not toys, there collectable figures’’.


‘’Well they look like toys’’.


‘’No the arms aren’t flexible and….’’. ‘I stop myself before she grabs my collectible Jason and beats me over the head for being too dam weird’


‘’So who’s your favourite ?’’. She asks. ‘What so she knows who those guys are?’.


‘’Er Michael’’. And David points the Michael Myers’’.


‘Why Michael?’’.


‘’Well the Jason series got a little repetitive and Freddy went cheesy’’.


‘’And the Halloween sequels  don’t suck?’’.


‘Some maybe but not as many as people make out plus look at the mask pure evil’’. And Kirsty looks at David with a raised eyebrow before inspecting another part of his room.


‘I cant believe she knew who those guys were’.


‘’Oh don’t tell me you’re a Star Wars fan’’. She says pointing to a poster of Return of the Jedi on the wall. ‘No im not a fan of one of the most famous and celebrated movies of all time!’


‘’Yes I am’’.


‘’Man you are a geek’’.


‘’Hey the Star Wars saga are great movies’’.


‘’Yeah and I love pepperoni pizzas but I aint going to have a poster on one stuck on my wall’’.


‘’Well I like to decorate my room in the things I like’’.


‘’Yeah I see’’. And as Kirsty turns back around David rolls his eyes before his mom knocks on the door. ’Finally’


‘’You two having fun in here’ ’Yeah mom my whole life is being analyzed by the judgemental Goth from next door!’. ‘’I was just showing Kirsty my room and we were going to watch a little cable’’.


‘’Well your mom is going home now Kirsty but you can….’’.


‘’Thank you Mrs Fisher but I’ll go home with my mom’’.


‘’Ok then’’. And Kirsty heads for the door.


‘’David can show you around tomorrow if you like Kirsty’’. ‘Mom she was almost out of the door!’ ‘’Cant you David?’’.


‘’Er yeah sure’’.


‘’Ok then’’. Says Kirsty before heading home with her mom and David’s mom throws him a smile before closing his door and heading back downstairs and as she does David throws himself back onto his bed.

‘’She mocked the Wars!’’. Says Kevin through his head piece as later on that night the two of them play Gears online.


‘’Yes and she mocked Michael Myers and called me a geek!’’.


‘’Little Micky Myers, that’s sick man’’.


‘’And to top it all off my mom has told her I’ll show her around town tomorrow’’.


‘’Looks like you have a date’’.


‘’With Kirsty, no thanks I don’t go for the moody the world owes me something im better than you girls’’.


‘’Wo man calm your passion and don’t forget girls aren’t exactly beating down our doors’’.


‘’Well if there like Kirsty I don’t want them to’’. And David then shoots one of the monsters on the game.


‘’Nice shot man, now cover me while I go and check inside this chamber’’.


‘Kevin you always have to go exploring, just stick to the mission’’.


‘’I cant man, I’ve got a pocket full of grenades and I need to taste the blood of the enemy’’. And Kevin franticly bashes on his pad as the two continue to play there game.


The next morning David is heading to his car to head to work when his mom stops him.


‘’don’t forget to Kirsty son’’.


‘’I wont’’. And David kisses his mother on the cheek before heading out, he then looks at the House next door before heading over and knocking and as he waits for a reply the old lady the crocked back answers.


‘’I saw you boy’’.


‘’Excuse me  m’am?’’.


‘’I saw you didn’t stick to the path and walked across our lawn’’. And David looks back to see there yard is in a state already and a few more footprints wont make a difference. ‘Jesus lady three weeks ago that was a dog’s personal bathroom’


‘’Oh im sorry’’. And the old lady tuts before turning away. ‘’Kirsty’’ She shouts and a few minutes later she appears in her usual attar.


‘’So where we going?’’ She asks.

The two of the are sat in David’s car as he drives to work.


‘’I work at the mall’’.


‘’What doing?’’.  ‘’I knew that was coming’.


‘’A comic stall’’.


‘’Comic stall?’’.


‘’Yeah’’. And Kirsty does not reply.  ‘Could  I be anymore a geek?’’.


‘’I thought we’d come in an hour early so I could show you around the place and grab a bite to eat’’.


‘’Ok’’. ‘Good don’t sound too enthusiastic’.  And David then pulls in the car park before the two climb out.


‘’Do you lie hotdogs?’’.






‘’Yeah who doesn’t’’.


‘’Well there’s a few places in the mall to buy them but in reality there’s only one’’.


 ‘’And where’s that?’’.


‘’Hog Dog Joe, the best in town’’. And the two then begin walking around the mall as David show’s her the sights.


‘’There’s the cinema, you have your cloths shops down there and down there is where you girls buy your shoes’. And David then looks down to see she is still wearing her converse boots, hardly girly.


‘’You…. Can buy converse down there with the boys stuff that’s if you want’’.


‘’Great’’. And David then spots a group of girls and Kirsty can see he is staring at one the rest of the girls are stood around.


‘’You know her?’’.


‘’Oh her, that’s Emma’’.


‘’Well she doesn’t exactly look like the kind of girl you hang around with’’. ‘The cheek!’


‘’No offence’’.


‘’Well I best go and say hi’’ And David heads over with Kirsty following. ‘I’ll show her!’.


‘’Hi Emma’’. Says David with a raised hand.


‘’Oh hi’’.


‘’What, what are you all doing here?’’.


‘’Just hanging’’.


‘’Great, great sounds…cool’’. And Kirsty rolls her eyes.


‘’Hey David have you managed to do that maths homework for me I was struggling on?’’.


‘’Yes I posted it in your locker’’.


‘’Thank you babe’’. And Emma then smiles. ‘’Well we better be getting off’’.


‘’Ok then, bye’’. And David awkward raises his hand again as Emma and her friends walks away and David then turns around to look at Kirsty who is chewing her gum with a look on her face.




‘’Nothing’’. And Kirsty begins to walk away.


‘’Tell me’’.


‘’Its just guys like you you’re a dime a dozen’’.


‘’And what’s that supposed to mean?’’.


‘’Doing  homework for the prettiest girl in school like her little lapdog’’.


‘’I’m not Emma’s lapdog’’.


‘’Oh yeah and when was the last time you two hung out or she invited you to one of the parties I’m sure girls like her throw’’.


‘’Well…er….. She has her life and I have mine and I get kind of busy’’.


‘’Really, your social calendar really that full’’.


‘’Yeah it is with homework and my job…..and stuff’’.


‘’Wow I see what you mean’’. And Kirsty begins to walk away.


‘’And what makes you so special?’’.


‘’Nothing that’s the point but at least I know it unlike you’’.


‘’ Im not a loser’’.


‘’I didn’t say you were a loser your just not special your scrawny, not good around girls probably not good at sports and you have a Star Wars poster on your wall, you’re a geek and im a freak’’. And Kirsty continues to walk.


‘’And what’s so good about being a freak?’’.


‘’Because I don’t have to suck up to anyone or pretend im something im not, people see my hair and see my cloths and they think they know me but they don’t but I don’t want to go around proving that point I just be who I am and the rest of you can get on with it’’. And Kirsty walks away leaving David standing there.


David is rearranging the comics in the book stall when Kevin walks in drinking a large red slushy.


‘’Hey don’t let Mr Kudos catching you drinking that in here’’.


‘’Come on the old mans on his break’’. And Kevin takes a drink before picking up a comic and looking at it.


‘’Wow these Iron man comics really bring in the dough’’.


‘’Since the new movie there’s been a demand’’.


‘’It was good though’’.


‘’Yeah better than I expected’’. And Kevin then puts the comic down.


‘’So where’s the lovely Kirsty?’’.


‘’Oh I don’t know, exploring the mall I think, walking around this place she probably looks like one of the Zombies in Romero’s movie with the look on her face’’.


‘’Why what’s she done now man?’’.


‘’Called me Emma’s lapdog’’.


‘’Emma Grainger, you are man’’.


‘’Screw you Kevin’’.


‘’You’ve been doing her homework since first grade and for what, I cant remember ever being invited to one of her famous pool parties’’. ‘He was right we never were, Emma was one of the popular kids while we, well…..’


‘’Come man just help me with these comics’’. And Kevin puts down his drink to help his friend.

After his shift David grabbed his jacket saying goodbye to Mr Kudos before heading out to find Kirsty so he can then head  home but as he walks out of the stores he finds Kirsty there waiting for him.


‘’Hey I was just going to come looking for you’’.


‘’Well you found me’’.


‘’You ready to go home?’’.


‘’Sure’’. And the two head to David’s car.


‘’So what did you get up to?’’. Asks David.


‘’Ah I went window shopping and grabbed a bite to eat’’.


‘’Did you go to Hot dog Joes?’’.


‘’No I tried Chilli Dog Pete’’. ‘Typical’.


‘’Hey im sorry I guess, if I upset you earlier’’. ‘So she does have feelings’.


‘’I was just being honest’’.


‘’Yeah ok’’.   And Kirsty then pulls out a pack of cigarettes and as she does she sees David give her a look.


‘’What’s wrong?’’.


‘’Er nothing….’’. And Kirsty then looks at her cigarette.


‘’Oh I get it, not a smoker I guess’’.


‘’Well no im not’’.


‘’Oh how im not surprised’’.


‘’ Those thing’s are bad for you but you know that already’’. And David rolls down his window.


‘’Come on David haven’t you ever done anything that was bad for you?’’. ’Why would I want to do that?’




‘’Again not surprised’’.


‘’I…. I can be daring’’.




‘’Yes, really’’. ’I can’.


‘’Ok then take a draw’’.


‘’Take a draw’’.


‘’Yes one draw’’.




‘’But, but, but your scared I get it’’.


‘’No im not scared’’.


‘’So take a draw’’. And David then looks at Kirsty before taking the cigarette from her hand. ’What the Hell am I doing?’

And David then takes a draw of the cigarette and as he des he coughs trying his hardest not to and the cough makes Kirsty laugh before she takes the cigarette back off him.


‘’See’’. Coughs out David.


‘’Yep you’re a real Daredevil’’. And Kirsty smiles at him.

David reaches home turning off the car engine.


‘O thanks for the tour’’. Says Kirsty before climbing out of the car ‘’And if the need kicks in….’’. And Kirsty jokingly throws her half full packet of cigarettes on the passenger seat before heading off home, David watches her walk in the house before looking down at the cigarettes, he then picks them up and climbs out of the car, David then heads up the drive throwing the pack of cigarettes in the top of the bin before heading inside.


‘’Your teas in the oven’’. Shouts his mom from the living room as she watches a game show.


‘’Ok thanks’’. And David then heads upstairs to the bathroom cleaning his teeth, he then looks at his reflection in the mirror and smiles at the thought of him smoking before heading back downstairs for his tea.


Monday morning arrives and David heads out to his car to go to school and as he does he sees Kirsty climbing into her mothers car the two of them heading to the school to enrol Kirsty.


David is eating is lunch in the cafeteria when Kevin and Seth join him. ’Look at Seth still bringing sandwiches from home just like he has since he was six’.


‘’Hey man I saw that girl who lives next door to you’’.


‘’Yeah Mortise’’. Adds Seth.


‘’She’s enrolling’’.


‘’Oh so you gonna be her school guide are ya?’’. Mocks Kevin.


‘’Yeah, show her the library’’. Adds Seth. And Kevin then stops looking at Seth.


‘’The library?’’.


  ‘’Yeah that’s were people make out right?’’. And Kevin rolls his eyes before looking back at David.


‘’No I am not going to be her school drive, I was only showing her around and now that is over’’.


‘’That’s it, man your in there’’.


‘’I don’t want to be in there’’.




‘’Because she’s…she’s not like us’’.


‘’Yes she’s a girl’’.


‘’Let’s just drop it’’. And as the three continue to talk a half of sandwich suddenly comes flying there way, David looks up to see the sandwich came from the direction of where the Jocks are sitting who are all laughing among there self’s.


‘’One day am going to go all Jet Li on there asses’’. Says Seth.


‘’Jet Li?’’.


‘’I’ve snapped before, remember Jamie?’’.


‘’Jamie was a girl’’.


‘’Due that thing was no girl’’. And the three smile.

That night David is taking out a bag of trash when he sees Kirsty sat on her front wall smoking.


‘’Hey I heard you were at school today?’’.


‘’Yes im officially a pupil of Strakswood high’’. And Kirsty raises her arms.


‘’So I guess I’ll see you there’’.


‘’Sure will’’. An David begins to walk back into the house.


The next day at school David and Kevin are taking part in gym class out on the field playing football. ‘’Now most people would say were just stood at the back talking because were no good but were not, were defending’


‘’Hey man you look tired’’. Says Kevin.


‘’Yeah Kirsty woke me up early this morning with some loud noise she calls music’’.


‘’So is she at school today?’’.


‘’Yeah I saw her at lunch brake sat with the Goth crew’’.


‘’Already that was fast’’.


‘’She doesn’t hang around’’. And Kevin is then hit in the stomach by the ball.


‘’Come on fat boy!’’. Shouts one of the fellow players.


‘’Hey im defending here!’’. And Kevin kicks the ball away.

A week later David, Kevin and Seth are all excited because at there local cinema they are showing the original Evil Dead.


‘’I cant wait man’’. Says Kevin on the phone as he takes another bite of his sandwich.


‘’You Pick up Set and then come over to my place first’’.


‘’Cant do man I’ll have to meet you there’’.


‘’Ok just don’t forget to pick Seth up’’.


‘’Do I have to?’’.




‘’I know I know, we’ll both be there’’. And Kevin hangs up. ‘We couldn’t believe it, our cinema was showing Evil Dead starring the God like Bruce Campbell it felt like Christmas’ And David then looks up at the Evil Dead poster stuck to his bedroom wall, it is a picture of a women’s hand  appearing from her grave. ‘I can remember the first time I watched Evil Dead I was ten, me and Kevin would have weekly sleepovers, one week at his place one week at mine, anyway one week it was at my place but my mom was working nights so we had a babysitter, her name was Sarah but when she did come over the only thing that got her attention was our fridge and telephone but at least that way we got to do what we want. Anyway Kevin came over even more giddy than normal and in his red Goosebumps backpack he had a blank tape, he told me it was one of his dads old films, a film about zombies in the middle of the woods and it had even been banned for some time and banned movies mean ids have to see them no matter what, anyway his dad has banned Kevin from watching it but he had snaekd the movie over to my house.


‘’Evil Dead, I’ve never heard of it’’.

‘’Dude my dad watched this in college and said he couldn’t sleep for days’’.


‘’You sure he didn’t mean the exorcist?’’.


‘’No my dad says she’s just a typical stroppy teen but this, this is the s**t’’.


‘Ok then’’ ‘And the two of us sat in the living room Sarah sat tin the kitchen as always and for the first time watched Evil Dead and it scared the life out of us, the blood the gore the look the noise everything we’d seen nothing like it, I went to bed that night and al I could see was Evil Dead’ it hit me like nothing before, Kevin usually slept on the floor but that night he was right in bed with me, the next morning we brushed off the fear but both agreed we loved it, we then watched it again and again and again loving it more and more, we showed it to Seth who puked the first time and cried a little before loving it just as much as us finally we tracked down Evil Dead two which is even better, a man chain sawing off his own arm which had turned evil, classic, and finally the third not as scary but still…. And after that we were devotees to the Bruce Campbell fan club, we traced down his other movies mostly cheap b movies but we enjoyed them all the same and now, now we will be able to watch the great Evil Dead on the big screen and I cant wait!’.

Two night later David is ready to go to the cinema, he was stood in the mirror looking at the evil dead t-shirt he was wearing ‘Hey it was a bargain off eBay’


‘’You going to watch your movie son?’’.


‘’Yes im meeting Kevin and Seth there’’.


‘’Well enjoy yourself’’. Mom’s in a good mood, its book night, her and fellow neighbours get together and well you know what they do’

David the heads out to his car and to the local cinema. On the way while he is driving David spots Kirsty walking down the street alone and wonders what she is doing out so late at night so he slows down and rolls down his window.








‘’You ok?’’.


‘’Yeah I was just wondering if you were ok walking out here so late at night’’.


‘’Oh yeah I went to watch a band with a few people I met at school’’.


‘’Oh really, that’s great’’.


‘’Yeah, so what you doing?’’. Some how mind doesn’t sound as cool, wonder why?’


‘’Oh im going to the pictures with Kevin and Seth’’.


‘’Where are they?’’.


‘’Im meeting them there’’.


‘’Your not going to watch Twilight are you?’’.


‘’No, im not going to watch twilight’’.


‘’Good because if you want a teen vampire movie there’s only one’’.




‘’No, Lost boys’’.


‘’Oh yeah, great film’’. Replies David as Kirsty leans against the car door.


‘’So mind if I tag along?’’.


‘’Tag along?’’.


‘’Yeah its cold and a fair walk from here, I was supposed to be catching a lift but there was no room’’.


‘’And the new girl lost out’’.


‘’Something like that’’.


‘’Well ok, jump in then’’. ‘Ill never here the end of this from Kevin and Seth, me turning up with Kirsty’. And David then sets back off.


‘’So what are we watching?’’. Asks Kirsty as she rubs her cold hands together.


‘’Er….Evil Dead’’.


‘’Evil Dead, isn’t that older than me?’’.


‘’it’s a one night special’’.


‘’Evil Dead, great’’. And Kirsty then turns on the CD player and on comes living on a prayer.


‘’Is this Bon Jovi?’’.


‘’Er…yes why?’’.


‘’Bon Jovi’’.


‘’If your referring to one of the most successful bands of the eighties then yes’’.


‘’Bon Jovi’’. And Kirsty then takes out the CD before throwing it out of the window.


‘’Hey that was a original’’.


‘’Well I’ll buy you another form the bargain bucket’’.


‘’Why do you always have to be such a….’’.




‘’Annoying person’’.  ‘I lied’.


‘’Its my guard ok’’. And Kirsty puts in one of her own CD’s from her bag.


‘’Guard form what?’’.


‘’People like you and the ones at school’’.


‘’Why do you have to shut everyone out?’’.


‘’Because then you cant get hurt, look at you with this Emma, im sure you let her into your heart and there she is dangling with it on a piece of string never really treating you the way you wish’’.


‘’Not everyone out there’s an a*****e Kirsty’’.


‘’Yeah well most are’’. And the CD then comes on.


‘’Who’s this?’’.


‘’ Who’s this? Its thirty Seconds to Mars’’.


‘’Thirty seconds to.. What is that a TV theme’’. And Kirsty rolls her eyes.

‘’you’re a movie geek right?’’.


‘’A movie enthusiast maybe’’.


‘’Whatever, anyway the lead singer is Jared Leto’’.


‘’Jared Leto of Panic Room?’’.


‘’Is that the one with the kid who looks like a boy and you only realise it’s a girl when the credits roll’’.


‘’Kirsten Stewart yes’’. ‘I fail to mention for the past six months I have had a celebrity crush on Kirsten Stewart’.


‘’Well Jared Leto the guy in that film, he’s the singer in this band’’.


‘’He seems to be doing a lot of shouting in this track’’.


‘’That’s not shouting that’s emotion, that’s what all you geeks lack’’.


‘’I have emotion’’.


‘’Really, prove it’’.




‘’I want you to roll down your window and shout out I wanna Rock!’’.


‘’I wanna rock?’’.


‘’Yes just be random’’.


‘’But im driving’’.


‘’Well multitask’’.


‘’This is stupid’’.


‘’I understand if you want to chicken out I mean it is the geek thing to do’’. And David looks at Kirsty before rolling down his window.


‘’I want to Rock’’. He mumbles.


‘’No louder, like I want to Rock!’’. ‘She doesn’t want much does she’.


‘’I want to Rock’’. Shouts out David. ‘Wow that felt kind a great’.


‘’You like that didn’t you?’’.


‘’It felt kind of free’’.


‘’Well do it again’’.


‘’I want to Rock!’’. He shouts out louder with a laughing Kirsty looking on.


Kevin is stood at the engine of his car which is smoking.


‘’What’s wrong with it?’’. Shouts Seth from the passengers seat.


‘’I don’t know, I haven’t got a clue about car engines’’.


‘’So why are you looking?’’.


‘’Because that’s what people do!’’.


David and Kirsty are stood outside the cinema waiting for Kevin and Seth.


‘’The film starts in five’’. Says Kirsty as she returns with her ticket.


‘’Kevin and Seth still aren’t here’’.


‘’Well wait inside for them’’.


‘’No I’ll wait here’’.


‘’Come on they know where you are’’. And David agrees before following Kirsty in.


‘’You tried there cell?’’.


‘’Kevin’s is going straight to answer machine’’.


‘’And Seth’s?’’.


‘’He doesn’t have one’’.


‘’doesn’t have one?’’.


‘’He says he’s living off the grid’’.


‘’But really he’s a geek with only two friends he’s always with anyway’’.


‘’Something like that’’. And the two take there seats. Kevin and Seth never show up leaving David and Kirsty alone together. ‘Wow this is almost like a date, I don’t know if I’d bring someone like Kirsty but still’ And David sits there right beside Kirsty and enjoys his movie.


‘’Pretty gruesome stuff’’. Says Kirsty as they leave the cinema.


‘’Yeah that movie never grows old’’. And he then takes a look around. ‘’I wonder what happed to Kevin and Seth?’’.


‘’Probably something on SI-FI or something’’. She mocks ’Sad thing is I racked my brains to think if there was and the even sadder was I knew what was on’.


‘’So my pick now’’. Says Kirsty.


‘’Your pick?’’.


‘’Yes you picked the cinema so im picking somewhere to go’’.




‘’Er…there’’. And Kirsty points to a small club across the street.


‘’Er I don’t think so’’.


‘’Come on’’.


‘’Its not my scene’’.


‘’Have you ever been to club?’’.


‘’Im sixteen, no’’.


‘’Well how do you know if you like it or not?’’. And Kirsty stands there with a look on her face.


‘’Ok but one soft drink’’. ’I cant believe I agreed’.


‘’Ok one’’. And the two head over.

Kirsty bring over two bottle of beer to there table.


‘’I said soft drinks were to young to drink those!’’.


‘’Yeah well I flashed my fake ID to the bartender’’.


‘’Fake ID oh God we could be arrested’’.


‘’Will you relax’’.


‘’Im too young for prison’’.


‘’David chill out’’. And Kirsty takes a drink of her beer.


‘’I guess you and your friends don’t drink’’.


‘’Alcohol no’’.


‘’What never?’’.


‘’Never, im a school kid’’.


‘’You’re a kid alright’’.


‘’Oh I get it your super cool with your bottles of beer and cigarettes, well how come you don’t hang around with the popular kids at school?’’.


‘’Because there all the same, plastic with the judgmental views’’.


‘’Judgmental views?’’.


‘’They call you a geek because you like movies and computer games, im a freak because I wear a ring in my nose and I wear a lot of black popular kids pigeonhole everyone else without getting to know them, they drive around in there flash cars daddy bough them and there nice cloths looking down on the rest of us’’.


‘’Wow sounds like you’ve been burned in the past’’.


‘’Popular kids is he reason I had to leave my old school and my mom moved out here’’.


‘’Really, why?’’.


‘’I was in a band and we were good, our name was the purple Crows anyway the school let us play at one of the plays ad everyone loved it except Suzie Livermore, she was a clone of your Emma and Suzie hated the fact that other kids liked us and not everyone’s eyes were on her and her stupid dog’’.


‘’A Paris Hilton one?’’.




‘’I hate those dogs’’.


‘’Me too, anyway Suzie went over to my boyfriends house’’.


‘’He the one in the band?’’.


‘’Yes he was lead singer, anyway she went over there and then I went over there’’.


‘’And what did you see?’’. Asks David and Kirsty then take a drink of her beer.


‘’I caught the two of them kissing’’.




‘’Yeah, he trying denying it making out she kissed him but I know what I saw’’.


‘’So what did you do?’’.


‘’What did I do’’. And Kirsty thinks back to punching Suzie around the face before punching her boyfriend.


‘’I just….stormed out and quit the band but after that school was tough, the popular kids tried to make my life hell, Suzie and her friends tried every trick in the book to wind me up and make my life hell and with no band anymore to back me up I just had to leave’’.


‘’Wow must have been bad’’.


‘’Yeah but im tough, anyway now in here’’.


‘’And that’s why you put the walls up to stop getting hurt again’’.


‘’Something like that’’.


‘’So what’s with the nose ring and blue highlights and stuff’’.


‘’Look X-Box is your thing this is mine’’.


‘’Ok’’. And David takes a sip of his beer.


‘’Come on lightweight, that was barely a sip, take a drink’’.


‘’Im driving remember’’. And David takes another little sip.


David is still sat at the table in the bar waiting for Kirsty who is in the bathroom, he then looks at the six empty bottle’s of beer on the table. ‘Wow we’ve had more than I thought’ And David then looks at his fingers and begins to wiggle them ‘Man I think im drunk’ And as he does Kirsty appears form the bathroom and sees what he is doing.


‘’What are you doing?’’.


‘’I was just…’’.


‘’Wiggling your fingers’’.


‘’Yeah I think im a little drunk’’.


‘’A little’’. Says a smiling Kirsty.


‘’Come on we better go and get a taxi’’. And Kirsty helps David up before they head outside.


‘’Taxi!’’. Shouts Kirsty.


‘’Wow the air out here is making me feel a little sick’’. Says David.


‘Come on get in quick’’. And Kirsty pushes David into a taxi before they head home but just a the taxi sets off and reaches the end of the street it stops and the back door open before David’s head pops out and he is sick on the street before Kirsty pulls his head back in and the taxi sets off again.


The taxi then reaches David’s home and the two climb out, Kirsty pays the taxi driver before helping David up his lawn.


‘’Wait, if I take you home like this your mom will kill me’’. So Kirsty turns back around and begins to head up her drive, David looks down at his feet to see he is standing on the newly planted flowers Kirsty grandmother had laid down and knew she was going to kill him if she found out, Kirsty then reaches the front door and puts in her key but then stops.


‘’W….hats wrong?’’.


‘’My mom now, if she knows I got you in a state like this she’ll kill me too after all your mom has made us feel so welcome’’. And Kirsty then looks around wondering what to do when she spots a tree house in David’s back garden.

Kirsty helps David up the steps to the tree house before climbing up herself to find David is already laid out on his back.


‘’Nice place’’.


‘’Yeah…my dad built it for me and Kevin when we were younger’’.


‘’I see’’. She says picking up a girly mag.


‘’That’s Kevin’s’’.


‘’Yeah right’’.


‘’It really is’’. And Kirsty then grabs an old blanket that was in the tree house and lays it on top of David.


‘’You just sleep it off’’.


‘’No I don’t want to sleep he says sitting back up’’.


‘’Your not as bad as I thought Kirsty’’.


‘’Well thank you’’.


‘’No I mean you are a little bitchy and a little but of a freak but deep down your not so bad’’.


‘’Why thank you’’.


‘’don’t mention it’’. And David then leans over and tries to kiss Kirsty who pulls away and David can immediately feel the blood rushing to his cheeks. ‘Although that could be the alcohol’


‘’Oh im sorry’’. And David then falls back onto his back and immediately begins snoring with Kirsty looking on.


‘The next morning I sat up to find myself in the tree house for a few seconds I wondered how I got there until I remembered and immediately wished I hadn’t, my head was aching like it had never ached before and there was no sign of Kirsty.


‘’David, David?’’. ‘Oh no, that’s my mom’’. And David sticks his head out of the tree house to see his mother standing at the bottom of the tree.


‘’What are you doing up there?’’.


‘’Er… last night it was so nice so I just thought…why not’’.


‘’O…kay, well breakfast is on the table’’.


‘’Thanks ill be right down’’. And his mom then heads back inside. ‘What an idiot I must lok, a sixteen year old sleeping in a tree house oh how I have matured’.


David heads inside and can only manage a slice of toast before heading to school where he is met by Kevin.


‘’Man im so…… wow you look rough’’.


‘’Yeah’’. And David then heads over to his locker.


‘’What happened?’’.


‘’I went for a few drinks after the movie’’.


‘’Woa wait, you went for drinks, David Fisher went for drinks…wait your not talking about soda are you?’’.


‘’No I mean beer anyway does it look like it was soda?’’.


‘’So you went for a drink alone, dude that’s so depressing and slightly alcoholic acting’’.


‘’I wasn’t alone’’.


‘’don’t tell me you met someone in the cinema’’.


‘’No someone came with me’’.


‘’Came with, you didn’t say you were bringing someone and please don’t say it was your mom again because when she came to watch Vacancy that time I cried myself to sleep with shame’’.


‘’No it wasn’t my mother and it wasn’t planned, I met Kirsty on the way and asked her if she would like to come’’ ’It was other  way round but still…


‘’Smooth man, smooth, they always say the quiet ones’’.


‘’What you homies talking about?’’. Asks Seth as he joins the two.


‘’David scored with Kirsty last night’’.


‘’So you went Goth for the night go David’’.


‘’I did not.. ‘score’ with Kirsty, she came as friend’’.


‘’And left as a lover’’. Replies Kevin in a deep voice almost Marvin Gay like, he was always good at that, at sports hopeless but Marvin Gay sound alike he was a God amongst men’’.


‘’No she ….didn’t’’.


‘’Your hiding something’’.


‘’No im not’’.


‘’Yes you are’’. Adds Seth. ‘’We can tell when your lying’’.


‘’Yeah your nose flares’’. And David holds his nose.


‘’My nose does not ‘flare’’’.


‘’Yeah it does’’.


‘’Like that time you lied and said you didn’t cry at the end of Marley and Me’’.


‘’I didn’t cry at the end’’.


‘’Yes you did because your nose flared’’.


‘’It didn’t flare, its just Marley reminded me of Lucy’’. ‘Lucy was the pet dog I had as a kid, she died a few years back at the grand old age of eighteen’.


‘’Dude you cried’’.


‘’Ok I cried’’. Says David before realising where he was and lowering his voice. ‘’Just keep it down ok’’.


‘’Dude it was a dog, you buy them they die you buy another’’. Says Seth and David and Kevin look at him.




‘’Anyway David what happened?’’.


‘’Nothing happened’’.


‘’Well maybe I’ll ask Kirsty’’.


‘’No…..ok I tried to…..’’.


‘’You tried to….’’.


‘I tried to kiss her and she pulled away’’. And Kevin and Seth look at one another before laughing.


‘’Oh thanks a lot you two are supposed to be my friends’’.


‘’Dude you crashed and burned’’.


‘’No I didn’t ‘Crash and burned’’.


‘’You crashed and burned dude’’. Adds Seth.


‘’Its ok man’’. Says Kevin as he puts a consoling hand on his shoulder.’’ It happens to the best of us’’.


‘’Yeah well I feel like an idiot and what about when I see her what do I say?’’.


‘’Nothing man just pretend like it never happened’’.




‘’Yeah it’ll save on the embarrassment’’.


‘’Have you two seen her today?’’.


‘’Yeah, she was with Cody and Helena’’. ‘Both Cory and Helena were Kirstys kind of people, Helena had died red hair and loved her Marilyn Manson and slip knot while Cody had shoulder length greasy brown hair and was a base player in a band’.


The bell then rings and the three friends go to there lessons.


‘After school I went straight home and slept, all day my head was banging so the fell of my bed was all I could think about but after only an hour I was awake and all I could think about was that stupid attempt at a kiss, why did I do it? Kirsty isn’t my type of girl, she like rock music and wears black cloths, she has a ring in her nose and blue highlights on her hair, she can be rude and like to call me a geek but for some reason I tried to kiss her, maybe it was the booze after all I am a lightweight’.


David then sits up on his bed and looks out of his window to see Kirsty is in the front yard helping her grandmother take care of the flowers he stood on the other night. ‘Oh man if I couldn’t feel bad enough already’ And David then has an idea.


‘’Hey Mrs…..’’ And David stops when he realises he doesn’t know Kirstys families middle name.


‘’Did you step on my flower’’. Asks Kirstys grandmother as she waves her garden fork from her knees as she cares to her flowers. ‘What do I say? Yes and let her stick e in the neck with her fork?’


‘’No Mrs…’’.


‘’ Lester’’. Kirsty tells him.


‘’Lester, I brought you this’’. And Kirstys grandmother looks up to see David holding a cutting of a rose bush.


‘’My mom ha a huge rose bush in the back and I just too a cutting for you, I thought it might look nice in the front yard seen as your doing it up’’. And Mrs Lester look at the rose bush in his hand.


‘’Roses have thorns’’. She says with a scowl.


‘’But they look pretty’’.


‘’Ok thank you ‘’ And Mrs Lester takes the bush from.


‘’Yes thank you David’’. Adds Kirsty.


‘’Hey can I have a word with you?’’. He asks.


‘’ Hey this rose bush does not mean you date my granddaughter’’. Replies Mrs Lester shaking her garden fork once more.


‘’Its ok grandmother were just friends’’. And Mrs Lester goes back to her plants and as she does Kirsty follows David down the drive so they can talk.




‘’Come with me I have something to show you’’.




‘’Just come on’’. And David takes Kirsty to his house and up to his room.


‘So what’s this all about?’’. Asks Kirsty as David reaches behind his bed and pulls out a guitar.


‘’What is that thing?’.


‘’What is it? A guitar’’.


‘’Er where’s the strings and why is it plastic?’’.


‘’Its guitar hero for the x-box’’.




‘’Yes you like music and I like computers so this combines the two, I wanted to make up for last night when I made a fool of myself’’.


‘’Oh yeah I was wondering when that would come up’’.


‘’Come on, lets have a go’’.


‘’I don’t know’’.


‘’Ok if your chicken I understand’’. And David then looks at Kirsty with a smile on his face.


‘’Give me that thing’’. And Kirsty grabs the guitar while David grabs his second one and the two then have a go, Kirsty chooses the song ‘Give me Shelter’ by the rolling stones as the first turn.


‘’Ok you just have to get the timing right’’. David tells her.


‘’Ok’’. And he then shows Kirsty how to play and they both begin, David looks across at Kirsty as she gets to grip with it with a smile on his face.


’Ok I admit it that was fun’’. Says Kirsty after they had finished playing and were sat on his bed talking.


‘’I told you’’. And Kirsty then looks up at a row of Lord of the rings figures on a shelf high on David’s wall.


‘’Why haven’t you opened those?’’. She asks.


‘’Because i have everyone in the collection and one day there going to be worth a lot of money’’.  But David can still see the look on Kirstys face


‘’What is it?’’.


‘’I don’t know, I just feel so sorry for them, they look so suffocated’’. And David looks up at them. ‘She does have a point’   Kirsty then picks up a CD.


‘’Wow, Pink Floyd’’.




‘’So you do have some taste’’.


‘’It was my dads, he left it behind when he moved out and I would listen to it when I was missing him it reminded me of him and every now and then I put it on, I have to wear the headphones because it reminds my mom too’.


‘’Yeah my dad bailed out on us years ago’’. And Kirsty raises her can of soda.


‘’Here’s to abandoning fathers’’.


‘’Abandoning fathers’’. And the two hit there sodas together and as they do David’s begins to overflow and spill on his bed sending David into a panic which makes Kirsty laugh.


‘’So how you finding school?’ Asks David as they walk down his drive back to her house.


‘’Yeah its ok I guess, hey I saw some big Jock trip you up the other day, its wasn’t intentional was it?’’ She asks ‘That big Jock was Buck the guy who tormented al geeks like me and yes it was intentional’


‘’No it was an accident, he stood on my lace’’.


‘’Oh ok’’.


‘’So I hear you hanging with Cody and Helena’’.


‘’Yeah there cool’’.


‘’What is it?’’. Asks David knowing there is more.


‘’Oh its nothing…..just Cody asked me to go to watch a band’’.


‘’What with all the rest of them like last time?’’.


‘’No, this time just the two of us’’.


‘’Oh ok’’. And the two of them reach the bottom of David’s drive.


‘’Ok I’ll be getting back then’’.




‘’And thanks for the game, I really enjoyed it even if it was a little geeky’’.


‘’Anytime’’. And Kirsty heads back to her house as David heads back up his drive.


‘’Come on man what’s wrong with you?’’. Asks Kevin as they play Gears online.


‘’You almost as bad as Seth’’.


‘’I heard that man I am wearing a headset’’.


‘’Oh yeah I forgot’’.


‘’I’m just not in the mood’’.  ‘I was lying, Kirsty was out on her date with Cody tonight and for some reason I couldn’t get it out of my mind’.


‘’Not in the mood for gears’’.


‘’Yeah maybe im just under the whether a little’’.


‘’What does that mean, under the whether?’’.


‘’I don’t know’’.


‘’You ok man?’’. Asks Seth.


‘Yeah I’ve just got an headache, I think I’ll call it a night’’.


‘’Dude you best be better for tomorrow because were up against the Regis triplets’’. ’The Regis triplets al played gears online and were good, freakily good the best you see team battles on gear are all about working together as a team and who has better togetherness than triplets?’


‘’Yes I’ll be ready’’.


‘’Ok man, go get some rest’’. And David signs off.


‘Ok man time to step it up’’. Kevin tells Seth.


‘’Im doing ok’’.


‘’Seth look at your kills, my dad has a better score’’.


David looks across at Kirstys bedroom to see she is still not home, he then looks up at the clock on the wall to see it is past twelve. ‘Probably gone for beers, wonder if Cody can drink as many as me, oh no wait a minute, I woke up in my tree house’’ And David then rolls his eyes and heads downstairs. David is putting out the trash when he spots smoke coming form his tree house. ‘What the….’ David then heads over and climbs up the ladder to find Kirsty up there and the smoke coming from her cigarette.


‘’Oh I hope you don’t mind’’. Says Kirsty.


‘’No its fine but I thought you were still on your date?’’.


‘’Yeah well that didn’t turn out too well’’.


‘’Why what happened?’’.


‘’Cody treated the night as a chance to get the leg over, after the gig we went back to his car e expecting a drive home but he never put his car keys in the ignition, instead he reached over and grabbed my a*s while trying to shove his tongue down my throat’’.


‘’So what did you do?’’.


‘’I gave him a warning before ramming my knee where it hurts and jumping out of the car and then I had to walk’’. And Kirsty takes a puff of her cigarette.


‘’Tell me David why are all guys a******s and only interested in one thing, my ex boyfriend, Cody there all the same’’.


‘’Were not all like that Kirsty’’.


‘’Well your whipped with Emma even though she doesn’t give you the time of day’’. ‘Ok I’ll let her have that seen as though she’s in a bad mood’ And David climbs in the tree house.


‘Come on just forget about him he’s not worth it’’.


‘’Well I now that now’’.  And Kirsty then pull out a beer from behind her back and takes a big drink.


‘’You want one?’’. ‘I couldn’t exactly say no, what would she think of me then’


‘’Yeah go on then’’. And Kirsty passes David a beer.


‘’ I lied to you David’’.


‘’Lied about what?’’.


‘’I do hate it when people judge me, they take one look at me and think they know me look at the girl wow she’s a Mosher, wow she must love her rock music I was always that Goth girl never Kirsty’’.


‘’Well I lied too, That jock who you saw push me over he meant to, he always means to Buck or as me, Kevin and Seth like to call him Mr Potato head likes nothing better than pushing us around with his jock friends, I can remember once in games we were playing football and im not very good anyway at end of games he and his friends all  jumped on me and pushed me in a huge puddle, a bit like the one in Evil Dead two’’.




‘’Doesn’t matter, anyway I had to walk back in head to foot covered in dirty puddle water, to add insult the teacher wouldn’t allow me inside in such a state o I had to strip to my pants and walk inside everyone laughing and pointing ad sine that day it hasn’t stopped, its never really bad but still I wish guys like that would all be sent to an Island to bully each other’’.


‘’Yeah like that Japanese movie’’.


‘’Yeah’’. .’I know the name but ill keep it to myself, I think I look like a geek enough’.


‘’I’d rather be friends with a geek than a jock any day of the week’’.


‘’Well thank you and id rather be friends with a freak than your plastic Paris Hilton wannabe’’.


‘’Thank you’’. And they both take a drink of there beer before David looks at Kirsty.


‘’And your right Kirsty’’.


‘’What about?’’.


‘’Emma, she doesn’t give me the time of day, ive been obsessed with her since first grade, I can remember walking in inhaler in hand and backpack on my shoulder and there she sat blonde hair flowing down her back and right from that minute I was sucked in, I spent my lunch money buying her juice, I walked her home and listened to her brag about what her parents had bough her this week but when we got a little older and hormones really kicked in the good looking Jocks were all over her and I got left behind, I tried doing her homework and helping her with school projects but I just wasn’t cool enough, I wasn’t the guy who was picking her up in my car and taking her on dates, I wasn’t the guy she was watching at football throw forty yard passes and then flash my six pack I tried to get a six pack once but its no use’’.


‘’A six pack doesn’t deify you David’’.


‘’But it does to girls like Emma, they can pick who they date and the popular Jock will always be the one, those teen movies which say different lie’’.


‘’So you never got your chance with Emma’’.


‘’No, b***h’’. And the two laugh.


‘’So have you ever…… even kissed a girl’’. ‘Oh man why did she have to ask that’.


‘’Oh ive kissed a girl and I liked it’’.


‘’David, why is your nose flaring?’’.


‘’No it isn’t’’. And David holds his nose.


‘’Come on David tell the truth’’.


‘’Ok, ok no I have never kisses a girl’’. And Kirsty laughs.


‘Go on make fun be just like the jocks at school’’.


‘’Oh David’’.


‘’No its fine, im a sad geek I get it, im the sad geek who never gets a girl, im the weird who hasn’t….’’. And Kirsty leans over before kissing David.


‘’…..Kissed a girl’’. Finishes David with a blank look on his face.


‘’Well now you have’’




‘’Don’t mention it’’ and Kirsty then leans her head onto the chest of David before closing her eyes and going to sleep and David sits there still with the blank expression on his face. ‘I kissed a girl, Kirsty kissed me, my lips are no longer untouched, I kissed a girl! Does that make me a man?’. And David then sits thee holding onto Kirsty as she sleeps in his arms.


The next morning David is up early in the kitchen cooking breakfast. ‘I’m making the works for Kirsty, bacon, eggs tomatoes the lot after all it’s the least I can do’ And David then places the food on the plate before carrying it outside and the tree house.


‘’Dam no orange juice’ And David then puts the plate down on the grass before heading back inside for the juice. David returns with the juice only to find a stray cat was picking at the breakfast on the grass. ’’Get away’’. Sys David as he runs to scare it away not wanting Kirsty to hear him and David then scares the cat away before looking down at the breakfast.


‘She’ll never know’  David thinks before picking the breakfast up but he then realises he cant do it so puts the breakfast back down and instead just taking the juice up.


‘’Kirsty I did make breakfast but…’’. As David looks in the tree house he finds Kirsty is gone much to his disappointment. ‘I couldn’t believe it, she was gone without even saying goodbye, was she so embarrassed and ashamed of herself for kissing me? Was I that bad?’ And David then climbs back down.

‘That day Kirsty wasn’t a school, all day I sat in my lessons thinking of the night before going over it in my head again and again.


David is putting some book in his locker when to his surprise Emma approaches him.




‘’Hey David’’. She says curling a strand of her hair with her fingers.


‘’I was just wondering if you’ve had time to do my history project because its due in today?‘’ ‘ Dam I’d forgot all about it, how do I forget something involving Emma what an idiot!’


‘’I’m sorry Emma it totally skipped my mind’’.


‘’Skipped you mind?’’.


‘’Yeah I’ve just been a little busy’’.


‘’What with?’’.



‘’Stuff’’. ‘If she didn’t throw so many pool parties maybe she could do it herself’


‘’Look I’ll do it tonight’’.


‘’But its due in today’’.


‘’I’m sorry’’’’. And Emma then goes off in a huff flicking her hair as she does. ‘Great my day just gets better’.


Later on in the day Emma’s mode had worsened after receiving a detention for her late project and as she heads to her car she sees Kevin and Seth eating there lunch so heads over sitting opposite the two, both Kevin and Seth then look up wondering why she had sat there.


‘’Hey Guys’’.




‘’So David’’.




‘’What’s he been up to lately?’’.


‘’Why don’t you ask him?’’ Suggests Seth but as he does Emma leans over the table slightly to give the boys a sneak peek down her top before sitting back up, Kevin dropping a piece of lettuce out of his mouth as he takes a look.


‘’Come on you’re his friends’’.




‘’So what’s he been up to?’’.






‘’Playing online and going to the cinemas’’. And Emma rolls his eyes.


‘’Oh and Kirsty’’. Adds Seth.


‘’Kirsty? The new girl, the one with the black hair and black cloths?’’.


‘’Yeah she lives next door to David’’.


‘’Does she now’’.


‘’Yeah and they hang out’’.


‘’Hang out like boyfriend and girlfriend?’’.




‘’Not yet’’. Adds Seth again.


‘’I see’’. And Emma then takes one of Kevin’s chips ‘’See you around boys’. She says before standing up and walking away and as she does both Kevin and Seth look at one another before shrugging there shoulders.


That night David is sat in the cellar with the movie ‘Lost Boys’ playing In the background as he writes up Emma’s history project an as he does he suddenly hears someone coming down the wooden steps and looks up to see it is Kirsty.




‘’Is it ok if I come down?’’.


‘’Of course’’. And Kirsty comes down and sits opposite David.




‘’What happened to school today?’’.


‘’Oh my head was way too heavy for double maths’’. And the two then stop talking and the cellar is then replaced with an awkward silence.


‘’So about last night’’. ‘Well im glad she was the one to bring that up’.


‘’I’m sorry’’,


‘’For what?’’.


‘’For what I did’’. ‘she’s apologising for kissing me?’

‘’I…. don’t understand Kirsty’’,


‘’David you’re a friend, a good friend but a friend nerveless’’. ‘ What’s she going to say next, its not you its me’.


‘’What I did was wrong, me and you are different, you like your computer games and movies and that’s great but I’m different’’. ‘’Guess I’m not hip enough for the beer drinking, cigarette smoking Kirsty’


‘’Anyway I still want us to be friends and it would be cool to hang out’’. ‘ Sure im cool enough for that’.


‘’Yeah ok’’.


‘’Ok then’’. And Kirsty throws David a smile before looking down at what he is working on.


‘’What is that’’. ‘Now do I tell the truth or lie…wait dam she knows the whole nose flaring thing’.


‘’Er….. A history project’’.


‘’History project?’’. And Kirsty then flips to the front page to read the name.


‘’Oh that’s Emma’s history project’’.


‘’Yeah I kind of promised’’.




‘’Hey it was due in today and knowing Mr Marshall I know she’ll have got a detention’’.


‘’Well good but she should be doing this herself’’.


‘’I know but I like to help’’.


‘’No you think this gives you a chance’’. ‘She’s right but I cant admit it’.


‘’No, she’s a friend’’.


‘’Really’’. And Kirsty then grabs the project David had been working on.


‘’Hey give it back’’.


‘’Why don’t you come and get it’’.


‘’Kirsty’’. But Kirsty dangles the project in front of him enticing him into taking the bait.




‘’Come on…..’’ She says as she wiggles the project in front of him and David then gets up before chasing Kirsty around the cellar, Kirsty giggles as David chases her around and she races around the couch again and again as David chases after her, David then catches Kirsty up and tackles her down onto the couch landing on top of her, the two then stop a they faces re so close together David can feel her breathe on his face.


‘’David, the phone’’. Shouts his mom and the two snap out of it.


‘’Ok I better go’’. Says Kirsty sitting up.


‘’Yeah ok’’.


‘’See you around’’. And Kirsty makes a quick exit. ‘Wow, what was happening there?’ And David then rubs his head before going to answer the phone.


‘’Hey man where are you!’’. Snaps Kevin.


‘’At home’’.


‘’So get your a*s online and help me and Seth take on the trips’’.


‘’Oh yeah sorry I forgot’’.


‘’What is up with you lately? This is our thing, this is what we do!’’.


‘’Ok , ok im coming’’. And David heads to his X-box.


Emma is sat by her pool at home complaining about her detention while Buck does laps.


‘’So I found out why David didn’t do my homework’’.


‘Your pet geek didn’t do what he was told?’’.


‘’Its because of that new girl’’.


‘’ What Goth girl?’’.


‘’Yes, she lives next door to him’’.


‘’Wow so the geek bagged a weirdo’’.


‘’No I cant have that Buck’’.




‘’Because finals are only a couple of weeks away and I need good grades if im going to get into law school’’. Both Emma’s parents were lawyers and are paid a lot of money for it and it was there goal to see there precious Emma to follow in there steps but all Emma had concentrated on during the last few years were cloths he nails and her popularity, not her grades.


‘’So do you want me to beat him up?’’.


‘’No, but there is something I can do ……’’.


The next day David pulls into the school car park to find Emma waiting for him much to his surprise. ‘’Emma waiting for me at school oh how I have dreamed of this many of times’.




‘’’David, I’ve been waiting for you’’. ‘She’s been waiting for me! Someone pinch me please’.


‘’You have?’’.


‘’Of course’’. And Emma then touches the arm of David. ‘ Has Emma just touched me, has there just been physical contact’.


‘’Oh…I have this for you’’. And David passes Emma her history project but she can tell it is not up to the usual high standards of David and she knows why.


‘’Ok but I was wondering if you wanted to hang out’’. ‘Wait did she just say…’.


‘’You know a date’’. ‘Oh God, oh God I cant breathe’.


‘’A date’’.


‘’Yes, pick me up at six’’. And Emma then walks away and mimics being sick as she turns around while David has a huge smile on his face.


‘’Your going on a date with Emma!’’. Says Kevin as David tells him and Seth in science period.


‘’You cant go on a date with Emma’’. Adds Seth.


‘’Yeah she’s like Mary Jane and your Peter Parker, but without the cool popular Spider man part, your just nerdy Peter Parker’’.


‘’Yeah and that guys not banging Kirsten Dunst without the superpowers’’.


‘’Exactly and you don’t have any’’.


‘’Guys your supposed to be supportive’’.


‘’Ok sorry man’’. Adds Seth patting him on the back.


‘’Yeah just don’t get hurt out there’’. Adds Kevin.


David arrives home to find Kirsty on her drive working on a scooter and heads on over.


‘’What’s this?’’.


‘’Like it’’. ‘Two wheels scare me a little, always have’.


‘’Yeah it looks…great’’.


‘’Just don’t tell me grandmother I’ve been working on this up the drive because she warned me against spilling any oil on her flowers’’. 


‘’My lips are sealed’’. And the two smile.


‘’Hey I have some good news’’.


‘’Oh yeah, what is it?’’.


‘’Emma, she asked me out on a date’’. And the two then go silent with the look of surprise on Kirstys face.




‘’Yes, she was waiting for me at school’’.




‘’Yes and were going out tomorrow’’.


‘Ok’’. And Kirsty then holds out a dirty wrench to David and he stands there looking at the wrench.


‘’What… what do you want me to clean it?’’.


‘’No help out’’.


‘’Oh I dint know anything about cars or scooters’’.


‘’You don’t have I’ll just tell you what to do come on’’. And David grabs the wrench before rolling up his sleeves and helping out.


‘’Just hold that there’’.


‘’Ok’’. And David holds the wrench in place.


‘’So your really going to go with Emma?’’.


‘’Yes of course, I’ve been dreaming of this since first grade’’.


‘’And you believe that suddenly she’s realised that she likes you too?’’.


‘’Yes it happens’’.


‘’Ok’’. And Kirsty continues to fix the scooter.

After she had finished Kirsty suggested the two go and try it out.


‘’You want me to go on that thing’’. ‘it’s a death trap!’.


‘’Come on live a little, your not scared are you?’’.


‘’What of that death trap?’’.


‘’Come on’’. And Kirsty passes David a helmet before the two set off.

David holds on tight as Kirsty goes faster and faster and she can feel the grip around her stomach tighten as she does which puts a mischievous smile on her face. Kirsty then waves through the traffic before stopping at  the top of a cliff just off the highway which has a beautiful view.


‘’Wow I’ve never been here before’’. Says David as he takes off his helmet and looks at the view.


‘’Yeah really something isn’t it’’. She replies as she sits beside him.

‘’Its so peaceful up here’’.


‘’Yes it is, I come up here to get away’’.


‘’Away from what?’’.


‘’School, home, life, we al need a break sometimes’’.


‘’Yeah I know what you mean, sometimes Kevin and Seth will talk about what they want to do when they leave school as if they have every planned out but I don’t know what I want to do with my life, I don’t know what I want yet is that a bad thing?’’.




‘’I just don’t know what I want in life, sometimes I think I have everything figured out but then sometimes.…sometimes I just don’t and its really scary’’.


‘’Life is scary’’.


‘’And then we die’’.


‘’Move on, don’t believe that science rubbish about the big bang, miracles happen all the time you just have to look closer’’.


‘’Maybe’’. And the two then look out at the view.


‘’So what do you want from life Kirsty?’’.


‘’What do i want from life, I want to be in a band, I want to travel around playing in tiny little bars and smoky rooms, doing what I love the most, a guitar in my hand and music in my ears’’.


‘’It sounds great’’.


‘’Yes it does, I just cant imagine living day in day out behind a desk nine till five the same again and again until you retire and then your too old to enjoy anything, now that’s hell’’.


‘’Sounds like it’’.


‘’You have to find what inspires you David, what’s inside you that burns brighter than anything else’’.


‘’Yes….yes I do’’. And David then stands up to take a better look at the view.


‘’David this isn’t right’’.


‘’What isn’t right?’’.


‘’You and Emma, she doesn’t like you like that’’.


‘’What? How can you say that’’.


‘’Because I know girls like her I’ve seen them so many times before’’.


‘’No Kirsty you don’t know Emma and you don’t know me’’.


‘’David im talking as a friend and I don’t want to see you get hurt by someone like her’’.


‘’Kirsty, ive told you how much Emma means to me so as I friend you should be glad for me’’.


‘’I cant’’.


‘’No you cant, because your not a true friend’’ And David begins to walk away.


‘’David she doesn’t like you!’’. Shouts Kirsty but David does not turn around and continues to walk before walking the whole way home angry at what Kirsty had to say.


David arrives home form his long walk to find Kirsty waiting for him leant against her scooter but David simply throws her a glance before walking up his drive.




‘’Just forget it Kirsty’’.


‘’Fine, but don’t say I didn’t warn you’’.


‘’Why do you care so much Kirsty, you said me and you were different people’’.


‘’We are’’.


‘’So What’s wrong with you?’’. And Kirsty looks at him not saying anything.


‘’Ok David….. I’m sorry’’.


‘’Thank you’’. And Kirsty then turns away and heads to her house lighting a cigarette as she does and David watches her leave before heading into his house to rest his aching feet.


‘The next day at school me and Kirsty avoided one another, I saw her in lunch sitting with Helena but apart from a glance there was no more communication.


Kevin and Seth are in David’s room playing with two of his light sabres as David himself stands in front of the mirror trying on every shirt he has wondering which one will look good on his date.


‘’Hey guys will you stop playing with my collectable light sabres and help me pick out a shirt’’. ‘Ok I bought the sabres from eBay but there worth something to me’.


‘’Dude you’ve tried on every shirt you own’’.


‘’Yeah just pick one man’’


‘’I don’t know’’. And David looks in the mirror at the horrible green shirt he is wearing.


‘’This one is horrible’’.


‘’Yes it is’’.


‘’So are we both going to watch a movie seen as though the love guru has a date’’. Kevin asks Seth.


‘’Er I cant man’’.


‘’You cant?’’.


‘’Cash flow problem’’.


‘’Cash flow problem, what on?’’.


‘’Cloths’’. And Kevin then looks at what he is wearing.


‘’Cloths, Seth you wear hand me downs from your uncle’’.


‘’Yeah because he’s cool’’.


‘’He’s forty seven and wears flip flops, forty seven!’’.


‘’ Forty six exactly’’.


‘’Wait I know where the moneys gone’’.


‘’No you don’t’’.


‘’Concur!’’  ‘You see in geek world concur isn’t a brown nut that falls from the trees and squirrels love to eat, no in geek world concur is an online role playing game were to advance you have to pay money for, real money, money for armour, for weapons and for potions, and just over a year ago Kevin was hooked on it I mean addicted and every bit of money he had he spent on the game determined to become the best a God among men in the online world he was like a crack addict needing money to get his next fix he was begging for money and spending money he didn’t have so in the end me, Seth and his family had to help him get off it and come clean, it was tough but he was finally there, just’.


‘’I’m not playing concur’’.


‘’Yes you are, I’ve told you what s**t can do to you’’.


‘’I’m not playing concur!’’.


‘’Come on Kevin he isn’t ok’’. Adds David to try and shut them up.


‘’Ok but if I catch you’’.


‘’Ok dad’’.


‘’Come on guys just help me pick one out’’ .And the two of them then help David.


David is stood outside the sushi bar where he and Emma were to have there date. ‘Ok I’m not a fan of sushi but this was Emma’s choice and David then takes a glance at his watch to see she is half an hour late and as he stands there feeling like an idiot Emma finally shows.


‘’Emma’’. He says going to give her some kind of half hug that all turns wrong and results in Emma saving it with a clear and simple but very unaffectionate handshake. ‘She’s been here a minute and I already look like an idiot!’.


‘’Shall we go in?’’. Suggests David.


‘’Of course’’. And Emma heads in followed by David, Emma then passes David her coat to hang up before heading to a free table and after hanging up her coat David follows her.


‘’So what you fancy?’ Asks David as he puts the menu down to see Emma is still texting on her phone.


‘’Oh I always have the same, number eleven’’. She replies never once looking up from her phone, David then looks down at number eleven to see he can pronounce or understand number eleven.. ‘’Sounds great, I think I’ll have the same’’. And David then calls over the waiter.


‘’Hello can I have two dishes of the number eleven please’’.


‘’You want the..’’. And the waiter then comes out with a phrase that sounds like it belongs in a Kung Fu movie. ’Yes number eleven’’. Simply replies David.

The food arrives and Emma finally puts down her phone, David tries to start up a conversation but Emma’s replies are short and swift.


‘’I’m really glad to be here Emma’’.


‘’Yeah me too’’.


‘’You know I’ve had a crush on you since first grade’’.


‘’You have oh that’s cute’’. Replies Emma even though she knew it all along.

After there meal which almost made David puke the two sit for a while and talk.


‘’So what did you friends say when you told them we were going out?’’. Asks David. ‘’Yeah I wonder what all those Jocks thought about that!


‘’Oh they were ok’’. Lies Emma who then reaches into her bag.


‘’Hey David could you do me a huge favour?’’.


‘’Sure what is it?’


‘’This’’. And Emma shows David a huge maths book.


‘’You know I want to go to law school right’’.




‘’Well a you know our exams are coming up and our coursework grade goes with your final grade so if I can get an A on this I’m halfway there’’.


‘’So you want me to do the whole of your coursework?’’.


‘’I’ll make it worth your while’’. She lies.


‘’But if im doing all your and my own as well when will we get to hang go out?’’.


‘’We wont, we’ll hang out, I’ll come over to your house and keep your spirits up’’. She lies again. ‘Wow that sounds good’.


‘’Ok then I’d love to help you’’.


‘’Thank you’’’ And Emma touches the hand of David with a smile on her face.

After there meal David heads straight home and gets to work on Emma’s coursework, he is sat on his bed working away when he hears someone playing a guitar and David sits up off is bed before heading to his window to take a look and there he sees Kirsty sat on her bed playing with a guitar and as he watches her she looks up and sees him there and heads to her window, the two of them had not spoken since there disagreement over Emma the other day.


‘’Nice guitar’’.


‘’Thanks, a got it today, it helps me chill out’’.  And David hopes the two can get along again.


‘’So how did the date go?’’.


‘’Good, good’’. He slightly lies not mentioning the huge amount of coursework that had been dumped in him, still if he was going to start dating Emma….


‘’Well I’m glad’’.


‘So are we ok now?’’. Asks David.


‘’Yeah were cool’’.




‘’Wanna come over and help me put red highlights in my hair? Me and Helena have got tickets to see Poison Ivy tomorrow night and red’s there thing’’. And David then looks behind him on his bed at the huge amount of coursework.


‘’Er… I best not, some other time though’’.




‘’I hope you enjoy the gig’’.


‘’Thanks’’. And the two then go back to what they were doing.


The next day Emma is sat in Buck’s car talking about her date with David.


‘’I cant believe I sat in there with that geek, I just prey no one saw me’’.


‘’You wanted it’’.


‘’Only to get all my coursework done to the highest of standards and that’s what will happen now, I’ll simply sweet talk the geek and he’ll go home spending every night helping me get the grades I need all my coursework will be A’s because the loser thinks I like him’’. And Bucj then laughs.


‘’Girl that is harsh’’.


‘’You have to do whatever it takes to get further in life buck whatever it takes and this is wat I have to do’’.


‘’You didn’t kiss the geek or anything did you?’’.


‘’Do you really think I would let that loser anywhere near this? He’s got the brains but that’s all’’.


‘’Good because if he tries it on I’ll….’’.


‘’I’ll take care of it, I can keep the geek under control, say enough to keep him interested’’.


‘’And when are you going to drop him?’’.


‘’Prom night’’. And Buck laughs again.


‘’Your going to dump him right before prom?’’.


‘’No im going to dump him at prom, that loser got me a detention and my parents went nuts when they found so im going to lead him along, get all my coursework completed and then drop him at prom’’.


‘’And then its you and me baby’’.


‘’You and me’’. And the two then kiss.


David is at home once again working on Emma’s coursework when his mom knocks on his bedroom door and then pops her head around.


‘’David Kirsty at the door’’. ‘ I wonder what she wants’.


‘’Ok I’ll be right down’’. And David heads to the door.





‘’Hey you fancy going somewhere with me tonight?’’.


‘’Going where?’’.


‘’Remember the gig I told you about?’’. ‘What was the name of the band again?’.


‘’Oh yeah I remember’’.


‘’Well its tonight and I was supposed to be going with Helena but she’s sick’’.




‘’Yeah we bought some cheap vodka last night and it didn’t agree with her’’.


‘’Oh ok’’.


‘’So you wanna take her ticket?’’. ‘Man I really have to do that coursework but how do I say that to Kirsty?’.


‘’Well I kind of got a lot of work to get through’’.


‘’Come on, one nights break wont do any harm and that’s all you’ve been doing lately anyway’’. ‘But she doesn’t know I’ve been doing mine And Emma’s work.’.


‘’Ok then let me grab my jacket’’. And David heads on out with Kirsty.

David is riding on the back of Kirstys scooter heading to the gig. Kirsty then pulls up outside a small building where people are queuing outside.


‘’Is this it?’’.


‘’Yep’’. And the two then climb off the scooter before getting in line.


‘’So what’s this band like?’’. Asks David s the stand in line.


‘’A bit like a cross between Blink and MCR but a little heavier’’. ‘Who?’.


‘’Oh ok, great bands’’.


‘’Yeah they are’’. And the two then wait until they are allowed inside and head in, David looks around the room to see they are all dressed like Kirsty and he looks out of place, there are people in big black boots, guys with stuck up Mohicans, there was red hair, blue hair lip rings and tattoos all very different form David who stood in a shirt and plain jeans.


‘’What’s wrong?’’  ‘Apart from looking like an idiot in this place, I’ll be eaten alive!’.




‘’Wanna get a drink?’’.


‘’Sure’’. And the two head to the small bar to get a bottle of beer  David hoping he doesn’t puke again.

After minutes the band appear on stage. ‘Wow they look like the young offspring of Spinal Tap’ …. yes I have seen that movie’.


The band all are wearing black t-shirts with a red roses design spread across them, the lead singer is wearing a purple Vail around his head and black mascara along with red highlights in his long blonde hair, the drummer looks like the son of Slash from Guns and Roses while the base player has a red Mohican and tattoos across his chest. The band then begin playing and the lead singer immediately begins screaming down the microphone much to the delight of the crowd who scream along as David stands there in the middle looking around at the screaming crowd around him and then looks at Kirsty who is waving her hands in the air and singing along with the band and everyone else. ’Man I best join in before the kick me out’ And David then awkwardly raises his hands in the air and waves them form side to side to try and look like everyone else. After three songs the band stop to interact with the crowd.


‘’Are you all having a good time!’’. Shouts the singer as everyone in the crowd lets then know that they are.


‘’Ok the next song on the list is ‘Lip sync!’. And the crowd give out a roar. ‘’But im not going to sing it, one of you are!’’. And the crowd go wild.


‘’So who wants to sing ‘Lip sync?’’ ‘Oh please not me’’.


‘’Who wants it!’’. And the whole crowd put up there arms and waves them, David puts his arm up too not wanting to look out of place. ‘Please do not pick me because I don’t know what Lip sync is’.


‘’You!’’. And the whole crowd seems to part as the long finger of the singer points to David who feels like there is a huge spotlight shining down on him.


‘’Get up here’’. And the crowd then push David to the front, he looks back at Kirsty who simply shrugs her shoulders before he is pushed up onto stage.

‘’Ok what is your name’’. Asks the singer to a very embarrassed and awkward feeling David.




‘’Im sorry no on heard you’’.


‘’David’’. ‘Please Scotty just beam me up’.


‘’David , everyone say hello to David’’.


‘’Hello David!’’. Shouts the crowd and Kirsty joins in.


‘’So David who have you come here with tonight?’’.




‘’Sorry David you’ll have to speak up’’.




‘’And who is this Kirsty?’’. He asks and David points down to her.


‘’Ah I see, so are you two dating?’’.


‘’No’’. Replies David as he looks at Kirsty.


‘’Why not, you think she’s cute don’t you?’’. And David looks deeply at Kirsty.


‘’Yes she is pretty’’. ‘Kirsty really is’.


‘’Pretty, girls don’t want to be called pretty David, they want to be sexy and beautiful, not pretty’’.


‘’ She’s….…she’s………’’. ‘What do I think of Kirsty?’ And David looks deep into the yes of Kirsty who stands there staring back.


‘’Ok lets break up this silence and Rock!’’ Says the singer before the song ‘Lip Sync’ begins, the singer sings the first two lines before aiming the microphone at David who simply stands there. ’Oh God what do I do now’. And the whole crowd and the band stare at him waiting for him to sing.


‘’Er….. .‘’Standing here without no fear’’.  Sings David. ‘Please God make some miracle that they are the right words but the whole crowd stop jumping and the band stop playing and all look at David and he really feels the spotlight on him now.


‘’Dark rain gives me pain?’’ Sings David preying that this terrifying ordeal could end and David looks at Kirsty who is pulling an embarrassed face for him.


‘’Sing when you win?…….’’.


‘’I cant believe you got us kicked out’’. Says a laughing Kirsty as they head to her scooter.


‘’I thought they were going to eat me alive!’’.


‘’Oh come on it was an experience’’.


‘’Experience! It was a nightmare!’’. And Kirsty laughs again.


‘’Come on sing when your winning boy’’. She says grabbing his hand.


‘’Why were we going?’’.


‘’For a drink’’.


‘’A drink, not again I’m underage!’’.


‘’Come on’’. And Kirsty drags David for celebratory drink. ‘The funny thing was despite the embarrassment and torture I still felt alive more than I had ever before!’.


The next morning David wakes his head aching just like last time only this time it felt even worse, he then sits up to find himself in the tree house again. ‘I’ve really got to stop drinking’. And as David sits up he feels a pain from his lower back and looks in horror to see he had the name ‘Poison Ivy’ tattooed to his lower back on the left hand side. ‘Oh My God, what happened! Please say it’s a transfer’. Bt as David rubs the tattoo it hurts and he realises it is real’ ‘Oh my God, its real! What is my mom gonna say about this, I don’t have tattoos! People like me don’t get inked!’’. And David rubs his head before climbing down the tree house ladder.

After an hours sleep in his bed David is woken by his mom telling him Kirsty is at the door so he gets up and heads on down.


‘’Hey sleepy’’. She says standing at the door and David then steps outside and closes the door behind so  his mother does not hear anything.


‘’What happened last night?’’.


‘’What do you mean?’’.


‘’I mean I woke up in my tree house with an aching head and a tattoo!’’. And Kirsty laughs.


‘’You cant remember can you’’.


‘’Remember what?’’.


‘’Last night, we went for drinks’’.




‘’And when I suggested we have a few shots you looked at my like I was some alien and I then realised you’d never had shots before’’. ‘Sadly that’s true’.


‘’So we had shots, shots of this and that me forgetting you don’t drink and an hour in you were all over the place’’.


‘’’I was?’’.


‘’You were showing everyone your moves on the dance floor’’. ‘Oh God’.


‘’Singing, telling everyone who’d listen about your Poison Ivy gig and then came the tattoo’’.


‘’Then came the tattoo?’’.


‘’Yeah you wanted your tongue piercing but I thought your mom might notice that and not be too pleased  so you went with the tattoo’’.


‘’Tattoo, a tattoo of Poison Ivy the band who embarrassed me!’’.


‘’Come on every time you look at it it’ll remember you of last night, when your older and stuck in daily routine and your ids call you boring you can look at that tattoo and remember that your not’’.  And Kirsty smiles.


‘’Well it hurts like Hell’’.


‘’Give it a few days and you wont even feel like its there’’. And David them remember the amount of coursework he has to get through this weekend and right now the way his head feels he just cant face it.


‘’Hey fancy going to my quiet place now?’’. He asks Kirsty.


David and Kirsty ride on her scooter to a place David knows, it is a small lake a few miles from where he lives, a peaceful, quiet place were couples and families go for picnic.


‘’Wow this place is great’’.


‘’Yeah its quiet’’. Replies David as he sits down on the banking resting his aching head.


‘’Come on’’. Suggests Kirsty.


‘’Come on what?’’.


‘’Lets have a go’’. She suggests pointing to a tyre swing attached to a tree which swings acorss the small lake. ‘I can remember when I was a kid and me, Kevin and Seth riding here on our bikes and playing on that swing, it was so great, a time you thought would never end a complete breakaway from everything and everyone, no worries, no responsibilities no pressure just a tyre swing and a lake and so many times I wish I could go back there’.


‘’So you game?’’.


‘’That things a death trap’’. ‘We did fall of it a few times as kids’.


‘’Come on don’t you get bored living safe all the time?’’. And Kirsty takes off her shoes. ‘’You coming?’’. She asks one more time before heading across to the tyre swing. David then lays back closing his eyes and resting his aching head but then after a few minutes peace he can hear Kirsty swinging across on the tyre and he sits up to watch her, he then looks on to see she looks so free and David knows he is always thinking about what people think of him, what do the Jocks think or what about the popular pretty girls or the rich girls, he wondered what they all thought bout him instead of just being himself just like Kirsty was being right now.


‘’Come on, jump on!’’. She shouts. ‘You know what I really do want a go’. And David then stands up taking off his trainers and socks before joining Kirsty on the tyre swing.


‘’don’t go too fast I get back motion sickness’’. He warns her and Kirsty smiles before swining the tyre and David holds on tight.


‘’Faster!’’. Shots Kirsty. ‘Woooooooooo!’’.


‘’No that’s fast enough’’. Says David but son he begins to enjoy himself and shouts away with Kirsty.




‘’I forgot how much fun this was!’’.


‘’We all do somewhere along the way David!’’. And the two swing away on the tyre both having a great time to troubles of school and popularity completely blown away.


After there fun tyre swing David and Kirsty are sat beside a small fire they built to dry David’s t-shirt after he fell form the tyre and into the lake.


‘’I cant believe you fell in’’. Laughs Kirsty.


‘’I told you that thing was a death trap’’. And David then looks at the bottom of his foot.


‘’I think something bit me in there’’. And Kirsty smiles as David looks up at her.


‘’I really enjoyed this’’. Says David.


‘’Me too’’.


‘’You know I seem to be saying that a lot when im with you’’.


‘’Yeah funny that isn’t it’’. And David then feels his lower back around his tattoo.


‘’How’s it feeling?’’.


‘’Sore’’. ‘And im sure this lake water doesn’t help’.


‘’Oh my God’’.


‘’What is it?’’. Asks David.


‘’A leech’’.


‘’A leech, where!’’. ‘Oh please don’t let it be on me’.


‘’On your back!’’.


‘’Get it off, get it off!’’. Panics David trying to keep his calm the best he can.


‘’Ok hold still’’. Says Kirsty grabbing a stick.


‘’Just get it off me!’’.


‘’Ok hold still’’. And Kirsty then flicks the leech off the back of a panicking David.


‘’Wow I thought you were going to pass out back there’’.

‘’No I just don’t like leech’s’’. ‘That’s a lie, im just a wuss’.


‘’Ok turn around and ill check you’’.


‘’No im ok’’.


‘’Kirsty those things suck your blood’’. ‘They really do’. And Kirsty then turns around and lifts up her t-shirt and as she does a scar running across her lower back immediately catches the attention on David.


‘’Ok can you see anything?’’. She asks but David does not reply immediately. ‘’David!’’.


‘No, no leeches’’. And Kirsty then quickly puts down her t-shirt and as she turns around David can see she is not too pleased.


‘’Come on, we best get back’’. And Kirsty then grabs her things before heading to her sooter never once looking at David or mentioning the scar and the two then head back home on Kirsty’s scooter.


‘’Ok see you at school Kirsty’’.


‘’Yeah see you at school’. And Kirsty then heads up her drive and home as David watches on. ‘I stood there wondering what was wrong with her, what was the story with the scar and why so sensitive about it?’. And David then heads into his house.


The next day at school David is sat with Kevin and Seth as the three of them eat lunch.


‘’Hey why don’t you go and sit over there?’’.. Suggests Kevin to David as he points over at Emma sitting with her pretty girl friends and the Jocks.


‘’No man its not like that with us’’.




‘’Yeah im her escape from that, we have deep conversations and talk about real things that matter’’. ‘Well sometimes we do or at least I do while she listens’.


‘’Yeah and all the tie I bet your staring at her rack’’.




‘’I’m sorry dude my bad’’.


‘’Ok tonight is the night’’. Adds Seth. ‘a few days ago we did play the triplets online but we lost, my mind was elsewhere and they were on fire, anyway after there victory the trips did there normal online bragging like always and Kevin replied with the challenge of a rematch, three on three match to the death the triplets against us with the whole online world watching, and if we won the triplets had to move on to another game, maybe WOW or Halo and if they won Kevin lost his car’’.


‘’Man you should have got a better deal’’. Adds Seth.


‘’It is what it is, have you been practising’’.


‘’Yeah like every night’’. ‘Good he needed it’.


‘’And you David?’’.


‘’Of course’’. ‘I was lying, I was too busy with coursework’.


‘’Ok then and remember he whole world is watching so bring you’re a game’’. ‘Kevin always did like his big speeches’.


‘’And at the weekend were going to watch a movie’’. Adds Seth.


‘’What movie’’.




‘’No way’’. Both Kevin and David say at the same time.


‘’Eli Roth is a wannabe’’.


‘’Yeah he said Cabin Fever was great and what was it David’’.


‘’Lame kids with a bad skin condition’’.


‘’He said Hostel would blow us all away and what was that David?’’.


‘’A potentially great idea ruined by a bad executioner’’.


‘’And Hostel two was going to be so sick it would re-invent horror…David’’.


‘’Worse than the first, wasted opportunity’’.


‘’Exactly, if the guys movies were as half as good as his talk they’d be brilliant but there not’’.


‘’So were not going to the movies?….’’. And Kevin and David looks at each other with raised eyebrows.


Before David heads home from school he catches Emma just as she is jumping in her car.


‘’Hey Emma’’.




‘’I was wondering if you wanted to go out tomorrow night, maybe go see a movie’’. ‘Not thanksgiving’.




‘’Great’’. And David smiles.


‘’Oh and have you been doing ok with the coursework’’.


‘’Of course, guaranteed A’s’’.


‘’Oh thank you David’’.


‘’Its fine’’. And a happy David then heads to his car while Emma pulls a face at the thought of going on another date with David but remembers it is all for a good cause.


‘’Ok everyone ready’’. Says Kevin through his head piece as the thee of them get ready for there war with the trips.


‘’Ready!’’. Strongly replies Seth.




‘’I’m good to go’’.


‘’Ok trips, over to you’’.


‘’I’ll pick the car up tomorrow around twelve’’. Replies Mark one of the triplets.


‘’don’t worry it’ll already be over there when I visit your mom’’.


‘’Your going down fat boy’’.


‘’Hey im a working progress, a working progress!’’.


‘’Whatever’’. Adds the second triplet Gavin.


‘’You know I really feel sorry for you three all looking the same with your gangly frames and white pube hair’’.


‘Its blonde’’.


‘’Dudes right up to a couple of months ago I thought you three were albinos’’. Adds  Seth.


‘’Ok Seth, my bro got my back’’.


‘’Lets see who’s doing the talking at the end of the match’’.


‘’Yeah!’’. Adds the third triplet Simon.


‘’Hey Simon there’s only one Star and that’s of the wars not the trek’’ Mocks Kevin to the star trek obsessed Simon.


‘’Take that back!’’.


‘’ Wow star trek with its bad special effects and man love between captain berk and spock’’.


‘’Yeah well all star wars is about is a young guy with father issues’’.


‘’Father issues, his dad is vader!’’.


‘’An old man with a sore throat who pretends to be black’’.


‘’Man you don’t understand Vader and you never will, he could kill your trek guys in there very gay costumes without even touching them’’.


‘’I’d love to see him take on the Spock’’.


‘’Spock, man Yoda could handle Spock’’.


‘’That sesame street cat off’’.


‘’Morel like Jedi Master ‘’.


‘’Oh yeah and what about that stupid big dog’’. Laughs Gavin,


‘’Chewy, his name is chewy’’.


‘’Are we going to play or what’’. Buts in David sick of listening to them. ’’Come on lets play’’.


‘I agree’’.


‘’because we all know star wars conquers all’’. ’I couldn’t help it’.


The six of them then begin there online fight on the game Gears Of War and it is intense, all six are giving it there all not wanting to lose to there rivals, the trips take the early lead targeting Seth while Kevin gets things level with moves that regular games can only dream about and the battle goes on and on, too tight to tell which way it will go, all of them give it there all until it comes down to the last battle and the last fight, Gavin and Mark of the triplets were sot dead while David and Seth were also casualties of the war and now it was down to Mark and Kevin, man versus man the end of the war.


‘’Be careful Kev’’. Adds Seth.


‘’Watch your back Simon’’. And the two then hunt for one another around the Alien World, sweat pours down the forehead of Kevin preying he does not lose and then the two cross paths, Kevin’s eyes widen as he presses down hard on the pad to shoot at Simon who does exactly the same, Seth shuts his eyes not wanting to look, everything seems to freeze in time David then watches on as Simons fighter falls to the floor in defeat.


‘’I did it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!’’. Screams Kevin.




‘’No, no it cant be right, I shot first’’. Protests Simon.


‘’You lose’’ And Kevin then gets to his feet holding his arms out wide in victory as Seth and David clap in celebration.


‘’This is what it must have felt like when they defeated the Death Star’’. Announces Kevin as he drops to his knees. ‘’In your face trips, all bow down to the master of Gears!’’.

After there victory David is catching up on more coursework when he stops dropping the pen on his bed and standing up to go and get a drink and as he walks across his window he once again spots smoke coming from his tree house and immediately knows who it is.


‘’Hey what you…..’’.  And David sops when he can see Kirsty had been crying.


‘’Are you ok?’’.


‘’Yes, I just came up here to chill’’. And David climbs in.


‘’I heard a lot of shouting coming form your room’’. ‘Dam do I tell her the truth’.


‘’Yeah, me Kevin and Seth got a little carried away’’.




‘’Online, you know…’’.


‘’Yeah I do’’.


‘’So what’s wrong with you Kirsty?’’.




‘’Come on, I’d like to think I know you better than that’’. And David sits closer by her.


‘’You stopped’’.


‘’What?’’. Asks David.


‘’When you were looking at my back you stopped talking’’. ‘Dam she’s brining up the scar’.


‘’No I was just looking’’.


‘’Liar, you were looking at my scar’’.


‘’No I ….’’.


‘’Please, don’t lie David’’.


‘’Well ok I was just wondering what happened’’.


‘’Wondering what happened’’.




‘’You really want to know?’’.


‘’If you really want to tell’’.


‘’My dad, my dad did it to me when I was just a little girl’’. And David can see Kirsty eyes fill up as she takes another raw of her cigarette.


‘’Your dad?’’.


‘’Yes my dad, you see he used to hit my mom, I would lie in bed and listen to it all crying myself to sleep covering my ears wishing it would all go away or I would be blown somewhere else’’.


‘’Like Oz’’.




‘’Doesn’t matter’’.


‘Anyway may father would never hit me, he didn’t even shout at me but one day he snapped and hit me across the back with a bike chain all because he caught me smoking one of his cigarettes, anyway that made my mom finally wake up and act and she moves the two of us as far away as possible’’.


‘’I’m so sorry Kirsty’’.


‘’What for? You didn’t know him’’.


‘’No but….’’.


‘’You see you go on about the fact that your father moved away but at least he didn’t hit you or your mom, we had to move away from him David not him move from us’’.  And Kirsty takes another draw of her cigarette.


‘’ You cant do this forever Kirsty’’.


‘’Do what?’’.


‘’Attack people instead of letting them in, your scared’’.


‘’No im not!’’.


‘’Your scared of looking weak’’.


‘’Your wrong’’.


‘No im not’’. And David then moves closer to Kirsty before slowly wrapping his arms around her and Kirsty then looks him in the yes before resting her head on his chest and David can hear her crying silently and is happy he is there for her.

The next day David is at school at his locker when he sees Kevin walking down the hall towards him with an air of confidence he had not see before, Kevin is walking down with all the confidence of a Jock high fiveing anyone he passes and pointing at the ladies asking the how there days are going confident like he had never been before.


‘’Hey Dave!’’. He says with confidence as he leans against the lockers.


‘’Kevin don’t let the Jocks see you acting like this’’.


‘’Your right’’. And Kevin knocks the cockiness off and stands up straight.

Later on that day David is walking down the school hall when through one of the door windows he spots Kirsty practising on her guitar alone so he knocks on the door before heading in.






‘’Sounds good’’.


‘’Thanks, me and Helena are thinking about starting a band together’’.


‘’Ok sounds good’’.


‘’Yeah so if you can think of a name because were struggling’’.


‘’I’ll have a think’’.


‘’Thanks’’. And the two smile at one another.


‘’So about last night…….’’.


‘’Forget about it’’.


‘’No I want to thank you, I was being a b***h’’.


‘’No I’m glad I was there, I wanted to be there’’.


‘’Well thank you’’. And Kirsty throws David another smile.

That night David is on his date with Emma, the had been to watch a movie, a hick flick of Emma’s choice which David lied he liked before the two of them were sat down eating an ice cream but all Emma seemed interested in talking about was her coursework.


‘’Yep I spend three straight hours on it all last night’’.


‘’Oh thanks David, you’re a sweetie’’. ‘Sweetie, is that a good thing?’.


‘’So where’s your friend tonight’’


‘’Kevin and Seth?’’.


‘’No, that girl’’. ‘Does she mean Kirsty?’.




‘’Yeah her’’. ‘Why would she mention Kirsty.


‘’With her friend Helena I think’’.


‘’Oh two Goth’s together, those two need some colour in there life’s’’. ‘Good job Kirsty couldn’t hear this or she’d be putting some colour on Emma’s eye’.

David then sits there with Emma wondering where all this was going, this was there fifth date yet things didn’t seem to change between them plus Emma still didn’t give David the time of day at school as if she was determined not to lose her status as he popular girl who pays not attention to geeks.


‘’I really like you Emma, I have for a long time, but I need to know if you feel the same way too’’.


‘’I just want to take things steady’’. Lies Emma and she can see the confusion on David’s face and knows she has to keep him sweet and she has the perfect answer.


‘’The prom’’.


‘’The prom?’’.


‘’I’d like you to take me’’. ‘Wait stop……… Emma Hargreaves has just asked me to take her to the prom, the most popular, prettiest and most fancied girl in school has asked me to take her to prom, me not Buck, not any other Jock or one of the pretty boys but me David Fisher I just wish I had recorded it’.


‘’I…… I would love to take you to prom’’.


‘’But can we keep it on the low for now because I need to break it steady to Buck’’. ’Buck was the lead Jock and my main tormenter for years, he and Emma had been rumoured many of times to be dating and it would make sense for the leading Jock to date the prettiest girl and if he did find out I was taking Emma my life would be over’.

‘’Of  course we’ll take it at your pace’’.


‘’Good, I’ll set Buck up with someone else and then when we meet up at the prom it won’t be so hard for him’’. ‘Makes sense’.


‘’Ok then’’.


‘’Right that’s settled’’. Replies Emma as she takes a lick of her ice cream al the time laughing on the inside.


David arrives home with a huge smile his face still in disbelief that he was taking Emma to the prom and as he pulls up the drive he sees Kirsty sat on his porch smoking a cigarette.


‘’You waiting for me?’’ He asks.


‘’Yeah come on’’.




‘’Im going to give you a lesson’’.


‘’On your guitar?’’.


‘’No, my scooter.


A scared David is slowly riding around a shopping car park the scooter wobbling as Kirsty watches on.


‘’Try and keep it more steady’’. She shouts.


‘’Go a little faster’’. And David then begins to steady the bike a little and go a little faster as he begins to become more confident and comfortable and begins to enjoy it. ‘Wow this isn’t as bad as I thought’  And David rides around the car park enjoying himself but as he does David becomes a little too confident and begins going faster and as he does he loses control for a split second and crashes into a trolley falling off the scooter and the floor.


‘’Are you ok?’. Asks Kirsty as she rushes over.


‘’Yeah I ok’’ ‘Apart from looking like a Jackass’. And David then looks at the dent he had caused on Kirsty’s scooter. ’Oh no’.


‘’Kirsty I’m really sorry, I’ll get it fixed’’.


‘’No don’t be silly, I asked you to have a go, plus dents gives it character’’.


‘’Ok but I am sorry’’. And Kirsty then helps David to his feet.


‘’Come on I’ll ride and you can hop on the back’’. And Kirsty then takes David on a ride. David tilts back his head as the scooter goes faster and is loving every minute of it, the freedom he feels is like no other and he loves it even more that it is shared with Kirsty.


‘’Thanks for that’’. Says David as she stops outside his house.


‘’Don’t mention it’’.


‘’And sorry again for the scooter’’.


‘’I like it’’. And the two then smile.


‘’Hey me and Helena, we have band’’.




‘’Yeah, we got a drummer today at school, Ted Livinstein’’. ‘ fellow Goth’.


‘’Oh great, and a name?’’.


‘’Still working on that’’.


‘’Ok I’ll still be thinking then’’.


‘’Yeah let us know if you have any ideas’’.


‘’Ok then I’ll see you tomorrow’’. Says David knowing he has to get more coursework done.


‘’Ok I’ll see you soon’’. And the two then head into there houses.

The next day David is in his room and both Kevin and Seth are over. Seth is looking at his Jason Voorhees figure boxed and signed by Kane Hodder.


‘’What times Wrestlemania on? Asks Kevin.


‘’Not while twelve’’.


‘’Dam we best crack open the red bulls then’’.



‘’Man I cant believe prom is two weeks away’’.


‘’I know, time flies so fast’’.


‘’It only seems like yesterday the three of us were starting out in first grade’’.


‘’Yeah Seth with those huge Harry potter glasses’’.


‘’Hey they were cool back then’’.


‘’Dude they were horrible’’.


‘’What about you Kevin with your huge bushy curly hair’’. Replies Seth.


‘’I still have huge bushy curly hair’’.


‘’Oh yeah I see something stay the same’’.


‘’Unlike your waste line’’.




‘’What about when we locked Mr Marsden in his office’’.


‘’Oh dude the look on his face, he just barged in and said everyone in my office now!’’.


‘’Yeah and everyone wouldn’t have even fitted in there’’. They laugh.


‘’Yeah no one thought t would be us’’. ‘The three of us, we’ve grown up together, we might not be the coolest kids on campus or the biggest but we had our memories and we had each other and that’s a lot more than some people have.


‘’ I cant believe we’ll be split up next year’’.


‘’Yeah it sucks’’. ‘Seth was heading off to study law, he may be a geek but he’s a smart geek and one day good looking girls will be hanging off his arms because that kid is going to make a  lot of money’’.


‘’Yeah I’m really going to miss you guys’’. Adds Kevin, he was going to new Jersey college while I...we;; I wasn’t sure yet’’.


‘’We’ll still meet up, during breaks’’.


‘’Yeah I guess’’.


‘’No we will, we have to’’. And the three look at one another knowing that things will change n matter how hard they try to stop it.


‘’So who’s taking who to the prom?’’. Asks Kevin ‘’Because were not exactly brimming with offers and if we just turn up together we will officially be known as the biggest losers this school has ever produced’’.


‘’I’ve got a date’’. Boasts Seth.




‘’ Jada’’. And both David and Kevin then look at one another before looking back at Seth.


‘’What?’’.  Asks Seth.


‘’Jada, your taking Jada’’.


‘’Yeah so’’.


‘’Dude she cant even speak English’’. ’Jada is a very happy Japanese student who had only moved over here six months ago’.


‘’Yes she can….a little’’.


‘’A little’’. And both David and Kevin laugh.


‘’She can speak enough English to say yes’’.


‘’Yeah but she doesn’t know what to’’.


‘’Yeah probably thinks you asked her if she’s coming to school tomorrow’’. And the two laugh again.


‘’Laugh all you want guys but im the only one in this room with a date so far’’.


‘’Not exactly true’’. Dam why did I say that’.


‘’What do you mean not exactly true?’’.


‘’Yeah do you have a date?’’.


‘’Kind of yes, but were keeping it on he low’’.


‘’Its Kirsty, I knew your two were right for one another’’. Days Kevin.


‘’Yeah we were talking about it on the way over here’’.


‘’No….its not Kirsty’’. ‘They were talking about us two?’’.


‘’Then who is it?’’.


‘’You didn’t ask Jada did you?’’. Asks Seth.


‘’No…..its Emma’’. And Kevin and Seth look at one another before looking back at David.




‘’She wont go with you’’. Says Seth.


‘’Yeah he’s right.


‘’Oh thanks guys, thanks for the support it really helps’’.


‘’You know the rules, prom queen is always the pretties girl right’’.


‘’Yeah I guess’’.


‘’And prom king is always the leading Jock’’.




‘’Well who has Emma dated most of her school life?’’.


‘’Yeah but not anymore’’.


‘’Come on she’ll be going with Buck’’.


‘’No she wont’’.


‘’Guys she’s going with me so show a little support here like I would for you two’’.


‘’Im sorry man’’.


‘’Yeah me too’’.

‘Its just…’.


‘’Just what?’’.


‘’She uses you’’.


‘Always have’’.


‘’Yeah because we know you’ve been doing her coursework’’.


‘’So what if I have, we are seeing one another’’.


‘’Really, so how far you too got so far’’.


‘’Your sick’’


‘’Come on because you’ve been on quite a few dates now’’.


‘’Its not like that’’.


‘’Dude your both sixteen, its always like that’’.


‘’Were taking it slow okay, is there a problem with that’’.


‘’No, as long as she’s genuine’’.


‘’She is and we’ll rove that when we turn up at the prom together’’.


‘’Well I hop you do man’’. Says Kevin.


‘’Yeah because I know how much she means to you’’. Adds Seth.


‘’Ok thanks guys finally’’.


‘’We only ask because we care man’’.


‘’I know but just back of Emma a little’’.


‘’We will’’.


‘’Yeah promise’’.


‘’Come on then, lets go watch Wrestlemania’’. And the three head down to the cellar to enjoy there night.


A week later David, Seth and Kevin are at the mall buying suits for the prom from a cheap store Seth’s mother told them about.


‘’Im glad were buying instead of renting’’. Seth tells David.


‘’Yeah we’ll be able to look back on them when were too old and fat to fit then anymore and remember the night.


‘’Yeah sounds cool’’. And Kevin then emerges from the changing room wearing a very fetchy  light blue John Travolta style suit.


‘’So what do you think?’’. He asks as he parades as some model.


‘’Dude that is horrible’’.


‘’Yeah really bad’’.


‘’Do you think? I thought it matched my eyes’’.


‘’No take it off’’. And a slightly disappointed Kevin then heads back inside the changing room.

David is stood in front of a ling mirror wearing a simple black suit he had tried on.


‘’Wow look great David’’. Comments Seth from behind him.


‘’And you don’t think its too big’’. ‘Hey I will fill out more in the next few years’.


‘’No man its great’’. And David looks at himself knowing he has his suit.


David arrives home having dropped off Kevin and Seth and sees Kirsty up her drive working on her scooter so heads on over to say hi.


‘’He’s what you doing?’’ He asks Kirsty  who is wearing her hair up covered by a red bandana to and blue dungarees


‘’Oh just checking the oil and changing the spark plugs’’.  And Kirsty then loks to see David has a bag in his hand.


‘’What’s in the bag?’’.


‘’Oh this, my prom suit’’.


‘’Prom suit hey’’.




‘’So who you taking?’’.


‘’Er……still working on that’’.


‘Come on David I know your taking Emma’’.




‘’Kevin told me’’.




‘’Hey don’t give him a hard time about it because it took some getting it out of him’’.


‘’Why did you want to know so much?’’.


‘’Because I wanted to know how far she was willing to take it’’.


‘’To take what?’’.


‘’This con’’.




‘What you doing for her David, what’s the catch?’’.


‘’There is no catch’’.


‘’More coursework maybe?’’. ’Dam first guess’.




‘’Come on David think with your head and not your….’’.


‘’Look I came over here to say hi not to be made a fool of and if you haven’t got anything good to say don’t say anything at all’’. And David turns his back and walks away.  And David walks back to his house and inside. ‘


‘Two days later I was sat on my bed doing guess what when I stone hit my window, I looked up before ignoring it and going back to my work but a minute later another stone came hitting against the glass so I got up to take a look and standing on my lawn was Kirsty with a sympathetic look on her face.


‘’Hey’’. Says David as he opens the front door to Kirsty.


‘’Hey I wanted to say sorry, and its not for the first time’’.




‘’Look im sorry for what I said about you and Emma and if that’s what you want to do then that’s your choice and its not for me to say other’’.


‘’Well thanks’’.


‘’And here’s an apology gift’’. And Kirsty passes David a gift wrapped in black foil paper, he opens the foil paper to find a music CD and written across is the name ‘Line in your book’.


‘’Line in your book, what does that mean?’’.


‘’Line in your book, it means that sometimes that’s all we are, a line in someone’s book, diary whatever because sometimes we want to be more, we think were mote important than we are and we run our life’s striving for that and the rules that brings instead of being free and simple and just a line in someone’s book’’.


‘’I like it’’. And the two smile. ‘’So this is it then, this is the band’’.


‘Yep’’. And David then opens the box to see Kirsty had singed it ‘From the freak Kirsty to the geek David-best wishes always.


‘’That’s not a egotistical thing or anything I just thought if we ever do make it bigger you can sell that on EBay and make a few dollars’’.


‘’Yeah I just might do that’’. And the two smile at one another again. ‘Half an hour later we were sat in our tree house drinking a few beers Kirsty stole out of her fridge, I agreed because my brain needed a rest from all the coursework.


‘’So Kevin and Seth going to the prom?’’.




‘With dates?’’.






‘’So you going?’’.




‘’With a date?’’.


‘’I’m going ….I’m going with Ted’’.


‘’Oh right, I thought you were just turning up with Helena’’.


‘’No she made up with her boyfriend now, they’ll be fighting the day after the prom but still and Ted asked me last night after practise if I wanted to go and I thought why not no one else’s asked me’’. ‘Why am I feeling a small tinge of jealousy?’.


‘’Well that’s great, I’m glad you gong with someone’’.


‘’Yeah and im glad for you too’’ .And the two of them then look at each other in silence looking into one another’s eyes.


‘’I’ll go and get us some more beers’’. Says Kirsty as she breaks the silence between the two.


The next day Emma is in her room talking on the phone with Buck having just come back form another boring and unexciting date with David.


‘’So you are going to the prom with me?’’. Asks Buck.


‘’For the last time yes!’’.


‘’But the geek’’.


‘’You know why I did this, David is almost finished with my coursework and at the start prom I’ll bring the loser crashing back to reality and then me and you can enjoy the night and become prom king and Queen and I will know that I have A’s on all my coursework and be one step closer to law school just like my parents want’’.


‘’Ok then cut the loser  loose at prom’’.


‘’Oh don’t worry he’ll be cut loose’’. And Emma wickedly smiles as she files her nails.


The prom is just a few days away and David is laid out on his bed listening to the CD Kirsty gave him, most of the tracks are heavy, shouting songs not much to David’s liking but he listens to them anyway seen as though it was a gift and even thought it isn’t David’s type of music he can tell that there good and really could go somewhere with more practise and luck. Then as the CD appears to be over David stands up off his bed to turn off the CD but when he does a last track suddenly begins playing and it is much different to the previous tracks, this is a slow aquatics song with just Kirsty, her guitar and nothing else and David sits back listening, the song is called ’inner eye’ and sings about finding love were you would never expect. ‘Wow the song really too my breathe away, it was…it was just so beautiful, Kirsty sounded so….so sweet and stunning her voice sang these words with so much heartfelt and emotion it was like none of the other loud shouting songs, the words coming form her mouth were words she’s really thought about, words form the heart and no were else’ .And David sat back on his bed the song truly taking his breathe away.

David knocks on Kirsty door and her grandmother with her traditional scowl answers.


‘’You stuck to the path?’’. She immediately asks without drawing breathe.


‘’Yes, I stuck to the path Miss’’.


‘’Good, my flowers wont grow if people stand on them!’’.


‘’I agree’’.


‘’So what do you want, you not selling anything are you because we aren’t buying’’.


‘’No, I came to see Kirsty’’.


‘’She upstairs’’. And Kirstys grandmother then turns her back looking up the stairs before shouting Kirsty.


‘’She’ll be down in a minute’’. And then the old women leaves him waiting at the door not inviting him in and goes to sit back down, David then quickly checks the bottom of his trainers to check he didn’t stand on any flowers and as he raises his head back up he sees Kirsty walking down the steps in a small black and red prom dress and it truly takes his breathe away just how pretty she looks.




‘’I know I hate being all girly’’.


‘No you look…..beautiful’’. And Kirsty is slightly taken back by the comment.


‘’Thank you David’’.

‘’Yeah don’t mention it’’. ‘She really is stunning’.


‘’So is there something…..‘’.


‘’Yeah I listened to your CD’’.


‘’Oh really. What did you think?’’.


‘’Good, I especially loved the last track’’.


‘’The last track’’.


‘’Yeah, inner eye’’.


‘’Oh that one, I was just goofy around one day at home with my guitar, jut bored’’.


‘’No its really good’’.


‘’You think because im not sure about it’’.


‘’Did you write it?’’.




‘’Wow, your really talented’’.


‘’Stop it’’. And the two then begin walking down the drive away from her grandmothers preying ears.


‘’So is the song personal or random?’’.


‘’I…. I don’t know, a bit of both I guess’’.


‘’Well wherever you got it from its good’’. And Kirsty throws David a smile.


‘’I cant believe how fast end of school has come’’.


‘’Yes it has’’.


‘’So you decided yet what you going to do?’’. Asks David.


‘’Im going to black arts’’.


‘’Black arts?’’.


‘’Yeah to study music and arts, its not a big place but it looks good on the broacher’’.


‘’Anything can look good on a broacher’’.


‘’I know so me and Helena are going to drive uo there this weekend and take a look’’.


‘’So your having a road trip’’.


‘’Yeah why don’t you come?’’.


‘’No, no three’s a crowd and all that’’.


‘’Ted’s going as well’’.


‘’Oh is he’’. ‘Why does that name irritate me?’’.


‘’So you coming?’’.


‘’Well I….’’. ’There’s still some coursework to do but if I stay up late tonight I guess I could get most of it done’.


‘’You can bring Emma’’. Says Kirsty through gritted teeth.


‘’No, it isn’t her thing’’.


‘’Ok, so what about you David, with school almost done this could be one of last times we get to hang out’’.


‘’Ok then…’’. ’If Ted can’.


‘’Right, be ready for eight tomorrow morning’’.




‘’We need to get off early’’.


‘’Ok then, eight’’. And David then begins walking over back to his house.


‘’Oh and bring a sleeping bag’’.



‘’A sleeping bag?’’.


‘’No more questions, just bring one’’. And Kirsty smiles before heading in hoer house.


The next morning David is up early, he packs his sleeping bag, a spare set of cloths, toothbrush, phone charger and just about everything he can think of and with the look of his backpack you would think he was going out to sleep in the jungle for am month rather than a road trip across counties.

Davis then sits on his bed playing on his PSP when he hears a loud car pull up outside and looks to see it is Helena who steps out of the car her hair now cut short and died peroxide blonde, she is wearing a black and white t-shirt and black netting tights, Ted then steps out of the car with his long hair slicked back wearing a blue and back chequer shirt and tight black jeans, the two then knock on Kirstys door and she answers wearing a white vet and tight black jeans with her black hair now supporting highlights of red, blue and lightening purple, David then looks down at what he is wearing. ‘Dam im really going to look out of place with those three’. So he then looks in his wardrobe to see what he can change into, he searches through his wardrobe looking at anything the other three might see as stylish and all he can come across it a red shirt with Michael Jackson on the front. ‘I didn’t even know I still had this t-shirt, y mom bought me it bout five years ago, she’s always been a fan of the king of Pop, well until all the skin changing and Jesus juice but lets not get into that’. And David then tries the t-shirt on to find he had grown in the last five years and the t-shirt looks rather tight, David looks in the mirror as his slight physique pokes through the small t-shirt. ’Maybe if I make a few adjustments’  And David then grabs a pair of scissors and begins making cuts in the t-shirt to try and make it look a bit more rock and to cut through the tight bits, David then cuts through the t-shirt and looks at himself in the mirror wondering if he looks ridiculous or not and as he does the car is beeped outside and he looks to see it is Helena and Kirsty is heading over to his house.


‘Do I look okay’. And Kirsty knocks on the door. As David looks at himself wondering if he looks ridiculous or not. ‘You know what, im sick of worrying what people think’. And David then heads downstairs and opens the door to Kirsty.


‘’Are you….’’. And Kirsty stops when she sees what David is wearing.


‘’Oh God do I look like an idiot?’.


‘’Nice t-shirt’’. She replies. ‘’Very retro’’.




‘’Yeah, red, the cuts, Jackson very punk rock’’.


‘’Well thanks’’. ‘I am a Rock God, all Goths kneel to my feet’.


‘’So you ready?’’.


‘’Yeah, I’ll just go and get my bag’’. And David then runs upstairs before returning with his backpack.


‘’Wow David, we going for the weekend not six months’’.


‘’Hey, all I have is the bare essentials the bare essentials’’.


‘’Ok…’’. And Kirsty then walks over to Helena’s car with David.


‘’Ok guys this is David, David Helena and Ted’’.




‘’Ted, Helena’’.


‘’ Hey’’ ‘Both Helena and Ted glance down at my t-shirt but neither are as supportive of it than Kirsty.


‘’Ok lets do this’’. Says Kirsty.


‘There is was sat in the passengers seat with Helena driving and Kirsty in the back with Ted’.


‘’So what bands you into?’’. ‘Helena asks me’.


‘Nirvana’ I replied after all it was the band Kirsty always raved about.


‘’Yes they were a great band’’. ‘Were, I guess they split?’.


‘’Yes they were’’. Replies David.


‘’So what about Kurt then, do you think it was suicide or are you one of those who thinks it was something else?’’. ‘Is Kurt the singer? Did he kill himself? Well I guess most rockers who die, die because of drugs’.


‘’I think it was an accident’’.


‘’An accident’’.




‘’But how does an accident involve a shotgun and a suicide note?’’. Adds Ted and Kirsty covers her laughing mouth in the back as she knows David is winging the whole conversation.


‘Dam it wasn’t drugs, its always drugs!, Dam who looks like a Jackass now’.


‘’Er…..those things can have sensitive trigger, my uncle…..Frank once owned a shotgun and one day out shooting shot his pinkie finger off and we still haven’t found it’’. And Kirsty continues to hide her laugh behind her hand.


‘’Oh ok….‘’Replies Helena.


‘The sun begins to fall and Helena pulls up outside a small forest’


‘’What is this place?’’. Asks David.


‘’This is where we are camping tonight’’.


‘’Here! It looks like Camp Crystal Lake!’’.




‘’Never mind’’.


‘’Come on David’’. Says Kirsty. ‘’People camp here all the time’’.


‘’And are never heard of again’’. And Kirsty rolls her eyes before climbing out of the car.


‘’The four then set up there tents and Helena then suggests both David and Ted go out to collect fire wood while she and Kirsty finish off so the two then head out to collect wood.


‘’How how long you known Kirsty and Helena?’. Asks Ted breaking the silence.


‘’I’ve known Kirsty for a while, her and her family moved in next door to me and this is the first time I’ve ever met Helena’’.




‘’So how’s the band going?’’. ‘I guess I have to try’.


‘’Great, we practise all the time, man Kirsty is a star on guitar, she’s the one who got us all together’’.


‘’Yeah I listened to your CD’’.


‘’Oh yeah’’.


‘’Yeah it was pretty good’’.


‘’Well thanks man’’. And the two continue to pick up wood.


‘’David I have to ask you something’’.


‘’You do?’’.


‘’Yeah, how did you manage to bag the most popular, prettiest girl in school’’. ‘Wow I guess that would make Kirsty feel special’.


‘’You know?’’.


‘’About you and Emma?, Kirsty told me but don’t worry man, I know your keeping it on a low while prom so my lips are sealed’’.


‘’Ok thanks’’. ‘Is there anyone who doesn’t know?’.


‘’So then, how did you do it?’’. ‘Cant he already tell from my quick, popularity and muscular frame?’.


‘’I just….understand her I guess and I listen, we talk about things that matter and not just about Riana’s latest tattoo or Britney’s shaven head  and how many Jocks can she do that with’’.


‘’Well you’ve certainly punched above you weigh there man, no offence of course’’.


‘’None taken’’. ‘Should I take offence?’.


‘’Did Kirsty tell you were going to the prom together?’’.


‘’Yeah, she did’’. ’And for some reason I haven’t forgot’.


‘’We were supposed to be going as friends, you know all the band together but Kirsty’s she’s a really special girl, she’s different from all the other girls I’ve dated before, yeah sure she can be moody and she loves her loud music more than anyone I’ve ever known but she’s different from the rest’’. ‘And he was right, you know one o f the worst things you can be in life? Normal who wants to be normal, be different, a dreamer, erratic, passionate, moody, creative whatever but never be normal because normal means you never too k chances and never followed your dreams all you did was get in line’.


‘’Come on, we have enough wood’’. Says Ted and the two then head back.

The four of them then build a fire and sit around it as Helena cooks burgers for everyone and after eating them they all sit with a stick and a marshmallow.


‘’So if you like this college you going to move up here?’’. Ted asks Kirsty.


‘’Yeah, it’d be too far to ride’’.


‘’So life on a dorm then’’.


‘’Yep’’. And Kirsty looks at David.


‘’So what about you David?’’.


‘’I have a few options but im keeping my options open for now, I have more of an idea now than I did a few months ago so I guess that’s a good thing’’.


‘’ Yeah it is’’.


‘’You Ted?’’.


‘’Well I was thinking about checking out a place called black arts’’. And Kirsty looks at Ted.




‘’Yeah, why not if this place is any good I might apply and then we could keep each other company and keep the band going seen as where Helena’s going she wont be far away’’. ‘And why do I suddenly feel out of place’.


‘’I’m even going to set up a website for the band and my uncle Zac says he can get some more gigs’’. ‘Now I feel lonely’.


‘’Wow, you’ve really thought this through’’.


‘’Yes, and I’ve really thought us through’’. And Ted reaches over holding Kirstys hand, Kirsty then looks down at there hands before giving a glance at David and then looking at Ted.


After a few beers the four call it a night but David is laid in his tent unable to sleep and for some reason the conversation around the campfire between Kirsty and Ted is running through his head. ‘Why cant  forget it?’. And David then sits up before grabbing his phone and ringing Kevin.






‘’David, do you know what time it is?’’.


‘’Actually I don’t’’.


‘’Well actually I do and its sleep time’’.


‘’Come on man, just give me five minutes’’.


‘’Your there already?’’.


‘’No, we stopped for the night’’.


‘’In a motel, its not run by bates is it?’’.


‘’Were not in a motel, were camping out?’’.


‘’Camping out, where?’’.


‘’A small forest Kirsty knows’’.


‘’Wait, your camping out in an unknown forest!’’.


‘’Don’t man’’.


‘Wait man, what’s that noise’’. And Kevin begin mimicking the theme from Friday the 13th.




‘’That aint me, its Jason Voorhees reeking revenge for his mother’’.




‘’Oh man, what’s that shadow’’. ‘Now he’s creeping me out’.


‘’Kevin will you stop with all the Jason stuff’’.


‘’I’m just saying man you never know’’.




‘’Would you class Jason as some kind of super zombie or just a regular stalker guy because it is debatable?’’.




‘’Ok, ok what is it?’’.


‘’I just needed someone to talk to for a while’’.


‘’Why what’s wrong?’’.


‘’Oh not much, just Kirsty’s boyfriend’’.


‘’What there dating?’’.


‘’Looks like it’’.


‘’And you don’t like him’’.


‘’Not too fond’’.


‘’surprise, surprise’’.


‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’.


‘’It means that you like Kirsty’’.


‘’What like, like?’’.




‘’No way, she’s ok to hang around with but not to date, anyway I have Emma’’.


‘’Ok first you never ‘Had’ Emma and second who do you like to hang with apart form me and Seth? Who do you have the most fun with apart from the party animal that is me’’.


‘’And Seth’’.


‘’No just me, and who do you talk about more than Emma?’’. ‘He’s right, I do talk about Kirsty a lot, I do like no love to spend time with her, sure she’s different from me and we don’t have the same tastes but one thing I do agree with Ted on is she’s different’.


‘’Come on man open your eyes, me and Seth have been taking bout this for months behind your back’’.


‘’You have?’’.


‘’Yes! So I want you to put this phone down have a peek out of your tent to see Jason isn’t hanging around and then head over to her tent and tell her how you feel and then…’’.


‘’Ok, ok’’. ‘Man am I really going to do this?’.


Kirsty is laid in her tent her too unable to sleep when there is a knock on her tent door and she unzips to find Ted knelt there.


‘’Can I come in’’.


‘’Yeah ok’’. And Kirsty lets Ted in to see he is drinking a beer.


‘’You want a drink?’’.


‘’Sure’’. And Kirsty takes a sip.


‘’So did you and  David ‘bond’ on your wood finding mission?’’.


‘Yeah, he’s ok’’.


‘’Yes he is’’.


‘’He’s not like us though is he?’’.


‘’What do you mean?’’.


‘’You know, he doesn’t like his rock music and he doesn’t exactly wear skinny jeans and converse trainers and his hair ha never seen a dye’’.


‘’Maybe not but wouldn’t it be boring if we were all the same’’.


‘’Hey im with you, im not like the Jocks and air heads at school who only mix with there won kind’’.




‘’Anyway David must have something’’.




‘’Bagging Emma, you know what’s she’s like with her platinum blonde hair and perfect nails having every Jock and pretty boy at her feet’’.


‘’Does she now’’.


‘’Not me, I don’t like anyone who walks around as if there Gods and are obsessed with there looks’’.


‘’She thinks she’s a God alright’’. And Kirsty begins thinking about David.


‘’So what did he say about her?’’. Asks Kirsty as she feels a tint of jealousy, she doesn’t know why and t feels strange but she does because  underneath all the differences there were feelings inside her for David something she never ever expected but they were there and she could feel them right now.


‘’He said she was really pretty and he’d liked her forever’’. And suddenly her heart beats a little slower.


‘’Yeah he has’’.


‘’Man he really has it for her, I mean really, he wouldn’t shut up about her’’. And Kirsty then takes the beer form Ted and takes a big drink and as she does Ted sees his opportunity and grabs hold of Kirsty’s hand with his.


‘’Why don’t we follow suit?’’. He suggests and Ted leans over kissing kirsty, her first reaction is to pull away and say things are moving too fast, after all she isn’t sure about her feelings for Ted but another part of her feels the Jealousy of David and Emma together and in her head she sees them hand in hand at the prom David firmly under her thumb and the pain of thinking of the two together angers Kirsty so she kisses Ted back which reacts as some kind of revenge in her head.


‘Ok this is me heading over to Kirsty’s tent in the dead of night, I don’t care if Jason is out here all I care about is letting Kirsty know how I feel, I have to tell her how special she is, man im nervous but that’s a good sign right?’. And as David kneels down in front of Kirsty’s tent he sees it is already open so he pops his head in to find Kirsty and Ted kissing. ‘And there goes my heart into my stomach’.




‘’Oh im sorry’’. And David then stands up his head still in the tent and hits it on top before falling back down to his knees.


‘’David’’. ‘im ok’’. He replies embarrassingly before finally taking his heado ut of the tent and heading back to his own with Kirsty looking on.


‘’Wonder what he wanted?’’ Says Ted.


‘’Yeah’’. Says Kirsty regretting that David caught her and Ted kissing and wondering what he had to say to her.


‘’She was kissing Ted?’’. Says Kevin on the phone as David rung him as soon as he got back to his tent.


‘’Yeah, they were all over each other’’.


‘’Im sorry man’’.


‘’I’m not, Kirsty’s happy and she’s with someone like her, someone into the same kind of music and cloths and hair dye, it makes sense, me and Kirsty are too different’’.




‘’She’s happy Kevin, and im glad for her, anyway I have Emma’’. ‘why doesn’t a sentence I have dreamed about saying for years not fill me with excitement?’.


‘’Yes you do, your going to be at the prom with the best looking girl from school on your arm’’. Says Kevin to try and make him feel better.


‘’ Thanks man’’. And David then hangs up before laying down trying to get some sleep as his mind is still full of thoughts.

The next morning David is up early despite his lack of sleep, he then looks around to see no one else is up so decide to take a loo around. ‘Come on, Jason has to sleep someday’. And David goes for a walk around, the scenery around him is peaceful even if it does remind him a little of the forest from Deliverance, David crosses many small animals such as squirrels and rabbits before he comes across a beautiful small waterfall. ’Wow, no big mansion could beat that’. And David heads closer to find Kirsty is up and sat by the stream with her feet dangling in the water.’ Shall I save the embarrassment and head back or sit beside her?’. And David decides to go and sit beside her.


‘’Morning Kirsty’’.


‘’David, you scared me’’.


‘’Sorry’’. ’I am the Jason Voorhees of this forest!’.


‘’I thought I was the only one up’’.


‘’Me too’’. And David then takes off his trainers and dips his feet too in the stream.


‘’This place is beautiful’’.   


‘’Yes it is’’.


‘’This stream, its so…’’.






‘’Burt Reynolds was right you know’’.


‘’What?’’. Asks David.


‘’We are destroying nature’’. ‘Wow she’s seen Deliverance’.


‘’We build our houses and lay down our roads and place’s like this, there slowly slipping away’’.


‘’I agree’’.


‘’I mean look at us two sat here right now dipping our feet in the pure water, somewhere a guy is sat in a big steel car hot and sweaty stuck in a  long traffic jam on a long road with everyone else’’.


‘’Make’s you glad to be here’’.


‘’Yes it does’’. And the two look at one another before David looks back down at the water feeling slightly awkward.


‘’I’m sorry for last night….when I walked in on you and Ted’’.


‘’No David’’.


‘’No really, its fine, im pleased for you too anyway, you’re a good match’’.


‘’Were not like that’’.


‘’Well… should and I know he wants to’’.


‘’But do I?’’.


‘’I cant tell you that’’.


‘’But what were you going to tell me last night?’’. and the two go silent as they stare at one another David too nervous to spill his guts and Kirsty too scared to.




‘’Yes’’. And just as David is about to tell Kirsty how he feels Ted appears from behind them.


‘’Hey I was looking for you two’’. He shouts and the two of them turn around to look at him.


‘We just came to look at the waterfall’’.


‘’Yeah its something isn’t it’’.


‘’Yeah’’. And Kirsty then stands up grabbing her shoes. ‘’Ok im heading back’’.


‘’I’ll walk with you’’. Says Ted. ‘Real Knight in shining Harbour’.


‘’You coming David?’’. Asks Kirsty as she looks down at him.


‘No, im going to stay here a while’’. And David looks up at Kirsty.


‘’Ok then, see you back at camp’’. And Kirsty heads back with Ted as David sits there looking at the beautiful waterfall in front of him.


The four are then in the car on the way to the college, Helena has put on some loud CD so David just sits there his head lent against the glass of his car window looking out at the world flying by.

‘We finally arrive at the college and park up before going for a look around, and are then shown around by a current student called Dwayne who is small but has huge sideburns and a wicked transformers t-shirt, he shows us all around the classes and Kirsty looks impressed and so she should be, this place suits her and I know she’ll love it here’.


‘’So what do you think?’’. Asks Helena n the way back to the car.


‘’I really like it, I feel like I’ll fit in here’’.


‘’Me too’’. Says Ted.


‘’Really?’’. She asks looking slightly surprised.

‘’Yeah it’s a great place’’. 


‘’So you going to apply here?’’.


‘’One step ahead of you’’. And Ted shows her an application sheet he got from the front desk.


‘’Wow quick mover’’. ‘Isn’t he’’.


‘’Yep’’. And Ted then climbs in the car along with Helena and David looks at Kirsty who is looking back at the school with a smile on her face. ‘She really does love this place and im really pleased for her, seeing her smile like that you just cant feel sorry for yourself’.

The four then drive straight back home both Helena and Ted taking turns to drive, luckily Ted is dropped off first before David and Kirsty are dropped off, the two then wave Helena off before looking at one another.


‘’Great trip’’. Says Kirsty.


‘’Yeah, it was….and im glad the college lived up to your hopes’’.


‘’Yeah it did and thank you’’. And the two go silent again.


‘’So……I’ll see you around?’’.


‘’Yeah see you around’’. And Kirsty touches the arm of David ever so slightly before heading to her house, David watches her leave and can see her grandmother still with a scowl on her face working in the garden as Kirsty heads up the drive and in the house, David then stands there for a few seconds before heading into the house.


David, Seth and Kevin are at school sat on the field on the day of the prom, it is a hot, sunny day and the place is filled with excitement for the night ahead.


‘’Man there’s real excitement around here’’.


‘’Yeah some of the girls have been waiting all year for this day’’.


‘’Look at them all, talking about how they’ll do there hair and what colour there nails will be’’.


‘’Yep I’ll really miss this place’’.


‘’We really will’’. And the three look at one another.


‘’Yeah I cant believe the school years almost over’’.


‘’Yep time flies’’.


‘’Sometimes it felt like the three of us would be sitting out here together forever’’.


‘’Yeah you take the simple things in life for granted sometimes’’.


‘’Yes you do’’. And David then spots Kirsty across the field sat with Ted and Helena.


‘’Why don’t you go and say hi’’. Suggests Kevin.


‘’No….Ill see her later’’. And David looks across at Kirsty who spots him looking and the two look at one another both smiling before Kevin speaks again.


‘’So what’s happening with Emma tonight?’’.


‘’Er im meeting her there’’.


‘’Wait isn’t it tradition to pick your date up?’’.


‘’Yeah and you arrive with one of those daft looking flowers that you stick on there wrists’’. Adds Seth.


‘’Yeah but were doing things a little different plus it’ll be a surprise when we see each other’’.


‘’Ok man, whatever way you wanna do it’’.


‘’So what about you too?’’.


‘’Im picking my date up at seven’’. Says Kevin.


‘’I’ll have to be at my dates house for six’’. ‘Seth cant  drive and neither can his date’.


‘’I thought her dad was driving you?’’.


‘’He was but he broke his foot and cant drive now’’.


‘’Man so you have to get the bus?’’.


‘’Yep, the bus’’.


‘’ Dam in your suit and her in her dress?’’.


‘’Yes Kevin.


‘’Oh man that s brutal’’.


‘’Thanks for rubbing it in man’’. ‘Kevin always likes to torment Seth’.


‘’I’ll tell you what, I’ll pick the two of you up and the four of us can drive there together’’. ‘Wow, what’s wrong with Kevin’.


‘’Your playing right?’’. Asks Seth.


‘No, I’ll pick you up just be ready when I beep’’.


‘’Thanks man’.


‘’Well, schools over and how many times will we be together’’.


‘’Thanks man’’. ‘Wow, Kevin being nice to Seth, school must be coming to an end’.


‘’Here’s to the next step’’. Says Seth holding up his can of coke.


‘’Dude were not extra’s from American Pie’’.


‘’Oh yeah’’. And Seth slowly lowers his can.


‘There I was, stood in my room looking in the mirror at the suit I am wearing to the prom, I don’t scrub up bad for a supposed geek I must say’. And David’s mother then knocks on his bedroom door before popping her head around.


‘’Oh David you look beautiful, like a young prince’’.


‘’Thank you mom’’.


‘’Well I hope you enjoy your night’’.


‘’Thanks’’. And David’s mom then leaves. ‘Mom’s, they always want to see you happy’. And David then straightens his tie before heading downstairs where he finds waiting for him in the kitchen both Kevin and Seth both in there prom suits.


‘’What are you guys doing here?’’.


‘’Though we’d have one for the road’’. And Kevin then hold up three red bulls.


‘’One for the road’’. And the three then go and sit outside to drink there red bulls.

‘’So you two going to pick up your dates after this?’’.




‘’Wow look at us three, all with dates to the prom’’.


‘’We are Gods’’. And the three raise there red bulls. ‘I could have sat there with my two best friends for hours more, but we had a prom to attend.


‘’So I think you two best be going then’’. Says David looking at his watch.


‘’Yeah better not keep our dates waiting’’. And the three stand up.


‘’Ok see the two of you there’’.




‘’Group hug?’’. Suggests Seth.


‘’Were men now, we don’t hug’’.


‘’Come on Kevin, no ones watching’’. Suggests David and the three then hug David’s mom watching out of the window with a mile on her face and across from them Kirsty looking on with a raised eyebrow as she too gets ready for the prom.


‘Ok see you there David’’.


‘’Yeah see you there’’.


‘’To the next step’’.




‘’Ok, ok im sorry’’. And Kevin and Seth then leave to pick up there dates while David stands there and he then looks up to see Kirsty in her room, the two look at one another and smile but there moment is broken when there is a knock on David’s gate and he heads over and to his surprise finds Emma standing there.


‘’Emma, I thought we were meeting there?’’.


‘’We are, I just….thought it would be ok if I picked up my coursework?’’. ‘’Funny tie to think about coursework’.


‘’Yeah ok sure’’. And David then looks back up at Kirstys window to see she is gone and then heads to get the coursework before handing it over to Emma.


‘’David this is brilliant!’’. ‘Should be the amount of night I’ve sat up with a pot of coffee working on it’.


‘’So are we driving there together?’’.


‘Er… I have to finish my nails’’. And David looks down at her hands to see her nails already look finished.


‘’So I’ll meet you there as planned’’.


‘’Ok’’. And Emma touches him on the arm before leaving with a huge smile on her face, David looks back up at Kirstys window to see her looking down at him so heads on over to her house, Kirstys mom answers and compliments him on his suit before telling him he can head on up to Kirsty room so he goes up and knocks on the door which has a skull and crossbones poster plastered across it.


‘’Come in’’. Shouts Kirsty over the loud music and David heads in, Kirsty has her back to him and she turns around her hair fastened up wearing a red dress with black outlining which takes David’s breathe away.


‘’Wow Kirsty…..’’. And the two look at one another. ‘Kirsty might be a Goth with her loud music and piercing but under it all she really is a beautiful young women


‘’Can I help you David?‘’.


‘’I….. I just came over to say hi and see how you were going on getting ready for the prom’’.


‘’Almost done’’.


‘’Wow, you look really nice Kirsty’’.


‘’Thanks’’. And David can tell something is wrong.


‘’What is it Kirsty?’’.


‘’What did you give Emma?’’. ‘Dam she saw the coursework’.


‘’Just some folders’’.










‘’Well surprise, surprise’’.


‘’What’s that supposed to mean?’’.


‘’What’s that supposed to mean, it , means that’s all he wanted all along’’.


‘’Me doing her coursework’’.




‘’Not this again Kirsty’’.


‘’Well it makes me mad David, you’re a good guy, a great guy and it makes me mad when plastic little b*****s like Emma take advantage of your kindness’’.


‘’Kirsty, were going to the prom together, me no Jock, no pretty boy but me David Fisher’’.


‘’At what  price David?’’.


‘’I don’t care, I’ve liked Emma since I was seven and this is my chance and I will do whatever it takes’’.


‘’She doesn’t feel the same for you as you do for her David and deep down you know it, if she did she’d have don’t something about it before now but she hasn’t and now she has you doing all her coursework’’.


‘’I know you’re a good friend Kirsty and I value your friendship a lot but I don’t understand why you care so much about me and Emma’’.


‘’Because….. Because I care David’’. And Kirsty turns back around.


‘’I have to finish getting ready David, Ted is picking me up in ten minutes’’.


‘’Kirsty I do value your friendship’’.


‘’Just go and have fun with Emma’’.


‘’Fine I will’’. And David storms out of Kirstys room closing the door behind him and heading down the stairs but halfway down he stops. ‘Why cant I just tell her how I really feel, its Kirsty, its always been Kirsty, in my head I have built Emma up to something she’s not, she’s not the same girl from first grade, she’s moved on and changed become something I don’t really like but I don’t see that, I just see the old Emma and the pretty face and long golden locks, Kirsty makes me feel alive and happy and what more can you ask for’.


‘’What are you doing?’’. Asks Kirsty grandmother from the bottom of the steps looking up at him.


‘’Er…… I forgot something’’. And David races back up the steps before swinging Kirstys door open, she turns to look at him. ‘Oh my God, my stomach feels so heavy and my head is so light’. And David then heads over to Kirsty taking her in his arms and kisses her like he had never kisses anyone before ‘Not that its been many’ the two share a passionate kiss before David pulls away and looks and looks into the eyes of Kirsty. ‘Now what?’. And the two stand there staring at one another both shocked at what had just happened.


‘’I er……….’’.


‘’David, this…….this cant happen’’.




‘’Because Ted is parked outside ready to take me to the prom and your going with the girl you’ve liked since you were a child’’.


‘’But……but…….’’. ‘What what the guy in a teen movie say now?’ ‘’ ‘’I like spending time with you Kirsty and you make me feel… make me feel alive’’.


‘’No David, I showed you how to feel alive I didn’t make you, anyway your with Emma, im with…’’.


‘’What if it was different, what if they were out of the picture?’’. And David stands waiting for a reply.


‘’But there not….anyway you’re a geek and im a….’’.


‘’Special, your special Kirsty and don’t let anyone tell you any different’’ And as the two look at one another Ted beeps from his car outside.


‘’David I have to go’’.


‘’But Kirsty…….’’.


‘’David its just not….’’.


 ‘’You kissed me, you kissed me in the tree house’’.


‘’I was drunk’’.


‘’No it meant something, I felt it and you know it’’. And David can see it on her face.


‘’I’m……im going to the prom with Ted’’.


‘’But why? Ok I’ve been an a*****e with the whole Emma thing but my mind is clear now’’.


‘’I cant take that away from you David, all your life you’ve dreamed of tonight happening like this, you being the one, you being the one with Emma on your arm and no one else and who would have thought it would come true, now.……now you have to go and live it for real instead of in your head and I just cant take that away from you’’. And Kirsty heads for the door but as she does David grabs her arm.


‘’Kirsty….’’. He says looking into her eyes.


‘’Were just different David, me and you…’’. And before she finishes Kirsty pauses as if she isn’t sure what she says is right. ‘’Me and you…..we don’t belong together’’. And David then lets go of Kirstys arm and she takes one more glance at him before leaving heading to Ted’s car. ‘And there I stood firmly put in my place and completely confused at the same time, Emma was what I had always wanted but Kirsty is what I’ve always needed’ And David then rubs his head before heading downstairs and to his house, David then walks into his bedroom and sits on his bed with is head in his hands. ’Everything was running through my head, Kirsty, Emma everything, why was it like this? And David then raises his head and looks up at his shelves at his Lord of the Rings figures and remembers Kirsty commenting how they all looked like they were suffocating.


‘’She was right, they are suffocating, look at them, stuck in there box not enjoying life, not experiencing life, they don’t feel the air on there cheeks and the sun in there eyes, there like….there like e stuck in this see through box able to see everyone else but cut off from them’ And David stands up before reaching up and grabbing hold of one of his figures before ripping them open, one after the other tearing into there boxes like a child experiencing Christmas for the very first time and after he had finished he stands there looking at his work the empty boxes lying scattered and destroyed on the floor. ’There, better, there living now and its about time I do’. And David then heads to his car to drive to the prom and be with the girl he had dreamed about for years.

David arrives at school and turns of his car before sitting there a minute and as he does someone knocks on his window and he looks to see who it is.


‘’Hey man, you going to sit there forever?’’. Says Kevin.


‘’Yeah we’ve got a party to go to’’. And David smiles before climbing out of the cafr to find both Kevin and Seth standing with there dates.


‘’Ladies you both look beautiful’’.


‘’Thank you’’. They both reply.


‘’So you ready?’’. Asks Kevin’ And yes I was, I was going to the prom with Emma a dream I was never thought would really come true’. And the five of them then head across to the prom.

The five walk into the huge hall, above then on the ceiling hangs pink and white drapes and on the walls hang pictures of them right from first grade, the music is palying and people are beginning to dance on the dance floor.


‘’Wow look at this place’’.


‘’Its something’’. And Kevin and Seth then takes there dates across to a table before the two of them and David head to get drinks from the huge punch bowl.


‘’So, where’s Emma’’.


‘’There she is’’. Says Seth ‘ And with a stomach full of butterflies I look across and see her and its almost as f she is at the centre of attention already, she is wearing a perfectly white dress and a tiara in her hair, everyone crowds around her trying to gain some airtime’.


‘Go on, go over’’. Says Kevin.


‘’What about the drinks?’’


‘’I’ll get these, you go over’’. And Kevin gibes David a tap on the back for good luck before he takes a big and heads on over. ‘Here I am, heading on over to the girl of my dreams, I feel like im going t puke at any minute but I that’s a good sign right?’. And David stands in front of Emma and everyone around her stops talking and looks at David as if to say ‘What are you doing?’.


‘’Emma, you look….’’.


‘’What do you want?’’. Asks one of her friends with a raised eyebrow ad scowl on her face, ‘Don’t worry most of them pull that face’.


‘’I er…I’’. And David looks at Emma for help but doesn’t receive it.


‘’Me and Emma are…’’.


‘’David….I have something to say’’.


‘’Really?’’. Asks David and he then receives a wedgie from behind and looks to see Buck and his friends laughing.


‘’Hey Geek get lost’’.


‘’But me and Emma….’’.


‘’You and Emma are what?’. And he and his  friends laugh again .


‘’She was using you man’’.


‘What?’’. And David looks at Emma who suddenly has a smile on her face.


‘’David….I needed the coursework’’.


‘’So you used me?’’.


‘’Come on, I don’t go to the prom with people like you, im the most popular prettiest girl in school and you, you’re a ‘’.


‘’Geek’’. Interrupts Buck while everyone else laughs. ‘And there I stood feeling like the smallest person in the world, what a fool and a Jackass I was, Kirsty, Kevin, Seth they were all right all along.


‘’Sorry David, but your brainy and I needed that’’.


‘’I trusted you Emma’’.


‘’Yeah well most people do, it must be my smile’’. And Emma then kisses Buck on the cheek.


‘’Now get lost Geek!’’. Says Buck before pushing David in the chest. And as he falls back both Kevin and Seth catch him from falling.


‘’Oh here they are, the rest of the loser bunch, fat boy, and weird kid’’.


‘’Screw you Buck’’.


‘’Oh yeah, what you going do sub-boat?’’. Ad Buck looks at Kevin.


‘’You got something to sat fatty?’’. And his friends along with Emma’s and hers laugh.


‘’Come on fatty, you look mad so why not do something about it?’’. ‘And I look down to see Kevin clench his fist, now Kevin wasn’t some fighter who kicked a*s, he was a geek like me, but one time in fifth grade Samuel Parker got him so mad that he snapped and kicked his a*s and maybe he’s do the same to Buck but that would make us just like them.


‘’Come on Kevin, lets just go’’.


‘’Yeah go on Geeks, go back to those nerds over there’’. And Bick looks across at Kevin and Seth’s dates, Kevin the looks at the two young girls and then back at Buck and looks even madder than ever, madder than when he beat Samuel.


‘’Kevin don’t lower yourself’’.


‘’Yeah Kevin’’. And Kevin then looks at Buck before the scowl on his face disappears and he smiles.


‘’What you got to laugh about fatty?’’.


‘’You, I know what your doing Buck you want me to hit you se we al get kicked out but im not going to do what you want, im going to go back to my date and were going to enjoy the prom and there’s nothing you or plastic fantastic Emma can do about it B***h!’’. And with a smile on his face Kevin winks at Buck who had suddenly gone quiet before going back to his table.


‘’Im going to kick his a*s’’. Says Buck but Emma stops him.


‘’No, were going to be prom king and Queen remember’’. And he then lowers his fist and listens to her command like he always does. David then looks at Emma.


‘’Your not that girl anymore’’.


‘’What girl?’’.


‘’The one who was honest and kind and everyone liked now, now your just fake and behind your back everyone will talk about you but do you want to know the worst part, maybe I am a Geek, but at east im not normal nd your normal Emma, normal as can be’’. And David turns before walking away.


‘’I’m not normal you geek, im pretty and popular and I have a future!’’. And David heads to his table. ‘And there I sat, ay my prom humiliated and without a date, I could see people pointing and whispering into ears, there’s the idiot who thought he’s bagged Emma, what a fool I was’. And David looks across at Kevin and Seth who are having a slow dance with there dates. ‘’Look at the guys, im so pleased for them, they went for girls in there league but me well you know the story…’. And David then looks up to see Kirsty walk in along with her date Ted. ‘Look at her, she looks so beautiful’. And David takes a drink of his punch.


Ten minutes later Kevin comes and sits beside David.


‘’You ok man?’’. ‘Sure im dateless and pride less’. ‘’Yeah man im ok, you go and enjoy your date’’.


‘’What’s five minutes with my best friend going to hurt?’’. And Kevin taps him on the back.


‘’So did you see Kirsty arrive?’’.




‘’Pretty for Goth I guess’’.


‘’Yes she is’’.


‘’Forget Emma and Buck, there both just jerks’’.


‘’I know, she’s not worth the time’’.


‘’But Kirsty is’’.


‘’Kevin’s she’s with Ted’’.


‘’And I’ve been watching man and they don’t look too close and look’’. Says Kevin pointing over to the punch bowl where Kirsty is standing alone.


‘’Go over there man, make a move’’.


‘’I cant move on someone else’s date Kevin, anyway she isn’t interested she made that pretty clear’’.


‘’Come on man, did Clark give up on Lois? Did Spidey give up on Mary Jane and did Hans ever give up on the princess? No They didn’t and your not giving up on Kirsty’’. ‘Man he really isn’t going to take no for an answer’. ‘’Go on get over there’’.


‘’Ok, ok’’. And David gets up before heading over to Kirsty.






‘’Are we ok?….’’.


‘’Yes were ok, lets just forget the kissing and the arguments’’.


‘’Good’’. And the two shake hands.


‘’So where’s the date?’’. ‘Dam why did she have to ask that?’.


‘’She’s er……’’ . ‘Come on David no more lies’. ‘’You were right Kirsty’’.




‘’Emma, she was using me, using me to do all of her coursework’’.


‘’Your kidding’’.


‘’No, and when I got here she and her real date Buck let me know it’’.




‘’Yep and now im the fool everyone pointing and laughing at’’.


‘’Im sorry David’’.


‘’No, say it, say I told you so because you were right all along’’.


‘’Well I did say….’’. And Kirsty looks at David with a playful smile on her face.


‘’I know I deserve it’’.


‘’She’s not worth it David’’.


‘’I know’’.


‘’I just cant believe she really went through with it’’. And Ted then appears putting his arm around Kirsty.


‘’Oh David, I’ve just heard what happened’’.


‘’And he doesn’t want reminding’’. Warns Kirsty.


‘’Yeah, sorry man’’.


‘’So are we going to our table?’’. Asks Ted.


‘’Yeah ok’’. And Kirsty glances at David before heading to her table with Ted. ‘And there goes the girl of my dreams, if id only just knew it’. And David heads back to Kevin..


‘As the night goes on my torture continues, sat there watching the source of my humiliation Emma enjoying herself with the king of Jocks Buck while Kirsty sits with a smile on her face beside Ted, Kevin and Seth have dates and there not out to embarrass them but there here because they like them an here I sit…..’’.

The DJ then turns off the music to make an announcement.


‘’Ok everyone, you really look like your having a good time, so make some noise!’’. And everyone apart from David cheers, instead he gives a simple clap not to look too much out of place.


‘’Ok everyone, now its nearly time to announce prom King and Queen!’’. And everyone cheers again. ‘’So all the girls fix your hair and all the guys straighten your ties because in five minutes I will announce our king and Queen!!!’’. ‘Great, me sitting her seeing  Emma and Buck take the crown, can my night get any better?’. And David then stands up putting on his jacket.


‘’Hey were you going man?’’. Asks Kevin.






‘I cant stop and see those two made pro King and Queen’’. And David then turns around to see Emma standing there.


‘’David, I heard that and you hurt my feelings’’. She giggles.


‘’Just go back to your big Jock Emma’’. And David then looks around the room to see there s no sign of Buck of his friends.


‘’Where is Buck….’’.


‘’He’s….he’s…. he’s in the bathroom fixing his hair’’.


‘’Er  I saw Buck in the parking lot playing with his football’’. Adds Seth readjusting his glasses. ‘Sounds like Buck, he always wants to play football, even on prom night in his suit but I guess that’s Jocks for you’.


‘’So I guess he’s outside playing football, well he is going to be a star one day’’.


‘’Unlike you loser’’. Says an annoyed Emma, annoyed that her date had sneaked outside to mess around and could dirty his suit before prom king and Queen is announced.


‘’Whatever Emma, I don’t really care anymore, just go back to your plastic friends’’. And David begins to walk away.


‘’How does it feel David, knowing I used you all along, making you think and dream you could really have a chance of pulling me, a loser like you’’.


‘’Yes I was wrong Emma, cal it punching above my weight’’.


‘’Above your weight weed boy, sounds about right because you and your two geeky friends, your losers, always will be, its your birthright and people like me will always look down on you’’. And Emma pulls a face before turning around to go back to her friends but as she does she walks into a punch from Kirsty and falls to the floor holding her nose.


‘’Now im looking down on you big headed b***h’’. Kirsty tells her as Emma looks at the blood on her hand coming form her nose.


‘’You… made me bleed!’’. Cries Emma.


‘’Why don’t you get your date to do something about it, or no wait, he left you to play ball outside’’. And Kirsty smiles. ‘Wow, my hero’. And Emma then looks around the room to see everyone staring at her sat on the floor holding her nose.


‘’This night was supposed to be the Emma show but every time you think of it you will remember me punching you out and everyone looking down at you!’’. And a smiling Kirsty then looks at David and winks before she and David too is grabbed by the arm.


‘’Ok, ok outside now!’’. Demands the teachers.


‘’But Sir….’’.


‘’I don’t want to hear it, this is a time for celebration not fighting’’. And Kirsty and David are then taken outside and the doors locked behind them, David’s phone then rings and he answers.


‘’David, its Kevin’’.




‘’You ok?’’.


‘’Yes im fine’’.


‘’Oh man what a punch’’.


‘’Tell me about it’’.


‘’Look im coming out, Seth too’’.


‘’No dint, enjoy the prom you two deserve to’’.


‘’Not without you man’’.


‘’No really please, for me’’.


‘’You sure?’’.




‘’Ok, I’ll let you know how it went’’.


‘’Ok thanks man’’. And David then hangs up before looking across at Kirsty who is rubbing her knuckles after the punch to Emma.


‘’Are you ok?’’ He asks.


‘’Much better now I knocked that smirk off her face’’.


‘’Thanks Kirsty, I really cant tell you how much that meant to me’’.


‘’don’t worry, im sick and tired of girls like her thinking they can do what they want, maybe that’ll send a message to the rest’’.


‘’What about Ted and the prom, I feel so bad now’’.


‘’Me and Ted…… were just friends, it’ll be good to know a face at college next year but that’s all it is, I kind of let him know a little earlier and he accepted it but it was a little awkward so im glad to be out of there to be honest’’. ’Wow that makes me feel a little better’. And as the two stand there the sky breaks and fast rain begins to fall.


‘’What now? We’ve missed out prom and were both stood out here getting wet’’.


‘’We dot have to miss the prom’’.


‘’What do you mean? Mr Graham’s a hard a*s, he’ll never let us back in’’. ‘He really is, don’t even ask about what he’s like when your late’.


‘’I’m not talking about in there’’. And Kirsty then leads David away.


‘At first I thought Kirsty had gone a little crazy, there she was leading me down a street in the rain but soon I realised where she was heading’ And Kirsty then leads David to his tree house, he two climb up and Kirsty turns on the lamp.


‘’Come on, we can have our own mini prom’’. And Kirsty then turns on the old radio and searches until she finds a song and then turns to look at David. ‘Wow, now this is even better than I ever imagined’.


‘’So David Fisher, will you give me this last dance?’’. She asks with a smile on her face and her hand held out.


‘’Of course’’. And David then takes her hand and moves in closer before the two begin dancing the rain beating around the tree house but neither would want to be anywhere else.


‘’Thanks for all this Kirsty’’.


‘’Thank you back’’.


‘’There’s no were else I’d rather be right now’’.


‘’Me too’’. And Kirsty looks up at David before kissing him on the cheek and then resting her head on his shoulder as the two continue to dance. ‘And there the two of us were, me and Kirsty having our very own prom in my tree house and it did turn out I took the most beautiful girl to the prom but that girl wasn’t Emma, it was Kirsty, later that night I found out both Emma and Buck were announced prom King and Queen but when the two went to receive there crowns, Buck’s suit was dirty from playing in the parking lot and he’d even ripped his pants while Kirsty had a bloodied nose and watery eyes, and she didn’t enjoy a second of it, the picture which will stay out our school forever is brilliant, a dirty Jock and a beaten up spoilt brat, priceless and as  for the future, well Emma passed her tests due to my coursework but when she went to college there was no more help and she failed all her exams and she never made it as a lawyer, now she works in a store painting peoples nails, living off daddies money man don’t you love Karma while Buck failed his exams but made a career in football but was then sacked after being caught using steroids, again don’t you love Karma, as for me and Kirsty well this isn’t one of those American teen movies were you have a bunch of very pretty twenty something’s playing sixteen year olds and where the two who are meant to be together always end up together in the end no matter what no this story is different, this story is what happened most f the time in real life, its sad but true and it does mean you have to enjoy it while you can’. And David then looks down at Kirsty who smiles at him.


‘’Im really glad I didn’t miss the prom’’.  She tells him.


‘’Me too’’.  And Kirsty smiles at him squeezing him tight. ‘Two months  from now Kirsty went to college and I never saw her again, we kept in touch at first through phones and emails but people move on, I went to art college which was a long way away from Kirsty’s college and we just…..lost touch but she would always be the girl who changed my life, and you don’t forget people like Kirsty.  Girls like Emma come and go, we all know one, but Kirsty’s there as rare as a shooting star…… and I was lucky to see one.




                                             TEN YEARS LATER.



‘After art school I opened my own comic store back near home and closer to my mom and my friends Seth and Kevin, who were still the same and still my best friends even when he was loaded with money Seth stayed the same and that’s what I loved about them and my shops doing great and life is good’. And David is in his store re-arranging the Spiderman collection when he hears the bell of the door and sees a young women walk in, her hair is now shorter and her colours not so black but David immediately knows who it is.




‘’David, I heard you owned this place’’.


‘’Oh my God!’’. And David gives her a hug.


‘’What are you doing down this way?’’.


‘’See that empty place across the street’’.


‘’The old Millers place?’’.


‘’Well I’ve just bought it, im going to open an art shop and sell my work as well as young artists work’’.


‘’Really! So you moving back down this way’’.




‘’I cant believe it, I cant believe its you’’.


‘’Yeah  I cant believe it too, I never forgot you David’’.


‘’I couldn’t forget you Kirsty’’.


‘’Lets go and grab a coffee and catch up, we can catch up over the last ten years’’.


‘’Ok then, I’ll close for the afternoon’’. And David grabs his jacket.


‘’I cant believe your going to be around again’’.


‘’Well believe it because im sure you’ve been good for the last ten years so im going to show you a little fun again just like I did back at school’’.


‘’Good, I cant wait’’. And the two smile before heading out for a coffee.  ‘Im not going to tell you were it went from there, that you can make up for yourself but what I will tell you is Kirsty was back in my life and I wasn’t going to waste a second of it because for every Jock, pretty boy and popular girl you need a freak and Geek and never be ashamed to be who you are……..


                  FREAKS AND GEEKS.





© 2014 knapp darko

Author's Note

knapp darko
thanks for reading, my punctuation isn't great I know but hopefully you enjoy the story. thanks

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Added on April 3, 2014
Last Updated on April 3, 2014


knapp darko
knapp darko

barnsley, south yorkshire, United Kingdom

i love writing, tv, film,football and keeping fit. more..


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