6) Hope for the Future

6) Hope for the Future

A Chapter by Kelly M.

"It's beautiful outside today," April declared as she stood at the window, watching the breezy winds send the fallen leaves twirling.  "Sometimes, I feel as though God is giving us a glimpse of heaven." 

Lillian stirred, and followed her gaze.  It was beautiful.  The blue sky was streaked in feathery clouds, dotted with the birds on their long journey south.  The squirrels were harboring their nuts for the upcoming winter, and the trees were painted in radiance.  The whole world was exclaiming its happiness.  It was a day that held a gentle tranquility unexplainable to her.  The same tenderness that April's eyes would sparkle with as she went about her everyday.

Lillian turned away, a defiant lift to her chin.  "Well," Lillian sniffed, "I've never seen neither, so I wouldn't know."

April snapped out of her daze, and whirled around.  She was about to open her mouth to speak when Lillian waved her hand away in dismissal.

After a few moments of silence, April quietly perched herself at the head of the bed, glancing once again out the window.  "I'm sure it is beautiful," she dared whisper.  "I can hardly imagine."

Lillian twirled a faded ringlet of her red hair between her fingers, shifting uncomfortably.

"I may never know," she responded.

April bit her lip.  "Well, you can," she said gently, choosing her words carefully.  "God has given-- every one of us-- that gift.  He promises us life, Lillian.  Eternal life with Him.  All the pain and heartache will be gone and buried forever."  April paused, and continued softly, "I've always found that the most unbelievable.  I couldn't imagine all my troubles being forgotten.  A life-- everlasting-- without any tears.  That's what I look forward to each day."  She paused to wipe at the unbidden tears.  "He's allowed us that gift by the blood of His Son who died, because of His love for you.  He's placed that gift in your hands.  All you have to do is accept it."

April looked into her friend's eyes for the first time, and saw her own eyes misting.  She had never seen her cry before.

"I'm afraid," she whispered, her voice trembling.

April reached for her hand.  "You don't have to be anymore."

And that was when Lillian received-- and accepted-- that precious gift, and all the angels in heaven were rejoicing in their rapture as God's smile illuminated the earth in sunshine.


"I think it's time..."  Dr. Walton paused, his hand running through his tousled blond hair, a gesture of trouble and confusion.

April and Drew were both seated at the kitchen table, their eyes probing for him to continue. 

The doctor quickly stood, moving to pour himself another steaming cup of coffee, his back towards them.  "We can not keep pretending," he said quietly.  "Lillian has not recovered.  She will-- hopefully, in time-- but during that time, the children must not be burdened by staying here, seeing her as ill as she is.  I think it would be best if the children were taken somewhere else where they--"  He stopped, and turned towards them once again.  "They've suffered enough already.  There are some fine orphanages..."

"Send them away?" April's voice was incredulous.  They couldn't.  It would be cruel.  Their mother-- their dear mother-- she was all they had. 

April's gaze shifted to the sleeping children by the crackling fire.  Her heart constricted with fear.  What would happen to them if they were sent away?  She couldn't bear the thought.

"No," she said firmly, shaking her head.  "No."

"Mrs. Carter," he said softly, "I don't wish to separate them from their mother."  And by the gentle, painful look in his eyes, April knew he was being more than honest with her.  "But it's for their own good," he reminded her.  "Staying here would only hurt them more."

Drew, who had been strangely quiet, suddenly spoke up.  "They'll stay with us."

April's head whirled around to meet Drew's gaze.  His set jaw confirmed that his mind was made up, but his eyes were patiently waiting for her response.

She immediately reached to give his hand a gentle squeeze.

She turned towards the doctor once again.  "They'll stay with us," she repeated.


April felt torn in two different directions.  She longed to return to her own home and back to all familiarity and beloved surroundings.  She missed her garden, and Leila, and Scamp, her mischievous, little companion.  Her chats with Jenny in her own kitchen, and her snug living room where she'd sit by the fire and sew.  And her tire swing.  Her secret place of relaxation where she'd write her parents lengthy letters of the day's happenings, or watch the sunrise peek its way into the open at early dawn.  She missed it all and was anxious to have it all back again.

Still, she felt reluctant to leave Lillian behind, even though knowing that she was in perfectly good hands with Doctor Walton.  During the past weeks, they had become very close.  They learned, laughed and cried together-- sharing dreams of the future, and strengthening each other in the Lord as He carried them through their struggles.  

If anything ever happened to Lillian... But April did not entertain the thought.

It would be a struggle for all of them, but she constantly reminded herself to trust.  Everything would turn out for good, she was sure.  

And then her eyes fell on the children.  She had a new responsibility on her shoulders.  Life would certainly not slip back into her regular routine as she had known it once before.  Now, she had three children to care for-- at least for a certain period of time.  How long, no one knew, but long enough until Lillian fully recovered, and was strong enough to care for them again.

Oh, Lord, I pray for all the struggles these children are facing, now, her heart welled up within her.  It has been rough on all of us.  I pray you'll carry us through these times, and prepare us for those that lay ahead. 

April's eyes then shifted out the window where the sun slowly crept below the green covered hills.  A feeling of peace settled over her as her heart lifted on the wings of heaven, hope in whatever the future would hold.

© 2011 Kelly M.

Author's Note

Kelly M.

I love the verse: "And God shall wipe away all tears from their eyes; and there shall be no more death, neither sorrow, nor crying, neither shall there be any more pain: for the former things are passed away." ~Revelation 21:4

I'd love your thoughts on this chapter. :D

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Great chapter, and perfect verse to go with this chapter :) reading on :)

Posted 13 Years Ago

:) great!!!!

Posted 13 Years Ago

Well I'm happy to see that Lillian excepted Jesus! That is a great thing! And hopefully Drew and April can manage having those kids living with them! One small correction for ya... "If anything ever happened to Lillian... But April didn't abide the thought." I think it would sound better if you took out 'abide' and replaced it with the word 'entertain'. It sounds a little better in the sentence structure in my opinion. But it is all up to you on how you write it :)

Another great chapter and i am anxious to keep reading!


Posted 13 Years Ago

i love this story. all the chapters are amazing. and i love the bible verse in the author's note. keep living for Jesus!

Posted 13 Years Ago

this story is amazing..i like these lines:
April's eyes then shifted out the window where the sun slowly crept below the green covered hills. A feeling of peace settled over her as her heart lifted on the wings of heaven, hope in whatever the future would hold.

Posted 13 Years Ago

You are amazing, KELLY. This whole book is so inspiring. How bad excactly is Lillian? I love drew! He is so sweet. I just LOVE how you describe him. He sounds so sweet. That's the kind of person I would want to marry. c:

PLEASE WRITE MORE!!!!!!!!!! c:

Posted 13 Years Ago

Actually, I thought the first skip was very well flowed. :) You did an excellent job with the description and the details were fantastic. I can't wait to read more of this glorious book!


Posted 13 Years Ago

Beautifully written, especially the receiving Christ part. I love reading it in books, but one thing I like even better is watching someone in person change their life by givin it to Christ. Wonderful job potrayraying that!! Cant wait for more!

Posted 13 Years Ago

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8 Reviews
Added on October 27, 2011
Last Updated on December 27, 2011


Kelly M.
Kelly M.


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