9) A Special Visit

9) A Special Visit

A Chapter by Kelly M.

The nightly gatherings, all seated by the dancing fire, continued, always with a familiar story from the family Bible.  The children looked forward to these moments of the day, and a seeming understanding had sparked there, revealing that these beloved stories were not mere fairy tales, but held a deeper and cherished meaning than they had realized.

And with the sharing of these stories, the barriers had fallen, and a special attachment replaced it-- an openness and understanding.  This overjoyed April and frightened her.  Now, the future that lay, still unknown, was going to be more difficult than imaginable for each of them.


Laughter encircled April as she pinned another t-shirt onto the laundry line, flapping along with the other hanging laundry, dancing with the wind.  She glanced behind her, watching as the three of them, now, finished with their raking, were jumping gleefully into the fallen leaves, laughing and dancing around it as a bunch of savage indians.  She shook her head, her cheeks aglow and her eyes reflecting the happiness of her heart.  She sighed deeply.  How life could change so quickly...

Her silent reverie was interrupted by the gentle pattering of footsteps behind her.  April wheeled around.



"I'm sorry it's been so long," she apologized as both seated themselves, each with their afternoon cups of tea on the kitchen's rickety chairs.  "I'm afraid with the baby's due date so near and all--"

"Oh, no," April quickly interceded.  "No, I know you must have been terribly busy.  I hardly had the time either before... with the children's unexpected coming and all..."  She concluded her statement with a mere shrug.  "Life just needed to adjust, I suppose."

Silence followed and thoughts swirled around, needing to be put in reasonable order before continued conversation.

"Well, it certainly seems like a forever long time since I've seen you," April declared, smiling as she reached to clasp her friend's hand in her own.  "You must tell me everything that has happened."

She responded with a smile of her own.  "Well, there really isn't much to tell.  I mean..." she paused, and her eyes dropped to her hands that fidgeted in her lap.  "James lost his job."

April's eyes widened.  "But how can that be--?"

"He got let go.  He couldn't get paid."

April couldn't speak.  The world was in the midst of great turmoil, indeed.  Hope appeared completely lost in most situations.  Others would still cling-- even if all they had left to cling to was as thin as the fragile spider's web.  Everything seemed desolate and forlorn.  April was thankful that, even though far from being wealthy, they were not destitute-- not yet.

"Oh," she whispered.  She hardly knew how to voice any comfort.

"We-- I mean, there's a loan on the house.  It's still unpaid for.  James says not to worry... I-- I just... I can feel the tension, April.  He seems so-- so strained-- so distant at times.  I hardly know how to help.  He tramps off each day looking for work, and always comes home empty.  I think he's given up hope.  He's even thinking of moving..."

No, April's heart cried.  No, you can't leave.  You belong here-- love it here.  I need you to talk to and confide in.  Please, don't.  Please.  You mustn't.  You can't.

But she couldn't voice her concerns.  She could barely get a word past her tight throat.  It was unthinkable.  Leave?  Where?  When?

Jenny continued, "I couldn't bear the thought at first... I knew I couldn't-- just couldn't leave here... why, it's been my home since as long as I can remember."  She stopped, her gaze shifting out the window, "But he's right," she whispered.  "I mean, we can't live on in debt, and just continue to sink on deeper and deeper.  I--"  Her voice broke and she turned back to her.  "April, I've never felt so alone."

April, struggling for her own composure, reached to embrace her friend in her arms.  It was the only reassurance she could give.


Handkerchiefs became damp with salty tears, and it was a while before their emotions were in proper place once again.

A deep sigh escaped Jenny's lips.  "I thought we were fine-- I mean, James had a good job, decent wage.  And now..."  Her words trailed off, unfinished.  April understood though and didn't question her further.

It was quiet as moments of silence encircled them, then, Jenny, managing a weak smile, said in a soft voice, "Well, you know all about-- about my news.  Now, what about you?"

She shrugged.  "Oh, I've been fine," she responded lightly.  "There really isn't anything to tell."

"Now, April," Jenny accused softly, "you know, I know you better than that."

April turned her gaze out the window.  "It's-- it's just-- well, it's been busy.  I mean, taking care of three children is not always an easy task-- especially with one on the way."  She interrupted herself with another sip of her herbal tea, grasping for words.  It was time she had stopped hiding.  Secrets kept from friends were not easy to be kept.  She turned back to her.  "I don't know what's happened these past few weeks," she admitted.  "Drew and I took on a responsibility.  We knew welcoming the children here and into our lives was not going to be easy, but we also didn't know how wrong it was for us to do so."  There was a second pause.  "Oh, Jenny, they were so uncertain to open their hearts-- to let another one in, and heal that pain they had been harboring inside.  We encouraged it, not realizing our terrible blunder.  These children have accepted us, now, and are going to have to be torn apart from us, having to endure yet another separation.  It's all our fault."  She blinked back the tears.  "It's impossible to undo it, now.  They've become a part of us here.  They're special to us.  I can tell in Drew's eyes that he's already won over, and I certainly can't imagine life without them.  It's just going to be so difficult to let go, Jen."

Jenny could only nod.  That's what happened when parenthood took its special role.

"Children," she began in a soft whisper, "are in need of love and comfort, especially at a time like this for them.  You and Drew showed that-- revealed your love.  They needed that love desperately, and you gave it to them-- freely.  Though you may regret losing them later, you can be reassured to know that what you gave was taken to heart and will not be forgotten."  Jenny paused and a smile began to flicker.  "April, they were treasure that always.  They were living in complete hopelessness, and, then, they found you."  She reached for her hand.  "They need you now more than ever."

And, though Jenny might not have realized, her small gestures of comfort were greatly treasured in April's heart.

© 2013 Kelly M.

Author's Note

Kelly M.
Sorry for the long wait on this chapter!

~Reviews are greatly appreciated~ :]

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I cannot wait to see what will happen

Posted 12 Years Ago

Oh this is such a fabulous book!! :)


Posted 13 Years Ago

Just read this again so I could catch myself up, and I have more thoughts. First of all, I don't think I've ever mentioned that I LOVE April. Most young writers can't develop a character the way you've developed her. She's always been the same-gentle, sweet, CHRISTIAN, and has the warmest heart. Also, I can't wait to see what happens with these kids. I just couldn't imagine going through this...

Posted 13 Years Ago

Yet another very warm, mature, sweet chapter. I hope everything will be okay for Jenny!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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4 Reviews
Added on December 10, 2011
Last Updated on November 15, 2013


Kelly M.
Kelly M.


"The Spirit of God made me; the breath of the Almighty God gives me life." Job 33:4 more..

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