11) Unchained

11) Unchained

A Chapter by Kelly M.

"Dear, Lord, help my Mama get better."

April marveled each day of such children's faith.  This familiar prayer was often heard each evening at the end of the day.  April's heart nearly broke.  Each of them had learned to take their troubles to the Lord in prayer, and with such faithfulness, talking to God as though He were their closest friend.  April was amazed at the changes that were occurring in them with their knowledge of a special Someone who brought such joy and hope to their young lives.


April glanced once more in the mirror, her hat pinned upon her dark curls, coiling about her face.  She had decided it was time she paid Lillian a visit, being it had been such a long time since she had.  She took a deep breath, opening the door and welcoming the out of doors in exuberance, a brisk breeze nearly sweeping her away.  

She ambled along the dirt lane, ducking under spindly branches that interlaced their gnarly fingers overhead.

It was not long until she was facing Lillian's abode, and reached out a fist to announce her presence.  There was a mumbled response, and April took that as reason to enter.

"Who is it?" Lillian called.

Without responding, April came into view, and Lillian's face relaxed into a smile.  "Well, don't just stand there," she teased her.  "Come in."  She motioned towards a rocking chair beside her.  

April returned the greeting with a warm smile, proceeding towards the chair, seating herself, and discarding her outer garments.

"Is Doctor Walton not around?" she asked, taking in a quick glance about her.

"Oh, he went on some doctoring errands," she responded, with a slight wave of her hand.  "He was quite reluctant on leaving me alone here, but I was insistent.  I'm perfectly fine, I keep telling him.  Just a fever.  Nothing abnormal about that."  Lillian shook her red ringlets and laughed.

April released a relieved smile.  "Well, you certainly do seem chipper.  I couldn't blame you-- it's too beautiful a day not to be."

And the conversation slid to other things as the day passed easily by.

"And Ella and the twins?  Have they been well?" Lillian asked in concern, sitting more upright on her fluffed pillows.

"Perfectly well."  And April gladly filled her in on how they were coming along.  "I don't think they're as-- as cautious around us as they first were.  They've taken on some chores around the farm.  Jonathan sure does take a shine to the animals," April smiled.  "He probably gets that from you, I'm sure.  Kate's also been a bit more talkative these days.  She still doesn't say much around us, but I think she's beginning to open up."

Lillian nodded, her green eyes shining.  "Jonathan did always love animals."  

And nothing more was said about it.


As April left that late afternoon, her heart was heavy.  She wasn't sure just what it was that made her feel so strange.  She felt like her heart was locked-- enchained.  She was tangled, lost and alone.

Her eyes lifted to the heavens, a soft colored blue, dotted with a few passing birds.  Her thoughts began to drift to that morning.

Lillian certainly seemed to be improving-- slowly, but surely.  Somehow, the thought did not bring as much joy as she had expected.  Life would involve more changes in the future.  April knew change was inevitable.  Seasons passed, life brought its hardships and joys, and unexpected happenings and changes occurred.

And then was the gradual understanding of her swinging emotions.  She just wasn't ready.  She didn't want to lose anything-- to give up anyone that she loved.  She was acting in fear-- clinging to what she would have to let go.  Her heart was held captive in the grasp of anxiety, and would never be released until she allowed the Lord to sustain her.

She stopped then, wrapped up in only that moment.  Her eyes closed, and she felt a prayer escape her lips.

"Heavenly Father," she began in a soft whisper, "I know that You give and take away.  In everything, You have a special purpose.  Though I can't see the future and what it holds, I know that I can trust You in whatever happens to Ella, Jonathan, and little Kate.  Just, please, Lord Jesus.  Please, guide me-- show me, and teach me to accept Your will, no matter how difficult that may be.  I ever so much want to feel at peace with whatever is to come."

And with those words said, April felt the chains about her heart break free. 

© 2013 Kelly M.

Author's Note

Kelly M.
Well, April has finally learned to let go. :) Her situation hasn't changed, but her PERSPECTIVE has. Honestly, that right there is what applies to me-- and I think it can apply to you, too, if you let it! :)

I hope you enjoyed reading this just as much as I enjoyed writing it. :)

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:/ awh sad chapter.

Posted 12 Years Ago

I loved this! :)


Posted 13 Years Ago


Posted 13 Years Ago

Another great chapter Kelly! Don't worry about the shortness of this chapter... I still thought it was great :) I'm glad I finally got the time to sit down and read this! Haha. Anyway, I'm looking forward to the next chapter!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Aw, good job, Kelly! You are way better than I'll ever be!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This was a well-written chapter even though it was short :) You do a great job at describing and so far this book is looking to turn out great. I am looking forward to the next chapter and I am very glad that I took the time to read this. Excellent work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

This is very good writing and quite a wonderful story too. Keep up the good work!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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7 Reviews
Added on December 12, 2011
Last Updated on November 15, 2013


Kelly M.
Kelly M.


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